
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Messages - Rumckle

Apple Talk / Re: Cramulus Has Gained a Level
February 02, 2012, 04:21:17 PM
Next week on Cram Scene Investigation:

Rumckle: It looks like someone has replaced this guys insulin with ticks.

: I guess he must be a diabeTICK

Apple Talk / Re: WOMP-ertainment
February 02, 2012, 04:36:31 AM
Apple Talk / Re: Cramulus Has Gained a Level
February 02, 2012, 04:33:31 AM
Rumckle gagged as he entered the room, the smell of blood and decaying bodies was thick in the air. The sight of the freshly killed bodies arranged in compromising poses with bodies that had been dead for months turned his stomach.

"Having problems there, rook?" asked Cramulus as he strolled into the room.

"It's a bit unsettling, I guess you're used to it though?"

"Heh, after you've seen the aftermath of a diabetic in a blood sugar rage nothing gets to you anymore," Cramulus replied, "Anyway, you better get yourself sorted out, I need you to get fingerprints off those bodies."

"I don't think you can easily get fingerprints off bone and skin, but I gue-"

"Hey, who is the Professor here?" Cram interjected.

"Uh, you are," Rumckle replied sheepishly, he'd heard about the Professor's legendary rage, and did not want to be subjected to one of his feared WOMPs.

"That's right, and don't you forget it," Cramulus seemed to have calmed down, "Oh, and I'll need a semen sample."

"How do you know there'll be semen here?"

Cram looked puzzled, "I wasn't talking about the crime scene, I get a semen sample from every new recruit."
Do you think I WANT to see you topless!? God No!

But this thread is like telling me not to touch those wires because they are high voltage. Fuck that, I'm not going to take your word for it, and since I don't have a multimeter on me...

Thanks Trip, I was thinking that there may be some problems along those lines, but I don't have a lot of knowledge about network construction, so that was very helpful.
Apple Talk / Re: Cards Against Humanity
January 31, 2012, 12:03:23 AM
My friends and I played this last night, I haven't laughed so hard in a while (or at the same time felt like a terrible person).

The only problem I found is that there are many cards that are difficult to make a funny answer with unless you play them in conjunction with something else.
Apple Talk / Re: FACK! Teamspag is down?
January 27, 2012, 04:51:52 AM
Fuck, not team Spag!

Literate Chaotic / Re: Sherlock
January 27, 2012, 02:21:28 AM
When I saw it I figured that some producer saw that the series was popular and decided to leave it open for another series, which Moffat didn't like, and as such, didn't bother providing any explanation as for Sherlock surviving the fall.

Quote from: Triple Zero on January 27, 2012, 01:20:40 AM

Hm I like Faust's first explanation. I should watch part of it again, because even though M said "you chose this location" while on the roof, I didn't really catch that happening, I thought M texted Sherlock to come there. But then the time moved from night to day, and made me wonder if M would have just waited there all those hours, so I guess I really missed something there :)

Yeah, I also didn't quite get that, I assumed it was M being cryptic/metaphorical, and meaning that all the choices that Sherlock made lead to this current situation.
 :lulz: that's awesome, especially if you haven't sketched in 13 years
Yeah, I'm kinda digging Vonnegut's writing style, I may have to get some more of his work once I finish Cat's Cradle. Do you have any suggestions?
Apple Talk / Re: So, About This Cain Guy
January 26, 2012, 07:25:17 AM
Wow, for once I'm glad some of the information is redacted, Cain's exploits are horrifying enough without knowing all the details.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 26, 2012, 05:38:51 AM
Quote from: Rumckle on January 26, 2012, 12:36:58 AM
I like this list, Kai, it is nice to be reminded how bad-ass scientists can be sometimes.

ALL the time.  Even my mild-mannered old man is a berserker under the surface.

One time, he's out on the ship over Thanksgiving (which in Canada, is on the wrong day), and he has a can of turkey bits, right?  Only the stove in the galley craps out, so he COOKS IT IN THE AUTOCLAVE.  Then he goes to open the can, and it goes rocketing all over the room, giving everyone 1st degree burns.

Then later on, when I was just a little girl, but old enough to remember, he decides to be clever and buy a turkey 3 months early (Turkey is pricey in Newfoundland, or was) to save a few bucks.  He takes it to the lab and shoves it in the cryofreezer.  3 months later, he gets it out to thaw, and puts it in the fridge at home.  Next morning, the fridge is frozen shut, and everything inside is fucking SOLID.  Best part - and this is the part he should have realized in advance, for which my mother gave him no end of shit - all the cells in the turkey meat are exploded, so it had the consistency of porridge.

Then we moved to America, and people let him play with radioactive shit.

Holy shit, that's awesome!
I like this list, Kai, it is nice to be reminded how bad-ass scientists can be sometimes.
Quote from: Cain on December 22, 2011, 10:42:49 AM
Wait until you get to the final chapter, where Ronson and Alex Jones infiltrate Bohemian Grove.

Alex is slightly....excitable.

Haha, that was pretty great, an interesting insight into how the minds of crackpots like Jones work.

Since that I've read The Wall Street Money Machine, which is a collection of three articles about the lead up to the banking collapse, and CDOs and all the bullshit that went on there. I found it fascinating, and it explained what happened rather clearly, definitely made more sense than when I was trying to piece together what happened through random newspaper articles.

I read Superfreakonomics, it is pretty much the same stuff as Freakonomics, so if you liked that you'll like this one, but don't expect any ground breaking revelations of thought. Though if you haven't read Freakonomics I'd suggest reading that instead, this one seemed slightly less complete/more rushed.

I've started reading The Prince, it's pretty cool, but can be a tough going at times with regard to some of the historical references.

I've also started Cat's Cradle as a bit of fiction reading, I really like the writing style, though at the start I was wondering if it was really Sci-Fi at all, because there wasn't anything in the way of amazing futuristic technology. Also, the short chapters make it easy to read in short bursts.

I also just picked up Relativity: A very short guide, mainly for the general relativity section, as while I've studied special relativity a few times, I am yet to look at general relativity (plus I'm also watching the Stanford Uni lectures on youtube).
Apple Talk / Re: Your Sex Life In 2012
January 25, 2012, 01:51:21 AM
"However, Equation 1.30 was derived using the RC circuit in Figure 1.27, whereas we now have an LCR circuit."

So, I'm going to be having sex with robots??