
MysticWicks endorsement: "In other words, Discordianism, like postmodernism, means never having to say your sorry."

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Topics - LHX

Peace Fams -

Was digging thru the digital crates when I stumbled across this gem:

Occurred to me that back in the day, we had a lot of cool insights like this floating around and giving insight to the innate flaws and flexibilities of language -

Something that I recollect waxing philosophically and having a blast with y'all about over the years -

We made our own garbage headlines and spread them out - lots of yuks to be had -

Thing now is: kinda get the feeling that this is getting to be more prevalent in media in general, perhaps from the 'more fun than you really wanted' angle -

I know there is a high level of general media skepticism in these parts (this may come across as preaching to the choir), but it feels more and more like most news outlets (at least of the political inclination) are just mailing it in these days -

Not to get all nostalgic about the past, but I feel like at least they tried to make the scandals and conspiracies seem legitimate back in the day -

Maybe it's an artifact of having the Internet around this long -

Who knows -

Maybe what I'm feeling is that fake news is more fun when it's not blatantly coming from the actual news -


(PS - I dont know how to input images in a forum post anymore - bear with me if that dont work)

(PS pt II - yea - I cant figure it out - there is a link instead)
Apple Talk / Love you and miss you
January 28, 2017, 06:08:09 PM
Had to say it.

Kinda tripping out that it has been over 10 years since this place changed my life.

Principia Discussion / 7-ish years of non-anonymity
June 19, 2015, 06:18:58 PM
well -

after several years of not functioning primarily anonymously, i feel like i might be getting a bit exhausted of it -

been thinking about this place a lot lately -
Peace Fams -

Back in the day (like '05 or '06) between here and one of the other Discordian boards that I think doesn't exist anymore, I had crafted some stories of a particular style that was very much informed by a lot of the stuff that y'all had put on my mind -

Over time I have aggregated a bunch of these stories and recently have found time to put them all together.

Only issue is, I don't know if they are shit or not, and beyond that, I don't know what to do with them beyond let them exist.

Writing is not my profession by any stretch, but I wouldn't mind playing around with ways to put these out for people to check -

They can be found here:

I am hoping that people at least find them to some degree interesting or entertaining and ultimately not a waste of time -

Please let me know if you have any thoughts / feedback / suggestions -

Any insights are monumentally appreciated x 1000000000000000

Apple Talk / New Mobile Keyboard Technology
October 22, 2012, 05:32:17 PM
So damn cool
Apple Talk / piece of fuck
October 18, 2012, 05:02:51 AM
the only thing that bugs me about this forum now is that every time i pop my head back in here over the last 3 years i get emotional and then i bounce because i feel soft and it affects what i do on the daily
i dont know if anybody saw this portfolio before

but you should check it:
Literate Chaotic / Sports
October 17, 2012, 06:39:40 AM
she stumbled while she was walking
looking good but he just got this jacket and the way that drink was wobbling -

wasn't bout to let her spill on it

god damn get yourself together
at least keep your shit straight

at the local japaneasy waiting for the hot plate

just because he's white it dont mean he want a fork
just because he aint smiling it dont meaning he's on the dark side of the force

the messenger said 'come forth'
he came fifth: still got in the door

his slate was clean
bust a mean move on the floor

moonwalk -> headspin -> flip to electric slide
only one at the party guzzling the rice wine

or how they call it: sake
in his head was like the theme song to Rocky
far from sloppy
confident but not cocky

when told he couldnt do something
response was like "watch me"

that kind of dude
be your best friend one day: next day - challenge you

on some duel to the death shit
no meat: sometimes shellfish

and dont even get him started on the true meaning of 'selfish'

the universe and its rightful owner
dead man to the organ donor

good girl kept it tight
chump was lying when he said he boned her

or bagged her
tagged her

how ever you wanna call it
yea your idea's good
but your pitch needs polish

nobody gonna buy it
not even your loving parent

how the fuck you gonna get high
when you cant even pay the rent?

these 'put the cart before the horse' kids
not seeing trees OR the forest

you could tell he was hungry:
dude was eating raw porridge
Apple Talk / This is for BMW
December 16, 2010, 04:00:09 AM

If you are still around these parts:

I love you, motherfucker.

Word is bond.

Apple Talk / Piss
October 02, 2010, 08:41:04 PM
go rain on a parade
Literate Chaotic / I Get the Strangest Letters, Pt.IV
October 29, 2009, 02:48:33 PM
Dear LHX,

HA HA - as if the regular names aren't bad enough, do you still not mind being referred to by that ridiculous alias?

How have you been?

"Can't complain"? as the locals sometimes say?
"Not bad", perhaps?

We see that you have been keeping yourself busy, and we must admit that we are proud to see this trend having developed within yourself.

It seems that the lesson has effectively sunk in, and we admire how you find solace from the dramas that used to plague you by trying to keep yourself consistently overwhelmed with your little projects and tasks.

It is cute. Your 'serious face' is adorable.

We like how you've been handling the sleep deprivation, and it has been nice to see that you still try to find ways to get in touch with us in your spare time.

Although we know that you do try to keep your conscious self well-grounded and understanding that horrible things may well be approaching, we want to confirm that the act of doing so does not actually prevent these things from happening.

Now, we're not saying that you are trying to fool anybody, but we just want to make sure that it's known that if you ARE trying to fool anybody, you are not.

You are not fooling anybody.

There are still more places that you will need to visit. A few "empty spots on the passport", if you will.

Loss, disfigurement, generalized scorn, and various new forms of disease and abandonment are all candidates to arrive shortly.

As well, some of the old adversaries may drop by once again to make sure you haven't forgot about any of the things that you may feel you have already overcome.

Yes, we understand that there may be a generally threatening undertone to this letter, but we also know that if you have really made it to that "place" that you have been trying to get to, you should be able to handle this with relative ease.

Keep in mind that if you were to face us now, we would still destroy you.

Keep finding the comedy in the situation.

If you find that your head is up your ass, do whatever you have to do to take a shit.

Keep filling your notebook with that Science,

See you soon,

W__________ et al
Bring and Brag / Alternate Celebrity Names
October 17, 2009, 03:15:15 AM
1. Melt Gibson
2. Dandy Glover
3. Uma Thirstman
4. Jerry Signfest
5. Bruce Willits
6. Debbie Moore
7. Johnny Depth
Or Kill Me / ring ring - yo its for you
February 27, 2009, 02:33:29 AM
we will get large incomes and re-write history
Or Kill Me / winning perspectives
January 23, 2009, 12:47:28 AM










uh oh

apologies if this has been posted already...

Literate Chaotic / Great... Another one
October 12, 2008, 05:16:05 AM

somebody really has to consolidate all these joke religions

they all remind me of unnecessary re-makes or bad sequels
somebody found this message on a abandoned computer terminal at the public library


you and them have something in common

and im sure from your perspective - i have something in common with them too

where does that leave us?

wherever that may be - let's figure it out quick so we can see how we can help each other

perhaps more importantly - let's figure out where we won't be able to help each other out much

like - here is some examples:

1. dont look to me for anything that has anything to do with money aside from how to get food to eat and tools to use
- that means no advice - no lending - no borrowing

2. try to avoid leaving me alone with your woman for extended periods of time

3. unless you factor in the 'after-life' as a part of your long-term time line - im not the person to ask about long-term strategies (though i'm getting a bit better at this)

now - im not sure if i can articulate any good qualities - but th


That's where it ended


in a dream about a UFO landing on the planet - he was not surprised about the news - a reaction of calm acceptance

when he awoke and recalled this dream, he felt satisfied that he had reacted that way


a nest constructed hastily by two birds - one male, and one female about to lay eggs

the nest was tucked away safely, but due to its small size, it proved surprisingly disastrous

as the five young birds grew, the nest was simply not large enough to suffice, and two of the birds plunged to their death - forced out of the nest - before they were able to fly


rumor has it that the Penguin learned some of his umbrella tactics from Mary Poppins


there is no amount of generosity or kindness that can compensate for a single act of treachery

one can learn politeness and etiquette, but treacherous acts are defining, and when they occur, they are never exceptions to the rule

redemption is tricky - difficult - psychologically messy - but always possible

ego and redemption do not get along well together


some crazy weather we're having
to whom it may concern:

ive never been much of a duck and cover kind of guy
when Complexitron caught wind that i was lurking around his hood
he got PISSED

i had to duck and cover my way out

plus i was wearing a pink shirt that day

if it wasnt for a unforeseen and unprovoked attack by Administrator and a couple of his thugs - i wouldn't have even been in the situation in the first place

the bottom line was: Administrator was up to some bad shit, and the only way i could look after it was by retrieving a sub-miniature component located deep in Complexitron's main factory

anyway - to make a long story short - i didnt grab it this time around

maybe next time

in a recent fan letter - one youngster asked me how i handle failures like these

well young man - it might be considered a little hard on yourself to view these types of un-successes as failure

best thing to do is head back to the lab and re-group - maybe consult some of the others around for some insights or strategies - and then head back out and dive into the mix again

see: something that needs to be done will always need to be done until its done

i know we live in a place where we use time to threaten ourselves and others
anything with a clock-related deadline is just another trick

Plan A might be 'get it done by Monday at noon'
but Plan B is always 'get it done ASAP'

lesser villains could possibly be dealt with like clockwork
when youre dealing with SUPER-Villains, its just not reasonable to think that they can be thwarted according to some sort of time schedule
what are these scientists smoking?

if everybody has a disease, is it still a disease?

or is it just part of having a body?

i havent taken the time to formulate a point of view on the intimate tendencies of america
something about that 'study' and those 'findings' seem a bit ridiculous

sex was invented in the 1900s
it occured to me that rarely are things actually read

people see a lot of things

but not much gets read

that being said

what percentage of the population reads?



Or Kill Me / The Cover of the Book
February 28, 2008, 04:55:57 AM
is a reflection of the content of the book

a cover determines whether you want to approach something or whether you want to avoid something

a intelligent author puts as much effort into the presentation as the content warrants

if you cant judge a book by its cover - then what in the hell else can you possibly judge it by?

the words "nobody understands"
can either be a reason to embark on a quest
a reason to whine and complain throughout eternity

(if 'nobody understands', it is quite possible that you may also be doing something wrong)
Principia Discussion / Let Other People Think for You
January 06, 2008, 08:25:40 PM
it is kind of easier

and you can play the victim role if anything goes wrong
Techmology and Scientism /
January 06, 2008, 07:29:28 PM
free outer space program

i cant see shit at night time living in the city

this program is pretty cool
Bring and Brag / A Space Oddity
December 18, 2007, 03:31:29 PM

for video class we had to do some filming in the blue screen room

this was part 1 of the movie
Literate Chaotic / Wu-Tang 8 Diagram Lyrics - Sunshine
December 18, 2007, 03:25:22 PM
[Movie Sample]
the heart is the general,
the eyes are the scouts
the fists are the arrows

the body is the bow

all movements have to be natural...

[Raekwon - in background]
it's fact, man

it's fact

I'm the 7 in the center of the sun,
I keep shinin
My inner light would turn my baby's tear drops to small diamonds
That be twinklin,
while my love be sprinklin
We stay young while your old wicked faces be wrinklin
allah's the most gracious,
he made the universe the most spacious
Seen and heard in all places,
but still appear faceless
Embraces all races,
all castes and all cases
In every spec of life - he's the substance of all traces


The answer to all questions,
the spark of all suggestions
Of righteousness,
the pathway to the road of perfection
Who gives you all and never ask more of you
The faithful companion that fights every war with you
Before the mortal view of the prehistorical, historical
He's the all and all,
you searchin for the oracle
A mission impossible,
it's purely philosophical -
What you call him on your death bed when you layin in the hospital


And as you play all day like the grasshopper, we work and toil
Like armies of ants carrying stones of soil
Building a home for themselves and storing food
At night we praise allah and adore the moon
In sync like the flow of the Nile, the growth of a child
Only fearin' god,
we greet a ghost with a smile
That which is spirit is spirit, which is flesh is flesh
Meaning life has no partnership with death


Yo, I've been highly misunderstood by those who met us
They had ears of corn and heads of lettuce
Mentally dead,
essentially lead by the false teachings
And eventually pledge their allegiance
To that which was against them and exempt them from the truth
Then juiced them and pimp them to give and entice
So the church can rise,
while their babies home hungry covered with flies

Trying to harness the wind
allah's the father from without and within
On Christ's return, who will announce him?
Every tree is numbered, but who can count them?
The name of all things on this world, who can pronounce them?
allah is the father of all, why do you doubt him?


The heart is the general, the eyes are the scouts
the fists are the arrows, the body is the bow
All movements have to be natural
The wrist must be strong and the fingers powerful
Fast, high kicks,
a good firm stance
Avoid the enemy's strong points
Or Kill Me / Predictably we move on...
December 17, 2007, 07:06:12 PM
we live in a place where changes do not get made

we dont make decisions here - we only react to situations

the main hobby of humans in developed countries is either to 'win' the property race or be stimulated

the property race has long since been determined as a waste of time

the need for external stimulation has long since been determined as a sign of self destruction

but we will never change these things

these are not habits - these are patterns of movement

they are paths that man is attached to much the same way as a train is attached to its track

and what does it take for a train to be taken off its track?


a collision?
the bridge is out?
a earthquake?
no more fuel?

or maybe worst of all:

the day that comes when trains are no longer needed because there is a new technology in place

and the trains get left behind to rust and rot

if that extended metaphor was too much - you should prolly stop reading now

who put you on the track you are on?

most directly it was your parents / guardians

secondarily - it was the social context you grew up in
- what you were taught in school
- what was broadcast through the airwaves

third it was your life experience

the problem is - the only legitimate learning circumstance is the last one

a lot of times in developed societies people are encouraged not to have that life experience

by who?
well - likely parents and teachers

(*note that you cant really pin any blame on them either because they only really did what they could with what they were taught by THEIR parents and teachers - this is what gets perpetuated from generation to generation)

when a person is encouraged not to experience things - this is damaging

you become soft
old fashioned

you are the equivalent of a pair of air jordans in a place where people have the ability to fly and teleport

worst of all - you become generally scared

scared in a universe that was made to meet your every need

scared to die in a place where life is eternal

you become a walking contradiction

scared of pain when it is the only path toward healing

we are beyond the point where we can really criticize people anymore - as i said at the beginning - its pretty predictable

it would be irresponsible of me at this point to act as though i would expect anybody to do anything other than continue doing what they are doing

but what im saying is this:

until some fucked up shit happens to you specifically - you are not going to change your ways

on a larger scale - until some seriously fucked up shit happens on this planet - this place is going to keep going the way its going

occasionally - people are able to elevate themselves to the point where they can see these patterns of movement for what they are and make a decision to switch their path

- in the train metaphor - the train can say 'fuck the track'
- strap on some wings and get some high-octane fuel - take to the skies

if you feel you need to make changes in your life - you are probably right

there are a couple of ways to look at it:

1. what you have in front of you is a opportunity to take it upon yourself to force a change
2. keep doing what you are doing until you are forced to change by something bigger than you

(looking at it closely tho - you might determine that those two are one and the same)

i havent posted in a while

rarely correct but always on point
is it too early to call the recycling / environmental movement a failure?

is separating your garbage into plastic and paper a unnecessary obstacle at this point?

im sayin:

since the early 90s ive been trained to approach trash with a distinguishing eye
and like a good citizen i did it

the polar bears are still dying
melting snow
oil running out etc

at what point is it the smart move to abandon these surface / lip service acknowledgements to good 'environmental intent' and instead focus on other things?

also: at a certain point - does it not make good sense to exploit, rape, and exhaust a society that is founded on raping, exploiting and exhausting?

if this way of life is killing the planet - cant we kill that way of life using the same approach?

eat more?
Or Kill Me / you cant be serious
September 24, 2007, 03:17:44 PM

not the figure of speech

im saying "no, you cant be serious"

im serious when i say that

the report from the front lines say that the missiles are flying

they got stealth technology

usually you cant detect the bombs until you feel the shrapnel

as you remove the embedded pieces it stings like a bitch

the only way to avoid the pain is by doing things that would cause further damage in the future

now thats comedy


from the positive angle:

their stealth isnt so stealth anymore

we see you
Or Kill Me / full court press
August 28, 2007, 08:59:10 AM
at first
he thought there was no way he could shoulder the load
after shifting the weight distribution on his back
he was able to carry it beyond his destination

with ease

2 people working toward the same end are already working together by default

his prayers were answered in the form of a question
in this regard a dialogue was formed

it is said that throughout his days he was always mentally active
and encouraged thoughtfulness among those with whom he crossed paths

a hard head leads to your ass getting beat

he understood that taking on the responsibility would suggest his imminent demise
he hesitated on this for some time
but in the end - the alternative was far worse

throughout his days - he met a number of people who were unafraid of death
it grew clear after some time that this had nothing to do with pain
and that pain - by definition - was not enjoyable without exception

pain requires one to pay attention

because it is so demanding - it is avoided at all costs by a people who resent being told what to do

the lesson of pain is humility

he tilted her 23 degrees on her axis and shone down for half a day before she turned over

we die laughing
not at anything in particular
its just that the situation is ridiculous

i know a guy who tricked himself so well that he forgot that he tricked himself
and every time he thinks that maybe he tricked himself
he says "No way. That's nonsense. How the fuck could I have done that?"

if you find yourself facing something that you need to do
and you find yourself not wanting to do it
the only real choice you have is to trap yourself

one of the great lessons of fasting is that the lack of food and energy causes one to determine what actions are important and significant
and which actions can be done without

this is one of many examples of how a person can trap himself

another way of trapping yourself is to continually get yourself into situations where you are in over your head or you feel your life is at stake

it is possible that the end objective is actually to find a way to keep going
you are entitled to whatever you need whenever you need it

the punishment is extreme and unpredictable when you take more than you need or dont use it properly

in hindsight - i can see how the notion of a all-knowing being was a easy sell throughout the centuries

its funny how when somebody commits a dastardly or sinister act - they always end up catching their just desserts in the end end


scales balance in the long run
when a snapshot is taken at any particular point in time - the scales can appear unbalanced

and sometimes - when a person is feeling pessimistic - they perceive the unbalanced scales as something static

they arent static
no matter how many sets of black clothing you own

you can even cut yourself if you want

yeah pain is a bitch no doubt

i havent yet heard a woman say that she enjoyed the feeling of giving birth
and tho i know some parents eventually hate their kids
it is commonly held that birth is a joy

fleeting pain
fleeting joy

whimsical barstools

when the electricity runs out
itll really suck at first

but after some thinning out and a period of adjustment - everything will be fine

how could it not be?

and after some time - im sure some clever minds will figure out a way to do it all over again

you have to do something to pass the time in eternity
Bring and Brag / hang gliding
July 12, 2007, 06:56:47 PM

i see digits
dont ask me bout the outer limits
flip a lyric
watch the critics criticize it
mesmerized by it
cant describe it
hardly synthesize it
some say lifes a struggle
and thats about the size of it
flow natural
no fact is actual
make it up as i go
like flipping new words in scrabble
and refuse to take it back
frustrate opponents
try to steal my pen
but they couldnt hold it
like the sword in the stone
and they werent chosen
maybe in their youth they ate too much paint chips
mentally limited
they fall off pogo sticks
while i ride spaceships
walking on water
its funny when you trip
theyre idolizing sculptures
fictional figures
head in the clouds or stuck in tunnel vision
i got double vision
learned to see the good in the bad
the internet to me is like a tree to a lumberjack
this is me swingin away
flows - i spit em all day
anybody that dont feel it be in denial like OJ
X come weak? no way
hit a beat until its D-O-A
see thru the bullshit like my eyeballs pack x-rays
i will propose the notion here that the shrapnel being discussed lately has a identifiable source

it is the result of people under pressure

i will propose also that
pressure is the result of confronting fear or desire

fear is generally associated with death (the unknown - the potential for physical pain) or a injury to the ego that would have social repercussions (which could also be potentially indirectly related to death)

desire is generally associated with avoiding that which causes fear
also social achievement (striving to rule the kingdom of physical objects)

also stimulation

these elements set people in motion

when coming face-to-face with a fear or the possibility of not obtaining a desire - we find explosions

people cannot handle the pressure and there is a resulting action

in its raw form - this action is generally not premeditated

- you scare the shit out of somebody - and it is understandable that the gut instinct is to yell


we live in a situation now where people can be elaborate when they explode

people "take it out on" other people

being overwhelmed in one facet of life - you take it out in another facet of life

a fear of death results in a fundamentalist tunnel-vision

getting cock-blocked in early adolescence spawns a generation of computer programmers looking for social comeuppance while subsequently pushing humanity to its technological demise

the slums of New York results in the greatest Hip Hop in 25,000 years

and this here what youre reading - this is my shrapnel

this is my outlet

ive read a lot of RAW shit and some other alternative approaches to psychology
something struck me when i was forced to take a 'intro to psychology' course in my first semester of college a few months ago

one segment of the course dealt with 'defense mechanisms'

apparently - there is a term which describes what is known as basically the one productive defense mechanism

it is called sublimation

i just looked it up at
"to divert the expression of (an instinctual desire or impulse) from its unacceptable form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable"

when we took a look at sublimation in class - there was another aspect to it -

the expression of the 'impulse' was not necessarily 'acceptable' - but it was productive

it was not a defense mechanism that focused on covering things up or hiding things

it was the defense mechanism that sought to transform

turn that negative stimulus causing you pressure into something that can be benefited from

the whole 'lemon -----> lemonade' approach to things

its a bit too trite of a metaphor to use when discussing some of the foul shit life doles out on the mammals running around the surface of this place

its hard to say that hurricane katrina was like 'life handing you lemons'

but to stick with that metaphor for a second - these days when life hands people lemons - most of the time people just pick them up and fire them at other people

and the main reason why is because this approach to things is part of the tradition that gets passed on from generation to generation

maybe not consciously - but passed on nonetheless

when you live in a society where it is the norm for people to take their shit out on other people - odds are you wont find it hard to justify taking your shit out on other people yourself

in reference to RWHN's original shrapnel post - im gonna also propose that the 'positive' shrapnel is NOT ALWAYS accidental

i know some people that when they go thru foul shit - they reach for the pen

and the bomb they assemble is MEANT to turn that negative situation into something that people can touch / feel / use

at the very least - for me personally - when the difficulty of situations gets amped up - when im catching too much of the bullshit shrapnel - i seek to re-affirm the alliances i have made in the past (many of which are in this forum) and touch base with my foundation

in the process i benefit and look to approach the situation in ways that others can benefit as well

you can only build a brick shit house if you shit your hate properly

these evolution folk are getting almost as aggravating as fundamental religious folk

the correct answer is: maybe

and depending on the context - it generally doesnt matter

its still (quite) possible that the 'real' history hasnt even been fathomed yet
and is more strange that what a person would readily accept
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / 99 + 1 Attributes
July 05, 2007, 08:04:00 PM
The 99 + 1 Attributes of Allah

1    Allah (الله)    (The) God
2    Ar-Rahman (الرحمن)    The All Beneficent
3    Ar-Rahim (الرحيم)    The Most Merciful
4    Al-Malik (الملك)    The King, The Sovereign
5    Al-Quddus (القدوس)    The Most Holy
6    As-Salam (السلام)    The Peace and Blessing
7    Al-Mu'min (المؤمن)    The Guarantor
8    Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن)    The Guardian, The Preserver
9    Al-Aziz (العزيز)    The Almighty, The Self Sufficient
10    Al-Jabbar (الجبار)    The Powerful, The Irresistible
11    Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر)    The Tremendous
12    Al-Khaliq (الخالق)    The Creator
13    Al-Bari' (البارئ)    The Maker
14    Al-Musawwir (المصور)    The Fashioner of Forms
15    Al-Ghaffar (الغفار)    The Ever Forgiving
16    Al-Qahhar (القهار)    The All Compelling Subduer
17    Al-Wahhab (الوهاب)    The Bestower
18    Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق)    The Ever Providing
19    Al-Fattah (الفتاح)    The Opener, The Victory Giver
20    Al-`Alim (العليم)    The All Knowing, The Omniscient
21    Al-Qabid (القابض)    The Restrainer, The Straightener
22    Al-Basit (الباسط)    The Expander, The Munificent
23    Al-Khafid (الخافض)    The Abaser
24    Ar-Rafi (الرافع)    The Exalter
25    Al-Mu'izz (المعز)    The Giver of Honour
26    Al-Mudhill (المذل)    The Giver of Dishonour
27    As-Sami (السميع)    The All Hearing
28    Al-Basir (البصير)    The All Seeing
29    Al-Hakam (الحكم)    The Judge, The Arbitrator
30    Al-`Adl (العدل)    The Utterly Just
31    Al-Latif (اللطيف)    The Subtly Kind
32    Al-Khabir (الخبير)    The All Aware
33    Al-Halim (الحليم)    The Forbearing, The Indulgent
34    Al-Azim (العظيم)    The Magnificent, The Infinite
35    Al-Ghafur (الغفور)    The All Forgiving
36    Ash-Shakur (الشكور)    The Grateful
37    Al-Ali (العلى)    The Sublimely Exalted
38    Al-Kabir (الكبير)    The Great
39    Al-Hafiz (الحفيظ)    The Preserver
40    Al-Muqit (المقيت)    The Nourisher
41    Al-Hasib (الحسيب)    The Reckoner
42    Al-Jalil (الجليل)    The Majestic
43    Al-Karim (الكريم)    The Bountiful, The Generous
44    Ar-Raqib (الرقيب)    The Watchful
45    Al-Mujib (المجيب)    The Responsive, The Answerer
46    Al-Wasi (الواسع)    The Vast, The All Encompassing
47    Al-Hakim (الحكيم)    The Wise
48    Al-Wadud (الودود)    The Loving, The Kind One
49    Al-Majid (المجيد)    The All Glorious
50    Al-Ba'ith (الباعث)    The Raiser of The Dead
51    Ash-Shahid (الشهيد)    The Witness
52    Al-Haqq (الحق)    The Truth, The Real
53    Al-Wakil (الوكيل)    The Trustee, The Dependable
54    Al-Qawiyy (القوى)    The Strong
55    Al-Matin (المتين)    The Firm, The Steadfast
56    Al-Waliyy (الولى)    The Protecting Friend, Patron and Helper
57    Al-Hamid (الحميد)    The All Praiseworthy
58    Al-Muhsi (المحصى)    The Accounter, The Numberer of All
59    Al-Mubdi' (المبدئ)    The Producer, Originator, and Initiator of all
60    Al-Mu'id (المعيد)    The Reinstater Who Brings Back All
61    Al-Muhyi (المحيى)    The Giver of Life
62    Al-Mumit (المميت)    The Bringer of Death, The Destroyer
63    Al-Hayy (الحي)    The Ever Living
64    Al-Qayyum (القيوم)    The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All
65    Al-Wajid (الواجد)    The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing
66    Al-Majid (الماجد)    The Illustrious, The Magnificent
67    Al-Wahid (الواحد)    The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible
68    As-Samad (الصمد)    The Self Sufficient, The Impregnable, The Eternally Besought of All, The Everlasting
69    Al-Qadir (القادر)    The All Able
70    Al-Muqtadir (المقتدر)    The All Determiner, The Dominant
71    Al-Muqaddim (المقدم)    The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward
72    Al-Mu'akhkhir (المؤخر)    The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away
73    Al-Awwal (الأول)    The First
74    Al-Akhir (الأخر)    The Last
75    Az-Zahir (الظاهر)    The Manifest, The All Victorious
76    Al-Batin (الباطن)    The Hidden, The All Encompassing
77    Al-Wali (الوالي)    The Patron
78    Al-Muta'ali (المتعالي)    The Self Exalted
79    Al-Barr (البر)    The Most Kind and Righteous
80    At-Tawwab (التواب)    The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting
81    Al-Muntaqim (المنتقم)    The Avenger
82    Al-'Afuww (العفو)    The Pardoner, The Effacer of Sins
83    Ar-Ra'uf (الرؤوف)    The Compassionate, The All Pitying
84    Malik-al-Mulk (مالك الملك)    The Owner of All Sovereignty
85    Dhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram (ذو الجلال و الإكرام)    The Lord of Majesty and Generosity
86    Al-Muqsit (المقسط)    The Equitable, The Requiter
87    Al-Jami' (الجامع)    The Gatherer, The Unifier
88    Al-Ghani (الغنى)    The All Rich, The Independent
89    Al-Mughni (المغنى)    The Enricher, The Emancipator
90    Al-Mani'(المانع)    The Withholder, The Shielder, the Defender
91    Ad-Darr (الضار)    The Distressor, The Harmer
92    An-Nafi' (النافع)    The Propitious, The Benefactor
93    An-Nur (النور)    The Light
94    Al-Hadi (الهادي)    The Guide
95    Al-Badi (البديع)    The Incomparable, The Originator
96    Al-Baqi (الباقي)    The Ever Enduring and Immutable
97    Al-Warith (الوارث)    The Heir, The Inheritor of All
98    Ar-Rashid (الرشيد)    The Guide, Infallible Teacher and Knower
99    As-Sabur (الصبور)    The Patient, The Timeless

+1 Unnameable, Undefinable

dont sell yourself short

salvaged from a different thread

a exaggerated bump
Bring and Brag / Product Advertisement
July 05, 2007, 08:00:47 PM
a photography/photoshop project

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / fatherhood
June 25, 2007, 05:20:08 AM
if you make a child grow in a woman's belly, make arrangements

failure to nurture a seed that you plant will result in negative repercussions for yourself personally

it is prolly best to approach the situation as a team

respect the woman

do what you can to provide a fertile environment that will allow everybody involved to thrive
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Motherhood
June 24, 2007, 05:50:59 PM
how in the sweet mother of fuck is being 'successful' working in a company and climbing a corporate ladder more enriching than raising and nurturing a child?

how exactly did women get tricked into persuing 'career goals'?

i am going to answer my own question and say that men shouldnt have disrespected women throughout the years because that seems to be the only root cause i can imagine

-- escape oppression by becoming as/more 'powerful' than the oppressor

but this shit is ridiculous

now there is men who still disrespect women
women who seem to be attempting to grow a johnson

and a whole army of children with approximately 0 foundation

who won?

Rome built slow and fell fast

"Any Means Necessary" is a lot less climactic than it appears at first

at first - it seems like the kind of thing that you want to yell and raise a flag to

maybe smash somebody in the face or flip a car over

but then after a while you realize that it always has been survival by any means necessary

they say you cant take the street out of the street person
you can take the suburban out of the suburbanite

the reason for this is because one is raw and real
the other is developed on a foundation of fake


run thru the situations in your head:

you give a street person some modest luxury and they cannot get the street mentality out of their head

Mike Tyson couldnt be 'tamed'

the awards shows had to take extra precautions after ODB ran on-stage at the grammys back in '98

you pull the rug out from under a suburbanite and watch how quick they learn

a month TOPS

"but its not sanitary" is a consideration that quickly slips out of the decision-making process
"i cant go there because i might get robbed" does not apply to those who dont have anything worth stealing

it isnt really enjoyable to look on as people learn tough lessons

it is a instinct that people have - similar to that feeling they get when they see somebody with a open wound

in order to not react to that kind of thing takes a great deal of training
it can be seen in doctors and the armed forces

these people have been trained to ask questions first and pierce flesh second
they have also been trained to pierce flesh first under certain blurry circumstances

which means they are always prepared to pierce flesh

killing tools which man has tricked himself into thinking can be used with good intent

used with enthusiasm

while the average person - the untrained person - a child - has an aversion to seeing pierced flesh

far from inflicting it - the instinct is to jump on it

cover it up

to heal wounds

when our own wounds are healed - we seek to heal those of others

far from 'good' or 'bad'

just another example of 'we'

a chain is as strong as its weakest link

we get trained to damage ourselves with a exotic blend of good intent and faulty reasoning

you can be in as good condition as you want
the bigger you is in rough shape
and the bigger bigger you is at rest letting it all take place inside

walk with those who happen to be walking in the same direction as you

this occurs naturally and without effort

earthquakes and lava are a means that will be used when necessary

also: hurricanes
"That evening, Marie came round for me and asked if I wanted to marry her.

I said I didn't mind and we could do so if she wanted to.

She then wanted to know if I loved her.

I replied as I had done once already, that it didn't mean anything but that I probably didn't.

'Why marry me then?' she said.

I explained to her that it really didn't matter and that if she wanted to, we could get married.

Anyway, she was the one who was asking me and I was simply saying yes.

She then remarked that marriage was a serious matter.

I said, 'No.'

She didn't say anything for a moment and looked at me in silence.

Then she spoke.

She just wanted to know if I'd have accepted the same proposal if it had come from another woman, with whom I had a similar relationship.

I said, 'Naturally.'

She then said she wondered if she loved me and well, I had no idea about that.

After another moment's silence, she mumbled that I was peculiar, that that was probably why she loved me but that one day I might disgust her for the very same reason.

I didn't say anything, having nothing to add, so she smiled and took my arm and announced that she wanted to marry me.

I replied that we'd do so whenever she liked."

-excerpt from The Outsider (Joseph Laredo translation)

-- line-breaks courtesy of your favorite ADD-paragraph-allergic superhero --
last episode it was the dolphins in trouble

now we take a look at: RADIATION
Bring and Brag / save the dolphins
June 14, 2007, 10:06:09 PM

the latest Flash offering from yours truly
the kneejerk reaction to the suggestion of 'contempt' being a motivating factor is not generally positive


if you probe beneath the surface a little it might not be all that foundationless

in recalling some of vonnegut's work i remember him (on more than one occasion) referring to his characters having never asked to have been born

i think i have brought this up in the past on these boards - the whole perspective about having been thrust into a less-than-nurturing situation where it is a struggle to thrive

obviously - whenever a topic like this comes up on a board where there are intelligent folk skilled at the art of being contradictory for no apparent reason - some jerk off always decides to be 'outlandish' and say something to the effect of 'i did ask to be born' etc

as i explore this whole prison/shrapnel idea - i can guarantee that i did not consciously 'ask' for this
and it often annoys the fuck out of me to be experiencing it

however i am willing to endure it (as tho there is any other choice)

work tirelessly and rest well

shits and giggles

topple the machine etc

it is reasonable to be motivated by contempt at having been thrust into a adverse situation

i think Net has it as his signature somewhere:
'life is no way to treat a animal'

or something to that extent

to quote Nick Nolte in that movie:
"get mad you sons of bitches"
show me a prison bar you delusional fucker


if you dont like the prison exists - you must be in denial

i recognize it now

all this talk about shrapnel lately is a description of what life is like outside the BIP

i couldnt relate to Cram's thread about complacency at this juncture because i srsly have myself busting out of 'the prison' at every conscious moment

the only 'bars' i really feel are gravity and the (broken record) inherent flaws of symbol-based communication


living life 'outside the BIP' is not immune to having your shit knocked around by various implosions/explosions that other people go thru

innocent bystander syndrome

working ones balls off to stay out of the prison only to catch a shard of iron to the jugular because somebody else couldnt handle their own pressure

these are the rewards

it is difficult to bust out the prison because it means you will be exposed to more of the raw elements
the more you resolve that - the more you can investigate living the jailbreak lifestyle

i am seeing that these 2 things may go hand in hand

Felix hit the nail on the head the other day when he said that contempt might be the best motivator to stay outside the BIP once you have figured out a way to make it out

until your skin has toughened enuf to not be sensitive to radiation or flames

i gotta go cook some breakfast

at full speed

and they didnt know how to make it thru

sometimes things that seem right arent actually right
even if you want them to be

if you are creative enough - you can complicate all issues
if you are not creative enough - you can be suffocated
Literate Chaotic / coincidence? you tell me --
June 04, 2007, 02:57:20 PM
the more broke you get

the more money you find on the ground

move to the city
you can show a person a whole bunch of words

but depending on the context - what they do with those words has little to do with you


if one is attempting to deliver a message - a great deal of attention should be paid to the context or else the message will not be received

at best - it will be misinterpreted

the saying 'dont waste your breath' suggests that there is a better approach to take

this may include kidnapping

Or Kill Me / "In The Name of Peace"
May 31, 2007, 02:34:15 PM
talk about blameless approaches to take

what action can you take against somebody who claims to be moving in the name of peace?

this observation is applicable to 2 things

1. if you find yourself in opposition to somebody who is acting in the name of peace, you can not take action against them until they literally interrupt your shit personally

2. using this line as your foundation is a great first step in whatever you do

obviously it is up to you to stay consistent
if you say you move in peace - if you keep that on the tip of your tongue - it puts you in a great strategic position

also - it helps A LOT if that is actually your motivation

when you do something that 'appears' not peaceful
and somebody steps in opposition
then it becomes a clash of perspectives and a matter of how effectively you can provide foundation for your peaceful ways and actions

and right here we are in a environment where we understand the wisdom of the law of fives...

ultimately - wickedness will beget punishment inflicted on the trespasser (call it a hunch)
so if you are not accustomed to actually trying to move with peace and respect - maybe you should look into it

that being said - from a objective viewpoint - it is still seems to be a great strategic device to employ in 2007
law allows a lot of crooked motherfuckers get away with a lot of bullshit

far too often i have seen people be victimized in public by somebody who would get their ass beat by a passer-by if there was no 'protective force' preventing this kind of vigilante justice

taking action against perceived injustice in turn results in judgment and possible persecution

in opposition to this - if this 'protective force' was not in place - a lot of frustrated people would be shooting from the hip at anything that even flinched

on a planet where dramatic decisions are made based on flawed perceptions
it seems like the only solutions are:
a) get rid of the flawed perceptions
b) make adjustments to the decision-making process

there is no verifiable way to get rid of flawed perceptions - there is no way for me to prove to you that my perception is not flawed (because it obviously is)
two people can agree on a approach to take to this situation

adjusting the way they react to situations

other than that - the only way to implement any reasonable social change is hellfire

however you perceive that

volcano / earthquake / weather / etc
is it just me? or are peoples motives becoming more and more transparent as each day goes by?

'the conspiracy' starts in the home when a child is raised by adults who are plotting and scheming

these patterns get reinforced at a early age when little Sally learns that she can get Johnny to give her his chocolate bar if she promises to give him a susprise

and she realizes she doesnt have to give anything once she ate the chocolate bar

tricks just like mom did to get her to stop crying at the grocery store

seems harmless

until Johnny snaps

kids catch on to their parents bullshit after a while and the tricks dont work no more

on boards like this one - there is barely any tricks that work

you can often tell when somebody is talking bullshit just by looking at their font

over the next few years - you will see a lot of people get exposed
not many will handle it well
Literate Chaotic / Historical Archives
May 27, 2007, 04:42:28 PM
if everything in the past led up to the current situation
then a full assessment of the current situation should reveal all significant aspects of the past

since these historical items are all contained in the present from this light
it is not necessary to place great value in archives

especially not at the cost of presenting a hindrance to present movement

this is part of what can be called 'the wisdom of travelling lightly'

this is not to say that historical items and records do not have their use
their practicality outside the realm of entertainment is questionable at best

ultimately - anything worth having is repeatable
(by virtue of it being worth having)