
Today, for a brief second, I thought of a life without Roger. It was much like my current life, except that this forum was a bit nicer.

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Messages - altered

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on May 18, 2023, 03:24:28 PM
I'm working on crawling out from under a rock. 2023 seems like an auspicious year for that. Or at least an interesting one.

I'll be glad to see more of you again. How are you?
Good! In personal news, I may be getting to an even better location than my current one in the coming months.

I just spent the past 5 days with a new partner who is effectively the best person for me imaginable, and I broke a 11 year dry spell as far as actually fucking goes, instead of just messing with people's heads long-distance and cuddling. They have a polycule house, they own that house, they pay a minimal amount of taxes and bills on it, they have enough people the pain is spread very thin, all of the people there are awesome (the metamour I foresee having the most problems with /might fight with me over doing dishes/, as in "let me do the dishes" "no, let me do the dishes"), they want to help me get back on HRT, etc., etc.

This might actually be what it takes to launch me from homelessness and destitution to a survivable future.

Also, it's really nice to spend 5 days being wanted by someone who isn't shy about that fact.
This is EXACTLY why software piracy is a moral obligation.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: They're coming for you.
May 10, 2023, 10:23:55 PM
The docs are gonna die first, absolutely. But that won't stop trans people from existing, they'll just get their shit done in other countries.

So they'll have to start coming for us directly. I genuinely expect to find out a partner, metamour or dear friend got a loaded gun pointed at them before Christmas. Coin-flip odds the gun gets fired, and another coinflip between "warning shots" and "aimed fire".
No. Actually, you lied.

Quote from: Fallenkezef on April 24, 2023, 10:45:20 PM
Seriously, we figure out slavery is wrong back in 1830 and jump into colonialism. We figure out colonialism is wrong and jump into hating the fascists and then the commies and fuck up countries like Iran and Afghanistan to prove a point. We figure out hating gays is wrong and jump into hating transgender.

Provably false. Literally a lie. You said something false on purpose to cover your ass after your pro-fascist statement got caught. You said something anyone can use their very own functional eyes to verify the falsity of because you got caught and you hope people won't pay attention to what you said, just what you say that you said.

Next up is either:
an excuse for why that's a mistake (despite being deeply embedded in a list where literally every other item on said list has the same element of "unjust hatred" in common, you /can't/ make that mistake, that is a purposeful act buddy),
an accusation of the admins stealth-editing your posts (the crew here doesn't do that as a rule -- as a very hard rule, in fact),
or "sociological experiment" (please, i need my fix).

I don't normally post shit like this outside of the designated containment zones, but I was a test listener and provided first-round mix feedback for this album, which is (independent of my involvement) poised to fucking blow up -- the reviews are on point, and based entirely on pre-release previews that have gotten passed around. The next single is going to be Lunge, one of my favorite tracks in years. It's got hooks, it's got aggression, it's got alienation, it's the most exciting development in heavy music in years.

And it was written in two fucking months. Exit, Finesse, Old Wave, Lunge, Utility and Ex-Sprite are all single quality /for this album/ -- on an album where the weakest tracks are single quality for, you know, the average chart-topping release. Even diehard nu-metal haters are on board. It's must-hear. And I had a small hand in the final product, so that's why it's out of the containment areas!
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.
Nah, it was normal black-bag police kidnapping bullshit. They released the kids later. It's not Nacht und Nebel tier, though it sure is headed that way.

This was a warning shot off the bow, essentially. Not even raising the stakes, just making the existing ones clear. "Know your place -- we can ruin you anytime." Showing that actually, consequences for using their fucked up hate-laws are not something that matters to them.

As for "what happens now"? Start pulling vulnerable people out of those fucking shitholes and sending them to safer places. Because they're GOING to go full Nazi. They haven't been hiding it for a long time now. So save the people who really need saving.

For everyone else, it's time to read about resistance movements in WW2 Italy, German-occupied nations, etc. Maybe throw in some Zapatista, Spanish Civil War, modern Palestinian resistance reading. Get real comfortable, extremely familiar with your history. Start figuring out how the real successful shit might look in a post-internet surveillance-world. You know, what-ifs.
You could always make them suffer, but I understand that there is science to be done.

(Also, I knew NM is exactly equivalent to Joule, but it's funny to overreact about.)
Quote from: Faust on April 14, 2023, 07:33:11 AM
Nice, congrats man, I've heard of pounds per square inch used, why the fuck change it to foot? To make number bigger?

Realizing I hallucinated answering this:

PSI and foot-pounds are not the same kind of unit. PSI is a measure of pressure: how much weight you feel in pounds per unit surface area in square inches. Foot-pounds is a measure of energy: 1 foot-pound is the amount of energy required to move a mass of one pound one foot in distance.

PSI is good for tire pressure, you can't sensibly measure that in foot-pounds.

Foot-pounds are good for muzzle energy of a firearm cartridge -- PSI could be used sensibly and is used for chamber pressures, but chamber pressure doesn't tell you anything about how fast the bullet is going (a round could have enough pressure to detonate the gun it's fired through without actually moving that bullet very fast).

The respective SI equivalents are Pascals (pressure) and Joules (energy).
Newton-meters? Newton? Meters? Dok. Dok. Wake the fuck up. SNAP OUT OF IT.

It's Joules, man. Joules!

Anyway that is the best win-win-win ever conceived of.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: They're coming for you.
April 08, 2023, 04:51:37 PM
(This isn't "vote for the bad guys" accelerationism, by the way. It's "vote with [REDACTED].")
Aneristic Illusions / Re: They're coming for you.
April 08, 2023, 04:48:05 PM
Well, by now I'm sure you all know the Dems sold us out to the bigots.

I was on team "Biden, because the other option is worse" in 2020, but it really is indistinguishable now. Biden says "okay, sure, go ahead and discriminate against trans children" the same week that a state passes genital inspections of children.

My activism was very much focused on trying to support the existence of electoral change alongside violent agitators, because that's how you get results.

There's just one problem. Right now, electoral change is so incremental that it is BACKPEDALING. It is literally giving the enemy what they want and shrugging, in, charitably, the hope they will do nothing with that power. (Uncharitably and far more realistically, it's because they don't care enough about minorities to save them rather than sell out to fascists.)

It's very likely I will not survive to see the election. And the election after next is a pipe dream: there almost certainly won't be one, whether because of open civil war or because the GOP has installed a Christofascist dictator for life.

So I hope everyone realizes that my abandonment of incrementalist progress in favor of out-right accelerationism right now, to tear down the burning building rather than try to calm the flames, is because the roof is collapsing NOW. There is no time to go back in again and save more people, we have to try and stop the fire from getting everyone who already is on their way out. They won't be there to save if we take our time.

It's the trolley problem writ large. If we keep doing what we've been doing, everyone we want to save will be dead. We might be able to stop them from being genocided if we treat this like what it fucking is.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: They're coming for you.
March 29, 2023, 01:28:02 AM
I say look at history. Historically, what happens when a marginalized group is even accused of having one of their members commit a crime against children?

I sincerely suspect I will have someone I know be targeted with intent to kill in the near future. Before year's end.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: They're coming for you.
March 26, 2023, 08:02:28 PM
Quote from: altered on March 08, 2023, 05:47:22 PM
Hey, remember when a disabled autistic it/its furry transfem leaked the TSA no-fly list? Look what it found now!

Now will the NYT report on this? No. Of course not. Nor will any of the TERFy rags of the UK. This will have no broader repercussions at all. This will hurt no careers, it will do no damage, it will be buried with all the pomp and circumstance of a mouse turd in a cereal box.

But it's there.

There's more.