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Messages - Sir Squid Diddimus

Apple Talk / Re: Not that we needed it, but...
April 16, 2014, 05:42:21 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on April 09, 2014, 07:29:31 PM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on April 09, 2014, 06:01:56 PM

In other news, scientists have determined that the moon's orbit has remained stable, despite thousands of Pagans "drawing it down".

High Druid Blacksoul Moonbuttocks of the 1st United Eclectic Pagan Church of Patchouli has responded with "Scientists are unaware of our astral plane."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
April 16, 2014, 05:27:02 AM

April 16, 2014, 05:12:14 AM
Quote from: (Doktor (Nephew Twiddleton (Twid)) Blight) on April 16, 2014, 05:11:15 AM
Quote from: Sir Squid Diddimus on April 16, 2014, 05:01:08 AM
This is art?


As interpreted by a MassArt student who's off their meds or trying to be different or both.

Or in otherwords, a MassArt student.

I like ripping on MassArt, since it's a block from work.

Reminds me of the half-assed scene kids here that are trying to be "edgy".
Behind her sits the handbasket in which she has woven.
One by one we will all be going to hell in it.
April 16, 2014, 05:01:08 AM
This is art?

Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 16, 2014, 04:55:53 AM
As retarded as it sounds, I've heard of cases where the depressed family member alienates themselves.
To "ease the family's pain" when they finally pull that trigger (or whatever). Or that's what they say.

It's just dumb that he thought I meant myself since I made it loud and clear that I did not.

This is also a tough topic for people to think about. But I know a lot of people affected by it that I always wonder, but I'll be damned if I'm ever gonna stir that pot, unless they ask me to, which they haven't.
Hell we never even asked about my grandfather. Like the guy was just born, then he died one day.
That's it. I had to force info out of my mom after she divorced my dad. Even then she didn't even want to say.

Apparently he had black lung or some shit from asbestos and the steel mills and was really sick. He was unhealthy and deteriorating. He was also a depressed alcoholic. He decided that instead of being a burden on my nana and their boys that he'd just shoot himself. Or that's what I was told and could be utter bullshit as well. Who knows!
Oh life.
Apple Talk / Re: Spagbook
April 16, 2014, 04:25:08 AM
Sounds like I could help.
Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 16, 2014, 04:23:54 AM
It's kind of a fucked up thing for anyone to say to anyone.

Regardless, there's a lot to say about how fucked up depression can make you perceive your whole environment.

So much so that I wasn't even offended/bothered by what that jaggoff said, but more I feel sorry for his skin having to house the dumb junk and juice that makes up his person. Like a colostomy bag. Poor damn bag was created just to hold shit.

Damn. Now I feel bad for colostomy bags.
Apple Talk / Re: Spagbook
April 16, 2014, 04:15:12 AM
Ah Ikea.
I love their cheap furniture.
Like the Misynskru cabinet, and the Shösdurt sofa.
But their glassware is awesome. Especially the Warpnkrak and Chiptuth.
Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 16, 2014, 03:51:54 AM
Quote from: Pergamos on April 15, 2014, 09:40:57 PM
I'm bipolar myself and I've been involved with a lot of depressive people.  Lucky for me none of them were my parents but I do understand the difficulty of caring deeply for someone and having her be miserable and being unable to do anything about it.  One of the depressive people that I was involved with flirted with suicide.  We ended things years ago, and we haven't talked in years, I do however still think about her because she had a big impact on my life.  I wasn't able to make her happy, it made me feel helpless and when she was down she would sometimes lash out at me and make me feel as if her misery was my own fault.  I was entangled with her in a relationship which wasn't healthy for either of us but which I was completely devoted to.  She ended things with me and that put me in a downward spiral that led to being institutionalized after an attempt at suicide myself.

That said I am still glad that she broke things off with me rather than with life in general.  I would have blamed myself  (I did for the breakup as well, but being at fault for a breakup is a much easier burden than being at fault for a death) and I would probably have tried much harder to make sure that I was properly dead.  I know that my own bipolar is sometimes hard on my family.  I'm fairly high functioning so it's not a huge burden but I recognize that it is one.  On the other hand I can't imagine how devastated they would be if I were to kill myself.

I hope you can pull through and keep functioning but if you really truly believe that suicide is the best option, for the good of your family as well as yourself then alienate your family first.  Alienate them so thoroughly that they will not even hear of the news of your death.  You will be abandoning them either way and a "regular" abandonment is far less cruel than a suicide that they can blame themselves for.

Apparently you didn't read my post, as suicide is not an option, ya dumbass.
If you had read anything correctly, you would have seen that I was making a comparison to people that I know who have had to live through that.
Christ. Fucking read.

The fuck is this guy??
Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 15, 2014, 04:37:51 PM
True, true.
But in a sense, you can still grieve for someone alive as long as they are suffering.
Or maybe I'm alone in that.
I know that I can be almost unbearable for my family sometimes.
But I guess there are those good times when I'm on an upswing and they get to enjoy me being alive, right?
Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 15, 2014, 01:07:32 PM
I think I have the most unpopular opinion.
I feel like B would be worse.
Growing up, watching a parent struggle with depression, seeing them fall apart.
I think A would just be a moment of grief and then they'd be able to move on and get over it?
How does a person deal with watching someone hurt for no reason. Trying to comfort them and there's nothing they can say or do to make anything better?
I dunno. I have a weird way of thinking I guess.
Apple Talk / Re: So here's a question
April 14, 2014, 10:18:08 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on April 14, 2014, 06:13:57 PM
Quote from: Sir Squid Diddimus on April 14, 2014, 07:36:50 AM
Kind of out of the blue, but you spags are the most logical and, quite honestly, realistically thinking people I know.
HYPOTHETICALLY (seriously, don't dig too deep into this shit, it's just a question I'm pondering)
What's worse on a child:
A) A parent suiciding themself,   OR
B) A child watching their parent suffer for their whole life, wondering when and if it's going to happen, and in those years, watching their parent degrade and suffer the entire way

My uneducated guess is B.
A, they can grieve and get over it after some undisclosed amount of time, and live on knowing their parent is finally at ease and content and FREE (from their depression, or ailment that wants this kind of thing, or whatever), while B, they would constantly have this worry in their hearts. "Will it be today? Tomorrow? Next week?"

What are your thoughts PD?

A.  Children of suicides tend to be suicides.

I'm not sure I understand this answer.
Do you mean the children tend to suicide themselves also?
Cause I've never seen that happen (not to say it couldn't)

I know this is a weird ass question, but I'm curious because I wonder how it affects the kids involved.
A friend of mine with children, two friends of mine's mothers, and my grandfather all committed suicide.
Apple Talk / So here's a question
April 14, 2014, 07:36:50 AM
Kind of out of the blue, but you spags are the most logical and, quite honestly, realistically thinking people I know.
HYPOTHETICALLY (seriously, don't dig too deep into this shit, it's just a question I'm pondering)
What's worse on a child:
A) A parent suiciding themself,   OR
B) A child watching their parent suffer for their whole life, wondering when and if it's going to happen, and in those years, watching their parent degrade and suffer the entire way

My uneducated guess is B.
A, they can grieve and get over it after some undisclosed amount of time, and live on knowing their parent is finally at ease and content and FREE (from their depression, or ailment that wants this kind of thing, or whatever), while B, they would constantly have this worry in their hearts. "Will it be today? Tomorrow? Next week?"

What are your thoughts PD?
Apple Talk / Re: Spagbook
April 04, 2014, 04:13:32 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on April 03, 2014, 11:29:16 PM
Me, in a gas mask Squiddy sent me years ago, ready for the apocalypse:

Which reminds me, Squiddy, I still owe you something in return!  I am a horrible horrible person.  They didn't put me in charge of the SSOOKN Institute of Apathy for nothing.  But, I will get on it!

Hey buddy, you don't owe me a thing.
I am also very slow to move on things, so worry not.
I'm just glad the damn thing actually made it to you. Seems like it took forever.
PS- I love the way you accessorized.