
Bigotry is abound, apprently, within these boards.  There is a level of supposed tolerance I will have no part of.  Obviously, it seems to be well-embraced here.  I have finally found something more fucked up than what I'm used to.  Congrats. - Ruby

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Messages - Fallenkezef

Or Kill Me / Re: We've Already Won.
May 23, 2023, 08:46:05 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 23, 2023, 03:00:15 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 22, 2023, 08:06:05 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 17, 2023, 01:20:49 PM
You can't undo what we have done.

Oh, sure, you'll fucking try. You'll kill us by the thousand. But that doesn't matter.

You think being alive is some kind of win condition on this fucked up little marble? How stupid are you? I don't know if you've noticed, but shit's bad and getting worse. You think I'm eager to stick around so I can drown in sewage like the rest of the apes? Hah. Pathetic. No, the only thing that keeps me going these days is spite. I'm suffering, but I'm going to make you suffer even more.

No. The thing you wanted to do was preserve the lie. Make us believe that the world fits into neat little boxes. Make your kids think that they're broken for feeling the way they feel, loving the people they love. But they've seen the truth, now.

You can kill every last one of us and it won't matter.

Everyone knows the lie for what it is.

For most of human history you and people like you have done a great job maintaining the lie, and whilst you could stop us talking to each other it worked nicely. But the truth has out. And here's the thing.

We're not content to just quietly kill ourselves any more.

We're going to make you do it. Knowing it won't change a fucking thing. Knowing that all it means is that sooner or later, you're going to throw your own kids on the pyre too.

You've lost. And that? That gives me life.

So fucking kill me, loser.

You should probably read a history book or two.

Countless pre-christian societies accepted Transgender, welcomed Trans people. 2,000 years out of 6,000 isn't most of it, learn math.

Also, your basic premise, your fighting philosophy is literaly to die? Wow, way to own the haters. You remind me of the Judean People's Front suicide squad.

Do yourself a favour. Study the history you clearly don't know anything about and figure out how they won, then get your arse out there and do it.

Keep stalking, donut.  Dirty old Uncle Howl has something for you.

Or Kill Me / Re: Fuck You.
May 23, 2023, 08:45:31 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 23, 2023, 02:57:28 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 22, 2023, 10:30:29 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 22, 2023, 10:12:33 PM
I don't know what gave you the impression I was in any way interested in talking to you any further.

For the avoidance of doubt: I have not read and will not read anything you have to say to me.

Please see this for my position on you and people like you.

And in the spirit of the thread:

Fuck you.

That's nice dear

Oh, you're one of those guys.  Should have guessed it from your general internet presence.  Jordan Peterson fan, MGTOW, incel bullshit.

Having found that screeching through their neckbeards didn't work, they tried condescension.

So tell us more, you pathetic little fraction of a man.

That's nice dear
Or Kill Me / Re: Fuck You.
May 22, 2023, 10:30:29 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 22, 2023, 10:12:33 PM
I don't know what gave you the impression I was in any way interested in talking to you any further.

For the avoidance of doubt: I have not read and will not read anything you have to say to me.

Please see this for my position on you and people like you.

And in the spirit of the thread:

Fuck you.

That's nice dear
Or Kill Me / Re: We've Already Won.
May 22, 2023, 08:06:05 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 17, 2023, 01:20:49 PM
You can't undo what we have done.

Oh, sure, you'll fucking try. You'll kill us by the thousand. But that doesn't matter.

You think being alive is some kind of win condition on this fucked up little marble? How stupid are you? I don't know if you've noticed, but shit's bad and getting worse. You think I'm eager to stick around so I can drown in sewage like the rest of the apes? Hah. Pathetic. No, the only thing that keeps me going these days is spite. I'm suffering, but I'm going to make you suffer even more.

No. The thing you wanted to do was preserve the lie. Make us believe that the world fits into neat little boxes. Make your kids think that they're broken for feeling the way they feel, loving the people they love. But they've seen the truth, now.

You can kill every last one of us and it won't matter.

Everyone knows the lie for what it is.

For most of human history you and people like you have done a great job maintaining the lie, and whilst you could stop us talking to each other it worked nicely. But the truth has out. And here's the thing.

We're not content to just quietly kill ourselves any more.

We're going to make you do it. Knowing it won't change a fucking thing. Knowing that all it means is that sooner or later, you're going to throw your own kids on the pyre too.

You've lost. And that? That gives me life.

So fucking kill me, loser.

You should probably read a history book or two.

Countless pre-christian societies accepted Transgender, welcomed Trans people. 2,000 years out of 6,000 isn't most of it, learn math.

Also, your basic premise, your fighting philosophy is literaly to die? Wow, way to own the haters. You remind me of the Judean People's Front suicide squad.

Do yourself a favour. Study the history you clearly don't know anything about and figure out how they won, then get your arse out there and do it.
Or Kill Me / Re: Fuck You.
May 22, 2023, 07:46:22 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on February 15, 2023, 02:42:55 PM
My parent's generation had a phrase that defined them. It sums up their whole ethos. "Greed is Good." Those three words contain the sum total of their politics. It will be the legacy that they leave behind. The rot that they put out to infect the rest of the world.

The rest of us have one too.

I thought about different ways to say this; I could use a lot of fancy words and dress up the core conceit to make it palatable, intellectual, maybe even convincing. But that wouldn't be truthful. For us, we can sum it all up in two words:

Fuck you.

Oh, there was a time when it could have been something else.

We gave you the chance. We begged you to compromise with us. We plead with you to row back just a little bit, to just lessen the misery that you inflict on the rest of us. You said no. Greed is good, right?

Well fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

You've made a world that wants us dead. You've burned our future to fuel your present. You looked us in the eye and you told us that you'd rather kill us than be inconvenienced for even a second.

Fuck you.

I can hear your mewling already. That's not constructive. That's not positive. That's not helpful. That's not going to convince anybody. At least Greed is Good contains the hope that there is something good to come, right?

Fuck you.

There's nothing good in this world.

Nothing will ever be good again.

But I've still got spite, so.

Fuck you.

You want me to die?

Fuck you.

I will live long enough to make sure that your grave is soaked in piss. It won't change anything, but it'll make me smile.

Fuck you.

Or kill me.

Clearly your parents liked Michael Douglas a little too much. Wall Street was a shit movie in the 80's and still is.

My parent's generation had a quote that summed up THIER ethos "He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy".

Your parent's generation is the generation of Rachel Carson, E F Scumacher, Murray Bookchin. Your parent's generation crewed the Rainbow Warrior. Your parent's generation saw the first MLK day as a national holiday, they saw Guion Bluford go into space. Your parents generation took part in 1987 Gay and Lesbian march on Washington, over 200,000 taking a stand for Gay rights and highlighting the AIDS epidemic.

Piss on your parents, they will probably enjoy it by the sound of things. Piss on Michael Douglas, he'll almost certainly enjoy it. But don't you dare piss on the generation that went through hell and survived it so that you have the rights and freedoms you enjoy today. Try growing up and making sure the next generation has more so they can write bullshit that mocks and pisses on you.

Your nihilistic, narcissism is cloying!

If I may quote you "There's nothing good in this world. Nothing will ever be good again."

Well little missy, FUCK YOU.

Over 70 years ago, living memory, Alan Turing was tortured and castrated by chemo "therapy".  The LGBTQ community survived.

MY generation lived under section 28 and where told all gay people where peados and predators and that fancying the same sex was a perversion. The LGBTQ community survived.

Today is SOOOOO hard for us right? I mean we can be married, we can serve our nations in the uniformed services and qualify for married quarters, we have legal protections from discrimination that Turing could only dream about. It's never been better for you lads and lassies in the Trans community Gender Dysphoria is now recognised and supported with treatments for transition available via the NHS.

Grow the fuck up and stop reading Nietsche. Study the people who came before you, how they fought, how they lost and how they eventualy won.

It's all about directed hate and you hypocrites get your panties in a bunch when somebody points out that we'll ride it out to greener pastures. But you have a good old party wank over some nihilistic bullshit?

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
May 06, 2023, 11:46:17 AM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 06, 2023, 10:28:43 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 06, 2023, 09:42:32 AM
Quote from: Cain on May 05, 2023, 09:44:32 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 05, 2023, 07:45:15 PM
I don't really care about this but I feel like I ought to throw it out there.

Local council elections in the UK are in and the Tories have taken a pasting.

One thing that I do think is interesting at a first glance here is that Labour is not nearly so clearly the victor as they are crowing about. Yes, they got the largest number of seats... but it's not that far ahead of the Lib Dems and the Greens more than doubled their holding.

My suspicion is that the Lib Dems are benefiting from the hard core of Tory voters who want to express their dissatisfaction but will never vote Labour, and the Greens are benefiting from the hard core of Left voters who will never vote Starmer.

It's always difficult to predict what will happen at the next GE from local council results but I think the Lib Dem gains give particular reason for pause here. Most people don't take local elections seriously because the stakes are perceived as lower (which is ironic as they often have a bigger impact on their lives in material terms than their MP). Lib Dems have a reputation for being good in local government (which... eh) and then rarely being able to translate that into strong parliamentary showings because people just don't take them seriously as a party of potential government (which is good; they don't deserve that).

When people are faced with the choice that 'matters' I think there's every chance they swing back to the Tories. Memories are short and Sunak still has time to craft his pitch. I still ultimately think that a Labour government (possibly a Labour led coalition) is the most likely outcome, but particularly if Starmer continues to fail to inspire and the pitch from both parties is "Things are shit, they're going to get more shit, and that's good actually" people may well decide to just stick with the devil they know.

It doesn't look entirely great for Labour...strong suggestions of a coalition government based on the showing and numbers so far. Completely squandered that 50 point lead they had seven months back, as far as I can tell they spent that entire time telling the left of the party they are swine,to the unions that they won't back them, that they won't help students and they don't especially care about rampant TERFism or refugees and promising YET MORE CRACKDOWNS in order to court the vote of gammons who will always vote for the Tories over them anyway.

So yeah. Demoralising your own base interesting political approach.

But yeah, I agree the Lib Dem vote is likely disaffected Tories who want to punish them where it'll actually hurt.

The thing is, England doesn't really matter too much.

When the general election kicks off it's all about Scotland. It's a foregone conclusion that Labour will win, which is good for the country as Starmer is more Blairite centrist. It's how much they win.

Back in the day, Labour relied heavily on the Scottish vote. The SNP turning Scotland into a one party state hurt them badly. However now there is a chance that the whole "vote for independence and ignore how shit we are at running a nation" bullshit has been exposed and the Scottish folks will go back to voting Labour in order to fuck the tories.

Go fuck yourself.

That's nice dear
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
May 06, 2023, 09:42:32 AM
Quote from: Cain on May 05, 2023, 09:44:32 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 05, 2023, 07:45:15 PM
I don't really care about this but I feel like I ought to throw it out there.

Local council elections in the UK are in and the Tories have taken a pasting.

One thing that I do think is interesting at a first glance here is that Labour is not nearly so clearly the victor as they are crowing about. Yes, they got the largest number of seats... but it's not that far ahead of the Lib Dems and the Greens more than doubled their holding.

My suspicion is that the Lib Dems are benefiting from the hard core of Tory voters who want to express their dissatisfaction but will never vote Labour, and the Greens are benefiting from the hard core of Left voters who will never vote Starmer.

It's always difficult to predict what will happen at the next GE from local council results but I think the Lib Dem gains give particular reason for pause here. Most people don't take local elections seriously because the stakes are perceived as lower (which is ironic as they often have a bigger impact on their lives in material terms than their MP). Lib Dems have a reputation for being good in local government (which... eh) and then rarely being able to translate that into strong parliamentary showings because people just don't take them seriously as a party of potential government (which is good; they don't deserve that).

When people are faced with the choice that 'matters' I think there's every chance they swing back to the Tories. Memories are short and Sunak still has time to craft his pitch. I still ultimately think that a Labour government (possibly a Labour led coalition) is the most likely outcome, but particularly if Starmer continues to fail to inspire and the pitch from both parties is "Things are shit, they're going to get more shit, and that's good actually" people may well decide to just stick with the devil they know.

It doesn't look entirely great for Labour...strong suggestions of a coalition government based on the showing and numbers so far. Completely squandered that 50 point lead they had seven months back, as far as I can tell they spent that entire time telling the left of the party they are swine,to the unions that they won't back them, that they won't help students and they don't especially care about rampant TERFism or refugees and promising YET MORE CRACKDOWNS in order to court the vote of gammons who will always vote for the Tories over them anyway.

So yeah. Demoralising your own base interesting political approach.

But yeah, I agree the Lib Dem vote is likely disaffected Tories who want to punish them where it'll actually hurt.

The thing is, England doesn't really matter too much.

When the general election kicks off it's all about Scotland. It's a foregone conclusion that Labour will win, which is good for the country as Starmer is more Blairite centrist. It's how much they win.

Back in the day, Labour relied heavily on the Scottish vote. The SNP turning Scotland into a one party state hurt them badly. However now there is a chance that the whole "vote for independence and ignore how shit we are at running a nation" bullshit has been exposed and the Scottish folks will go back to voting Labour in order to fuck the tories.
Or Kill Me / The gays and trans can't win
May 05, 2023, 06:53:49 PM

The abolitionists didn't defeat slavery. Who did?

The suffragettes didn't win the right to vote. Who did?

The left didn't defeat fascism. Who did?

Hell the republicans didn't even manage to defeat the monarchy. Who did?

The LBTQ+ community won't beat the likes of Trump and De Santis. But they will be defeated, once folks figure out who will do it.

Too many people want to fight and keep their panties clean. The victories of the past always involved, sooner or later, having to use those pretty, white knickers as a cloth to wipe away what's left of their metaphorical hymen.

Here's a clue "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", "My enemy is my greatest weapon", "the moral high ground is a mass grave."

You want to win? Study William Wilberforce, REALLY study what he did and how he failed. Figure out what he eventually figured out. How he won, how all the others won and who/what really won it for them.
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 09:58:34 AM
Quote from: Faust on May 04, 2023, 09:39:02 AM
Please dont let this stop the shitting on this moron but:

I wont hear ill of Brendan O'Carroll, I don't like Mrs browns boys but that character cannot be reduced to the cliched joke of a man in a dress.
Agnes brown is an incredibly accurate portrayal of an Irish Mammy, and both his portrayal and Angelica Houstons (yes its THAT agnes brown) elicit aspects of the character in interesting ways

Not throwing any shade at O'Carroll.

Just think it's very interesting that FK chose that character in this particular context.

It's almost like everything he says has some kind of unfortunate subtext to it. What a strange coincidence.

Just going to leave this here for no particular reason.

Quote from: SartreNever believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

That's a fun little game

"We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact."
Quote from: Faust on May 04, 2023, 09:40:05 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 04, 2023, 09:31:48 AM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 09:26:32 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 04, 2023, 09:12:08 AM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 07:14:42 AM
THAT'S what you're referencing?

So you're saying you're not being a misogynist because you're using the dismissive catchphrase of a man in a dress when addressing a trans woman?

Great job. Top work. No notes.

Lets drill down into this hypocrisy shall we? Dismissing a "man in a dress"? That's a REALLY insulting way to describe drag don't you think?

Considering it was a "man in a dress" that started the stonewall riots. Considering the fact that Florida recently passed the death penalty for child abuse convictions and will now try to use that legislation to threaten and harass homosexual (and straight) people who dress in drag and conduct story time readings. But that's ok apparently as a "man in a dress" is somehow misogynistic.

Lets look at the "man in a dress" who's catchphrase I love so much shall we? Brendan O'Carroll is a massive supporter of the LGBT+ community. He's used the show to support gay rights and the to campaign for the legalisation of gay marriage in Ireland.

Great Job. Top Work. No Notes.

Once again: Go fuck yourself.

That's nice dear

Seems folks can't deal with dissonance in the echo chamber. Allot of broken mirrors around here it would appear.

Instead of irritating people who don't want to interact with you, have you considered swallowing rat poison

No, does it come in multiple flavours?
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 09:26:32 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 04, 2023, 09:12:08 AM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 07:14:42 AM
THAT'S what you're referencing?

So you're saying you're not being a misogynist because you're using the dismissive catchphrase of a man in a dress when addressing a trans woman?

Great job. Top work. No notes.

Lets drill down into this hypocrisy shall we? Dismissing a "man in a dress"? That's a REALLY insulting way to describe drag don't you think?

Considering it was a "man in a dress" that started the stonewall riots. Considering the fact that Florida recently passed the death penalty for child abuse convictions and will now try to use that legislation to threaten and harass homosexual (and straight) people who dress in drag and conduct story time readings. But that's ok apparently as a "man in a dress" is somehow misogynistic.

Lets look at the "man in a dress" who's catchphrase I love so much shall we? Brendan O'Carroll is a massive supporter of the LGBT+ community. He's used the show to support gay rights and the to campaign for the legalisation of gay marriage in Ireland.

Great Job. Top Work. No Notes.

Once again: Go fuck yourself.

That's nice dear

Seems folks can't deal with dissonance in the echo chamber. Allot of broken mirrors around here it would appear.
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 09:07:50 AM
You were given a choice, dumbass.

Being extremely charitable you used a poor analogy and were called on it. If you'd held your hands up then and there maybe some people would have thought "Eh, this guy acts like he's just been kicked in the head by a horse but he's just a moron, not malicious." Not everyone, admittedly. Some of us have reasons to discard anyone who even looks like they might be dogwhistling. Combined with your post history and the fact you still haven't addressed that, well, I'd definitely be giving you the side-eye for a good long time even if you hadn't carried on.

"Go fuck yourself" was a chance for you to go back, read what you just said, realise the sheer extent of your ignorance, how fucking insulting it is, and reevaluate just what you want your time in this community to look like.

You made your choice. You doubled down. After all, it's not you that's incapable of communicating like a human being. It's everyone ELSE who is just being MEAN and RUDE! And surely, there's not a single thing poor, bleeding heart FK did to deserve rudeness. Why, I'm just clutching my pearls.

You want to talk about perception? You want to know why everyone just seems to call you a fascist?

Well fuck, buddy, there might just be some clues buried in this thread right here. Who can say?

Aye, who can say?
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 07:14:42 AM
THAT'S what you're referencing?

So you're saying you're not being a misogynist because you're using the dismissive catchphrase of a man in a dress when addressing a trans woman?

Great job. Top work. No notes.

Lets drill down into this hypocrisy shall we? Dismissing a "man in a dress"? That's a REALLY insulting way to describe drag don't you think?

Considering it was a "man in a dress" that started the stonewall riots. Considering the fact that Florida recently passed the death penalty for child abuse convictions and will now try to use that legislation to threaten and harass homosexual (and straight) people who dress in drag and conduct story time readings. But that's ok apparently as a "man in a dress" is somehow misogynistic.

Lets look at the "man in a dress" who's catchphrase I love so much shall we? Brendan O'Carroll is a massive supporter of the LGBT+ community. He's used the show to support gay rights and the to campaign for the legalisation of gay marriage in Ireland.

Great Job. Top Work. No Notes.
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 08:48:52 AM
It's really not.

That's perception for you.
Quote from: Scribbly on May 04, 2023, 07:14:42 AM
THAT'S what you're referencing?

So you're saying you're not being a misogynist because you're using the dismissive catchphrase of a man in a dress when addressing a trans woman?

Great job. Top work. No notes.

I find it's a little more polite than "go fuck yourself".