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Messages - Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Or Kill Me / THIS IS
February 05, 2006, 11:10:12 PM
Quote from: Irreverend Death to Poultry, KSC
Quote from: CainKill Your Computer

I just did. This one's a zombe relic that runs on windows 95.

I am so sorry for your loss.  That thing connects to the internet? Wow  :shock:
Apple Talk / Baaaaaaad movies index
February 03, 2006, 04:08:00 PM
I think I have seen about 40 of those  :lol:
Apple Talk / Baaaaaaad movies index
February 03, 2006, 03:53:39 PM

Is this the one where the dog has the line

Yeah, but she's still warm :?
Or Kill Me / Counter protest
January 30, 2006, 04:05:04 PM

Link to a list of their upcoming protests.  I will try to remember to check it often and remind you.
Or Kill Me / Anthropology
January 28, 2006, 07:11:04 AM
Quote from: Rabid Badger of GodWhat did you expect, something warm and cuddly?
Not really, just something a little less butch.
Literate Chaotic / support
January 28, 2006, 02:17:45 AM
Quote from: She Who Lurks Beyond, Oracle of DoomSometimes people are here but they hide and they're so quiet about it that we don't realize they're still here unless they sneeze or something.

achooooooooooooooooooo :shock:
Or Kill Me / Anthropology
January 27, 2006, 11:26:22 PM
So you're saying Eris looked more like this  :shock:
Quote from: Cain
QuoteThe Michigan Insane Asylum
Is up on the top of the hill,

Doesnt Eldora live on a hill?

That's a filthy rumor that is absolutely not true.  Plus, Kalamazoo is like a 2 or 3 hour drive from here.  I never knew they had a nuthouse there.  There is also a song about Kalamazoo, how odd.
That was probably either marijuana or sage.
Or Kill Me / Re: Anthropology
January 21, 2006, 07:32:31 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Zurtok Khan

Eris came to me today while I was reading an article.  She stuck a feather in my ear and tickled it until I looked up to see her concentrating furiously on just barely gracing my skin with the feather.  Then she laughed at me, cocked her head at the screen and pointed at it saying "Bulltshit!" in a happy laughing way.

We need more fluffy bunny Discordianism.  Laughing children, dancing in the wildflowers, etc, etc.

Because that's what Eris is all about, after all...rather than - for example - beign a psychotic crone that revels in mass human bloodshed.
How about a fluffy psychotic crone bunny that dances in the bloody wildflowers?  :?
Or Kill Me / Re: Anthropology
January 21, 2006, 04:00:33 AM
Quote from: Zurtok KhanShe looked at me, let out a little laugh, and said, "Do you know where the bullshit isn't?"

Then she poofed.  Bitch.
That is the tricky part, where isn't it  :shock:
Or Kill Me / The Subway
January 21, 2006, 03:40:06 AM
My friend has a funny subway story, she's not here, I am, so here you go.  She breast fed her kid, not on the subway, not on that day anyway.

Soo, on the way home, while all the other people were going home.  Working moms and dads, business men and women, strippers pretending to be one of the above.  So her kid wants a snack, she looks through the bag and gets out some crackers, kid's happy on the subway.  Then the kid wants her dolly, mom looks in the bag, gets out the dolly.  Kid gets the dolly, she's happy.  Snack time for the kid, snack time for dolly.  She lifts her shirt, puts the doll under it and starts making a smacking sound.  As the story was told to me, the women all smiled or laughed quietly, the men all realised they were wearing shoes, "Ooooh, look, I put on shoes today, wow"  Probably not the best story, but some days there are funny times on the subway.
Here you go, I had an extra Tonka helmet anyway and we always spray paint NRA A-OK on ours, so it's all set.
Literate Chaotic / Ask Bella
January 14, 2006, 09:53:08 PM
Z, I am so sorry for you and your family.  From everything you have told me, you are all sweet trusting people.  I know you don't want to hear this now, but try to think of this as a painful expensive lesson.  If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.  For example,

Quotetold us that for a time he was an acting army ranger in Afganistan

As far as I know there is no such thing.  It is really difficult when someone is being nice to be skeptical of what they say, I understand that as much as, if not more than, most people, but sometimes that is the exact time to be skeptical.

Oh, and GIANT kudos for having the party anyway, try to use it as a banishment and to clear all the bad energy from your lives.

Hugs and kisses to you and your family and there will be a candle burning here for you as well.