
'sup, my privileged, cishet shitlords?  I'm back from oppressing womyn and PoC.

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Messages - QuestionsTheSoil

Dump Mugshot memes

Sparkle on, Deplorables!
Literate Chaotic / Cychosis
June 29, 2023, 10:33:19 PM
Each vein attached to another wire,
Each wire attached to an electronic playground.

Mass connection,
Connected masses.

Mental inter-connectivity with digital symbology
Open artifacts of clicking and whirring
Integration of the whole

There is a god here
Literate Chaotic / Re: Five word horror
June 29, 2023, 10:26:22 PM
I can no longer die.
I am being buried alive.
I will watch you forever.
unhinged rambling and screaming
If you want it to
Literate Chaotic / The Meaning
June 29, 2023, 07:43:24 PM
I know you're trying to find meaning in this absurd tangle,
the tangle of wires and yarn,
Of words and symbology,

But have you considered that the meaning is the meaninglessness?
The point is the pointlessness,
The gibberish is the message.

The Heavens open and reveal a scripture of nonsense,
Psalms of incoherence,
Holy Books of random noise
The Deities of ignorant knowledge our their wisdom,
Wisdom of nothingness,
Wisdom of scribbles and screams
Literate Chaotic / Re: How to write
June 29, 2023, 07:33:30 PM
Dammit, the Wayback machine has nothing for this.
Is there another archive of this somewhere?
Bring and Brag / Re: I am Falling
June 29, 2023, 07:28:41 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on June 29, 2023, 02:08:04 AM
Cool! If I may ask, what software did you use for your creation?
Bring and Brag / I am Falling
June 28, 2023, 04:15:28 AM

Inspired by Serial Experiments Lain because I think it's really cool
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
June 28, 2023, 04:03:23 AM
I used to play guitar, but kind of fell out of it because life. I got kind of decent I guess, and it was cool, maybe it's worth picking up again? I tried songwriting, which didn't go anywhere, but maybe I could try again.

IDK, for a while, I've just felt sapped of creativity. I lost passion for anything.

Damn, I miss when things felt good and I had hopes and dreams.
#57 machine are just really great tools, especially for kopyleft content and the like.
Also, reminder to ARCHIVE YOUR SHIT. The fuckers running the machine don't give a shit about preservation and will let shit get lost forever to save a few bucks.

Anyway, here's cool shit from, Hail Eris, Ave Discordia, and go fuck youself.


reading and printables ALL POSTERS POST POSTS -printable Hands of Eris


Videos 2323232323232323 Profane Propane

Share more things, please. I wanna see them. Please.

Hell yeah, more power to the Orcas.