
Also, i dont think discordia attracts any more sociopaths than say, atheism or satanism.

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Messages - village idiot

Quote from: bugmenоt on October 09, 2020, 01:18:43 PM
I don't see what your point is. Sorry about your dog, though.

the point is your internal state conditions external experience and from it internal imprinting. a bear comes to you, you get scared it chases you, you tell it to fuck off with impunity it walks away.
Quote from: bugmenоt on October 09, 2020, 10:12:13 AM
Quote from: village idiot on October 08, 2020, 08:31:05 PM
i'm literally not the same person.  :lol:


let's say your dog died. would you behave the same if nothing happened?

it's sick, the imprinting. been a weed user, imprinted myself to high god and then i got pinged a few times and realized that i'm an oblivious idiot. can't imprint myself to normal ever since, everything's scary woo woo

been reading some more on chapel perilous and i either got pinged or there's an "alternate reality" out there. not a figment of my imagination as in map/vs territory, an automindfuck, it's OUT THERE. more like secret society.

my brain is melting though. "the rush" is what rewires ur brian. i av teh dumz. now, if i'm delusional and looking at someone, are they delusional about me too, cuz i'm literally not the same person.  :lol:

:brain melting:
you suck i'll go become a construction worker. pays better than the current gig and you get to get in good enough shape to beat people up, provided they go full discord on you
are you some kind of snowflakes, am i exercising stupidity here? ffs i'll go join a cult.
Quote from: altered on August 25, 2020, 07:47:44 PM
The last one to do that was RWHN, who has the weed gangsters pounding at our door for his name and likeness so they can track him down.

sounds like a proper discordian
i've learned people call the shitstorm i'm living "the game". it's some kooky bs i never subscribed to. people are fucked in the head  :horrormirth:
Quote from: Juana on August 12, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
:lulz: newbs? That's adorable.

well then, miss fancypants, as a doktor do you say i bring anything out of my mad mess?
you should be informed that i have a bit of emperor trump game going on, i figure since ain't anyone busting their ass, why should i either, fuck you
yall still a bunch of blyat cyki afaik
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on August 11, 2020, 03:32:02 PM
Quote from: idiot noob on August 11, 2020, 03:16:59 PM
oh shit, a bunch of noobs, mocking me. i'm alarmed.

No need to be alarmed, kid.  All the things they're saying about you are true.

link please
Quote from: bugmenоt on August 11, 2020, 12:01:23 AM
Quote from: village idiot on August 10, 2020, 09:12:03 PM
nope, this is what i'm getting from you. still have fuck all idea who luciferx is.

I guess then you must have missed the thread where they're all mocking you. Not this one, the other one.

oh shit, a bunch of noobs, mocking me. i'm alarmed.