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Topics - LordOfganza

GASM Command / MusicGASM
August 17, 2010, 10:04:30 PM
As Hedley Lamarr said :
Today "My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."

I had another idea. Those here who play some instrument probably have or at least have heard of the Guitar Pro software. Those who have not it's a software where you can easily create sheet music and listen to it, with how many intruments you want but it also has a lot of cool tools to make acurate music for guitar players.
Since it's so easy to use such software we could do something like a collective criation of music through the use of the internet. Someone creates a part of a song (nothing big, just some riffs maybe, 1 or 2 instruments), names it (Prolapse Boogie for instance) and posts it on my new Google Group:
Then, someone else downloads the file and adds or changes what he whants, and so forth. At some moment we can all decide that it is finished so i'll make a backup copy of the history of teh song (each of the previous files) and leave the final version, so that it doesn't take up much space.
It doens't have to end there! Us who have recording devices (having or not a band) can record themselves playing the songs or part of the songs and post there also! Maybe, if someone here knows how to use cakewalk or whatever, different people could record parts of the song and them it can all be mixed into one file.
How I thought it can be organized:

  • As to the software: all os the participants should use the latest software (5.2), because it makes more sense for people to upgrade than to the ones who have the latest to uninstall it and install some earlier version, obviously. Those of you who don't have it, PM me and I can tell you where to....uhum..."buy" it
  • As to the creation: Someone who plays the guitar can make guitar parts and someone who plays drums can make the percussion. Or the other way around! Doing that we will have a crappy guitar piece with horrible percussion so it will be awesome as well (no sarcasm here)!
    • As to the file name : Should maintain the name of the song, plus the number of the version and who altered it, for example "Prolapse Boogie_2_LordOfganza"
    • As to the posting: I still don't know if I should allow anyone to just post there because it might turn into a huge mess, So i thought of leaving the group public for viewing but only I will be able to post. With this, people could send me the files by email and I would organize them neatly over there.
    Well, I just vomited the toughts here. If anyone likes or dislikes or has some suggestion, please do. I'm still confused if lock the group and ask the interested party to become member, but it sounds fun to let it open so that the non participants can join in on the fun by listening to the files.
GASM Command / MailGASM
August 17, 2010, 04:31:32 PM
Thanks to a post from Risus, I though of tis GASM. It would be a way for discordians to work together on a project without using the internet as a mediator, so it would really feel like everybody was ding it togethe, exactly because of the usage of material means instead of electronic ones.
The main idea is to use the mail service to get Discordians around the world to help with "whatever".
The inicial idea is to send a digital camera around, here is my original post in Apple Talk:

QuoteI think that the camera should have like a 2gb flash card and the people involved should be chosen first (so only thrustworthy people who wouldn't STEAL the camera would be part of it, lol), so each one who received would know the adress he should send next. Each person stays with the camera for 1 week. Also there should be a paper sent with the camera for the person to mark the numbers of the pictures he/she took and the city he's/she's in.
Then there could be an Intermittens special edition with the best pictures.
I know it sounds far-fetched because people could take photos themselves and send them here, but it would be funnier to actually have THE camera every one else used.
I would do this myself but the only camera I have available belongs to my father and he would never let me send it to random psycopathic people.....besides that I can't buy a new one just for that because here it costs like three times the price here in Brazil.
I'm pretty sure that you can find an OK digital camera for about.. 30 bucks or so, am I right?"
Of course that to avoid making a list of adresses that would expose a lot of people. Each person should PM the one he would send the "whatever" to and get the adress (without knowing if it is from his/her house, work, etc).
I don't know, it is really simple and maybe just stupid, but I would glady participate in things like this.
Don't forget to read the ABOUT page! LOL
Apple Talk / New guy - lost
August 11, 2010, 03:53:56 AM
Good evening to all of you!
I am from the exotic and amazing (caugh cough) country of Brazil (yay) and my name is Lord Nigel Omar Ofganza.
I've been reading about discordia and erisianinsm and a bunch of other crazy stuff for quite some time now. Besides the Principia and the Black Iron Prison I have wondered through some other discordian havens and read some texts written by people who attend this forum, like Prof Cramulus (amazing stuff btw) and some others.
The thing is that, although the discordian community of far from being huge, there is an awful lot of material to read, and in this forum there are some topics with more than 30 pages of discussion (O.o).
I was wondering if you people who have been reading and posting stuff here could point me to some of the most interesting discussions.With that I wouln'd be so far from the track of what has already been discussed and also would be a bit less lost amidst all of this.
I also would like to know what projects (gasm projects or whatever) are currently really wornking and need help and how I could maybe lend a hand. Anyway, any information here would be nice :mrgreen:
PS: Sorry for creating a new topic just for this but I couldn't find some other topic for introducing and this sort of thing.
