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Messages - Elder Iptuous

Where can his actual statements be found?
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
April 18, 2023, 08:16:58 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 18, 2023, 02:45:37 AM
Quote from: Elder Iptuous on April 16, 2023, 12:01:11 AM
Hello, spags.
It feels to me like we're accelerating into the technological singularity, and I was just stopping by to see what the general mood was here.
Are the panties fully knotted, and buttholes puckered?

I've been cheering it on, really.

Hal was way better company than you goddamn simians.

But HAL was GOFAI.  These LLMs are a juiced up version of us goddamn simians!
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
April 16, 2023, 12:12:08 AM
How have we earned a better one?
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
April 16, 2023, 12:01:11 AM
Hello, spags.
It feels to me like we're accelerating into the technological singularity, and I was just stopping by to see what the general mood was here.
Are the panties fully knotted, and buttholes puckered?
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
June 07, 2022, 03:14:32 AM
bom dia, gente!
yearly checkup here.
yall still kickin?
Yeah.  Red dawn vibes run strong in many.  But I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that a not insignificant number have more of a guerilla war outlook that actually can be effective against overwhelming conventional forces.

They're not all just harmless yokels, and I think it's a mistake to think so.  They're dangerous, even if they only have puny assault weapons.
Forty bucks goes quickly these days!
But you can definitely make a case for taking something from it.
The simple folk in the red team have been getting ready to throw down for a long time.
They see what's going on as a literal attack on their lives.  They're scared shitless.
Bring and Brag / Re: Uncomfortable Truths
September 12, 2020, 12:18:29 AM
I like
I don't know anything about them, but just giving a speech platform to anyone, including those with despicable ideas makes a free speech absolutist, but I don't think I would say immoral actor.
Do they host only rotten sites?
That seems standard.
And of course it seems almost inevitable that it will have some personality that acts as a nucleation point for the bubbling up of action.
We definitely have a super saturated society with a mentos at the helm.
What does populism mean in this context?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Picking Cain's Brains
August 22, 2020, 08:19:41 PM
Mmm. Yes. I'm surprised there hasn't been any serious state run attempts at assassination that were clearly evident.

My coworker views *everything* through the lense of the Q narrative.  I criticize him for making his mind up about things based on whether it fits the story or not without actual evidence.

It itches my mind that the best argument against the central claim, however, is personal incredulity.

Oh well.  If there's anything to it, I guess we'll  find out.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Picking Cain's Brains
August 22, 2020, 01:28:18 AM
Satanic panic is what keeps me reserved on the issue.
The adrenochrome is ridiculous, and when I point out the hunter s Thompson connection, the retort is that it was a signal veiled in fiction.   Also the same claim made with eyes wide shut.
So that seems weak.  But it's also not really the central claim of the cult...
What do you make of the claim that there is an organized effort at using kompromat at a global level (deep state), and that there is a group of military intelligence, utilizing trump presidency, trying to fight it?
Where does that claim fail?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Picking Cain's Brains
August 22, 2020, 12:51:03 AM
Where do you see the line of plausibility ending, and the bat shit starting?
I seems very clear to me that there are powers at play that use compromising material in the form of pedophilia and freaky cult shit to control folks in positions of influence.
It feels so strange having my bullshit detector so far out of cal, but ridiculous things seem quite plausible to me these days.
What disqualifies the Q narrative from being true, essentially as they portray it?