
TESTAMONIAL:  "I was still a bit rattled by the spectacular devastation."

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Messages - Abbot Mythos

Being Discordians, we're supposed to be in tune with the whole Hodge and Podge, Eristic and Aneristic, Yin and Yang, Dark and Light, Rim and Ram, Jim and Jam, etc. thing. And, if you're not a Discordian merrily playing along with the game, as its "rules" are duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia, then why the fuck are you here on a forum named after The Book in the first place? So, Discordians, don't let our current political crisis throw you off your game. After all, it's not like you haven't been taught "The Sacred Chao."

Right now, this newest season of Chaos is truly living up to its name. So, it's not unrealistic to expect the upcoming season of Discord to follow suit. And that, I believe, is what this sacred Discordian holiday of Chaosflux is all about recognizing, and celebrating. 

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 11:13:48 PM5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

I learned another new word:

Trumpflation is spiraling out of control

I will be utilizing the word "Trumpflation" often from now on.
I learned a new term today:

Behind the Curtain: Masculine maximalism

I don't know if "masculine maximalism" will catch on, or not. But, I'm thinking about "appropriating" it for the edit of my original line item # 2. (Back in the day, during the revolution that never happened, I might have utilized the word "liberating," in the hopes of being perceived as "hip.")
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 02:04:29 PM3. 'Macho man image' means everything to macho 'Merican men.

And, as Laurence J. Peter wrote, "An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance."

The only thing that surprises me about this article is that someone has bluntly said it in public:

Clay Travis Stuns University of Chicago Politics Panel With Theory On Why Dems Are Losing: Men View Them As 'P*ssies'
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 07, 2024, 04:56:43 PM1. 'Merica is not the shining city on the hill. It's the trailer park between Beer Belly's Bar and Ridgerunner's Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop.
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 05:17:58 PM4. Know your constituency. A successful political campaign must appeal to "the lowest common denominator."

And, don't ever forget, in 'Merica "the lowest common denominator" is exceptionally low.

I'm gradually editing to my original twelve (12) line items. First off, I'm editing and combining line items # 1 and # 4 as follows:

1. Know Your Constituency

'Merica is not the shining city upon a hill. 'Merica is a trailer park on the banks of a swamp, with Billy Bob's Good Ol' Boys Bar & Grill on one side, and Ridgerunner's All Night Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop on the other. A successful, national political campaign must appeal to "the lowest common denominator" of 'Merica's constituency.
No, DFW Airport Is Not Sending Dan Patrick Photos of Your Genitals

Posters detailing an Electronic Genital Verification pilot program were spotted at DFW Airport over the weekend.

As per this article:

"Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick does not want to see your genitals, despite the claims made on a sticker noticed by a jet-setting Redditor who made a pit stop in a Dallas Fort Worth International Airport bathroom stall over the weekend.

(Actually, we didn't send an inquiry to the lieutenant governor's office, since those people never talk to us, so maybe he does want to see your genitals. Probably not, but we can't say for certain.)"

It's worth looking at this article and clicking on its embedded sticker noticed by a jet-setting Redditor link. This is truly impressive Expert Level Trolling.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: There Can Be Only One!
February 12, 2025, 03:17:46 AM
The writer of this long article offers an explanation for the TSS's behavior that would have never crossed my mind. So, if you have an interest in 'Merican politics and human behavior, or in 'Merican politics and the TSS's and USCEO's behavior, you may not regret having taken the time to read this:

Why the "President Elon Musk" mockery doesn't seem to bother Donald Trump

As per this article:

"Trump ... : It's way more fun to be the facsimile than the real thing. He barely showed up at the office in his first term, and clearly hated every minute of actual work. Whether they've explicitly discussed it or not, it appears he and Musk have a deal: One will do the annoying dirty work of illegally smashing up the federal bureaucracy, while the other pretends to be a president for the cameras and fanfare. Trump gets to sign papers and get his picture taken. He gets to do fun reality-TV villain stuff, like threatening tariffs but mostly not enacting them, because that would create consequences he doesn't want to deal with. As with being a fake businessman on "The Apprentice," being a fake president is much better than the real thing. He gets all the ego-fluffing and attention, while not having to think about stuff, much less do any work."

Now, while I'm not willing to abandon my super simple FOLLOW THE MONEY theory yet, I'm not going to dismiss this writer's alternate theory out of hand, as she appears to have put some serious thought into it.
GigSlave Goes Public With $84 Billion Valuation

I'm appalled that ... that this appears to be such a great investment opportunity. So much so, in fact, that I'm seriously considering acquiring a few hundred shares of GigSlave myself. Now, I had been hoarding cash in expectation of exploiting the next stock market crash. But, this looks to me like an opportunity that's just too good to pass up, in spite of my longtime, proven investment strategy.
To me, this guy is a poser of no importance to anyone but himself. But, he did make me smile this afternoon when I read this:

Kid Rock cuts Nashville performance short, storms off stage after audience won't clap

So, maybe his next appearance will be with that other has-been,Ted Nugent. That professional asshole's "bankability" is so low he's probably not even be on the D List anymore. After all, he didn't perform at the TSS's 2025 inauguration festivities.

Anyway, as an added bonus, the article made me smile a second time in remembrance of the 15 minutes of fame I had almost secured back in the day, when I told family and friends I occasionally had lunch with one of Bon Jovi's uncles. In truth, my fame didn't even last an entire 15 minutes after I told them, "No, I'm not going to impose on the guy by asking him to get his nephew's autograph for you." And, such I learned is the fleeting nature of fame.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
February 10, 2025, 09:26:52 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on February 10, 2025, 05:47:03 PM
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on February 07, 2025, 07:26:22 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on February 07, 2025, 06:30:59 PMThe new DNC chair was giving a speech about how there are good billionaires, so I don't really think they're going to be focusing on the parts of the economy that help working people...

Please provide a link to a quotation from Ken Martin about these "good billionaires," if it is your intention to initiate a discussion about his speech.

I'm having trouble finding the full speech, but here's the quote in question.

Thanks for posting the link.

Now then, as I am not anyone's stenographer, I'm paraphrasing when I write that I heard Ken Martin publicly say that there are good billionaires out there who share the Democratic Party's values, and the party is willing to accept their money.

I, personally, have no reason to not accept Ken Martin's statement at face value. For what it's worth, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. Therefore, "I have no skin in the game."
Aneristic Illusions / Re: There Can Be Only One!
February 10, 2025, 05:42:14 AM
Quote from: Faust on February 09, 2025, 10:52:52 PMIt's an onion article, for now.

You may find it of interest that Chai Komanduri,, is of the same opinion. That's where I first saw the article from "The Onion."

Here's the specific link:

I thanked him for bringing it to my attention.
This state government "solution" amounts to no more than paying lip service to the solving of a deadly serious problem. It does little more than spread around some free money for their good ol' boys to spend:
What is Georgia Doing to Prevent School Shootings?

I'm not encouraging anyone to bother reading this article, as this Georgia bill's true purpose appears to be summed up in the following sentence: "Every public school in Georgia would get $68,000 to spend as local school officials see fit." And, I have no doubt the majority of Georgia's politicians already have their "thoughts and prayers" within easy reach for immediate use after their state's next mass school shooting.

It's hard for me to accept that the majority of 'Mericans find mass school shootings to be an acceptable way to live their lives. But then again, these mass school shootings continue to happen for the very same reasons we now have the treasonous shit stain (TSS) back in the Oval Office.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: There Can Be Only One!
February 09, 2025, 07:49:03 PM
Actually, this one is an article on "The Onion."

Elon Musk Offers Self $10 Billion Federal Buyout
Reading this article got me thinking:

NIH chops support for some medical research costs

Is there any R&D money in the NIH budget for future spinal column replacement surgery? I mean, given the critical shortage of functional spines among the Disloyal Opposition Party's kleptocracy, that alone should be reason enough to declare a national medical emergency. (I am, of course, referring to their party's numerous, spineless, opportunistic, elected officials.)

Now, I know lumbar disk replacement is already a thing, but what about the future availability of completely artificial spinal columns for surgical implantation? I write this because I don't believe enough suitable spinal columns for transplants can be obtained from human donor cadavers to ever fulfill the actual need. Therefore, there should be R&D money put into cloning spinal columns, and 3D printing spinal columns as well.

I guess I'm just going to have to send another round of emails to my two (2) Disloyal Opposition Party elected officials in congress, to bring this specific issue to their attention. And, I think I'm going to rather enjoy writing these particular emails.