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Principia Discussion / Have a Cool Chaosflux!
Last post by Abbot Mythos - Today at 01:20:37 AM
Being Discordians, we're supposed to be in tune with the whole Hodge and Podge, Eristic and Aneristic, Yin and Yang, Dark and Light, Rim and Ram, Jim and Jam, etc. thing. And, if you're not a Discordian merrily playing along with the game, as its "rules" are duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia, then why the fuck are you here on a forum named after The Book in the first place? So, Discordians, don't let our current political crisis throw you off your game. After all, it's not like you haven't been taught "The Sacred Chao."

Right now, this newest season of Chaos is truly living up to its name. So, it's not unrealistic to expect the upcoming season of Discord to follow suit. And that, I believe, is what this sacred Discordian holiday of Chaosflux is all about recognizing, and celebrating. 

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Techmology and Scientism / Re: The Tech Forum
Last post by MMIX - Yesterday at 10:08:44 PM
I love that leon claims to be a fan of Adams. Its like all his other claims - he bought the book but he didn't get the message. He's just a pointless Golgafrinchan who needs to catch a bug real soon
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup ...
Last post by Doktor Howl - Yesterday at 02:39:23 PM
Quote from: erisismyhomegirl23 on Yesterday at 05:18:32 AM:argh!: guess whos back spaglords. Tis I, Pixie

Discordian Recipes / my beef ragu is legendary and ...
Last post by erisismyhomegirl23 - Yesterday at 05:43:42 AM
brewers yeasr in beef red wine ragu is best beef ragu or we shall have beef.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup ...
Last post by erisismyhomegirl23 - Yesterday at 05:18:32 AM
 :argh!: guess whos back spaglords. Tis I, Pixie
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED Trump thread, 20...
Last post by Doktor Howl - February 17, 2025, 10:09:50 PM
Quote from: MMIX on February 05, 2025, 12:25:11 PMJebus christ almighty! Talk about Kakistocracy! That tangerine tosspot has only gone and said he's going to nick Gaza 'cos its prime seafront property. LOL. If I was Greenland I would be shopping around for a nuclear deterrent, and Oh Canada, are you in the firing line now

Yes I do realise that he has been saying this all along but apparently nobody believed him - well not enough, anyhoo. Hope those fence sitters in Dearborn are enjoying the show . . .

Now he wants to move everyone out of Gaza and make a new casino complex.

Gazans not having any right of return, which isn't a biggie because they're all going to die of cholera in gigantic untended refugee camps.

I, too, hope that Dearborn feels satisified.
Apple Talk / Re: Tales from the Cutting Edg...
Last post by Doktor Howl - February 17, 2025, 10:06:46 PM
So I drove over to the cargo terminal at the airport on Friday to pick up 4 more crated M2 50 cal machine guns (bolt carriers shipped separately so people don't get all anxious), and got pulled over on the way back to the shop.

Cop: "Do you have any weapons in the car?"

Me:  *looks back at the crates in the back of the van*

Me:  "Um."
Principia Discussion / Re: We know how to become rich...
Last post by Doktor Howl - February 17, 2025, 10:00:02 PM

Told ya not to stand that close to the airlock.
Principia Discussion / We know how to become rich and...
Last post by Gotglant - February 17, 2025, 05:06:19 PM
Start making thousands of dollars every week just using this robot. Visit
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Hard Lessons to be Learned...
Last post by Abbot Mythos - February 17, 2025, 12:05:36 AM
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 11:13:48 PM5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

I learned another new word:

Trumpflation is spiraling out of control

I will be utilizing the word "Trumpflation" often from now on.