
Yes we're horrible toxic people, because this is 2020's Mental Illness Olympics, and the winners get a free pass on giving life-threatening advice with the bonus of having zero accountability for their shit behaviour.

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Messages - Luna

Quote from: Richter on June 15, 2014, 02:47:04 PM
Quote from: Luna on June 09, 2014, 05:59:28 PM
I would like to point out that, in order to solve at least one of my problems, a blow torch and colored sand would be a lovely, creative place to begin.

Upping the ante on melted wax.  You've been hanging around with mad scientists, military vets, and bloody minded reenactors, havent you?

Does it show?

And I can come up with a number of ideas for the wax...
Quote from: Cardinal Pizza Deliverance. on June 13, 2014, 06:20:06 PM
Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on June 13, 2014, 05:22:44 PM
So I did an image search on haggis rule34 and found the most fucked up image I've seen ever this week in the last hour



There's an image I'll never get out of my head.

Saving that for future use.   :lol:
Quote from: Junkenstein on June 11, 2014, 11:35:15 AM
It continues:

QuoteThe Washington Post has just published an op-ed entitled "One way to end violence against women? Stop taking lovers and get married" (the paper later changed the headline). To that, I say: Washington Post: Stop Posting Bullshit And Set Yourself On Fire.

Less than 48 hours after posting an atrocious column by George Will, wherein the venerable conservative thought leader who has made a career out of being smugly wrong about everything called being a rape victim a "coveted status" and then dismissed the college sexual assault crisis as just another made up thing in Obama's America (TM), the Washington Post has outdone itself with a column by conservative think tank denizens W. Bradford Wilcox, (the director of the National Marriage Project) and Robin Fretwell Wilson (who endlessly beat the BUT RELIGIOUS LIBERTY!!! drum after New York legalized gay marriage in 2011) that claims — seriously, as far as I can gather — that the best way for women to avoid violence is to stop slutting around with "baby daddies" and get married. It's truly breathtaking in its idiocy.

Good if you're running low on rage.

Right...  Because husbands never rape or assault their wives.   :roll:
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 13, 2014, 08:02:04 PM
Quote from: The Suu on June 13, 2014, 03:06:58 PM
I think the ark just went by.


Nothing.  I have it on cruise control.  Is this a problem?

Let it run.  Suits my mood this weekend.

Sunday is gonna just suck.

Might try to beat a rant out of it.
You have apparently not learned to refrain from shitting on the carpet.
Quote from: Cardinal Pizza Deliverance. on June 13, 2014, 02:37:46 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 13, 2014, 02:34:47 AM
Quote from: Luna on June 13, 2014, 01:52:42 AM
Hold the fucking phone.

You made transparent aluminum obsolete, before I even got to play with any??

It turns out that it's fairly useless, when you can just make synthetic sapphire in any shape and size you want.

Space ships built with synthetic sapphire . . .

I...  Um... 

I love sapphires...

I have the most amazing visual, right now.  I wish I had any artistic talent.
Hold the fucking phone.

You made transparent aluminum obsolete, before I even got to play with any??
I have officially formed my opinion of the company that bought us.

I can't even facepalm.  They are idiots.  I had to explain to the payroll manager that an employee (ME) who works in one state and lives in another needs to be taxed in the state in which they work FIRST.  If their home state has a higher tax, then they get a small amount, the difference between the work-in state rate and the live-in state rate.  If you've never been in a situation where you've worked across state lines, you wouldn't know that.  If you agree the head of payroll for a multi-state organization, this should be fucking reflex.

The individual in charge of direct deposits has no idea what a prenote is.  Apparently, they take the employee's handwritten account number and just wedge the next paycheck right in there.

They give you a week of vacation time... and require you use vacation time in one week increments.

I was offered a position in one of the shops, if I want it.  I ink I'd rather take my chances.
Apple Talk / Re: Calling all nerds
June 11, 2014, 03:18:06 AM
Quote from: Ållnephew Tvýðleþøn on June 11, 2014, 01:41:10 AM
But that's an interesting thing, does Lucas actually hate Star Wars fans?

For evidence of the above, I submit:

Quote from: Cardinal Pizza Deliverance. on June 11, 2014, 02:09:53 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 11, 2014, 12:18:50 AM
Quote from: The Right Reverend Nigel on June 10, 2014, 11:18:27 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 10, 2014, 04:02:17 AM
Quote from: Cardinal Pizza Deliverance. on June 10, 2014, 03:58:41 AM
After reading the Elbow Dick thing and the shit TGRR says thread . . . I've got this image of Roger doing push-ups, except both his arms are penises with elbows. Where's Suu's new emote?

I am a sexual tyrannosaurus, with a head full of bad wiring and two penises.

I... I can't stop visualizing a horribly fur-covered Tyrannosaurus with penises for arms. :horrormirth:


In leopard print bikini-briefs with a hole in the back for the tail.

:eek:    :eek:    :eek:


:eek: :1fap:
Ask his opinion on an issue.

If opinion without asking for all the data, gently explain exactly why and how doing things his way would cause "X" casualties, and why.

Repeat until he learns that the world does not conform to textbook conditions.
Apple Talk / Re: Wiping Ass
June 10, 2014, 06:55:59 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 10, 2014, 05:07:43 PM
I think we're being a little rough.

Inge is stuck in a narrative.  Specifically, that constant and meaningless confrontation is a sign of strength, that insults and/or snide putdowns are a replacement for civility.

Possible.  Will wait to see if she learns to balance on her hind legs.
He needs to run the official company suggestion box.
Quote from: Junkenstein on June 10, 2014, 05:34:35 PM
Suggestion - Give him some kind of plant and tell him it's tied to his performance. Insert appropriate bullshit about dedication, care and duty and so on. Then salt it on the QT.

Tuscon doesn't have what normal people think of as plants.  No salt required, if he can get his hands on an actual plant, it will commit hari-kiri within a month in Tuscon summer, anyway.