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Messages - Abbot Mythos

Techmology and Scientism / Re: Weekly Science Headlines
January 25, 2016, 01:25:46 PM
A Helpful Guide to Finding The Real Ninth Planet™

January 24, 2016, 03:26:50 PM
For those in the Northeast Corridor who need a good excuse to take a snow day on Monday.

Those south of the Northeast Corridor can, as usual, blame it on Obama.

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
January 24, 2016, 06:49:45 AM
"Bundy Boy Jon Ritzheimer Gives A Lecture On The Constitution And Gets It Wrong"

"This is the same man who was willing to die a couple of weeks ago while defending his right to lay claim to federal lands where birds live."

So, he's willing to die defending a document he can't comprehend.

The Bundy Militia has some truly interesting members.

Techmology and Scientism / Re: Weekly Science Headlines
January 22, 2016, 10:17:59 PM
"Dark 'noodles' may lurk in the Milky Way"

The Pastafarians must be beside themselves with joy.
January 22, 2016, 01:09:47 PM
Perhaps we can help TechnicallyRon, if you want to pass on this tip.

Now then, TechnicallyRon lives in a shed, his ideal partner is addicted to alcohol, she can fix his car, and she thinks the earth is flat.

Well, it's obvious to me that he need look no further than the nearest Tractor Pulling Track. After all, farm girls can fix anything, they absolutely love flat ground (it's easier to plow), and they're used to being around non-humans. So, his form, whatever he chooses it to be, will be no big deal to an alcoholic farm girl.

In my area, they hold tractor pulls at night. Back in the day, they allowed you to bring beer in by the keg and park right next to the track. And, as an added bonus, some of the really batshit crazy entries used to burn nitromethane fuel.

I love the smell of fresh draft beer and nitromethane in the moonlight, and so will TechnicallyRon's ideal partner. (Before you bring it up, I'm male and already spoken for. Don't even think about it.) But, now that I've re-reviewed TechnicallyRon's list, 'female' may not actually be one of his requirements.     

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
January 22, 2016, 08:33:25 AM
The Bundy Militia certainly has some interesting members.

Take Robert "LaVoy" Finicum for instance: The Powers That Be™ removed foster children from the home of the armed Bundy Militia spokesperson, thus depriving him of an estimated six-figure annual income from The Powers That Be™.

Perhaps The Powers That Be™, when the situation was brought to their attention, decided that "boys often landed there from mental hospitals, drug rehabs and group homes for emotionally distressed youth" might be safer in the home of someone who is not an armed militant?

And then we have Neil Sigurd Wampler: Wampler was accused of killing his own father, who was asleep in his bed at the time, with a 16-inch long eye bolt. He was convicted of second-degree murder in 1977.

"Wampler has been outspoken about gun rights. In 2013, he wrote a letter to the editor in The San Luis Obispo Tribune commending the local sheriff's stance 'against any federal infringement of our Second Amendment rights...' In the letter, he wrote, 'We gun owners in San Luis Obispo owe a big thank you' to the sheriff."

What a guy.
TrumpScript™ – Making Python Great Again!

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on January 21, 2016, 04:52:25 AM
If I nail this, I am going to spend the next five years of my life researching treatments for Parkinson's, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, along with any other applications the research may uncover. The lab I want to get into is looking at the role of adenosine in neurodegenerative diseases and other disorders, and incorporates epigenetic research that looks at the intergenerational effects of stress as a potential trigger via reduced baseline adenosine synthesis, as well as the potential of recombinant DNA treatments.

So literally EVERYTHING I'M INTERESTED IN all rolled into one! I already talked to the lab director and he was talking about writing me into his upcoming Parkinson's grant, so... if I get in, I am going to be the most goddamn excited little nerd on the West Coast.


And, the very best of luck to you.

The video the Illuminati doesn't want you to see:

Techmology and Scientism / Re: Weekly Science Headlines
January 20, 2016, 05:08:54 PM
Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet.

I thought the WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) had discounted this possibility, but we shall see.

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
January 20, 2016, 07:18:09 AM
Buy 'em books, send 'em to college, and look at what you get for your money:

It's scary to even think about how US 'high school only' graduates would respond to that survey.
Quote from: The Way Of The Burnt Rim on January 19, 2016, 09:45:00 PM
After many centuries lurking on this earth, most recently as a virtual Wight traversing the internet, I have inexplicably decided to attempt to make contact with the 'Real People'. After about an hour on this part of the web, I have realised that this is a silly place to start looking. Regardless, my internet vessel is out of fuel, so...


Welcome, newer being!
Or Kill Me / Re: What do?
January 19, 2016, 04:04:28 AM
Quote from: FailedAI on January 18, 2016, 06:57:46 PM
I'll definitely look into a SAD lamp. I've also started efforts to visit a doctor. Considering how long it's been since my last checkup, I wouldn't be surprised if there were health issues making things worse. Other than that, I'm focusing mainly on diet. It's a little tough, as a single person it can be difficult to keep the right amount of food around; too much and it'll go bad before I finish it, too little and, well, you know.

It's good to read that you're feeling better.

I can't offer any advice on dealing with SAD from personal experience, but a friend with the disorder tells me the lamps do help.

A visit to a M.D. for a checkup is a good move. In truth, I'm pretty bad about having regular checkups myself. I do, however, keep my appointments with my friendly neighborhood headshrinker, even though I'm down to once a year, five minute visits. As I've written before, dysthymia does get easier to deal with as you get older.

Hang in there. I'm sure, with a little help, you'll figure it all out. 

Techmology and Scientism / Re: Weekly Science Headlines
January 18, 2016, 05:33:33 PM
General Relativity Alert!

Gravitational waves MAY have been detected oscillating in a space-time continuum near you.
