
I hope she gets diverticulitis and all her poop kills her.

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Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
March 22, 2024, 05:11:27 PM
I've sent a ton of my personal projects to my friend Shelly. It's over in about two weeks, it looks like. If I get very lucky, it might go until June or July, but I'd need a thousand dollars for rent. That's... just unrealistic.

Yeah. That's it.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
March 20, 2024, 03:07:24 AM
Update. Been sitting on this for about one week, because it sucks.

The COVID I got because Wal-Mart infected my live-in partner (well. more on that soon) demolished my health. I have long COVID. I went from "mildly disabled" to "most days, drinking water or rinsing a dish is too hard".

My live-in partner is now my ex. We are dying of poverty, and we will both be homeless if I don't leave in May. I don't want her to be on the streets, so I will in fact go.

I have no next steps left. Everyone has run out of the ability to help, and they can't even hope I could potentially contribute or become self-sufficient now, because I'm too broken. It's the last stop: some place in Wisconsin.

I have until May, plus change for however long I manage to scrabble out survival before COVID, cops or starvation catch up with me.

I forget if I owed anyone here anything. If I did, let me know. I can't promise I'll get to it, but I can promise I'll try.
GASM Command / Re: Colbertgasm
March 19, 2024, 02:01:19 AM
Quote from: Finnius on March 18, 2024, 08:10:32 PMI used to think this guy was Dave Letterman.
But then he started pushing his "Vax-Scene" which I originally thought was a mock.
BUT he was triple-dosed with the Clot-Shot. So obviously he was supporting a "fun" way.
Supporting a fake vaccine that kills humans = ++ungood

I hereby revoke his status within Discordia.
Hail Eris...

Oh, man. I'm gonna give you one warning you don't deserve.

We are not your kind. You need to run. You need to run like your ass is on fire and the feral dogs of the neighborhood smell dinner. You need to proactively disable your access to this site permanently. For your own good.

Make your next post a flounce. Otherwise you might just become someone's hobby, you plague rat motherfucker.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Thinking slowly
March 08, 2024, 02:10:01 AM
Another fun alcohol experiment I've tried the results of was fermenting lime syrup. Cut up limes into sugar (and keep the peels and rinds on them) and wait until it turns to liquid. Add more sugar until the sugar stops dissolving. Take your resulting sugar-lime-concoction, do the normal SG etc stuff and brew it up. Start your yeast before adding it, it needs to already be pretty happy before it goes into the acid stew.

Make sure to stabilize when it's done, so it doesn't continue to ferment it to pure alcohol. You need some sweetness in there. Keep refrigerated, sealed and out of the light, or the flavors will degrade. But it's worth it.

Once you have this stuff, I recommend trying it straight first (It is truly delicious), then making a jank ass Cuba libre. My recipe is to build over ice in the glass with: a kitchen spoonful of second molasses, two or three ounces of the lime stuff, stir, and lengthen to full with Coca-Cola. It's insane to put the alcohol into the lime and separate the molasses out, but it tastes heavenly.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Thinking slowly
March 07, 2024, 08:16:41 AM
Try making an applejack. Freeze distillation is safe and accessible, and having a bottle of homemade high proof apple flavor is a precious joyous thing.

We have one brewing right now. Bunch of culinary apples, molasses, turbinado sugar simple syrup, and a sugar extraction from pomegranate (including oils and juices). It would be a boring cider, which makes it an ideal applejack. We plan to distill on dry ice when this insane yeast calms the fuck down, and I expect we can get to a 60% ABV. Backsweeten to 50% ABV with a strong simple syrup, bottle and enjoy. I plan on basically having molasses-applejack spritzes: dollop of molasses, ice, applejack, sparkling water, quick stir, enjoy.

We also have a perry-cider-something brewing up from culinary apples, pears, grapefruit, and white sugar. It'll be a really good drink when we stabilize and backsweeten, the grapefruit will provide the sour and bitter you want in a quality cider and the pears will add some good vegetal notes. I think it'll be good for summer evenings.

I always think slow. I think fast, too, but the two processes are begun simultaneously and I've learned to distrust the fast thoughts.
Apple Talk / Re: So this is us. This is how we live now.
February 28, 2024, 04:20:26 AM
I'm glad to hear you're doing okay, TWJ. I'm... not doing so great, actually, but there's a chance I exit the USA soon and get some real healthcare, so that's something.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
February 28, 2024, 04:19:18 AM
I recently found out that not only did I get scurvy a second time, breaking a promise I made to my recently-dead partner, but I also had CRIPPLING copper, Omega-3 and vitamin B-complex deficiencies. There's bound to be even more dire deficiencies we don't know about.

Coincidentally, a couple weeks before this, my live-in partner and I had received in our regularly fruitless trips to the food bank a bag of nondescript Powdery Stuff. It called itself Ka'Chava and claimed to be a superfood.

We can't afford all the supplements I need to survive. We get me Omega-3 and Vitamin C for now, and start working on figuring out how to feed someone so sick they can barely move. We come across The Stuff in the cupboard. It's nondescript powder and claims to be a superfood, we have some yogurt and I can just about swallow a thick paste, but chewing is at the edge. Fuck it, go for it. What the hell else can we do?

Oh. It's delicious. THAT'S weird.

Oh. It has enough of what I need that I'm covered for all but the vitamin C, actually. Even if there are other, secret deficiencies. That's ... exactly what I need.

It's been some days now. I have a scoop of this stuff in a small pile of yogurt every day, and I am rapidly recovering. It's been MONTHS since I've been able to stand up and do dishes on my own. Hell, I can rarely prepare my own food. Two days in a row, I've been able to do some dishes and cook my own food. Stand up without vertigo. Feel my fingers at all times. Insane. So, tonight, just before I tab over here, I decide to look up how much this stuff costs, because there's a lot left still but I kind of want to make sure I have it in stock. I have a fondness for it, given that it literally probably saved my life, and I'd very much love to get more.

80 dollars a bag. It's bougie celebrity health food protein shake bullshit. I cannot get more. But we got it from a food bank. A fucking food bank. For free. No money.

Whoever donated that to the food bank is, bizarrely, a fucking saint. Bougie health food is normally poison to a truly poor person. But this? This is shelf-stable nutritionally-dense supplement that tastes actually good. Could not have gone to a better home, actually, because I otherwise might be bedridden now.

Just. Wild shit.
I have had to beg up money for food for years on end now. I have had actual scurvy three times in the past three years. I have chronic malnutrition of so many forms that it's impossible to tell what is health problems (intrinsic) and what's just malnutrition.

I cannot find work for anything. My partner got a job at Walmart and is about to lose it because we caught COVID, and they want medical documentation that she has COVID while we have no healthcare nor money to get that proof, or they deny her FMLA claim and she gets fired.

We will guaranteed be homeless in March, as a result. We won't have rent because we pay the outrageous healthcare costs, or we won't have rent because we don't and she loses her job.

I have been homeless for most of my adult life. While homeless I have been assaulted, sometimes sexually and sometimes physically, by cops, by bigots, by random passersby. I have the legal protections of an acorn, or a piece of litter: no one cares what happens, so long as I'm out of sight.

Trans people are being genocided. We're being legislated out of existence in multiple states, where existing becomes a crime. Multiple high profile politicians have said that we should just be killed. They have the power and the support to get away with doing that, turning the existing-while-trans crimes into capital offenses.

I'm Jewish. I know of which I speak on genocide.

Finnius, I sincerely hope you suffer like I've suffered. I want you to wish for release. I want you to feel the churn between knowing that death is escape, but feeling that the human body is an animal devised over millions of years of skin-of-the-teeth survival, by any means necessary, against all odds. I want you to start to bleed out after being stabbed and watch everyone walk by giving your screaming, bloody body looks like could you keep it the fuck down? We're on our way to work, here. You're a disgrace. Die where we don't have to look at it.
Yudkowsky still hasn't learned. Also, he's hilarious to watch when viewed through the light of a "rational human being". He's a kook, and when you take him at his word, he even looks like one.
Offering two of my own variations, also revealed to me in a dream.

-Grind up sumac and caraway seed in a roughly 50/50 mixture. You will want to taste this to get it right. You will know when it's right when you have a religious experience that makes you sound like Lil Jon.
-Butter your toast, then spread honey over the butter.
-Add your WHAT to the HUH, enjoy with DAMN.

-Grind up cardamom and cinnamon in a roughly 50/50 mixture. You don't need to get this right, but I encourage tasting anyway. Yummy.
-Butter your toast, then spread molasses (do NOT use blackstrap) over the butter.
-Add your cardamom and cinnamon mixture to the toast, enjoy with a strongly flavored black tea.
His rationalism stuff is polluted by believing that ANY humans are EVER capable of being rational actors. If anyone was, we would simply all live in their example, and oops, you made a cult, better hope your rational actor doesn't have underhanded motives that lead them to rationally form a cult to pursue those underhanded motives.

Addiction to rationality is caused by irrational motivations. if we were truly rational we'd give up on rationality. As Roger was fond of saying, it's no way to run a human being.

What's useful about his rationalism stuff is specifically this: having a toolkit for when you want something else to blame if things go wrong, and the person in charge of yelling at you won't accept "God did it".
Quote from: mx krabs the bepronouned on January 07, 2024, 02:00:04 PM
feel like he'd read like BIP and take away all the wrong messages . if he makes a single tweet about this all of the cryptocurrency/roko's basilisk guys would overwhelm us in seconds

He won't. He's too pig-brained to actually recognize any value in Discordian messaging. The one to worry about is Yudkowsky.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Unified Vidya Games thread
January 01, 2024, 11:33:17 PM
If you do try Lords of the Fallen, I'd say go in expecting less Bloodborne and more Dark Souls 2 tier combat (so still fun, but on the rougher side -- though also without the odd floatiness of DS2) and Dark Souls level design with Bonus Extra Good Times (so extremely interconnected, densely packed with side paths, with a handful of odd tumorous areas that just hang off the rest -- plus the incredible other-world gimmick).

Also, the one design choice people complain about is that regular enemies are TOUGH and placed in medium-sized groups in ways that support each other (so if you see one lone weakling it's probably an ambush with another weak goon, an elite and an archer or two providing backup, etc). If you don't like having to deal with groups of enemies that back each other up well and that sort of combat priority ordering thing, you might not have fun, which is fine. I personally preferred the encounter design philosophies of Bloodborne, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 to the other games, but that's a taste thing. If you DO like it, it's done exceptionally well here and is the backbone of the challenge.
Propaganda Depository / Re: FREAKBAiT
January 01, 2024, 05:55:41 AM
Let me just say, I like you. The thing you linked doesn't appeal to me personally, because I'm old in the way that makes me disdain video content, but you I like. Good signature, great username, fellow queer, good times.

Sorry about all the death around here, forums are basically the sink node of reality these days, but hey, stick around or keep in touch.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Unified Vidya Games thread
January 01, 2024, 12:35:39 AM
I think that can kind of explain Lies of P getting such a strong reception, but I don't think it explains Lords of the Fallen becoming the one to mock and make fun of. One of these games is distinctly better than the other, and it's not the puppet game.