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Messages - Bruno

Quote from: Pergamos on January 16, 2025, 05:28:56 PMI honestly hope they deny aid to California, because Newsom has suggested that doing so would lead to California denying the fed payment of taxes.  I'd definitely like to see California keep that money and use it to fight fires.

How would that work?

Does the state government of California pay taxes to the federal government?

There's no way they could make the citizens of the state pay their federal income tax to the state and then... I'm not even sure what the next stage of that plan would be. Arresting federal agents attempting to collect taxes?
Apple Talk / Re: Film Flam
February 05, 2025, 05:11:23 AM
I have decided to believe that the movie Falling Down is just a ripoff of the movie Thelma and Louise but written for "Sigma Males".
Apple Talk / Re: Some High Level Pwnage
February 05, 2025, 05:09:18 AM
Somehow, Peter Tiel's company Palantir seems to be unaffected by this.

Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
December 27, 2024, 05:37:49 AM
I, for one, would like too see the maximum positive outcome from this event.

I don't see the need for any further loss of life from either the bourgeoisie (including the petit bourgeoisie (who was the recipient of this latest action)) or the proletariat (that's YUO!)
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
December 08, 2024, 05:49:08 AM
The Left and right are having a bit of a kumbaya moment right now over the killing of that healthcare CEO.

Aneristic Illusions / Re: There Can Be Only One!
November 18, 2024, 05:22:40 AM
I find all of this very logical and sensible.

If it turns out not to be an issue, I think that, in and of itself, is very interesting.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
November 18, 2024, 04:44:23 AM
Trumpism is probably going to outlive The guy himself. He's not going to be around that much longer, but there will probably be some people who will carry on some kind of continuity. If he had soundly lost this election, the odds would have been much better that that would have been, for the most part, the end of it.

But not now. This was our last chance to stamp it out for good and we blew it.

I expect we'll see a bunch of Jan 6 insurrectionists in congress within a few years.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
November 16, 2024, 05:22:10 AM
If the stock market starts to take a shit at any time during the incoming administration, I'll be reminding Trumpers that loyal patriots have Diamond Hands right after I set my 401k to Stable Value 100%.

At this point, I just want this to hurt them more than it hurts us.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
November 14, 2024, 06:36:45 PM
I'm expecting Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) to just be a series of pumps and dumps for the next 4 years and possibly beyond. He sold the hotel, so it seems to be the main avenue for people to curry his favor, financially.

In fact, I'd say that is probably the sole purpose for its existence.

I also expect certain members of the administration (Musk) to be actively manipulating crypto in a similar fashion.
It really looks like the education system is moving away from public schools and more towards vouchers, which currently means the religious right get to have their indoctrination subsidized and public schools are even more underfunded while also being under the thumb of christian nationalist legislators.

I guess somebody needs to start more left leaning private education institutions that teach shit like civics, empathy, and media literacy (woke shit).
Quote from: Brother Mythos on November 10, 2024, 10:16:11 PM
Quote from: Bruno on November 10, 2024, 06:02:37 PMI think a big part of the problem is the lack of real progressive messaging in the media, which seem to mostly represent corporate interests and, you know, Putin.

And even then, part of the problem with what little independent progressive media that is out there, is that the progressive message tends to be complex and nuanced, and it turns out we really need the votes of some 15 million or so people who are maybe not so good at processing that kind of information.

I agree, messaging is a big part of the problem. I believe it's actually been the biggest part of the problem for somewhere round three decades.

So far, I've been mostly focused on what I believe is the need to tailor "the message" to acceptability by a majority of the actual audience that's out there, not the audience we wish was out there. If we can get a wider audience to, at least, listen to "the message," and not simply reject it out of hand, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to pick up more votes for the Democratic Party's candidates.

And, of course, there's much more than just tailoring "the message" that needs to be done before the next election. So, do you have any ideas, or suggestions?

We need to find a way to appeal to stupid, selfish people. We already got most of the altruistic people and a good chunk of the people who can read at an 8th grade level or higher.

It's not enough, apparently.

At this point, All I'm concerned with is what is he gonna fuck up, and how can I profit from it. I've got a modest swing-trading account, but I haven't set it up to do shorts, yet.

I should probably get on that.
I mean, wherever the sweet spot is where we don't slide into fascism and I get to keep my Social Security is fine... I guess.
I think a big part of the problem is the lack of real progressive messaging in the media, which seem to mostly represent corporate interests and, you know, Putin.

And even then, part of the problem with what little independent progressive media that is out there, is that the progressive message tends to be complex and nuanced, and it turns out we really need the votes of some 15 million or so people who are maybe not so good at processing that kind of information.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
November 06, 2024, 05:00:37 PM
I knew going into it that Harris/Trump was a coin flip, but I thought if he won it would be some electoral college bullshit.

I never even considered the possibility of Trump getting the popular vote. This shit is just unfuckingfathomable.
An Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)