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Messages - Pergamos

Quote from: Faust on August 11, 2024, 10:15:00 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 11, 2024, 05:05:58 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 11, 2024, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 10, 2024, 05:49:25 PMI think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
We get it.  You want Trump back.

Yeah, that's pretty much what she said when people were protesting about it at her rally too.  Since when is "genocide, but without admitting you favor complete genocide" the acceptable lesser evil?
Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and planted an embassy there.

Sorry, the US is fully in support of genocide, regardless of which of your parties gets in. No lesser of two evils there, you are as a nation, fully committed to that specific evil.

Yes, that's exactly my point.  We've got two options, both of which support genocide, to the point of arming the folks committing it, and sending troops to help make it happen.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 11, 2024, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 10, 2024, 05:49:25 PMI think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
We get it.  You want Trump back.

Yeah, that's pretty much what she said when people were protesting about it at her rally too.  Since when is "genocide, but without admitting you favor complete genocide" the acceptable lesser evil?
I think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
I was, and am, happy about this development.  She's younger and more charismatic than Biden and has been inspiring a lot of donations and volunteers.  Unfortunately she's already made a statement in support of Israel, which will lose her a lot of that support.
Quote from: Sophia the Altered on June 15, 2024, 06:16:00 AM
Quote from: Finnius on February 09, 2024, 02:03:46 PMMy last post in this ridiculous thread (yaaa):

Should I even bother reading your sad fallacy of an argument if you flee with your tail tucked in-between your legs after being challenged? I can tell that you're subconsciously aware of being wrong but you either don't want to accept the feeling of being a dumbass or are so high off of your own ass fumes, you think your Reddit tier nihilist philosophy of "Who cares man... Politics is just an illusion" is the apex of critical thinking. Spoiler alert: It isn't.

And yeah, I did end up regrettably reading it. I hope you're at least still lurking in this thread months after so you can self-reflect and realize you're just as shallow as the strawmen you protrude in your response. Seriously, kudos to your immediate pivot to Godwin's Law. I'm sure Anne Frank's family would be grateful to see you defending their honor by continuing to uphold the Weimer-like conditions in this country as something completely normal and okay. Here's a question to ponder: Do you believe any suffering occurring as a direct response to this system is invalidated because people aren't outwardly being rounded into camps and killed? When does this arbitrary line of suffering become crossed? Would it ever even be hypothetically possible for the line to be crossed in your mind when you're already so deeply grounded in delusion, and you cover your ears whenever you hear the muffled whimpering of the damned beneath your ivory tower?

If you have political apathy due to not being affected by this rotting carcass of a dog of a system, then whatever. Just shut the fuck up and don't be a smug dipshit about it.

People ARE being rounded up into camps, it got a lot of attention under Trump, but Obama started it and Biden has continued it (the infamous kids in cages)  we're just so dedicated to the illusion that it can't happen here that even when it does we pretend it isn't.
They'll just move on to the next hype (which I think is going to be wetware)
Personally I think the best use case for AI is replacing executives, sales, and the rest of Synergy Dave.  Not because it would do the job well, but because it would do it as well as the average human, that's how an LLM works, by taking averages, and it would cost a lot less.

That those folks are the ones pushing the hardest for it is funny.
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell. 

Don't worry, they've banned tiktok.
Quote from: Bruno on April 11, 2024, 02:37:13 AMAn Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)

Sounds like their magic worked...
I certainly enjoyed meeting Roger on the other side of the screen.  Hearing the actual laugh added context, made the online absurdity that much deeper, richer.  I haven't been very good at keeping up any sort of connection, but I've watched exciting adventures with companies that might end the world, or just make it considerably worse, and I definitely wish him the best.
I've done a message in a bottle, this is way more clever, and less likely to get water damaged
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on February 09, 2024, 03:28:30 PM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on February 08, 2024, 10:01:57 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on February 08, 2024, 08:46:31 PMvery, I certainly don't condemn your choice, it's still a choice to support genocide.

Bullshit.  If I'm a vegetarian, and both candidates eat meat, voting for one of them isn't a choice to support meat-eating.

You select who to vote for based on the differences between the candidates, not what they have in common.  If you don't vote, then you're saying that the differences between them don't matter.

Let's say you have a choice between voting between two of the worst specimens of humanity, who have identical policies in almost every respect, but one will load the supreme court with judges who toss out Roe v. Wade, and the other wants to protect abortion rights.

If you don't vote, that would be a declaration that you don't support women's rights.  Nothing else. 

Nobody is going to pat you on the head and praise you for not voting for either of the two monsters when you sit back and let the worse monster win unimpeded. Not voting doesn't keep the monsters out, and it doesn't give you the moral high ground.  It makes you a moral coward.

You don't like the choices?  Do something about it after you've voted.  Or before.  But like the Würfel said, if you don't vote against the nazis, you voted for them.
Not the mention the fact that there is no way Trump wouldn't be worse for Palestine. He wouldn't even do the basic "please follow international law" shit, he'd let Palestine be leveled entirely.

Gaza is currently being leveled, entirely.  When international law asked for that to stop Biden withdrew funding from the UN relief agency trying to feed Palestinians.  I can't see Trump doing any worse, and based on his complete incompetence when it comes to things like his border wall, or his Muslim Ban I can see things getting a lot better for Palestinians with him in charge, not because he's a better person, but because he is a less competent bad person.
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on February 08, 2024, 07:30:47 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on February 08, 2024, 06:13:30 PMI can't personally vote for someone actively committing genocide, not even to keep the other person, who also wants to commit genocide, out.

In the context of this thread, the choice presented is voting against the person who wants to kill you, or not voting at all.

How fucking tone-deaf are you?

very, I certainly don't condemn your choice, it's still a choice to support genocide.  Supporting genocide in the interest of self preservation, when there's not an option to stop the genocide is completely understandable.
I can't personally vote for someone actively committing genocide, not even to keep the other person, who also wants to commit genocide, out.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
January 11, 2024, 06:05:39 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on January 10, 2024, 09:24:23 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on January 10, 2024, 05:49:18 PM
Personally I see Babbit as one more victim of the police, along with folks like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, or Patrick Lyoya.  I don't agree with her politics but that doesn't excuse her murder.

I believe Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd were clearly victims of the police.

It appears that the case against Christopher Schurr, the police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya, has yet to go to trial. However, if the Court of Appeals allows the current charge of second-degree murder to stand, I suspect Schurr, now a former police officer, will rightly be found guilty.

But, I don't believe Ashli Babbitt was an innocent bystander, or innocent peaceful protester on January 6th. And, here's some of what the Wikipedia article, "Killing of Ashli Babbitt," has to say:

"Babbitt attempted to climb through a shattered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby, and was shot in the left shoulder by a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer.[5][6][7][8][9] After a USCP emergency response team administered aid, Babbitt was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she died.[10][11] The USCP deemed the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy" and "potentially saved Members (of Congress) and staff from serious injury and possible death".[12][13]"

And, further along in this article:

"Public remarks by CSPD Officer Lt Byrd

"After being cleared of wrongdoing, Byrd made his name public in an August 2021 interview for NBC News.[73][74][75][76][77] He said his name had been previously revealed in right-wing media and online forums and that he had received racist (Byrd is African-American) and violent threats, causing him to remain in hiding for several months. Looking back on his January 6 experience, Byrd said: "Once we barricaded the doors, we were essentially trapped where we were. There was no way to retreat. No other way to get out. If they get through that door, they're into the House chamber and upon the members of Congress." He stated that he had pulled the trigger as a "last resort" after the mob of protesters ignored his repeated orders to get back, and that he had no idea at that moment that Babbitt was unarmed and was a woman. Byrd commented: "I know that day I saved countless lives. I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that's my job".[59]"

Now, it's been a while since I last watched the video clip of Babbitt climbing through that broken window. But, nothing I saw on the several occasions I did watch that video, or have heard, or have read, since January 6th, has made me any more sympathetic to her fate, than what I have already written in my original post. So, I think we should agree to disagree about Ashli Babbitt.

Perhaps.  I'm sad to see someone who understands that Trump is a monster but not that ACAB, meanwhile I'd like to see more folks who don't understand that Trump is a monster learning that ACAB, between Babbit and they way that they've gone after that particular monster I think a few are starting to understand.