Things seem to have drifted slightly from the OP, but my two cents on the feminism angle:
Feminism is about empowering women to make choices in their own lives. If, in some shiny fluffy world where no one ever has any problems, a woman chooses to sell sex of her own free will and enjoys it, it seems like something a feminist should be able to support. A woman choosing to date a man who has a history of hiring prostitutes is, again, exercising her ability to choose, and that should be celebrated. A woman choosing not to date men with that history is making an equally valid choice, and that, too, should be celebrated. You should have complete control over who has access to your body and the unquestionable right to deny that access to anyone at any time for any reason that floats your boat.* That shouldn't even be a sentence you have to say to a feminist, that's pretty much the core of most of their talking points.
Your friends are the anti-feminists.
*which is why I don't go in airports
Feminism is about empowering women to make choices in their own lives. If, in some shiny fluffy world where no one ever has any problems, a woman chooses to sell sex of her own free will and enjoys it, it seems like something a feminist should be able to support. A woman choosing to date a man who has a history of hiring prostitutes is, again, exercising her ability to choose, and that should be celebrated. A woman choosing not to date men with that history is making an equally valid choice, and that, too, should be celebrated. You should have complete control over who has access to your body and the unquestionable right to deny that access to anyone at any time for any reason that floats your boat.* That shouldn't even be a sentence you have to say to a feminist, that's pretty much the core of most of their talking points.
Your friends are the anti-feminists.
*which is why I don't go in airports