I was watching CNN sunday morning a few minutes ago and Betty Nguyen was "interviewing" a very bright palestinian women. It was a total sham of an interview. Betty Nguyen kept on repeating Israeli propaganda completley ignoring what the Palestinian women was saying. it was sickening to see. The palestinian women actually laughed at Betty Nguyen because she recognized the sham of an interview too...
This palestinian brought up the fact that Hamas did maintain the ceasefire even though Israel controlled everything going in and out of Gaza, while continuing to kill/displace palestians with impunity in the west bank...... Apparantly it is pretty hard to maintain a decent quality of life when the israelis control what goes into your country, and who and what tracel on your own roads.
Anyway, I'm just very annoyed at this Betty Nguyen character. I wish they would have allowed this palestinian women to confront the Israeli offical that Betty Nguyen was sitting beside shmoozing with.
It really was sickening to see, especially when Betty Nguyen allowed the Israelli to respond to the palestinian and completely mis-use everything she just said.
This palestinian brought up the fact that Hamas did maintain the ceasefire even though Israel controlled everything going in and out of Gaza, while continuing to kill/displace palestians with impunity in the west bank...... Apparantly it is pretty hard to maintain a decent quality of life when the israelis control what goes into your country, and who and what tracel on your own roads.
Anyway, I'm just very annoyed at this Betty Nguyen character. I wish they would have allowed this palestinian women to confront the Israeli offical that Betty Nguyen was sitting beside shmoozing with.
It really was sickening to see, especially when Betty Nguyen allowed the Israelli to respond to the palestinian and completely mis-use everything she just said.