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Messages - Chelagoras The Boulder

Or Kill Me / Re: Time to switch sides
February 21, 2024, 07:20:56 AM
It really is. :horrormirth:
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 17, 2023, 12:59:58 AM
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on November 14, 2023, 06:37:54 AMhey yall, still alive somehow. Spent pretty much this entire year living in a bad Mexican soap opera. I'll probably go into more detail when i have more spoons.

Good to see you.

But it's worth mentioning this board is a misery fest at the moment, so you are once more in a Mexican soap opera.

Altered is having a rough go, my mother just went into hospice care, and Scribbly (previously known as Demosquid) is also not dancing any fandangos. CNO seems to be doing alright.

And aside from one or two pinealists, that's all that's left.  Everyone else drifted away (by which I mean "ran") when wossername's ring wasn't properly kissed.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear everyone is going through it. Sincerely, I hope the best for you all

As for me, well in a nutshell, my dad allegedly raped my mom at the end of 2022 and my family has been slowly falling apart for a year and change now. This is made worse by the fact that my mom is a narcissist and is pushing everyone away even as she relies on us to help maintain her health. My dad has fucked off to Arizona to live with my sister and leave the rest of us to clean us their collective mess. This might be slightly more than a nutshell, but I'm also leaving out a lot of WILD shit, including my mother trying to sell my other sister's wedding gown, and also insisting on driving despite an expired license and cataracts. I might make a thread about it, idk.
hey yall, still alive somehow. Spent pretty much this entire year living in a bad Mexican soap opera. I'll probably go into more detail when i have more spoons.
Friends, allow me to I produce you to Miss Tonkotsu Sinclair

Hey, update on my earlier more unhinged post above
*I was going a bit nuts at the time, but I'm working on it
*New job is working out so far, least shitty experience I've ever had working retail
*Friend's new philosophy is pretty interesting actually. Wouldn't mind posting some of it here to see what y'all think.
Yeah, that adds up.
hey everyone, I'm back. Update on what's been going on with me:
*been coming to terms with the fact that my dad is an abusive, manipulative narcissist
*my mom is either also a narcissist or has narcissistic abuse syndrome (neither of them will go to therapy so this is mostly armchair diagnosing)
*trying to help my mom separate from my dad, as I fear he's only gonna get worse as he gets older (highlights include him demanding apologies from my mom's brothers who died of cancer)
*I'm trying out He/they pronouns these days
*I've now got COVID for the second time
*I just got a job working at Bevmo that will hopefully help me move the fuck out of this house
*getting back into Podcasting, as well as dipping my feet back into magic/witchy shit and gardening and whatever my ADHD decides i can focus on atm
*helping my friend figure out how to start a non-hierarchical religion of her own invention.
*looking into getting Mexican citizenship to hopefully escape *gestures vaguely at the US in general*

Also, Altered, always nice to find a fellow poly person, glad you're finding meaningful connections/getting laid! :D
Won't SOMEBODY think of the bottom line?
lets just say ive gotten REALLY into DIY during the pandemic.
If anyone was wanting to canonize Betty White, don't worry, I handled it.
Yeah, and I wish I'd seen it 4 years ago. Folly of youth and whatnot.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 18, 2021, 06:24:56 PM
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on November 18, 2021, 03:53:21 AM
Over the last few months i've come to realize that the american left (as opposed to leftist movements elsewhere) is a bunch of useless wankers at best and a bunch of Puritans minus the funny hats at worst. Now the healing can begin.

Been saying that.
Oh I know. In related news, I owe you a "You Were Right" steak. The best KIND of steak.
Over the last few months i've come to realize that the american left (as opposed to leftist movements elsewhere) is a bunch of useless wankers at best and a bunch of Puritans minus the funny hats at worst. Now the healing can begin.
oh well, fun fact, i was talking to a chaote friend about werewolves and it came up that in greek myth several gods were known to curse mortals with being a werewolf, including Zeus, Artemis, Dionysus, AND Eris. I'm not sure what to do with this information except to ask, "what does a guy have to defile around here to get a little Lycanthropy?"