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Messages - Fallenkezef

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 04, 2023, 04:56:05 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on May 03, 2023, 09:52:50 PM
Quote from: Scribbly on May 03, 2023, 02:21:57 PM
Go fuck yourself.

That's nice dear

So we have one of those Andrew Tate fans here, who like to speak in condescending tones to women.

You're gonna go far, shitsock.

You need to watch Mrs Brown's boys
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 03, 2023, 10:34:34 PM

So, just to clarify...are you pro-fascist or anti-fascist?  The neutral ground is, of course, indistinguishable from pro-fascism for all practical purposes.

I'm anti-fascist, however these days the left define anything they disagree with as fascist. From the political viewpoint I'm (more or less) content with my country's constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
Quote from: Scribbly on May 03, 2023, 02:21:57 PM
Go fuck yourself.

That's nice dear
Quote from: altered on April 30, 2023, 11:24:05 PM
No. Actually, you lied.

Quote from: Fallenkezef on April 24, 2023, 10:45:20 PM
Seriously, we figure out slavery is wrong back in 1830 and jump into colonialism. We figure out colonialism is wrong and jump into hating the fascists and then the commies and fuck up countries like Iran and Afghanistan to prove a point. We figure out hating gays is wrong and jump into hating transgender.

Provably false. Literally a lie. You said something false on purpose to cover your ass after your pro-fascist statement got caught. You said something anyone can use their very own functional eyes to verify the falsity of because you got caught and you hope people won't pay attention to what you said, just what you say that you said.

Next up is either:
an excuse for why that's a mistake (despite being deeply embedded in a list where literally every other item on said list has the same element of "unjust hatred" in common, you /can't/ make that mistake, that is a purposeful act buddy),
an accusation of the admins stealth-editing your posts (the crew here doesn't do that as a rule -- as a very hard rule, in fact),
or "sociological experiment" (please, i need my fix).

I made no moral statements on whether the feelings where just or not. It's a lie that Americans went from hero worshiping Hitler in the 30's to hating everything fascist in the 40's? Even though the horrific eugenics policies of the Germans where, in part, based on the American policies of the south?

The point is identity politics are part and parcel of the system and this latest attack on Trans is just part of that. To fight the issue you need to understand it and figure the best way of doing that. Which is not a kneejerk jump to the left.

Who is the best defence of Trans rights in Florida right now? Who is doing the most to fight and defeat De Santis and his policies? Disney, let that sink in.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 30, 2023, 08:24:10 AM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on April 29, 2023, 06:09:09 PM
Why thankyou.

I'm giving you a few more posts to see if you can post without being an utter blowhole.

I am already doing the side eye thing over the "fascism was an invented enemy" thing. 


I'm fairly certain the point I made was not "Fascism was an invented enemy" but "Fascism requires an invented enemy and uses that as the pretext for gaining power".
Why thankyou.
Quote from: altered on April 27, 2023, 01:04:23 AM
Hey, Fallenkezef.

Hey buddy.

Did you think you could just sneak anti-fascism into your list of fucked up bigotries and exploitations? Did you think that no one would notice that?

Did you think no one would notice your attempt to diminish the /actual real genocidal actions/ being taken against trans people among all of this? Or that you tried to pretend like slavery and colonialism ended when they /provably/ have not?

Oh. Also. Did you think that we would forget you made incredibly fucked up statements and never fucking provided your promised responses to push-back against your weird eugenics-flavored views?

I will not roll over for people like you. I will not lay down and take it like a fucking dog while the boot steps down. I will not accept minimizing and shrugging off and the damn-near denial of provable real factual political reality in the real world we really live in, right now, visible with your own fucking eyeballs. And neither should anyone else.

You're trying to poison /my/ queer siblings with the idea that there's nothing to do but shrug and give the fuck up, that eventually it will all get better if we ignore it, and we'll probably survive because it's not that bad, after all, some few people survived much worse historical situations! You're trying to infect them with inaction and hopelessness and self-doubt with your insipid fucking claims. And I will not abide that behavior.

You are not an ally, you're a pseudo-centrist jackal trying to sap all the will and urgency out of scared, marginalized people, for whatever fucking reason. You're preying on people getting hammered with self-doubt and societal hatred and being disenfranchised out of all aspects of life on a scale unseen in the Anglosphere in almost 100 years. You're an opportunist, a scavenger, a fucking vulture, and whatever identity you think makes you share our struggle, you're not with us.

You aren't queer.

You're a turncoat, if you were ever in any kind of community with us at all. You're a snake. You're a traitor, and the time where I have any sympathy for traitors and sell-outs is long since past. You are not welcome. You will never be welcome again, if you ever were.

Get fucked.

That's nice dear
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on April 19, 2023, 03:50:07 PM
Since coming out, I've noticed something which was only exacerbated by the Covenant School shooting:
I lost the right to be an individual.

I'm held accountable for the actions of complete strangers.
We were treated like we all had blood on our hands because we shared one common trait (in my case, more than one) with a single shooter.
I'm trans first, a person later.
At it's worse, I was suicidal, and thought that maybe offing myself wouldn't be bad because some trans autist dying would make people happy after one of them killed a bunch of kids.

I know this has happened to other groups throughout history, I know I'm not the first, but fuck.

First time?

Born in 1980, discovered I was bi-sexual while Thatcher's section 28 was in full effect. Raised a catholic in the fucking heart of East Anglia (birthplace of Cromwell and protestant central) got beat up at school after the Warrington bombings. Blah, blah blah my life story isn't the point.

The point, my take away from experiencing prejudice and the realities of human nature? Are we actualy worth saving?

Seriously, we figure out slavery is wrong back in 1830 and jump into colonialism. We figure out colonialism is wrong and jump into hating the fascists and then the commies and fuck up countries like Iran and Afghanistan to prove a point. We figure out hating gays is wrong and jump into hating transgender.

Wait till we get into transhumanism and people replace body parts with replacements better than the original, that will be a sexy little shit storm. Whether your genitals match your birth certificate will be so yesterday after that.

The fact is, we love to hate and we love to fight. If you are in the crosshairs, all you can do is ride it out before society finds it's next target and it will.
Or Kill Me / Re: Look both ways before you cross
July 14, 2017, 05:09:54 PM
I'm away for a couple of weeks and miss all the fun
Or Kill Me / Re: Look both ways before you cross
July 05, 2017, 09:00:17 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on July 05, 2017, 07:29:59 PM
Hey Fallenkezef  - if you haven't escaped yet, would still love to know your opinion on the stuff in my last post ITT...

while the stats I provided are US-focused, I'm pretty sure the story is similar elsewhere.

Quote from: Cramulus on June 28, 2017, 10:19:12 PM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on June 28, 2017, 08:55:41 PM
I've seen both sides of the welfare state in action and have some personal bias. My partner's ex hasn't worked for three years because he prefers NOT to work, hasn't paid a penny to support his daughter and has openly admitted that one of the reasons he doesn't work is because he doesn't want the CSA to take his money.

My mother is on disability and got screwed over by the changes to that benefit, took a long time to appeal and get her the help she needs. I have a lingering anger for mr Hunt due to that.

It's a given that all systems like this will have some "abusers".

But most of the people receiving unemployment benefits aren't like that. Most of them want to get back to work ASAP. The safety net exists so they aren't forced into homelessness or crime while they look for work.

Isn't it worth a few people getting a "free ride" in order to keep a ton of people out of the poverty trap?

Quote from: Fallenkezef on June 28, 2017, 08:55:41 PM
The system needs to work both ways, an obligation to provide work. Which is why I favour a national service model.

Hunting for a job is a full time job. Wouldn't people get off welfare faster if they actually had time to job hunt and educate themselves?

I feel like the state could keep people nursing on its teat forever if it was getting all this sweet low-cost labor. If people's service is valuable, then what's the state's incentive to get them off it?

There are countries with no welfare or unemployment benefits.. What happens there, when you lose your job? What happens to the poverty rate and wealth concentration over time?

if you're fiscally conservative, how do you feel about the measurable economic impact of the safety net?

  • According to the Census Bureau estimates, unemployment insurance kept 3.2 million Americans from falling below the poverty line in 2010 alone.
  • A study commissioned by the Labor Department under the Bush administration showed that for every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, two dollars are pumped back into the economy.
  • The Council of Economic Advisors estimates that in 2009 and 2010, GDP was boosted by 0.8% and 800,000 more jobs were created as a result of unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed.
            Source: US Department of Labor

This is why welfare was invented by conservatives.

Not ignoring you, had a ton of work dumped on my lap. i will respond properly, with thought out answers when i get some time.
Or Kill Me / Re: Look both ways before you cross
July 04, 2017, 03:56:33 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on July 03, 2017, 06:23:13 PM

1.  I can't say for England, but that sort of tattoo over here means only one thing. 

2.  Nobody knows what ANY God represents.  They could tell us literally anything, and we'd have to believe it.

For me, Odin is represented in the Prose and Poetic Eddas. The sagas appeal to me as does the philosophy.

Do i believe that there is a literal Valhalla? That I honestly do not know, I'd like to think so. However I'm too much the free thinker to see it as much more than metaphor and cultural record. It's a rejection of christian hypocrisy in many ways.

The problem with the neo-nazis is they are just bloody idiots, blindly copying himmler's made-up occultism and thinking it's real. The dumb fuckers don't even realise the difference between nazi germanic occultism and norse for fucks sake.

Yet it gives those of us who follow traditional norse beliefs a really bad name.
Or Kill Me / Re: Look both ways before you cross
July 04, 2017, 03:47:14 PM
Quote from: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on July 03, 2017, 06:36:32 PM
I recently watched a documentary called "Hypernormalization"... coming off of that, I'd say that "right and left" in any real sense of the word seems to have been replaced with two fake positions, both of which are looking to manage the stability of the system, rather than truly improve anything. On the "left" the management is attempting to normalize as much as possible so that subgroups don't become so disenfranchised that they flip out and revolt. On the "right" the management is attempting to keep everything in stasis.

The documentary was pretty depressing since it focused on the idea that all politics starting in the late 70's basically gave up trying to make the world a better place.  :horrormirth:

This is basicly what I'm getting at.

It's a big con job. People are convinced that if they vote left the world will be a better place, the thing is nobody in the upper echelons of the left give a shit.

The thing is, people have started to realise this so they are going to the extremes in search of change, far left and far right. The problem being is extremists don't want to change the world, they just want to watch it burn.
Or Kill Me / Re: Look both ways before you cross
July 03, 2017, 08:39:54 AM
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on July 03, 2017, 01:34:13 AM
I actually know enough serious non-Nazi Norse pagans to view it as just another flavor of paganism, same as wiccans or occultists. Obviously, I still acknowledge that Neo-Nazis  have co-opted Odinism as a means to spread hatred, but seeing as co-opting a faith to spread their faith seems to be a tactic of most hate groups, I don't give grief to anyone who unironically just thinks the Norse gods are cool and have some pretty fun stories, in the same way I don't write off my Christian friends just cuz the KKK is religiously Christian.

That's pretty much it.

I have a valknut tattoo I can't show around certain people without them thinking I'm a neo-nazi, which really pisses me off.

For my part, Norse paganism is about accepting the consequences of your actions. Accepting that you are fucked, the world is out to knock you down so stop fucking whining about it, get up and get on with life. The sagas have some damn cool stories and moral metahphors and Odin is a fascinating deity with many different t facets that appeal to me.

However wiccans REALLY annoy me. I respect their right to believe what they want, just always strikes me as cherry picking whatever gods you feel like without actualy knowing what they represent. Most of them are just christians in denial who think they can replace the holy trinity with random celtic gods and nobody will notice.

But if it works for them, it works for them.
That was weird.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on July 02, 2017, 05:06:58 PM
Quote from: Fallenkezef on July 02, 2017, 09:06:27 AM
They have been doing this since the council of Nicaea in 325. To a greater or lesser extent.

It really annoys the fundies when you argue that their "word of god" is a party political broadcast. Take those Jehovah's Witness nutters, the original text was along the lines of not CONSUMING blood.

Need to find the citation, but I remember reading that there was an uproar over the King James text when it first came out, the papists clicked that the text had been changed to a subtle support for king over church.

Classic con job. The common folk eat it up, thinking they where being empowered when it was just the king trying to wrestle control from the church by attacking thier power base. Catholics clicked on it first, took the protestants longer to fugure out the con.

The Watchtower Society are some crazy fuckers. I'd like to see if there's any buzz from them on this, but don't care to dig into their shit to find out.

As for the KJV drawing criticism... not surprising. I always thought that raising one particular translation to the status of "Infallible Word Of God" was pretty much idolatry. But folks disagreed with fire back then.