
Thinking about Gabbard in general, my animal instinct is to flatten my ears against my head, roll my eyes up till the whites show, bare my teeth, and trill like a cicada stuck in a Commodore 64.

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Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Brother Mythos - Yesterday at 01:24:28 PM
Quote from: Sophia the Altered on Yesterday at 10:01:21 AM
Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on September 14, 2024, 01:36:24 PMIt's Jill Stein. But no one will vote for her because apparently Seppos are fond of self fulfilling prophecies. So they say "She can't possibly win" & ensure they're correct by not voting third party ever.

 :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:


That just about sums it up.
Discordian Recipes / frenchbread pizza x4
Last post by Sophia the Altered - Yesterday at 10:31:35 AM
motherfucking ingredients:

-$1 loaf of french bread from walmart
-brick of mozzeralla cheese (NOT preshredded)
-can crushed tomato sauce
-crushed garlic
-can of tomato paste
-pepperoni stick

first you uhhhh preheat your oven to 500 degrees
then you crush ur garlic with a knife and dice some onions. and then you put the crush tomoato sauce into a pan and add tomatopaste (authors note: i used a BEEG can of crushed tomatos so i made like......... 50x the amount i needed  :lulz:  :lulz: oops! so use small measurements)
and then i add heat and mixed them the onion, garlic, basil, and salt and pepper. i then cut my mozzarella into little cubes and dice my roni stick to make pepperroni cubes
and then you cut both ends of the flatbeard off, then cut the big piece in half hamburger style and cut those two pieces hotdog style to have 4 seperate bases. and then you add the sauce, the cheese cubes, and then the ronis. i then put the flatbeard (i cook 1-2 at a time) on a basic baking sheet and put it in the oven for like 5-6 minutes for 1 and 6-7 minutes for 2. and then take it out and it's as easy as that. waaaaaaaaaay better than kneading dough in my opinion  :fap:
i dont know the measurments btw i just winged everything. it tasted good though....
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED Nazi Thread
Last post by Sophia the Altered - Yesterday at 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on September 22, 2024, 04:06:00 PMI hadn't heard the term before yesterday, but evidently "sun-wheel" is a reference to the swastika, and it's a nazi dog-whistle.

They call it the Black Sun.  :fnord: I wish NAZI CUNTS didn't appropriate EVERYTHING because the rune looks cool outside of the connotations. Down with Drumpf!
Quote from: Mandelbrot Slapper on September 14, 2024, 01:36:24 PMIt's Jill Stein. But no one will vote for her because apparently Seppos are fond of self fulfilling prophecies. So they say "She can't possibly win" & ensure they're correct by not voting third party ever.

 :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:  :lulz:

Or Kill Me / Re: Breaking Point
Last post by Majeh - Yesterday at 02:07:49 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 11:41:03 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 10:00:03 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.

Dude, the CIA is not spying on you.  They don't even know you exist.  They have no interest in your "subversive" ideas. 

Your phone IS spying on you, but it's for Amazon and Meta and Blackrock.  They DO have an interest, because they would like to sell you things with your subversive ideas printed on them.

You're paranoid, but you're not paranoid enough.  You worry about all the wrong things, and you are frustrated because The Man is supposedly in the way of you doing things that were largely ineffective way the hell back in the 1960s when the best they could do was listen in on your home phone.

Now you can't drive to the drugstore without being tracked by half a dozen OLRs, and ANYONE can track you with the phone you increasingly can't live without.

They - Amazon, Meta, the 4 remaining owners of all the major grocery stores, whatever - own the ball AND the ball park.  You can do "collective action" all day long, and nobody will care.  Unless you go overboard, in which case you can work for above said megacorps for $0.50/hour in a prison call center so you accumulate good time towards release.

The chance to overturn The Man came and went in 1960.  And, sadly, you can't lure your crush into bed by hollering about the revolution like you could in the good old days.

Eris never promised you freedom.

Eris never promised you good choices.

Eris only pointed out that you can still have a good time, that is, if you're serious about havin' a good time.

Or you can worry about shit you can't change.

That brings up a question:  Who are you trying to save? You can't save the rubes, because they LIKE this shit.  You can't save the poor, because you yourself lack the resources to do so.  You can't even save yourself, because you are part of the system you are bitching about.

Collective action.  :lulz:  You're already doing it.  Just not the way you imagined.

Then I was right the first time with my thread below, nothing doing to change Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, we were born here and we will die here. I'll get back to doing my shit and ignoring the rules that I think I can get away with ignoring. No sense playing by the established rules if those who set them aren't, I just have to keep my head down when I flip them off.

Sometimes I fall prey to the delusion that things could change, it's comfortable enough, gives me hope enough at times when I need some. The rest of the time I'm busy dancing the dance of Grandfather Nurgle and enjoying the entropy as we all sink on the ship we built together. The slow procession of decay is, at times, too slow for my liking. Still, such is the whim of the Grandfather and Eris herself, though she strikes me as one who is far more in line with Slaanesh. I make a point to only follow the mad gods, as the world itself is mad.
Or Kill Me / Re: Breaking Point
Last post by Doktor Howl - October 04, 2024, 11:41:03 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 10:00:03 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.

Dude, the CIA is not spying on you.  They don't even know you exist.  They have no interest in your "subversive" ideas. 

Your phone IS spying on you, but it's for Amazon and Meta and Blackrock.  They DO have an interest, because they would like to sell you things with your subversive ideas printed on them.

You're paranoid, but you're not paranoid enough.  You worry about all the wrong things, and you are frustrated because The Man is supposedly in the way of you doing things that were largely ineffective way the hell back in the 1960s when the best they could do was listen in on your home phone.

Now you can't drive to the drugstore without being tracked by half a dozen OLRs, and ANYONE can track you with the phone you increasingly can't live without.

They - Amazon, Meta, the 4 remaining owners of all the major grocery stores, whatever - own the ball AND the ball park.  You can do "collective action" all day long, and nobody will care.  Unless you go overboard, in which case you can work for above said megacorps for $0.50/hour in a prison call center so you accumulate good time towards release.

The chance to overturn The Man came and went in 1960.  And, sadly, you can't lure your crush into bed by hollering about the revolution like you could in the good old days.

Eris never promised you freedom.

Eris never promised you good choices.

Eris only pointed out that you can still have a good time, that is, if you're serious about havin' a good time.

Or you can worry about shit you can't change.

That brings up a question:  Who are you trying to save? You can't save the rubes, because they LIKE this shit.  You can't save the poor, because you yourself lack the resources to do so.  You can't even save yourself, because you are part of the system you are bitching about.

Collective action.   :lulz:   You're already doing it.  Just not the way you imagined.

Or Kill Me / Re: Breaking Point
Last post by Majeh - October 04, 2024, 10:00:03 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.
I mean, sure, ignore the very real very police state bullshit world we live in and, yeah, I guess it would be all our faults that we were born in the worst fucking timeline with shitty access to resources. :roll:

Note, I never said anything was impossible, but the reality is reality and if we ignore the very real road blocks ahead of us it becomes a one way ticket to having them steam roll us while we try to make any changes. If you have something to add that will grease the wheels of progress, I'm all ears.
I am at the moment taking a break from the voice programming for the doggie thing.

I chose a little girl voice to tell the victim that "help is on the way."  I thought it would be awesome to have them all say it at exactly the same time.  And it was.

Buth then I tried putting them 1/2 second out of sync with each other, and the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.

Success is always nice.
Or Kill Me / Re: Breaking Point
Last post by Doktor Howl - October 04, 2024, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: Majeh on October 04, 2024, 04:57:57 AMThe massive problem with collective action in today's world is the massive oversight that the FBI, NSA, and CIA have over our lives.
Hell yeah. Beats blaming ourselves.