
Testimonial: "None of you seem aware of quite how bad you are. I mean I'm pretty outspoken on how bad the internet has gotten, but this is up there with the worst."

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Messages - Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

:walks in with a wolverine on a leash:

Hey, Enrico, my glorious faggot, how are you this fine day!
January 02, 2006, 08:38:51 PM
Well, you said that lack of vegetaion is causing mud to run off into the ocean, that means the houses may do the same  :twisted:
Literate Chaotic / another sign the machine is rotting
January 02, 2006, 08:36:44 PM
QuoteThere is also no such thing as mental illness. In the past the mentally ill used to be called heretics. The majority agrees to the way reality is, anyone who disagrees is mentally ill. Putting people on anti-psychotic drugs and anti-depressants works to precisely keep everyone docile=easier to control.
Tom Cruise?  Is that you?

There are all kinds of mental conditions that could be called illnesses.  

Most of the drugs they use for depression today are the SSRI's which do not make people docile.  If anything they get people moving.  Back when the only drug they had was valium, you might have had a point, but not so much today.  

Let's see now, antipsychotics....Those are usually resvered for people who are seriously schizophrenic and cannot function in society at all without medication.  If They(tm) really wanted the crazies easier to control they would put them on thorazine(OK, technically it is an antipsychotic, but it makes people non functioning and doctors who have any sense will use anything else).  

I don't know about crazy people being called heretics.  If someone was going to be called a heretic, it was usually someone in a position of power, that way you could snatch their land and other property, just like the witch trials.  In some cultures some crazy people would be shamans or something.  In some cultures they would be court jesters.  I some they would be beggars.
January 02, 2006, 03:30:46 AM
Great story.  I hate 'progress' when it means they tear down nature to build crap.  Where I lived as a kid, there was a huge field.  Now it is 2 apartment compexes and a trailor park.  Not as bad as the islands, but still sad.
Literate Chaotic / Re: giving up (out of curiosity)
December 16, 2005, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: LHXhow
would somebody go about 'giving up' in this society if one were so inclined to 'give up'?

just out of curiosity

Grizzly Adams

Jeremiah Johnson

Ted Kazinski
Or Kill Me / I have a question for you...
December 16, 2005, 01:26:25 AM
Quote from: Rabid Badger of God
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Rabid Badger of GodEh, he can either fend for himself or leave again.

RBG...the Great White Shark of PD. :lol:
Not bull shark?


I would think you were more of a tiger shark  :?
Or Kill Me / Rant 149: Can You Do That?
December 14, 2005, 09:47:02 PM
Now we are getting Starbucks.  So you have a choice of overpriced coffees  :lol:
Or Kill Me / Rant 149: Can You Do That?
December 14, 2005, 09:23:23 PM
Quote from: East Coast Hustle
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger

2.  And you can't get coffee crisps in America(tm).

you can if you live in the "State" that is a de facto maritime province.

(IOW, we have Tim Hortons here and YUO don't! neener neener neener!)

We have tons of tim Horton's in this part of Michigan.  The new Wendy's are being built with a connected Tim Horton's.  I have one of those less than a mile from me.
1  That too.

2  Plausible BS, yep, pretty much.  Then there was the attacks on the Twin Towers, then there was the search for nonexistent WMD's.  Near as I can tell, Bush and his cronies planned to invade Iraq as soon as they came into office and spent most of their time trying to find any excuse.  And they still managed to suck at finding one.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
How'd I miss THIS?

1.  The real reason we went to war was to hand out no-bid contracts to Halliburton and its subsidiaries (KB&R, for example).  Only this, and nothing more.

2.  It doesn't matter if things are going well, if you can't beat the insurgents.  That is ALL that matters, at this point.  Everything else is bullshit.

3.  It's not Vietnam.  It's WORSE than Vietnam, from an operational point of, it took 7 years for the Vietcong to be able to hit us in broad daylight, as the insurgents were capable of doing after only 18 months.

I don't know how I missed the Nam thing.  I agree with Roger on this one.  We traded jungles for sand.  

The only addition is that GWBush and his cronies felt some kind of need to finish the job GHWBush didn't finish after Iraq invaded Kuwait.  There is also the little Sadam assassination plot against GHWBush that 'they' didn't feel Clinton did a good enough job retaliating for.
Or Kill Me / Mangrove's Seasonal Dilemma
December 14, 2005, 12:03:35 AM
I like Happy Chanukkah, not ch like chalk, but that sound like you're trying to clear your throat.  Or start singing Adam Sandler's Hannukah Song.

Some people think, that Ebenezor Scrooge is,
Well, he's not but guess who is
All 3 Stooges

What I usually do is completely ignore it, treat this like anay other day unless someone says something.  

As far as I have been able to figure out, Kwanzaa is a cross between traditional African(possibly slave, not sure how far back the traditions go)celebrations, Christmas and Hannukkah.  The celebrations go for, I think 8 days.  There are presents, but there is also a theme of family and responsibility.  Let's keep in mind I got this from Elmo's holiday special  :lol: The show had Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa and I think there may have been something else.

Virgin Mobile has some weirdo holiday thing, Chrismahanukwanzakah, or something.  If it was easier to say, I would be using that  :lol:
The Kurds love us and are dying to protect us.  I didn't hear that from the news, are they covering that at all?
Or Kill Me / Correspondence from a Cubicle, part 1.
December 13, 2005, 04:56:31 AM
Which one?  It was 25 years ago, I don't know which I was prescribed.  The one I took before may have a different name, but it would just knock me out and I would wake up with the same headache.  The headache might have been gone while I was out, I dunno.  

Quote from: The Good Reverend RogerBottoming out your blood pressure doesn't work?

Then you don't have a migraine.  You have something else.

Taking Zomig, which is a vasoconstrictor, does help.  It has no analgesic properties, it is just for migraines.  I have to wait for the insurance to kick in to be able to get any.  Either that or see if I qualify for Medicaid.  One or the other.  It is $5 a pill with insurance.  That is why I am trying everything else.  

I also take generic Inderal everyday as a preventative.  I have also eliminated about a dozen triggers over the last couple of years.  I was fine this morning, and sometime this afternoon it started.  Right now it feels like someone took a 2 by 4 and hit me across the side of my face.  I can feel where the trigeminal nerve branches out, because that is where about half the pain is.  Like a line of pain down my cheekbone, then branching out across that side of my face.  In a little while it will probably feel like it's burning and freezing at the same time.  It also hurts around the side of my head and forhead.  My sinuses are clear, so it's not a sinus headache.  Sounds and light bother me, I don't feel like throwing up tonight, but that's probably because I took something for that.  So, if you think I don't have a migraine, you can kiss my lilly white ass motherfucker.  

   USP DI - Butalbital and Aspirin (Systemic)
Fiorgen PF
   MedMaster - Aspirin, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   MedMaster - Acetaminophen, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   USP DI - Butalbital and Acetaminophen (Systemic)
Fioricet with Codeine
   USP DI - Butalbital, Acetaminophen, Caffeine, and Codeine (Systemic)
Fioricet® as a combination product containing Acetaminophen, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   MedMaster - Acetaminophen
Fioricet® with Codeine as a combination product containing Acetaminophen, Butalbital, Caffeine, and Codeine Phosphate
   MedMaster - Acetaminophen
   MedMaster - Aspirin, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   USP DI - Butalbital and Aspirin (Systemic)
Fiorinal with Codeine No.3
   USP DI - Barbiturates, Aspirin, and Codeine (Systemic)
Fiorinal-C ¼
   USP DI - Barbiturates, Aspirin, and Codeine (Systemic)
Fiorinal-C ¬?
   USP DI - Barbiturates, Aspirin, and Codeine (Systemic)
Fiorinal® as a combination product containing Aspirin, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   MedMaster - Aspirin
Fiorinal® with Codeine as a combination product containing Aspirin, Butalbital, Caffeine, and Codeine Phosphate
   MedMaster - Aspirin
   USP DI - Butalbital and Aspirin (Systemic)
Fiortal® as a combination product containing Aspirin, Butalbital, and Caffeine
   MedMaster - Aspirin
Or Kill Me / Correspondence from a Cubicle, part 1.
December 13, 2005, 04:00:32 AM
I have no drugs, I have no insurance (we should be getting BCBS any second now) so, I am working with OTC remedies which are working in waves.  I may have to go to bed and see if the pretty colors can lull me to sleep, I dunno.

PS we went through this before, that crap doesn't do anything for me, sorry.
Or Kill Me / Re: Correspondence from a Cubicle, part 1.
December 13, 2005, 03:38:34 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Careful, you'll be the next one accused of being one of my alts  

I don't think there's ANY danger of that.

Yeah, well, it was all I could come up with.   :P  My head hurts  :evil: