
Testimonial: "None of you seem aware of quite how bad you are. I mean I'm pretty outspoken on how bad the internet has gotten, but this is up there with the worst."

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Messages - Dimocritus

Apple Talk / Re: It's mah birfday...
August 01, 2009, 07:22:24 PM
Quote from: Squid on July 31, 2009, 05:12:18 PM

So.. you endorse drunk driving?

Super cool.


And now that I think of it, it says buzzed driving and does not specifically refer to alcohol. It could be a natural buzz he was talking about. Thanks for reading!
Literate Chaotic / Was Douglas Adams a Discordian?
August 01, 2009, 06:58:29 PM
Let's speculate because he's dead and can't confirm/deny anything.

His "Trilogy" contained five books.

"Adams" has five letters.

He had an unhealthy belief (real or fictional) that dolphins were more intelligent than the general public (see: Illuminatus! Howard the dolphin).

Plus his sense of humor mirrors that of many "Discordians."

Anything else to add?
Apple Talk / Re: It's mah birfday...
August 01, 2009, 06:46:45 PM
One, so far. There are a few other guys hanging around for the ice-cream, but I'm not sure whether or not they're fully aware of the implications of being associated with the cult members. Check these out in particular, in no particular order: and
Apple Talk / Re: It's mah birfday...
August 01, 2009, 04:02:54 PM
Quote from: Roaring Biscuit! on July 31, 2009, 05:14:13 PM
questionable morals aside, i quite liked what i read.  to you do old skool publishing.. with paper an what-not?  cause paper is cooler than the internets...

We used to do it on paper but the cost was too much for us (I am very poor). Keep in mind, too, that we just started this, like, a week ago, so we have much to improve.

And to Squidy, while I question whether or not you are legitimately offended by the lack of "morals" depicted in that picture, I have to say: I can only take responsibility for my contributions (Dimo1138) on that page, not for the contributions of others.
Apple Talk / It's mah birfday...
July 31, 2009, 03:36:56 PM
And the greatest gift I could receive from people that, to my knowledge, may not even actually exist, would be for you to go check out my writing on and praise/criticize/insult it.
One of my personal favorites which, again, I'm sure most of you have read: Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche. That book is almost like my personal bible. 
I was going to bump this, but I clearly have no business here. Good day.
Quote from: LMNO on July 29, 2009, 08:46:17 PM
There was a shot of the cover in the bunker, or something.  I don't watch it, so this is only hearsay.

And yeah, same author.  Those fucking Irish writers...

I hadn't heard of that one. I'll have to take a look at it if it's fikkin' crazy. He has some other stuff that he wrote about a fictional philosopher/idiot named deSelby that I haven't checked out yet but sounds really interesting. But, yeah, if you can get a copy of it, I highly suggest it. Preferably an old copy, so you can smell it. 
Quote from: LMNO on July 29, 2009, 08:13:27 PM
I read At Swim Two Birds, and that was enough for me.

Is Third Policeman just as fucked up?

Also, did you pick it up because of Lost?

Haven't read that particular book, is that by O'Brien as well? Either way, it was fucked up. It tweaked my crazy-head without LSD :aaa:. And, no, it was actually suggested to me by my English professor, but it's weird that you ask that because, while I usually avoid television, LOST happens to be the only T.V. series that I have followed in years. What is the connection?
Principia Discussion / Re: New guy over here...
July 29, 2009, 08:38:14 PM
So much material... Freaking loosing it...
Not sure if some one has posted this. The Third Police Man by Flan O'Brien. I'm sure many of you have read it, but I just came across it and it's still fresh in my mind. Please don't ridicule me.
Principia Discussion / Re: New guy over here...
July 29, 2009, 08:05:18 PM
Hey, thanks a lot guys. When I found out that all this was "real" I immediately attempted to look something up and was bombarded with so much weird shit that I couldn't process it all with my meager thinking apparatus. And for the record, I agree: free is preferred. But, when it comes to me and books, I need a physical copy. Especially old ones;I like to smell 'em.
Principia Discussion / Re: New guy over here...
July 29, 2009, 06:20:41 PM
Quote from: LMNO on July 29, 2009, 06:19:09 PM
You'd probably get the worst incarnation of it, the Steve Jackson version. (shudder).

See, this is the stuff I need to know. What is the preferred version and what is the real difference? Need input...
Principia Discussion / Re: New guy over here...
July 29, 2009, 06:17:36 PM
I like this place...
Is the Principia Discordia really that hard to find in the deceased plant-matter incarnation? Like, for instance, I couldn't find one at a Waldenbooks or anything? Also, is there a place where I can print really long documents for free without going to a library?
Principia Discussion / New guy over here...
July 29, 2009, 06:01:37 PM
Okay, so I recently discovered Discordianism and I am genuinely intrigued by all that it entails. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out what is required reading and what is simply suggested reading. I'm just about finished with the Illuminatus! Trilogy, but I came under the impression that these books are not regarded as significant sources of Discordian "doctrine." Also, reading on a computer really pisses me off and fucks up my back, so how much of the required reading comes printed on old fashioned paper? Thanks in advance. Unless you are a prick.