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I has a microphone, but I sucks at it...

Started by Cain, October 04, 2007, 05:36:43 PM

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Well, not technically true.  I'm trying to get into a more suitable sounding voice for podcasting, and I seem to actually be able to record mp3s, to my personal astonishment.

The only problem I am having is ideas.  I mean, I could record rants and similar stuff from here, but I feel that lacks the personal touch.  Suggestions/ideas?



Violette scares me.  I'm not ready to risk her wrath, especially with the France v All Blacks game coming up.

Edit: I'm thinking something more radio-esque, maybe.  But that brings in the problem of material



Could be.  How do you reckon a mix of wierd news, Discordian online shennanigans and (possibly) real news would go down?


From you, I think it would work.

Also, considering you're one of the few people I feel has a good grasp on international politics, a few comments/observations/rants on that might be fun.


Thanks.  Always nice to know at least one person approves of the idea.  :D

Maybe.  I need to work on my delivery somewhat, though, before any real rantage.  I'm currently working on theme music though, trying a few tracks out, fading them in as an intro, which is interesting..


What seems to have worked for me is to try to put on a slightly different voice (for me, a slight southern twang).  That helps me slow down my words & exaggerate the delivery.

But mainly, try not to rush through the words, even when you're excited.


Yeah, I've found that when doing talks in general as well.  I think I've got to get used to this mic too, that'll help.


How about an interview/variety type show.  Either you doing multiple voices or getting someone else in on the act.  For example, I think the Enrico Show in audio form would have been mega mittens. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Could work...we'd either have to script it in advance or use Skype or something though...I certainly wouldn't be adverse to having someone else working with me on it.

Dysfunctional Cunt

There are lots of us who would like to help, the issue is where we all are I guess.  Kind of hard to interview someone thousands of miles away and get a good recording!

But hey, a call in show portion would be cool.  Wait, it could be scary too  :lol:

What do you need people to do?  It's easier to volunteer for something when you know what it is. 


At the moments, I'm mostly interesting in what people want to hear.  Market research.

As for interviewing, if someone can find a feasible, cost-free and simple way to do it, then I'll be interested.



You could also record your half, email it to someone, and they could record their half, and then the two could be mixed together.



Quote from: Cain on October 04, 2007, 06:06:10 PM
Could be.  How do you reckon a mix of wierd news, Discordian online shennanigans and (possibly) real news would go down?

Mix in some fake news too. But believable fake news.

And I very much would like to hear a report on the world of Discordian online shenanigans.

I agree with LMNO in that I'd like to hear your spin on int'l political issues.