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Topics - trizly

Principia Discussion / best fishing sunglasses
August 12, 2021, 07:24:02 AM
People often ask me what is the best lure for fishing, now if you look online you will see a lot of suggestions of things like Jigs, spoons or spinnerbait, however these are just shills trying to offload product, a conspiracy of Big Fish.

What you want to use is Ray-bans.

You tie those suckers to the end of the line and even the most bashful catfish isn't going be able to resist a nibble. This works on 90% of all freshwater fish.
If you are a seafisher then you might want to vary these slightly, nothing lands a good salty Bream or Sheepshead as well as a pair of Aviators.

You're going to want to avoid using Shutter Shades, unless you want blowfish, a bony inedible angler or jellyfish.