News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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Messages - Little Red Riding Hood

Q.G: That's good to know. Pleased to meet you/lose you.

Reverend Roger: Super relieved to remember that I'm a jackass

Fernando the Poo: Thanks, it's very kind of you to say that
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / A Sermon on Pain
October 08, 2016, 08:18:54 AM
I am always in pain. Pain is constant, pain is normal. You will not spend a moment in your body without pain's accompaniment. Be present with your body's pain- feel it, listen to it, learn what it needs and what it wants- not least because the part of you that numbs out the pain of your body is the same part that silences the voice telling you all the necessary shit you don't want to hear.
You will only waste your time seeking for pleasure, there is no such thing as pleasure and pain. There are pleasures and pains, and changing qualities of pain. What you must choose is, right now, what pleasures, and what pains do you desire?
Pains are many, with many effects. Can you let go, let them flow through, let them push you out of your body into every direction?
Or will you resist, try to hold them down, and let them pull you in and suck you dry?
There are many powers in pain, including the power to leave you simply shattered. This is  inevitable, let it flow as best you can.
Pain is constant, pain is necessary in an ever-growing, ever-decaying entropic vessel. Perception and action is your body leaking away- there's no dance without entropy.
Feel your body dying, witness the pain of your body regenerating. Feel the pain radiating out from your center, sending every wave of dull ache and lightning needles flowing out to your limbs, heating up the ache in your head.
Feel the fire in the center heating up every sensation of pleasure and discomfort.
Feel the fire that burns and transforms everything that passes through your body, the fire in the center that consumes and fuels your body, your life.
The fire in which everything passing through is sacrificed to the Divine that flows through you, that is you.
This is your blood, this is your body. Eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Body as it is sacrificed continually to You in Your fire.
You are the body that is sacrificed continually to itself in sacred fire.
No, you are the eternal flame which immolates and transmutes all that is flowing through your body.
No, that's not true either, where are you? I'm starting to lose you.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Two writings
October 06, 2016, 04:32:35 AM
Stirring the Pot
Creating new things, and causing lots of trouble
Creating conflict, and causing it to dissolve
Upturning and creating, then dissolving to Chaos: Peace beyond Conflict, then again from the void: the Double, the Three, Four, Five
The beauty of growth causing so much trouble!

And starting the dance

The dance is chaotic, the dance is incessant, all those who hear it just have to join in
Like the red shoes, you can't stop if you want to, nor if you don't

Into the houses the dance breaks in-
"Get out of my house, you're making too much noise! It's too much; I don't know what's happening, and it's happening too fast! You're shaking the crockery, the house will collapse- I'm falling from my lofty chair- Get out, you're driving me to despair!"
But the music is too loud, the dance too incessant.
Tell it to go outside and it's already there
You just have to move, a wondrous curse
So much trouble, beauty and despair!
The dance of conflict, the dance of the world
The birth of All, and the movement that flows
Back to the pot where it all began

Conflict and Resolution; Conflict, Resolution- moving ever toward dissolution
You can't stop, you will dance
All the way to Hell and the fires of dissolution
Dancing with devils all the way to Hell and Dissolution
Dance with your devil all the way there
Dance with your beloved all the way back
In the middle you'll burn, burn all away
Or you'll dance to your death and never come back

This is the trouble with joining the dance, danceward to death
Because you opened the box and stirred in the womb-
now you'll dance it or sit still and dance it

Literate Chaotic / Two writings
October 06, 2016, 04:25:21 AM
I would very much like to hear opinions of these writings. The first is a little story I wrote called the Defeat of El, or else the Defeat of Light, an Autumn Equinox story. The second is a poem called Stirring the Pot, which is mostly about the apple, the garden and the birth of the world, I thought it would be particularly relevant for this place.

The defeat of Light

By red light of evening I gathered a pile of Autumn leaves.
I sat before it and watched the red bleed out of the sky, till there was only faint glow of the penumbra: what I had been waiting for.
I took a lighter from my pocket and held it out to the edge of the pile...

"Stop! Don't do it!", cried a voice deep and grave.

I paused for a moment, then flicked my lighter again at the leaves.

"No! Stop!", the voice boomed.

I turned, and I beheld before me an Angel of the Lord.

And I asked the angel, "Why not? It would be so warm and orange"

"Because the Lord compelled you to gather these leaves, but it was only a test of your faith and obedience. Rejoice, you need not burn them."

"Now I think of it, I never knew exactly why I was gathering them, and the leaves did feel unusually sticky on my fingers."

"No that's maple syrup... Uh I mean yes! The Lord made you do it!"

"You know I feel quite normal actually, I just got tranced out collecting leaves for a while. I even forgot to plug up that tree I tapped. SORRY TREE."

"Look, the Lord has forgotten you to plug the maple tree, what a miracle! Follow me and we will go to a land of rich food, where there is lots of procreation."

"Uh, no. I don't think that was the Lord's doing, I am quite sure it was my fault when I spilled everyone's maple syrup all over the place."

"Don't worry about it, come! Eat the food of my world, and procreate with other humans."

"Bright one, Adversary, you can't release me from it. I'm not going with you, I have stuff to do."


"Shhh! The half light is fading. Stay and watch the fire if you like."

I touched lighter to leaves and was again interrupted so rudely-

"No! Don't do it, or you will surely... have a really sad time! And your hair will fall out."

I lit the fire, being bored of this annoying creature, and hoping to dull with orange its white luminescence, and with crackling its incessant voice.

"No! Don't burn the leaves! You can have my goooooooooooat...."

And the angel faded with the light
The work started with the beginning of night
Into the cauldron, give up the fight

Hello! I'm Little Red Riding Hood. I used to lurk here long ago. You guys showed me some cool stuff, and I want to share some of my writings with other humans, so here I am.