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Messages - Juana

Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
September 09, 2020, 11:07:08 PM
Quote from: Juana on September 07, 2020, 09:41:06 PM
Sister is is probably asymptomatic (she had a sore throat but, like, it's fire season). BIL still can't taste it smell, and as far as I know he's still sore and headachy.

The Creek fire is north east of me by like 30 miles and totally uncontrolled. Ash is coming down like the first flurries of snow, though not as much as yesterday. We're okay at least. Fires don't usually make it down to the valley floor from the mountains and I don't actually recall that happening in the 23 years I've lived here.
Update: sister tested negative for the Rona! 🎉 the Creek fire is a freak and also like 21 miles from me. ☹️
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
September 08, 2020, 05:15:53 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on September 08, 2020, 04:33:13 PM
Zero trust for any cop wearing a Punisher skull

Zero trust for any of them.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
September 07, 2020, 09:41:06 PM
Sister is is probably asymptomatic (she had a sore throat but, like, it's fire season). BIL still can't taste it smell, and as far as I know he's still sore and headachy.

The Creek fire is north east of me by like 30 miles and totally uncontrolled. Ash is coming down like the first flurries of snow, though not as much as yesterday. We're okay at least. Fires don't usually make it down to the valley floor from the mountains and I don't actually recall that happening in the 23 years I've lived here.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
September 07, 2020, 09:34:28 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 04, 2020, 05:18:38 PM
Quote from: altered on September 04, 2020, 05:05:59 AM
You win the bet, Howl. The man gave an interview with Vice, and was gunned down by cops like an hour or so later.

In that video interview, he confessed, apparently. I wasn't able to confirm (my phone isn't playing videos anywhere right now annoyingly enough) but I'm conceding regardless.

You aren't getting the extra half page and furious WOMP though, as I don't have a computer for a WOMP and you made no claim for your bonus prize. Four pages, and not a line break more! And they're Google Docs pages, because I have no other word processor to use and no printer, and none of us can have nice things these days.

Federal cops.  For a state level murder.

Granted, they had the excuse that the marshals needed to be involved because he had a federal warrant out for him, but this was never going to end well.

Also, you can just post the hate letter in Apple Talk.
Dude got shot by the LEOs and, mysteriously, there's no body cam footage. He admitted to it but I don't believe a damn thing about their claims (that he pulled a gun) unless there's other footage. Not because I don't believe he probably wasn't armed but bc the cops lie about everything.
Quote from: Trivial on September 06, 2020, 05:21:18 AM
Why is it purple?
It's probably left over from his last kiki.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
September 05, 2020, 05:30:05 AM
That's not good! :eek: how is the kid doing?

Quote from: altered on September 05, 2020, 03:32:28 AM
Actually, sorry, I have been one place outside of the house in recent times: Best Buy, dropping off my busted laptop. I was wearing my respirator with N99 filters and nonvented goggles, and I slathered everything in hand sanitizer, changed my clothes and got a shower as soon as I returned.

I did not even have anyone get closer than 5 feet by /accident/ the entire time I was there, and the one invasion of my 6 foot bubble I held my breath for the duration of. (And that person was masked up like I was, thank god.)

My risk from Best Buy seems extremely small. Extremely. Meanwhile his cloth mask and unprotected eyes and hanging out at Walmart and in restaurants with friends seems absurdly high risk. So, you know.
Eat him. If he tries to move out, eat him. Can you possibly start looking for another roommate whole he lies like the little coward he is?

On the note of the plague, my sister's in laws both have it, her husband has it, and my sister almost certainly has it, too. The MIL has been hospitalized, her FIL is at home, my BIL just has sore muscles and headaches, and she has a sore throat. 🙃 Hoping her MIL comes home soon and nobody else gets anything worse than the current symptoms.
Jesus fuck. This is exhausting.

Regarding the clotting, I sort of wonder if it just fucks up the cells that produce the platelets for a while (or permanently 😬) so it takes however long the turnover for that stuff takes to stop being fucky.
Apple Talk / Re: UNLIMITED Village Idiot Thread
August 24, 2020, 11:24:49 PM
Quote from: village idiot on August 12, 2020, 08:14:25 PM
Quote from: Juana on August 12, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
:lulz: newbs? That's adorable.

well then, miss fancypants, as a doktor do you say i bring anything out of my mad mess?
I'm not a 'miss', but as a doktor I concur with Howl's diagnosis of "boring repeat".
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
August 24, 2020, 11:13:52 PM
It's just one thing after another with you, jeez. ☹️

California continues to be smoky hell. We got a little rain last night, surprisingly, and it knocked some shit out of the air so it's not currently sunset honey gold at 3p like it has been for the last couple days. but that will not hold bc there's still not enough prison slaves to fight the umpteen fires, the valley is pretty much in a ring of fucking fire, and dry thunderstorms predicted for sacramento. 🙃 I need to move out of the state at the very least
What Cain said. Tiktok is Vine with longer videos and more dancing and Chinese malware. That girl roasted her mom, tho. Like roasted her and salted the ground from which she sprang.
Apple Talk / Re: UNLIMITED Village Idiot Thread
August 12, 2020, 05:50:57 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 12, 2020, 02:22:23 AM
Quote from: Juana on August 12, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
Quote from: village idiot on August 11, 2020, 03:16:59 PM
Quote from: bugmenоt on August 11, 2020, 12:01:23 AM
Quote from: village idiot on August 10, 2020, 09:12:03 PM
nope, this is what i'm getting from you. still have fuck all idea who luciferx is.

I guess then you must have missed the thread where they're all mocking you. Not this one, the other one.

oh shit, a bunch of noobs, mocking me. i'm alarmed.
:lulz: newbs? That's adorable.

This one is special.

Just like all the other ones.
At least he's not kaos clockwork or whatever that dweeb's name is.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED 2020 THREAD
August 12, 2020, 05:49:12 AM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on August 12, 2020, 01:42:37 AM
President Trump welcomed Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., to the presidential race by blasting her as "extraordinarily nasty" and one of the "most liberal" members of the Senate.

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz:

Right out of the box Trump takes the bait. That ain't Hillary Clinton. The usual attack pattern just makes him more obviously an idiot to the center right looking for a way out..
I'm surprised he didn't call her "uppity".

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 12, 2020, 02:22:58 AM
Quote from: Juana on August 12, 2020, 01:06:09 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 12, 2020, 12:06:37 AM
Quote from: Juana on August 11, 2020, 11:07:46 PM
As a teacher, I'm not sure I can forgive her for the truancy law (if a kid misses too much school, they parents can end up in jail) and frankly a fair bit of her other shit, but Kopmala or not I have a slightly smaller list of reservations about a Biden administration. He's clearly losing his fucking marbles and she's sharp as a tack.

I'm okay with lunatic Biden, though.
Okay. I hate him. Frankly I hope he dies shortly after he takes office bc Kopmala is at least all there, though I don't trust her further than I do him on a fair number of policy issues.

I can see that.

But I don't have peoples' best interests at heart.
I know, it's part of the wile Bond villain shtick, no?
Apple Talk / Re: UNLIMITED Village Idiot Thread
August 12, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
Quote from: village idiot on August 11, 2020, 03:16:59 PM
Quote from: bugmenоt on August 11, 2020, 12:01:23 AM
Quote from: village idiot on August 10, 2020, 09:12:03 PM
nope, this is what i'm getting from you. still have fuck all idea who luciferx is.

I guess then you must have missed the thread where they're all mocking you. Not this one, the other one.

oh shit, a bunch of noobs, mocking me. i'm alarmed.
:lulz: newbs? That's adorable.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED 2020 THREAD
August 12, 2020, 01:06:09 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 12, 2020, 12:06:37 AM
Quote from: Juana on August 11, 2020, 11:07:46 PM
As a teacher, I'm not sure I can forgive her for the truancy law (if a kid misses too much school, they parents can end up in jail) and frankly a fair bit of her other shit, but Kopmala or not I have a slightly smaller list of reservations about a Biden administration. He's clearly losing his fucking marbles and she's sharp as a tack.

I'm okay with lunatic Biden, though.
Okay. I hate him. Frankly I hope he dies shortly after he takes office bc Kopmala is at least all there, though I don't trust her further than I do him on a fair number of policy issues.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED 2020 THREAD
August 11, 2020, 11:07:46 PM
As a teacher, I'm not sure I can forgive her for the truancy law (if a kid misses too much school, they parents can end up in jail) and frankly a fair bit of her other shit, but Kopmala or not I have a slightly smaller list of reservations about a Biden administration. He's clearly losing his fucking marbles and she's sharp as a tack.