
Sometimes I rattle the cage and beat my head uselessly against its bars, but sometimes, I can shake one loose and use it as a dildo.

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Messages - Messier Undertree

Trains here are far more crowded than that at rush hour but the Yamanote-sen lacks the low ceilings, angry people, and stench of sweat and desperation that make the London tube experience so unique.
My 40 hour work week regularly becomes 55 hours or so even though less than 30 of those are spent doing actual work.
To be honest I don't think I've watched a single cartoon since moving here and the only waifu I care about is 3D but I do have an image to maintain here you know.
September 05, 2015, 06:07:01 PM
Familiar faces all round! It's nice to see you guys again.

Quote from: Cain on September 02, 2015, 03:30:52 PM
:argh!: He sold us out to the Japanese Red Army.  Cheese it!
The counter-culture that you can find is not the true counter-culture.
I am successful money man whom live in Tokyo. Before this I was not so successful drug addict and literal communist whom live in Glasgow.

I may or may not have figured out something since then.

Hi all.
Apple Talk / Re: Lucid Dreaming.
December 27, 2013, 11:21:24 PM
The easiest way to induce a lucid dream is to stay awake for 48 hours or more and then sleep for 12 hours or more.

This is also the least healthy way to do it but it has worked for me several times. I wasn't actually trying to lucid dream in those situations but it works.

I've also started to lucid dream during ordinary sleep which might have a lot to do with me having kept a dream diary in the past along with having experienced full control when sleeping after bouts of insomnia.
Quote from: Mrs. Nigelson on November 12, 2013, 03:13:05 PM
Quote from: Malachite on November 10, 2013, 09:02:00 AM

While for years I thought of the internet as being an amazing invention from which only those lucky enough to be born into the first world could benefit, the day I found this filesharing blog and filled my music library with local African artists totally unknown outside the villages and towns in which they recorded their music finally made me appreciate just how global the internet has made everything for everyone.

If you're looking for new music scenes whose existence you probably never even gave any thought to before, be sure to check this out. You'll not only find new artists but entire new genres in there. The African music scene is just as unexplored by the West as the continent itself was for most of our history. Now, go put on your pith helmet and get exploring!

It's pretty cool, actually. I know an African beadmaker who innovated this really cool technique of making glass beads using recycled glass, molds, and wood fire, and the only way I am fortunate enough to know this guy is because his village has an Internet connection.

I just love hearing about things like this. I'm pretty pessimistic about the future of the human race but I believe that if there's one thing that will save us, it's the internet, 4chan warts and all. Governments around the world are desperately trying to stop this open flow of information between people around the world but their attempts so far have all failed miserably. They don't understand how things work on here.

The internet has allowed me to reach an advanced level of Japanese despite only occasionally using it in the outside world. It's due to the internet that I've met and befriended really interesting people I would never have bothered speaking to had I passed them in the street. I'm actually friends with an old Japanese man who I initially met when the girl I was talking to went to the bathroom and he saw my face on her computer monitor and just started asking me things, surprised that I could understand him. We now talk regularly about all sorts of things and I really appreciate that he's one of the few Japanese who is willing to talk about certain controversial parts of his nation's history. I've learned so much that I could never have done otherwise. I love the internet and I love meeting people who are different, people you wouldn't expect to be on the internet, such as your African friend who is lucky to have internet access, or an old Japanese man who I met by chance through practicing Japanese with his granddaughter. The internet is a sort of anarchist utopia we can escape to after a hard day's work in real life, for some people more than others.

Also, wow, sorry for being so verbose!

While for years I thought of the internet as being an amazing invention from which only those lucky enough to be born into the first world could benefit, the day I found this filesharing blog and filled my music library with local African artists totally unknown outside the villages and towns in which they recorded their music finally made me appreciate just how global the internet has made everything for everyone.

If you're looking for new music scenes whose existence you probably never even gave any thought to before, be sure to check this out. You'll not only find new artists but entire new genres in there. The African music scene is just as unexplored by the West as the continent itself was for most of our history. Now, go put on your pith helmet and get exploring!
Apple Talk / Re: For ECH and Nigel and me.
November 10, 2013, 05:34:54 AM
Truly inspiring. For those just starting out, don't worry, the pain will go away in time.

I just spent the past day lifting and pouring whisky into my mouth and I feel great! Feel the burn!
Apple Talk / Re: The Traitor Complex
November 10, 2013, 05:30:03 AM
It's good to see you guys again! o/
Apple Talk / Re: BIP 2013: Full Release (lol)
November 09, 2013, 03:18:45 AM
I definitely came back here at the right time. This is awesome.
Apple Talk / Re: The Traitor Complex
November 09, 2013, 03:15:21 AM
Nigel? Long time no see!

It's nice to see that the old PDF crew have survived these past few years relatively intact.
The cow stands on one leg and, in the early years, to even the most casual of observers she is clearly in pain. It is obvious to all who see her that things are not well for her or them. Yet, now she smiles. The smile reassures those around her that all is well. They get on with their lives, believing themselves to be living in an age of progress and enlightenment. If this were not the case, why would the cow be smiling? Her smile, so radiant and full of hope, has made the people forget that she is struggling to stand with only one leg. There is pain in her eyes but no one notices.

Meanwhile, a wolf suckles Romulus and Remus...

The people do not know that the cow does not smile in approval of the age in which the people surrounding her are living. She has been standing on one leg for so long now that she can't help but smile at the thought of the soon to come New Age in which she will once again stand on all four legs. Of the billions of people watching her, all but a handful are focused on her radiant smile rather than the pain in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Nero fiddles...

As time rolls on and the cataclysm that will bring about the next age comes closer, her smile only grows more radiant and hopeful, making the foolish majority even more content. The handful who notice her pain are destined, she decides, to be the survivors of this Dark Age.

Meanwhile, the star-spangled banner yet waves...

She explains what is to come to the few who have shown her pity. The only escape from this hellish prison in sheep's clothing is within the minds of those people who see the pain in her eyes. They must be in time but not of it. They must physically exist in a Dark Age but be of noble spirit, always looking above themselves. They must reject the rotten values of the age and cling to that which is intrinsically true in all ages. This, says the cow to her sympathisers, is the way to escape the prison into which they have been born. The coming Golden Age is within them. As for those who didn't notice the pain in her eyes? They're watching America's Got Talent as Caesar takes his throne

Meanwhile, the Patriot Act is signed...

Are you thinking for yourself, schmuck?