
Bigotry is abound, apprently, within these boards.  There is a level of supposed tolerance I will have no part of.  Obviously, it seems to be well-embraced here.  I have finally found something more fucked up than what I'm used to.  Congrats. - Ruby

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Bob the Frog(a poem written by meeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Started by bob-o, June 22, 2004, 11:32:07 PM

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what think you

way cool
1 (8.3%)
it's okay
2 (16.7%)
could use improvement
2 (16.7%)
kinda bad
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (8.3%)
i died by reading it...
6 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: June 22, 2004, 11:32:07 PM


ok, here we go. i wrote it one day with inspiration from a friend of mine here (sakred chao):

The Frog and the Toadstool.

   So, one day, there was this frog, and his name was bob. Bob the frog. Bob liked to travel, and he was a good friend of mine. Then he encountered a toadstool. When he told me the full story, it inspired me to write this.

So Bob the frog was walking along
And it was the end of the day, which was quite long.

Bob was tired,
And the sun wasn,Äôt getting brighter.

He then came upon a toadstool,
Which he thought was quite cool.

Because he was ever so tired,
He then inquired:

Hello Mr. Toadstool, may I rest on you?
Then it replied, ,ÄúNo you may not, now please do shoo.,Äù

Now, bob thought that he jest,
Because he just wanted to rest

Upon the toadstool,Äôs cool bed.
Now bob did not want to forge ahead

And find a frogstool,
Because none existed, and believing that there was would make him quite the fool.

Now bob persisted
And then insisted,

But the toadstool did not accept.
Bob didn,Äôt give up yet,

He tried another route.
He yelled, hollered and shout.

The toadstool still persisted
And then insisted,

That he find another place.
So now bob knew that this toadstool was prejudiced against race.

This angered bob to the utmost amount
So he grabbed the toadstool, then shout:

If you do not let me rest I will slice you and dice you
And then I will burn you too!

Now the toadstool was still undaunted
Which made bob quite haunted,

Because no one has ever been so rude,
And this amount of refusal was quite new.

So, bob decided to take out his threat to this cruel toadstool
Because he wanted to make it look like a fool.

Bob took out his knife, and said one last time:
,ÄúLet me rest on you, you insolent swine!,Äù

,ÄúNo!,Äù replied to toadstool.
So then bob proceeded to show him that he was a fool.

Slice, dice, chop, hack
Boy, does this frog have the knack

For slicin,Äô up some shroom
He could keep going until tomorrow afternoon!

So now, all were happy,
And bob went to sleep contently

On another toadstool
Who was not a fool

Like the one, who met it,Äôs demise.


don't steal it now. what think you?
comments? criticisms? suggestions? threats to contact the EPA?

"the use of fasteners is to be next to godliness" - R.H.Howes


ok, so who's the smartass who died by reading it?

seriously tho, can i have some verbal feedback besides the poll?
"the use of fasteners is to be next to godliness" - R.H.Howes


Quote from: bob-ook, so who's the smartass who died by reading it?

*raises hand*


"the use of fasteners is to be next to godliness" - R.H.Howes

Bella's dangerous to call the pirate names.

I liked your poem by the way, and I see that Columbia Schwartz has take the chopped up bits from the toadstool you killed and made them into cookies. :?
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


I voted that the poem killed me, but that was just for funnies... the poem was actually quite good in an ironically rudimentary way.
1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++


*stabs Bob-O*

*hopes that was the right person*


no, ya missed. ya actually killed medeo...

*stabs hotsuma*
*dosnt miss*
*cackles with evil laughs*

"the use of fasteners is to be next to godliness" - R.H.Howes