
Goddammit.  Another truckload of bees.

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Messages - Luna

Quote from: Pæs on June 30, 2014, 02:44:20 AM

Okay, I can exclude that from the sanity/exception check, how much tax are they paying on each? Also, I think we agreed the last five times you gave me no notice of this that I need a few days to retune the reports I use to make these checks?


Right, but if I exclude those payments and don't exclude the associated tax, each person just has giant negative next to their name which we cannot justify and the sanity check fails in the other direction.


Did they ask you to calculate it for doing taxes in multiple ways so they can decide which to use?  For every person, individually, so they can tell them what to expect?  That's my FAVORITE.
Quote from: Raz Tech on June 28, 2014, 04:59:41 PM
Quote from: Sita on June 28, 2014, 12:52:01 PM
my brain needs to just shut up now.
I do not need people from my high school days suddenly in my dreams. especially a certain person. as happy as it would be to see them, it's not something I can handle.

stupid brain.

I woke up thinking the same thing for pretty much the same reason.  2spoopy

I get that, sometimes.

Never about the idiot I married, though.  Even my subconscious is like, "fuck that guy."
Quote from: Cain on June 27, 2014, 05:57:19 PM
Well, July 18th will be my first day after I quit my current job.  But I have better things to do with my time than organise a conspiracy to celebrate no longer having to put up with morons.

Sadly, there will always be morons.  You just get a new batch after the 18th.
Apple Talk / Re: My Girl Friday
June 27, 2014, 11:38:43 PM
Murder mystery, all sideways, I love it.
Quote from: Cainad (dec.) on June 27, 2014, 03:48:37 PM
Holy crap. Your Thursday had too much Eris.  :eek:

I think I'm all set for the rest of the year.
My day yesterday:

Wake up late, since I'd taken the morning off to hit the Social Security office.  Gotta fill out some paperwork regarding my father passing away.  This starts the day off in an utterly charming mood.

Get up, get my shit together, step outside...  Flat tire on the van.

As the lovely folks at Social Security are only open a few hours... Hoof it.  It's a mile and a half.  No problem.  Nevermind that the night before was my first fencing practice in nobody knows HOW long and I woke up stiff and sore...  It'll work itself out as I walk, right?

Hike the mile and a half.  DO remember, before leaving the apartment, to remove a few... interesting... items from my purse that the good security guards might object to finding.  I fail to recall, however, that my keychain has a little, bitty knife on it.  We're talking a one-inch blade, that I use at work to open boxes, mostly.  Said knife is confiscated, with no hope of return.  It being Richter-sharp, I hope the bastard that takes it home with him gelds himself with it.

As I'm standing there, filling out the paperwork and coming to the conclusion that I've done a FANTASTIC job of not dealing with it over the past couple months, I get an email from my landlady.

She wants me to agree to sign a lease.  Note that she has not even mentioned what said lease will entail, other than informing me that, despite the fact that she bought the building over six months ago, she NOW wants me to hand over a security deposit.  Turns out the security deposit I paid to the last guy that owned the building is up in smoke, as the building was foreclosed upon.  She swore up and down that she'd told me at the time via e-mail, but, oops, she apparently sent it to the wrong address.  Oh, and if I don't want to sign the lease, I should consider her e-mail a 30 day notice as of July 1st, and be out of the apartment by August 1st.

Note that this is AFTER she was told that the reason I hesitate to sign a lease is that my job is ending on July 31st, and that, while I don't have anything lined up, I'm currently looking, don't anticipate trouble finding a job (I've broken some speed records for re-employment in the past.  My temp agency LOVES me.), and would REALLY rather see where my job ends up before I tie myself down in Providence.  (I'm looking as far afield as Boston, and, while I was willing to do the pain in the ass commute to where I am now, first as a temporary position, then because I really liked the people I work with, I won't be doing it again if I can at all help it.)

Haul my sorry ass back to the apartment to deal with the flat tire.  No jack.  Joy.  Fortunately, I have a AAA membership.  Give them a call, and, wonder of wonders, they DO show up within 15 minutes.  Looking up?  Well, except for the fact that, in order to get the spare out from under the van, you have to pop the back hatch... which has a busted handle, and hasn't opened in, literally, years.

Awesome.  Okay.  AAA driver refills the tire, and follows me to the nearest tire place.  Patch it?  Nope, sidewall damage.  Well, shit.  Okay.  I'm planning to replace the van in a couple months, so just give me something that won't blow up for the next couple of months.  Sixty bucks I didn't want to spent, poof.

Fortunately for the east coast, LunaBF had the good sense to take me out for an ice cream sundae.
Apple Talk / Re: Hell
June 25, 2014, 07:57:58 PM
How long until people rely on machines to do their feeling for them?
Apple Talk / Re: My Girl Friday
June 25, 2014, 07:38:16 PM
I like!
Weren't you leaving?
Apple Talk / Re: Hell
June 20, 2014, 05:40:23 PM
Heaven is in Tuscon?

Mind blown.
Apple Talk / Re: Quotes of the Moment II
June 20, 2014, 12:25:19 AM
"I feel the need to do SCIENCE!  Here, sit here."
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 03:10:37 PM
Quote from: Luna on June 19, 2014, 03:09:29 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 03:03:27 PM
Quote from: Luna on June 19, 2014, 02:59:25 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 02:51:31 PM
So, you know when woo-woo fanatics casually use the word "energy" to refer to something they can't describe, while not having a very firm grasp on what the scientific definition of "energy" actually is?  Is there a proper word for what they are usually trying to describe?

This is a vague question, I know, but it's difficult to put into words what I am trying to ask.  If anyone thinks they know what I am trying to ask, please feel free to answer me.  If you know the answer.

-Hoopla the Vast, Cool, and Unsympathetic


They just hope to be able to slip it under the bullshit radar for long enough to finish the sentence before being punched in the throat.

That's not even where the pineal gland is located!

It is exceptionally effective in keeping the jibber jabber down while one digs for the pineal gland with a sharp object.  Through the back of the neck is the easy way, up the nose with a marlinspike is trickier, but less messy.

This is why I like you.


A girl has to be practical.
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 03:03:27 PM
Quote from: Luna on June 19, 2014, 02:59:25 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 02:51:31 PM
So, you know when woo-woo fanatics casually use the word "energy" to refer to something they can't describe, while not having a very firm grasp on what the scientific definition of "energy" actually is?  Is there a proper word for what they are usually trying to describe?

This is a vague question, I know, but it's difficult to put into words what I am trying to ask.  If anyone thinks they know what I am trying to ask, please feel free to answer me.  If you know the answer.

-Hoopla the Vast, Cool, and Unsympathetic


They just hope to be able to slip it under the bullshit radar for long enough to finish the sentence before being punched in the throat.

That's not even where the pineal gland is located!

It is exceptionally effective in keeping the jibber jabber down while one digs for the pineal gland with a sharp object.  Through the back of the neck is the easy way, up the nose with a marlinspike is trickier, but less messy.
Apple Talk / Re: okCupid
June 19, 2014, 03:00:48 PM
It wouldn't shock me if that was one of you bastards.   :lol:
Quote from: Hoopla on June 19, 2014, 02:51:31 PM
So, you know when woo-woo fanatics casually use the word "energy" to refer to something they can't describe, while not having a very firm grasp on what the scientific definition of "energy" actually is?  Is there a proper word for what they are usually trying to describe?

This is a vague question, I know, but it's difficult to put into words what I am trying to ask.  If anyone thinks they know what I am trying to ask, please feel free to answer me.  If you know the answer.

-Hoopla the Vast, Cool, and Unsympathetic


They just hope to be able to slip it under the bullshit radar for long enough to finish the sentence before being punched in the throat.