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Quote from: Sophia the Altered on Today at 05:30:06 AM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 24, 2024, 04:03:11 AMNext, Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris needs to carefully choose her running mate. Still, on the plus side, anyone she chooses will be a far, far better candidate than the Republicult's™ train wreck of a VP pick.

I suspect she'll pick Josh Shapiro solely for the swing state win in PA, which the dems need to win this November. It kinda sucks since he's a huge vocal supporter of Israel (no surprise there) but I don't think it matters too much since the number of US politicians who don't deepthroat Israel are in the single digits.

I can't wait until this election is over so I can stop aligning myself with the democrats. As much as I detest the oil zombie coalition, the prospect of Trump 2: Electrical Boogaloo being a possible future stresses me the fuck out. It's been 8 years; I think it's safe to say we're all sick of him at this point.

I'm a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and I'm hoping she doesn't pick Josh Shapiro as her running mate. But, of course, Kamala Harris' VP choice is not up to either one of us.

My reasoning is that I don't believe she actually needs Josh Shapiro to win the state. I'm just not seeing much enthusiasm for TSF from the MAGAts in my area, and I live in a MAGAt rich environment. The TSF yard signs, flags, and bumper stickers are really few and far between this year. And, while my state recently voted in both a Jewish governor, and a Jewish US senator, I have no confidence that most of the rest of the country will be enthusiastic about doing so. In my opinion, misogyny, bigotry, and antisemitism are not bugs of the Republicult™, they're features.
Quote from: Faust on Yesterday at 11:14:55 PMOk that's interesting, outside of the US its portrayed as a very united front in support, with people crying out for the US to put pressure on Israel to kerb its homicidal instincts.

I don't believe US voters are monolithic in their support of Israel. But, I do believe a substantial portion of our support comes from southern, rural, Christian Evangelicals. The majority of them vote Republican, and I also believe it's ironic that a substantial percentage of those southern, rural, Christian Evangelicals are actually antisemitic. Many of them 'support' Israel because they want to hasten the coming of their prophesied Apocalypse, and its accompanying Rapture. But, that's another long, strange story in itself.

A very serious problem for non-Jewish politicians in the US is that there are influential Jewish people here who will not hesitate to brand anyone as 'antisemitic' if they so much as dare to utter even the slightest criticism of the government of Israel. And, that branding is usually a political career killer.

Actually, this recent genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza is the first time I'm seeing any significant, public pushback against the actions of the government of Israel. Now, there are, of course, the predictable attempts at antisemitic branding, but this time Netanyahu and his cohorts went way, way too far. It's simply not possible to justify their intentionally, murderous actions as being in any way a reasonable response to the actions of Hamas. 
Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 24, 2024, 04:03:11 AMNext, Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris needs to carefully choose her running mate. Still, on the plus side, anyone she chooses will be a far, far better candidate than the Republicult's™ train wreck of a VP pick.

I suspect she'll pick Josh Shapiro solely for the swing state win in PA, which the dems need to win this November. It kinda sucks since he's a huge vocal supporter of Israel (no surprise there) but I don't think it matters too much since the number of US politicians who don't deepthroat Israel are in the single digits.

I can't wait until this election is over so I can stop aligning myself with the democrats. As much as I detest the oil zombie coalition, the prospect of Trump 2: Electrical Boogaloo being a possible future stresses me the fuck out. It's been 8 years; I think it's safe to say we're all sick of him at this point.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by altered - Today at 04:03:48 AM
That's still pretty true, Faust. Tlaib is one of the most internally hated congresscreatures right now for having the gall to call the shithead out in public. (She's great, one of the few people in federal government that I wouldn't chase with hammers right now.) A REALLY big part of this though is from the top of the Dems, all the Very Old People who have tremendous sway and power. Lots and lots of dissent in the ranks but only a small handful willing to say anything, and they get ostracized in public because that's the word from on high.

You heard a lot about this before Biden dropped out, that his unwavering pro-Israel stance was considered actually really bad for the party behind the scenes by people who would only speak anonymously, but there were a LOT of those stories with a LOT of sources. Things have not changed with him on his way out, Kamala has already promised that the ethnic cleansing will continue. So, yknow.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Faust - Yesterday at 11:14:55 PM
Ok that's interesting, outside of the US its portrayed as a very united front in support, with people crying out for the US to put pressure on Israel to kerb its homicidal instincts.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Brother Mythos - Yesterday at 10:09:31 PM
Quote from: Faust on Yesterday at 08:00:40 PMI mean who aren't independents, the Democrats for instance, as they are in power.

We have 100 senators, and 435 congresspeople in the USA. I forgot there were lists available of the people who boycotted Netanyahu's recent address to Congress. Now, not all of them are known to me. There are, however, quite a few Democrats on these lists who are heavy hitters. Here's what I found:

Group of Democratic lawmakers skip Netanyahu's address in Congress

List of Democrats Skipping Netanyahu's Speech
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Brother Mythos - Yesterday at 08:51:35 PM
Quote from: Faust on Yesterday at 08:00:40 PMI mean who aren't independents, the Democrats for instance, as they are in power.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan, held up a 'war criminal' sign during Netanyahu's recent address to the joint session of Congress.

Congressman Jerry Nadler is a Democrat from New York, New York.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Faust - Yesterday at 08:00:40 PM
I mean who aren't independents, the Democrats for instance, as they are in power.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Brother Mythos - Yesterday at 07:28:15 PM
Quote from: Faust on Yesterday at 06:50:34 PMHave any sitting US politicians spoken out about Israels systematic murder of innocents in the west bank? I haven't seem any.

Yes, several have done so. The most notable is Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont.

Here's an article from your own The Guardian describing his position:

"Bernie Sanders condemns speech to Congress by 'war criminal' Netanyahu"

As per this article:

"The Vermont senator Bernie Sanders has condemned Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming address to the US Congress, calling him a "war criminal" presiding over a "rightwing extremist government".

Sanders delivered his remarks on the Senate floor on Tuesday as Congress expects Netanyahu to give a speech to Congress on Wednesday afternoon. The speech comes after an underwhelming arrival to the US, just after President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from November's elections.

"Tomorrow will be unique in bringing Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress," said Sanders on Tuesday. "It will be the first time in American history that a war criminal has been given that honor."

Sanders said of Netanyahu: "He should not be welcome in the United States Congress."

Several Democratic lawmakers were planning to boycott the speech on Wednesday."

And, further along in this article:

"Representative Jerry Nadler of New York said he would attend Wednesday's speech, but still lashed out against the Israeli prime minister, calling him the "worst leader in Jewish history".

"Tomorrow's address is the next step in a long line of manipulative bad-faith efforts by Republicans to further politicize the US-Israel relationship for partisan gain and is a cynical stunt by Netanyahu aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home," said Nadler."

Here's the link to this article:        Bernie Sanders Calls Netanyahu a War Criminal

And, for what it's worth, Bernie Sanders and Jerry Nadler both happen to be Jewish.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: President Biden Drops Out ...
Last post by Faust - Yesterday at 06:50:34 PM
Have any sitting US politicians spoken out about Israels systematic murder of innocents in the west bank? I haven't seem any.