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Messages - Xila31

Quote from: LMNO on January 20, 2010, 04:53:21 PM

Xila, which post were you initially addressing?

err, my last post before the one before this one was to the person who said that the nothingness of space is still a thing. The one by Caind.

As for the thing about "Space" being a thing, yes it is. But their are huge parts of space that have "nothing" in them, meaning they are empty, of all things. Which means, they are not a thing to me. You can only know that nothing is there because it contrasts with, say, a planet or a star. Anyway, I'm going to stop now since I'm not trying to be annoying and failing.  :sad:

And I just get confused, nothing to do with any one. Sorry. :(
Quote from: LMNO on January 20, 2010, 04:42:15 PM
Um, re-read my post, and see if you want to change your response.

I'm confused. Do you mean me?   :?

I get confused very easly, I'll apologize now.
I see.

Since you consider the nothingness as a something (i.e. "Space" the place or whatever,) then this argument does not make sense to you. Whereas I consider the blank empty spots as empty nothingness, the oposite of a thing. So, it just comes down to how you look at it.  :mrgreen:

As for 2, see, I told you I wasn't a physacist.  :)
I guess what I'm saying is, how do you create nothingness? Nothingness is created by absence or removal, so if the nothing wasn't there then something else had to be there. If the big nothing that sits between planets, stars, clouds of random gasses, and all that was not there, then what was there? Was it gas? If so, then where did that come from? At some point there had to be a whole lot of nothing somewhere. And I know the nothingness of space isn't completely empty, read "random space junk" which encompasses all that which is not a planet or star or black hole. Even a black hole is not a nothing. It is a vacuum which is something.

What I think is that prior to the big bang there were 2 things, a big old cloud of gasses and a whole lot of nothing surrounding it. Everything has polarity. Light and dark. Stop and go. Happy and sad. So, nothingness and something (the void and the gas.) When the big bang happened the creation of "stuff" (to use a not very scientific word) began. Clouds of gasses mostly, that turned into all of the things we know today, went zooming through the nothing. The nothing is the big emptiness of space, which is so big we can't comprehend it. The universe is the stuff that is expanding into the nothingness, but it is also the areas of nothingness that are already encompassed in the stuff that is already created. I fully believe that the universe is still expanding, but it is expanding into a big space of nothing.

Now, the real question here is where did all of that gas come from to begin with? What made it explode? I'm not a physicist. I have no idea scientifically. Now, I am also a believer in multi-dimensions, layers of time and space, and this part is faith based and not science based at all. So on our layer this is big nothingness and a cloud of gas that will explode to create the universe. On a higher dimension there is whatever greater beings, divinity, or whatever you want to call them. Let's call them Chronos. We all know Chronos is "father" of Eris (Chaos) and Aneris (Darma) In the vast nothingness is Darma. "Nothing can be out of order." (Sorry for the pun. :P) Nothingness is still, flat, void of life. Creation is messy, random, and full of motion. If you've ever seen anything being born, you'd know this right away. The explosion and the creation of all things would have been chaotic. However, big chunks of nothingness remain. There is always polarity.

So, I guess in the idea for me of answering that first question of the illusion of order and disorder. True order is like the deadness of the nothingness parts of space. True Chaos is the force of creation and distruction. When they come together, you have the universe. They flow together by some force we call "time" and somehow we all got caught up in the dance.  :mrgreen:
Quote from: Remington on January 19, 2010, 10:14:51 PM
I really, really wonder what Jesus would have to say about stuff like this, if he was still alive.

My current observation is that Jesus preached against the pharacies, which ultimately got him killed. Now many of his followers behave very similarly to the pharacies. So, I also wonder what he would say.

This story doesn't surprise me, though.
If you do not have a check, I also saw Michelle Obama on a comercial last night giving out a text number for the Red Cross to automatically send $10. Although I am anti-texting, I am okay with it being used in this way.
#2 I would say, based on things I've read, another way to think of it is Childlike-self, Adult-self, and Elder-self. In that Id = the child who wants what it wants now. Ego = the adult who knows it can't have what it wants but keeps wanting it anyway. And the Super Ego = the elder who tells you that you can't have what you want so sit down, shut up, and back in my day I had to walk to school 40 miles etc etc. (Does that make sense.) You can use this with any form of life, just sub out child for "hatchling" or "cub" or whatever.

Also, I like your catagories for the Gods. I would use the same ones.  :D

I wish I could remember the full conversation I had with the girls that work at Target, which ended in them being shocked someone didn't have a cell phone. I think they would get alone nicely with the guy in your story.
I really hope that boy is okay. I'm so glad Anderson Cooper was there and obviously has enough heart and soul to be a hero to that kid.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Goddamn politics.
January 19, 2010, 04:28:18 PM
All I know is where I work you can't turn around without stepping on a Republican's toes.

The media is very much owned in the same way of politics. Every station or paper has their own slant. People read whatever biased in their direction. So it is hard to sort out the facts from the fictions.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Goddamn politics.
January 19, 2010, 04:12:16 PM
On the plus side, as long as you don't vote for the Republican at least that is one less vote for him. On the down side, that might not help and there are a lot of Republicans running around. So, it does seem you're screwed and should vote on this one. I have actually never voted because of this exact problem. I say "I will keep my precious vote for when you give me someone worth voting for." (I was actually going to vote for the first time in the presidential election but my registration was purged about a month after I registered. Weird, huh?)

Quote from: NotPublished on January 13, 2010, 09:31:15 PM
Quote from: GA on January 13, 2010, 04:36:32 PM
An awful lot of creation narratives..

I just wanted to throw something out here - What if the world/universe was NEVER created but it always existed?

But we only say it was created because this is what we are comfortable with. I can understand the planet being created (I guess in my original statement, it was a bit self-conceited to put the world/universe together), but what about the universe itself? What if it's always been there - many would find that a contradiction to existance itself since everything would have to of been created. But that is a dualistic principle - if its created, its destroyed. The universe was neither created nor destroyed - it is just there.

What if existance itself was never created? Perhaps the nature of the universe isn't dualistic but just a single thing.

Though yeah, just a thought I wanted to throw out there.

Hi, I'm going to jump in because this jumped out at me. It makes sense. What is the universe physically speaking? it is a big empty space dotted by a random collection of stars, planets, and other random "space junk" like comets. But when you get right down to it, the universe is a lot of empty space between these things. It isn't like driving from Colorado to Kansas. Sure, there's a lot of open space in between but there is a lot of things there. Animals. Plants. Rocks... and even weather. There is no weather in space. There are no plants or animals (although a rock floats by, perhaps.) So, when you think about it, the "universe" being created is sort of odd. How do create a void of nothing? But the individual objects in it needed to be created. And so the empty space was always there. It is the rest of it that had to come from somewhere.

Just a thought.
Hi Effigy! Nice to see you.  :mrgreen:

Hi, I submitted a little story.

I had an idea for the title. Maybe you could put the 8 sideways like a mobius strip? Just a thought. Did I spell that right?  :?
Do you remember OK Soda? There hotline was pretty fun. Of course, they don't exist anymore.  :sad: