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Bring and Brag / Re: Favorite Sentences Megathr...
Last post by Brother Mythos - April 03, 2024, 08:13:12 PM
"It's better to be rich and healthy, than poor and sick."

- Wisdom learned from a Philadelphia School of Bible graduate.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: No, It's Not an Article On...
Last post by Brother Mythos - April 03, 2024, 08:07:36 PM
"Tennessee Moves to Classify 'Vaccine Lettuce' as a Drug"

As per this article:

"A bill that would classify as a drug certain foods with vaccine materials added to them was passed by the Tennessee Senate and now awaits Governor Bill Lee's signature into law amid concerns about research on putting immunity boosters into lettuce.

The proposed law, HB 1894, was passed in a 23-6 Senate vote last Thursday after getting the House's green light in a 73-22 vote in early March.

It would classify any food that "contains a vaccine or vaccine material" as a drug under Tennessee law, meaning the food would have to be labeled accordingly. The bill defines vaccine material as a substance intended to "stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease."

The legislation would not ban vaccine-imbued foods from being sold in the state but would require them to carry the same sort of medical labeling as injectable vaccines or medications."

Having never seen any 'Vaccine Lettuce' in any of my local grocery stores, I didn't even know it was a thing. And, as per this article, it isn't a thing yet. Now, some might say that the politicians of Tennessee are farsighted. And, by that I mean really, really farsighted. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure those guys have much more important things to worry about at the present time.

Here's the link to this article:      'Vaccine Lettuce' Law Pending Approval
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
Last post by Brother Mythos - April 02, 2024, 07:49:44 AM
Uh-oh, it looks like there's trouble in paradise.

"Republican blame game heats up as their majority thins"

As per this article:

"The internal blame game has highlighted both the deep divisions dogging the House GOP — where conservative agitators are bashing moderates as apostates, and moderates are bashing the hard-liners as obstructionists — and the minuscule majority that's made it all but impossible for Republican leaders to unite the warring camps for the sake of passing the party's policy priorities."

And, further along in this article:

""Every time a Mike Gallagher or a Ken Buck leaves early, that brings our numbers down and brings us dangerously closer to being in the minority," Greene said Tuesday in an interview with Real America's Voice, a conservative cable channel.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has largely downplayed the departures, noting that both parties are losing a number of veteran lawmakers next year to retirement or bids for higher office — a natural trend that accompanies virtually every election cycle.

"When I last checked, we're about on par with other Congresses," he told reporters after Buck's announcement. "It just — it always feels like that when you're in the midst of one."

Yet the number of resignations, as opposed to retirements, has been more pronounced this cycle. And some of the departing lawmakers are citing an extraordinary reason behind their decision: The environment on Capitol Hill has become so toxic, they say, that they simply can't bear to stick around."

I guess some members of the Republicult™ don't want to drink their Kool-Aid. And worse, I just may run out of popcorn before this act of their show is even over.

Here's the link to this article:      Trouble in the Republicult™
Or Kill Me / An Encounter
Last post by mx krabs the bepronouned - April 01, 2024, 05:43:15 PM
A few days ago, I decided to walk around outside for a change. I brought a plastic bag, and was picking up the occasional discarded bottle or wrapper in a vague attempt at actually doing something to tangibly improve the world.

At one point, I crossed a mostly-quiet road to get closer to an area with a larger buildup of litter.

At that moment, a handful of Youths (if i had to guess, about 15) cycled past, laughing, with traffic cones balanced on their heads.

I looked up, and realised I was standing right next to the lamppost numbered 235.

Somewhat distracted by this, I reached for an old bottle on the ground nearby.

It was full of piss.

I laughed out loud on the empty street, flipped off the number on the lamppost, then went home to clean my hands.

Part of me wants to assign some sort of prophetic significance to this. Something about how trying to clean up a few bottles isn't going to do shit about the real problems in the world right now, not least the ones that likely stopped some poor amazon lorry driver from taking an actual toilet break. Another part of me wants that part to shut up for once.

Either way, its damn funny.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Happy Friends
Last post by Brother Mythos - March 30, 2024, 11:10:18 PM
Well said.
Aneristic Illusions / Happy Friends
Last post by ein Gefrorener Würfel - March 30, 2024, 08:59:35 PM
I visited a friend today. Her passion is flying and when I saw her on the airfield walking to the plan she is about to fly into the sky I was happy because she was happy.

Here is some text that describes something similar to this:

QuoteI find it immensely comforting seeing a person being happy.
Today I finally managed to visit a good friend while she was doing what she enjoys. I never saw her this happy for such a long time. 
Sure, I experienced her happiness on many occasions, but not to this extend.
It makes me glad to see her in this state.
We should do this more often.
Follow our friends to their happy place.
Be happy because they are happy.

Scan of the original:
March 30, 2023 - TFG Was Indicted for the First Time

One year ago today, TFG became the first U.S. president to ever be indicted for criminal charges. The former POTUS was charged with thirty-four (34) felony counts in New York, New York. This first round of criminal charges involved hush money payments to both a porn star and a Playboy model, making false statements, falsification of business records, and, of course, tax fraud. In other words, all just SOPs for TFG.

And, once again, this person is the Republicult's™ best and current candidate for the next POTUS, and the Leader of the Free World (LFW). Because, 'Merica.
Literate Chaotic / Chop Suey
Last post by ein Gefrorener Würfel - March 28, 2024, 10:01:28 PM
CN: It's about suicide

Thoughts from one of those who remain

QuoteChop Suey

Suicide is a difficult topic. What is our issue with it? Are we afraid that we will die? Is it the lost time spent with the other person? The potential for good memories?
Eris attaches no sin to a self chosen death. So the act, in itself, shouldn't bring us sorrow.
Often, it's the circumstances that lead to this end. We hear or read the story and think of all the possible ways where the plot could have taken a different route. How we could have made a difference, if we had just known how the future would play out.
But we didn't.
We have to live on.
Suffering has been lessened. There might have been better outcomes, this might be the least bad one.
I don't know.
Bring and Brag / I started a store
Last post by SleepyFocker - March 28, 2024, 01:23:38 PM
Check it out... 

Gonna have branded clothing and other cool shit soon.

Make a donation to my bank account today!