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Show posts MenuQuoteA Louisiana teacher who taught her sixth grade class that evolution is "impossible" and that the bible is "100 percent true" ridiculed a Buddhist student during class and announced that those who don't believe in god are "stupid," according to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana.
When the child's parents reported the incidents, the Sabine Parish superintendent allegedly told them "this is the Bible Belt," and asked whether the child, referred to as "C.C." could either change his faith or transfer to a school where "there are more Asians."
QuoteSeller Notes: "In All-American condition"
Greetings.for the last month you could have bought this lovely little illustration called " Joy All Around" for $25 here on EBAY . In light of the recent bid of $100,000 for a crappy painting done by an "artist" who's only claim to fame is he killed someone, I said to myself.....Edd...........even though I haven't killed anyone it's time to sell-out and ask $50 Included is my signed handwritten note for the ad and the Sharpie , signed of course, used to write the note.
QuoteThis new information has me pondering exactly who this guy is: is he the concerned whistle-blower? Or did he have an ulterior motive to spill what he did? His background isn't really CIA or NSA material, so say a few people I've spoken to who actually have worked for a government contractor. So why was he hired? And why did he pick now to speak out? This has never smelled right to me, which is why I have withheld judgement. But these new revelations create even more questions. Is this whole thing a ruse to make the President look bad? If so, who is funding it – who is paying for all his travel and hotels? Or is Edward Snowden, a man who has completely destroyed his own life, just stupid?
QuoteThe court also decided that a court can use silence against a defendant against him before Miranda rights are given.
QuoteThe stars did not shine. I was horny all day.
There were no boobs to play with the whole Milky Way.
I sat there with Spock. We sat there we two.
And I said, "How I wish we had gals like Uhuru here, too."
Too dark for torpedoes or phasers or shields.
So we sat in the bridge, stared at nebula fields.
So all we could do was to Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!
Or maybe we shat. Hell, I don't give a shit.
And then something went GRUMP!
How that grump made us jump!
He transported in past our shields just like that!
The Internet Meme, the ol' Grumpy Cat...
Quote"Well, if you ever wondered why I hate Wikipedia, here's why: Read the Wikipedia article on Jean Goldkette, then read what a real scholar has written here, in Vintage Jazz Mart Magazine: http://www.vjm.biz/new_page_7.htm Notice what's missing? (Massive head shake.)"
"Mention of a person being Jewish is regularly removed from biographies at Wikipedia. The topic is an ongoing issue between warring editors, some of whom require "proof" that a person self-declared as Jewish in a published venue, a step that few of our ancestors felt was a requirement for being a Jew. Without that published self-declaration, these editors re-write biographies of famous Jews into strange and twisted formations, claiming, for instance, that "we cannot know" why a person with a well-known Jewish surname emigrated to America, say, in 1938. I have seen some editors claim it could just be a "coincidence" that the Nazis were imposing restrictions on Jews by then, even going so far as to state that "for all we know, the emigration might have been motivated by a search for a better job, because we have no published self-declaration that this person was a Jew." It is sheer madness, and an attempt to cover up Jewish identities at Wikipedia. The Jean Goldkette Wikipedia article is an example of this sort of racism in action.
"Example (this is my mother's first cousin): "Franz Theodor Reizenstein (7 June 1911 – 15 October 1968) was a German-born British composer and concert pianist. He left Germany for sanctuary in Britain in 1934 and went on to have his career there, including teaching at the Royal Northern College of Music and Boston University, as well as performing." He is not JEWISH, of coure. They removed that. But "he left Germany for sanctuary." WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? Just, you know, everybody was doing that...?
"Later in the same article, having removed the fact that Franz was Jewish (and thus making NON-sense of his having "left Germany for sanctuary") they state that "The family was Jewish." Again, what the fuck? The "family" was Jewish and Franz "left Germany for sanctuary." Uh.... do these two ideas not go together? Not related in any way? According to Wikipedia, no, they are non-connected ideas in different parts of the article. A young reader would have to know the "secret decoder language" that would allow them to tie together the date of emigration and the random comment about the family.
"Here's another example, not my writing, but, again, i knew the man. He attended synagogue. This is from the Wikipedia biography of Will Eisner, a comic book writer and artist: "Eisner was born in Brooklyn, New York City, the son of Jewish immigrants." Also, " Eisner continued with a string of graphic novels that tell the history of New York's immigrant communities, particularly Jews." Again, according to Wikipedia, Eisner himself is not Jewish, but he is the "son of Jewish immigrants" and he wrote about "immigrant communities, particularly Jews." Will EIsner always spoke openly of being Jewish as part of his self-identification. But as far as Wikipedia is concerned, he is not to be "Jewish." Only his parents are.
"Here is MY OWN BIOGRAPHY on Wikipedia. For the record, I am Jewish and openly have published and declared that fact in print and on the radio, but according to WIkipedia, "her mother, Liselotte Erlanger, was an Ashkenazi Jewish refugee from Germany." In other words, according to Wikipedia, I am NOT Jewish, but my mother is!
"Another example. Here we have the famous Marx Brothers comedy team. Jewish, right? NO! Acccording to Wikipedia, they are NOT Jewish. "Born in New York City, the Marx Brothers were the sons of Jewish immigrants from Germany and France." They are the "sons of Jewish immigrants." They themselves are NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.
"Here's another example: Albert Einstein, well known physicist, and you probably thought he was Jewish, right? Nope. he is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. Here is what is said: "He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and did not go back to Germany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences." HUH? What? Oh, later in the article we learn about his PARENTS again -- not him, just his family: "The Einsteins were non-observant Jews." But Albert, no, not him. He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA -- just a guy who took a vacation to the United States.
"Here's another example, a relative of my family: "Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim (July 20, 1819, Frankfurt – March 29, 1880 in Berlin) was a German publicist and philosopher concerned with the ideas of liberalism, free trade and international law. Oppenheim was son of a Jewish family of bankers in Frankfurt." He was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. His parents were ... but he was not. (Except, of course, that he was.)
"Here's another example, another relative of mine: "Maximillian Oppenheimer (6 May 1902, in Saarbrücken, Germany – 26 March 1957, in Hamburg, Germany[1]) – known as Max Ophüls – was an influential German-born film director who worked in Germany (1931–33), France (1933–40), the United States (1947–50), and France again (1950–57)." Well, isn't it interesting how he moved around from 1933 - 1950? But is he Jewish? Nope. He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. His parents, of course, are Jewish in Wikipedia: "Max Ophüls was the son of Leopold Oppenheimer, a Jewish textile manufacturer from Saarbrücken and owner of several textile shops in Germany, and his wife Helen." But Max himself? Jewish? No-no-no! He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. Just another German guy who took an extended vacation in the 1930s and never returned home to Germany.
"Here's another example, from the Wikipedia biography of Erich Salomon: " Erich Salomon (28 April 1886 – 7 July 1944) was a German-born news photographer known for his pictures in the diplomatic and legal professions and the innovative methods he used to acquire them." He is NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. There is a hint of trouble (not JEWISH trouble, God forbid!) in this line from his biography at Wikipedia: "After Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, Salomon fled to the Netherlands with his wife and continued his photographic career in The Hague. Salomon declined an invitation from Life Magazine to move to the United States." Hmmm... wonder why he "fled" from Germany? Let's read on! According to Wikipedia, "He and his family were trapped in the Low Countries after Germany invaded in 1940. Salomon and his family were held in the Westerbork Transit Camp, then for almost five months in Theresienstadt concentration camp and were deported from there to the Theresienstadt Family Camp in May 1944. He died in Auschwitz on 7 July 1944." Gee, that's too bad. Hey, I wonder what he died of! Okay, reviewing our biography, we now know that we have learned the life-history of a man named Erich Salomon. He "fled" Germany at some point in time for unknown reasons, he was "trapped in the Low Countries after Germany invaded" there, and he died in some place called ... hmmm, what was it? ... oh, yes, "Auschwitz" ... of unknown causes. Too bad for him, but not really our concern, it was just some "German thing," I guess, because Erich Salomon was NOT JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA.
"Now, to be fair to Wikipedia, here is a counter-example: At Wikipedia we learn about Pavel Haas: "Pavel Haas (21 June 1899 – 17 October 1944) was a Czech composer who was murdered during the Holocaust." Of course, lots of folks were "murdered during the Holocaust," including gypsies, Catholics, and political activists. Was Pavel Haas Jewish? Well, his parents were, it seems, for, according to Wikipedia, "Haas was born in Brno, into a Jewish family. His father, Zikmund, a shoemaker by trade, was from the Moravian region; while his mother, Olga (née Epstein), was born in Odessa." So his parents and possibly some other relations (such as my own Epstein and Haas relatives, no doubt!) were Jewish, and, eventually the truth comes out in this statement: "In 1941, Haas was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp (Terezín). He was one of several Czech-Jewish composers there, including Viktor Ullmann, Gideon Klein and Hans Krása." So ... Pavel Haas IS JEWISH IN WIKIPEDIA. At least for now."
QuoteIf you want to make your own necropants (literally; nábrók) you have to get permission from a living man to use his skin after his dead. After he has been buried you must dig up his body and flay the skin of the corpse in one piece from the waist down. As soon as you step into the pants they will stick to your own skin. A coin must be stolen from a poor widow and placed in the scrotum along with the magical sign, nábrókarstafur, written on a piece of paper. Consequently the coin will draw money into the scrotum so it will never be empty, as long as the original coin is not removed. To ensure salvation the owner has to convince someone else to overtake the pants and step into each leg as soon as he gets out of it. The necropants will thus keep the money-gathering nature for generations.