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Topics - Faithless

Salutations, its been a good long time since I posted last. The primary reason for this is that I have moved out into the sticks. I mean this place is downtown Hickville. Its so backwards that it has scared off the internet, not to mention the local sheep farmers. I was hoping to get in touch with a few friends because since I was on last the whole world has gone into what appears to be a tailspin, and has yet to recover. Now I could be behind the times, as even the news has to take a dirt road to get way out here, so someone please tell me how everything has fared in my long absence.

Or Kill Me / I give up
May 09, 2009, 08:37:38 AM
I encounter so much despair on a daily basis. It exists in everyone I talk to, well almost everyone. The customers I meet at work, the friends I meet when I play, and just random passers-by. It has become endemic to our society that despair is the overriding emotion felt by the masses.

I have not yet fallen to the hopelessness that I see, but I see many who have. I see those that have given up on life, on hope, on everything. They walk the Walk of the Damned, that lifeless look so evident in their faces. It reminds me of a lonesome zombie, unable to find any succulent brains, so eats its own putrid rot instead. Their angst feeds off itself. They are the Lost.

There are thousands of ways that those who are Lost may recover, but to them the future is a bleak dry canyon with no way out. Life itself has become the trap, and they try to gnaw off their own leg to escape it.

To be so utterly downtrodden, and refusing to try to better ones own self is pathetic. I want to scream at those who wallow in their own self-pity. WAKE THE HELL UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! I suppose that Mrs. Manners would not approve though.

"Your life is your own, rise up and live it". An author named Terry Goodkind wrote this, and it needs to be said, only loud enough that even those who choose not to hear could not ignore. Here is one of my own: "Life leads to Pain, Pain leads to Anger, Anger leads to Change, Change leads to Hope. Hopelessness leads to an un-wept death upon the rocky shores of Reality" But try telling this to one who has no hope.

Officially, I give up. I will no longer try to drag one more hopeless soul from their Pit of Despair. They will need to find their own way out or.... well thats all up to them, isn't it? If someone asks, then I may lend a hand, but I am, as of now, NO LONGER SAVING ANYONE, unless they WANT TO BE SAVED!!!

For me, this IS my Pit, my Darkness, my piece of hopelessness. But I will recover. Such is the cruel nature of the Human soul. We go on. Now the rest of you that can't see their own way out, just please feel free to drop right off the Earth you hate so much and rid us of your pessimism. Amen

Or Kill Me / Its all circling the drain.
March 14, 2009, 02:21:48 AM
If the Earth were human, and were to visit a doctor, what would the prognosis be? Unstable subsurface ruptures, rapid pressure changes, inconsistant body temperatures that change radically, and apparently a racking cough. But the prognosis would be incomplete if the doctor left it at that. What about the native viruses all turning on one another? What about the viruses attacking healthy tissues? It would seem as if the Earth had AIDS. Now where does that put Us? Every time I read a newspaper, watch the news, or simply look outside it seems that we are indeed all just circling the drain, waiting to be flushed.