
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Quote from: daruko on May 23, 2008, 08:00:26 PM
Quote from: Professor Cramulus on May 23, 2008, 07:46:35 PM
Have people actually been flaming mixchd? 'cause that's weak. She's been totally cool.

Nope.   Nigel sending me links to a dildo she supposedly bought and posting sexually themed content and fapping consistently to my posts could be seen as more disrepectful to mixchd than to me.   Could be... I don't know, and I don't care.    She's just making an ass of herself really, so by all means.

Quote from: Professor Cramulus on May 23, 2008, 07:46:35 PM
                           WATCH IT, BUDDY



I thought the fapping was more of a "Look you're masturbating with words to make yourself sound important" deal, but maybe it isn't.  No idea.

MS Paint is fun, but Photoshop is funner!  That said, I know a guy who can draw better in MS Paint than most people I know can draw on paper.  It's crazy times.

And yes, the "Protector of n00bs" thing credit goes to worthy Paesior (whose name I also don't know how to spell) but at least you took it in stride, found it amusing, and ran with it.  Instead of, say, posting pictures of masturbatory material.
Honestly I think the constant flaming of Daruko actually just makes him look better than he otherwise would.

He has a very level head about it, anyway, and seems to just ignore it for the most part.  He also seems to have accepted the "defender of n00bs" thing from the comic and made it his own, which is a better response than what certain other people would give if such a thing were posted them, I'm sure.

As for the NSFW stuff, thanks for removing it Faust.  Nigel is the only one I've actually seen with it in response images, but I can't remember the specific threads and only one of them was *really* NSFW, falling under the first part of the acronym TOGTFO.  The other was just legs, which pushed the boundaries a bit considering what said legs were shown for, but wasn't too NSFW.  The rest have been shirtless men holding lube and such, which I guess is nothing I could really get in trouble for browsing at work.

On a lighter note:
Quote from: LMNO on May 23, 2008, 07:15:47 PM
Please note that a clever flame repeated 2300 times is not actually clever anymore.

zmog pineal 5 23 fnord skidoo, &c., &c., &c.  :lol:
Quote from: Hoopla on May 23, 2008, 05:47:56 PM
Stripe is pissed!

That didn't take long.

I just don't like 6 year olds (or adults who act like them)  :argh!:
Don't say anything at all.

And for fuck's sake stop posting masturbation pictures.

Despite what you (and this is a plural you, before any specific people start bitching at me for siding with Daruko.  If you're going to accuse me, you may as well do it as a group, after all) might think, doing so does not make you clever.  It certainly doesn't add any sort of anything to the thread you post it in. 

OKAY, IT'S CRYSTAL CLEAR.  You don't like Daruko, and think everything he says is stupid.

But guess what?  By doing this EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME. he posts something does not make me giggle in glee, saying "OH TEE HEE, another clever refutation of whatever daruko just spat out!"  All it makes me do is think that you must be very bored, waiting eagerly at your monitor to pounce whenever he posts, and in a glory of gusto post yet another reference to, or flat-out picture OF somebody masturbating.

I GET IT.  You think that Daruko is only posting to hear himself talk.  Mental masturbation.  OKAY, can we please move on now?

Something you should realise is that you're doing the same thing, only ten times worse, when you respond to it like you are.  Your accusations of ego-stroking are only rebounded back at you.  Does it make you feel big to make fun of him?  Does it make you warm and sticky in your special place?  Does it?

Quote from: everybody's motherIf you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

This contest of penis-measuring (or not, as gender allows) must end!  I am now unable to click on any thread that daruko has posted in at work, just in case one of you clever bastards has slapped up a picture that will offend people in the office (or patrons for that matter, as I sometimes browse[d?] this forum when in areas the public have access to).


So for fuck's sake, if you think Daruko is a moron, can't you please just ignore everything he says?  Is it really THAT HARD?

This is especially bothersome when he's actually posted something that looks like it had some level of thought in it.  Calling him an idiot when he does this is certainly at cross-purposes.  It basically encourages him to act like an idiot more.  If he's going to get constantly belittled anyway, what the fuck, right?  Might as well be a total jack-ass.

Another thing I've been wondering in a few cases is: "Would this masturbatory picture have been posted if somebody else had said what daruko just said?"  I'm sure there have been at least a few places where he's said stuff which other people on the forum have similar ideas about.

I know, I'm relatively new here.  This isn't "my forum" and if you want to act like a hemerrhoidally flaming jackass, please be my guest.  But, and this is important, it isn't "your forum" any more than it's mine.  So chill the fuck out, and remember that there are other people on the internet and in the world.

At the VERY least, can we please keep the pictures posted to those like "a man with a tube of lube in his hand" and not "a nekkid woman with her legs spread and tits bouncing around as she rubs her oiled juicy bits against something"? 

Some of us browse at work, you know.  And I don't think it's just me that will state that last request.

OR KILL ME, you assholes.
Your banner is fancy!
Or Kill Me / Re: Eurospag.
May 23, 2008, 03:56:50 PM
Quote from: SillyCybin on May 23, 2008, 12:11:44 PM
You're a mile off with the scots. You totally underemphasized our drunkness. I mean, reading your paltry smear one might be forgiven for assuming that a thorough testing of the population may reveal one or two not-quite paralytic toddlers in our populace and this is just blatantly untrue and an insult to our nation as a hole.

An Englishman insulting a Scotsman?


Whoops, I thought that said OVERemphasized.  My bad, carry on.  I'm leaving the bottom part there because I already wrote it though, and fuck it.

On the other hand, this whole thing seems like a thinly veiled excuse to make racist jokes.  Especially because of the "Oh but I can't come up with an insult for England lol" thing. 

On the other other hand, I really think that 90% of the world only knows about Scotland because of authors like Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting, Maribou Stork Nightmares) and thus belives that its entire population is made up of heroin addict alcoholics who sell drugs and kill babies with neglect while living on the dole.  (In reality I'm sure that number is much closer to, say, 85%.  I mean, come on. Be reasonable!)

However, as a final refutation in favour of Scotland:
Robert Fucking Burns.

Is there for honest Poverty
That hings his head, an' a' that;
The coward slave-we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that.
Our toils obscure an' a' that,
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
The Man's the gowd for a' that.

What though on hamely fare we dine,
Wear hoddin grey, an' a that;
Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine;
A Man's a Man for a' that:
For a' that, and a' that,
Their tinsel show, an' a' that;
The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,
Is king o' men for a' that.

Ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord,
Wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that;
Tho' hundreds worship at his word,
He's but a coof for a' that:
For a' that, an' a' that,
His ribband, star, an' a' that:
The man o' independent mind
He looks an' laughs at a' that.

A prince can mak a belted knight,
A marquis, duke, an' a' that;
But an honest man's abon his might,
Gude faith, he maunna fa' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
Their dignities an' a' that;
The pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth,
Are higher rank than a' that.

Then let us pray that come it may,
(As come it will for a' that,)
That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree, an' a' that.
For a' that, an' a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Homonym Game.
May 23, 2008, 07:16:50 AM

Literate Chaotic / Re: Homonym Game.
May 23, 2008, 07:11:40 AM
Okay I just thought up a really fun one but it might take me a while to find images that make any sense whatsoever. 

Fuck, I may just draw my own.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Homonym Game.
May 23, 2008, 05:35:10 AM
Aaah, that does make more sense.

Principia Discussion / Re: Spag?
May 23, 2008, 05:29:47 AM
Ia! Ia! Asauceoth, the purée at the Center of the Universe awakes!
Principia Discussion / Re: Spag?
May 23, 2008, 05:22:02 AM
Quote from: revidc on May 23, 2008, 04:25:52 AM

This is going right into one sentence meme bombs.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Space recipes
May 23, 2008, 05:12:19 AM
Quote from: Regret on May 23, 2008, 04:29:17 AM
sneakargument: fascism wasn't invented untill 1922. neener neener

Cease your logic and reason!

I, as a fascist dictator, do not accept it!  (I rule over the however-many square cm makes up my brain, but do so with an IRON FIST)
Literate Chaotic / Re: Homonym Game.
May 23, 2008, 01:06:58 AM
uhhh...  Guitar, silly asian people?
Discordian Recipes / Re: Space recipes
May 23, 2008, 12:55:49 AM

  • After Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, he conquered Belgium and The Netherlands around the year 58 BC
  • April 70 AD, Vespasianus sent a few legions to stop the revolt.
  • in 734 at the Battle of the Boarn, when the Frisians were defeated by the Franks, who then conquered the western part up to the Lauwers. They conquered the area east of the Lauwers in 785, when Charlemagne defeated Widukind.
  • Most of the Netherlands was occupied by the Viking Rorik from about 840 to 880, who ruled from Dorestad.
  • Viking supremacy ended in 920 when King Henry of Germany "liberated" Utrecht.
  • The conquest of the county of Holland by the Duke Philip the Good of Burgundy was an odd affair
  • The Dutch fought for independence from Spain, (implying they were under their fascist dictatorial rule)
  • William of Orange (Didn't invade, but was still a dictator, even though he was totally awesome)
  • The Spanish recaptured Antwerp and other Flemish and Dutch cities. Most of the territory in the Netherlands was recaptured, but not in Flanders
  • Napoléon turned the Netherlands into the Kingdom of Holland in 1806.
  • on May 10, 1940, Nazi Germany launched an attack on the Netherlands and Belgium and overran most of the country quickly, fighting against a poorly-equipped Dutch army.  (already mentioned but what the hell)
  • Japanese forces invaded the Dutch East Indies on January 11, 1942.