
"At the teaparties they only dunked bags into cups of water...because they didn't want to break the law. And that just about sums up America's revolutionary spirit."

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Messages - Abbot Mythos

Techmology and Scientism / NASA Space Tourism Posters
February 12, 2016, 02:13:59 PM
This isn't exactly techmology or scientism. I think it's really more technologyish and scienceyish, but here's the article title and link:

"NASA releases even more off its fantastical space tourism posters"

I'm far from being an expert, but it looks to me like these posters were intentionally done in the 'Art Deco style'.
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Weekly Science Headlines
February 11, 2016, 08:03:32 PM
Quote from: Gray Area on January 18, 2016, 05:33:33 PM
General Relativity Alert!

Gravitational waves MAY have been detected oscillating in a space-time continuum near you.


"It's True: Physicists Announce Discovery Of Gravitational Waves"
"This $40,000 Robotic Exoskeleton Lets the Paralyzed Walk"

Here's the link:
Quote from: Cain on February 10, 2016, 03:31:33 PM
I'm pretty sure he is the worst choice in the field.  Many of the others, Kaisch aside, are pretty bad, but Trump's the only one with a significant Neo-Nazi support base.  If he even only wins the nomination, it paves the way for one of America's major political parties to become a proxy for actual fascism.  Don Black, David Duke, Jared Taylor...they'll all be players. Seats at the table.  "Community leaders".

Oh, the irony! Me, of all people, defending The Trumpster.

Please keep in mind, Trump is an actor who knows his audience. I believe this cartoon sums it up pretty well:

And, it's no accident that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be Trump's replacement on that reality TV show.

If and when Trump wins the Republican Party's nomination, watch how fast and how hard he pivots to the left. The Teabaggers will, of course, howl and cry foul when that happens, but they'll vote for Trump anyway, and The Trumpster knows it.

Those Neo-Nazi's and KKK types have always been lurking there in the shadows. They mostly faded from view along with George Wallace, but quickly coalesced again and morphed themselves into 'The Tea Party' within days of Obama's first inauguration. They talked in code and dog-whistles for a long time, but backed by the Koch brother's money, they grew into a force within the GOP that even the Koch's can no longer control. If it weren't for Trump, those Neo-Nazi's and KKK types would be backing Cruz. They just wouldn't be so open about showing their true colors.
High Weirdness / Re: DEA Issues Stoned Rabbit Warning
February 10, 2016, 01:09:16 PM
And, for anyone here who might be more concerned about cute, little bunny rabbits than killer weed:

Hey, I did write 'might', didn't I? It could happen.

Quote from: Cain on February 10, 2016, 04:26:56 AM
70,000+ people, given the chance, really thought Trump was the best choice for President?  Urgh.

92,417  total votes as of the time of this posting, with 89% of precincts reporting. So, the number is going to climb even higher.

Unfortunately, this cartoon sums up the Republican field all too well:

I'm an independent, or as my voters registration card reads: Unaffiliated (With any political party)

Believe it or not, Trump is not the worst choice in the GOP field. For instance, two of the other Republican candidates are quite possibly sociopaths, Jeb Bush is at least as dumb as his brother, and Marco 'Roboto' is nothing more than a pretty boy with a good memory.

After forcing myself to watch the entire 1st Republican Presidential Debate, the only candidate I had any respect for whatsoever was John Kasich.

After watching about half an hour of the 1st Democratic Presidential Debate, I had already decided I would vote for any Democrat that won their party's nomination over any Republican candidate. 

I'm not thrilled with either one of the remaining Democratic candidates. But, either one of them will be the lesser of two evils come General Election Day. I do not want the GOP to have control of the White House.
"This Mushroom Burial Suit Turns Dead Bodies Into Compost"

Here's the link:

High Weirdness / Re: DEA Issues Stoned Rabbit Warning
February 09, 2016, 12:12:26 AM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on February 08, 2016, 07:53:12 PM
Does anybody else think that stoned rabbits would make a great premise for a webcomic?

Are you thinking something along these lines, or do you have something else in mind?

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Picking Cain's Brains
February 08, 2016, 11:26:07 AM
Quote from: Cain on February 08, 2016, 09:24:03 AM
I think China wants in on the DPRK's vast mineral resources, which are not insignificant.

Furthermore, supporting North Korea's acts of random omnibelligerence is a good reminder to Japan, who are poised to intervene and lay waste to China's most heavily populated and economically successful region if demanded, that such actions are not without consequence.

Thanks Cain,

I'm aware of the importance and value of rare earth elements. I did not, however, know that North Korea held the world's largest deposits. Thank you for that specific information. 

That, however, just makes Kim Jong-un's behavior even more perplexing to me. I mean, I did not know the man is sitting on top of a vast fortune, all the while allowing his people to live with the threat of starvation hanging over their heads. It's easy to say that the guy is crazy, but really, what the hell?

All that military activity in the South China Sea, etc. has me equally baffled, even more so after reading the article you posted. But, I'm going to take some time to gather my thoughts, and I'll post something more on that subject later on.

Thanks again.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
February 08, 2016, 09:20:35 AM
"Spanish Man's Secret to a Long Life: Never Drink Water"

After reading this article, I hereby pledge that I too am willing to take on the heavy burden, and make the necessary sacrifice for a long and healthy life.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Picking Cain's Brains
February 08, 2016, 08:05:09 AM

What are your thoughts on the People's Republic of China's seemingly unwavering support of North Korea?

Is the PRC's want of a buffer state between them and South Korea really worth the price? Is the PRC really that afraid of a unified Korea?

High Weirdness / Wife Crashes Her Own Funeral
February 08, 2016, 07:04:00 AM
"Wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who had paid to have her killed"

I know what you married guys are thinking.
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on February 07, 2016, 12:29:21 AM
Physics midterm today. I think that I must accidentally be taking the For Dummies version of this class, because I literally got through the test in ten minutes and was like, what? That's it?

I'm glad I didn't waste my time studying for it. Totally ridiculous.

Are you taking the same 1st semester freshman physics course the physics majors have to take?
High Weirdness / Re: DEA Issues Stoned Rabbit Warning
February 07, 2016, 10:30:49 AM
Quote from: Choppas an' Sluggas on February 05, 2016, 11:44:33 PM
Won't somebody think about the bunnies?

I feel your pain. I assure you, the cute, little bunny rabbits hippity hoppitting around my backyard, at least, are being well cared for.

The only predators in my neighborhood are some very lazy, roaming housecats, an occasional crow, and some hawks that have easier pickins down by the river. My wife plants catnip behind our garage, so the neighborhood cats are usual too stoned to even notice the bunny rabbits. (I find one of the neighbors' cats sprawled out and cross-eyed in our catnip patch about once a week during the summer. My wife is, apparently, growing some primo stuff.)

Those cute, little bunny rabbits, however, went all 'scorched earth' on our carrots last spring. (I don't think they were into The Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management™ thingy quite yet.) So, I had to build a chicken wire fence around and over the carrot patch. Our furry, little friends are now welcome to eat anything that grows through the chicken wire, but they have to be patient, and wait for us to share the rest of the carrots with them when we're ready to harvest them. ('Them' meaning the carrots, not the cute, little bunny rabbits.) 
Apple Talk / Re: Spagbook
February 07, 2016, 08:18:18 AM
I'd thought I'd, pretty much, seen it all. But, I have to admit, I've never seen a spear gun in a maintenance office/shop before. (I've seen battery-operated singing fish hanging on the walls in two different maintenance offices, but we both know those don't really count for anything. And, I have seen an 8 gauge kiln gun locked up in a maintenance cage, but that's only 'close, but no cigar'.)

Now, I'm guessing your office is way up on that mountaintop, and I'm guessing the fishing up there isn't anything to write home about. So, I have to ask, does that thing actually serve some maintenance purpose? Or, is it part of your special Employee Incentive Program™?