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Messages - riff

Literate Chaotic / Terry Pratchett
July 03, 2004, 05:02:43 AM
Quote from: CannedLizardI just bought Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens.

Looks like it's going to be lots of fun.

Hell yes, you're in for a ride.
Quote from: The CommanderGood to see you again Karma Manager...I see you have come out of cover.  Just in time for a schism too...Did you bring the wahoosits I sent to your office?

Those were wahoosits?  Dammit, I thought they were thingumbobs, and I had them delivered to the Brazillian ambassador.  

He's not going to be happy.  He's allergic to wahoostis.
Cheers, Bella.  Anyone reminded you recently of how much you rock? ;)
Literate Chaotic / Terry Pratchett
July 02, 2004, 04:35:41 PM
Quote from: St. Trollax, ODD
Quote from: Slartibartfaston a side note, i just read Small Gods by pratchett. Very nice reflection about religious organizations.

Are you kidding... That was inspired! Jeebus is still rolling in his grave!

Not to threadjack, but if you can find it on Limewire, Kazaa, or whereever, I heartily recommend the episode of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit!" series in which they debunk the Bible.

Quote from: Penn JilletteIt is fair to say that the Bible contains equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.
You gots all the minutes you need.
Quote from: SssBella, Oracle of DoomIt actually just gets better and better the more you read the various threads.

Could I ask you do do me a small flavor and post me some links to the juicy bits?  Status quo for this forum dictates that the contents of a thread not be revealed by the title, you know.  I am lost!
Oh, and also this:

Quote from: Tao JonesTo cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Now, how could you ask for a better reason than that?

And furthermore I'd like to point out that Tao Jones has the LARGEST GODDAMN .SIG I HAVE EVER FRIGGIN SEEN. Back in the old Wild West days of the Internet, you'd get drug out in the street and shot for having a .sig file of more than four lines.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / I like boobs
July 02, 2004, 03:47:04 PM
Quote from: The CommanderI think everyone should be taught how to defend themselves while young.  I know my life would have been a lot easier had someone helped boost my self confidence and taught me how to handle myself in a fight instead of telling me the only correct solution when dealing with violence was to turn the other cheek.

I certainly believe in trying to reach a peaceful conclusion first, but sometimes people force your self-preservation reflex to kick in by continueing to harass you and threaten you physically.  

To this day, anytime I get angry enough to defend myself in a fight, I freak out and start shaking and usually end up bawling my eyes out.  Thanks for that Mom. :(

I completely agree, although my problem goes in the opposite direction: should I ever get angry enough to fight someone, I have no doubt I would wake up in jail, in a strait-jacket, with a taste in my mouth like I'd been sucking on an iron nail.  28 years of holding back the anger, and you know what they say, "Imposition of Order = Escalation of Chaos".  Good thing I'm a Taoist and all.

QuoteMaybe it is just the bisexual in me, but I have always found women with muscles to be a little intoxicating and sexy.  I guess it is an attraction to women with power, cause men with muscles don't turn me on at all.

"I want a woman who can kick my ass."  -- The Commander

QuoteHowever, above and beyond anything, boobs hold my full attention.   Is there a martial art that uses boobs as a weapon?

Yes, it's called Titjitsu, and female ninjas were trained in it before going undercover as geishas.
Quote from: SssBella, Oracle of DoomI see you're stirring up a Karma turf war.

Sounds like fun. :twisted:

For the love of all that's holy, do NOT stir up the turf!  The Gardener's Union is vicious!!
This is a long thread, and I certainly can't be arsed to read it all, but this stood out to me as being particularly ironic:

Quote from: Tao JonesIt's called the Principia. You should read it sometime.

Also to be Discordian one must think for themself...
Literate Chaotic / Ask Bella
February 05, 2004, 06:55:41 AM
Gnaw your own foot off.
Literate Chaotic / Ask Bella
February 05, 2004, 06:44:46 AM
I bid forty-'leven skeeball tickets.
Literate Chaotic / Chaos Magic
February 01, 2004, 02:42:33 AM
Quote from: The Prismatic Vroomfondelchaos magick is frustrating.

i've tried sigilization, that doesn't work. i've tried the exercises from Liber MMMbut i can't do anything from that, such as not thinking, object concentration, magical trances, etc.

i've read ALL of the websites, but that just makes me an "armchair wizard", since i can't actually DO anything.

It takes time, you won't get results right off the bat.  Start off with simple, inconsequential stuff.  lots of it.  You've gotta build up your confidence gradually, and after that comes results, also gradually.

this isn't a light switch you're turning on here.
Principia Discussion / Jesus Died for YOU
February 01, 2004, 01:53:20 AM
Cthulhu saves... he might get hungry later.
Literate Chaotic / Terry Pratchett
January 22, 2004, 12:21:46 AM
I don't how accurate it is or where I got it, but I have the impression that it was written for a slightly younger, more teenagery audience.  So I've been waiting for the paperback.