I just realized something about myself.
- I often value humor over thoughtful discussion, even when humor is clearly inappropriate or disruptive.
- I have the attention span of a gnat trapped in my deadbeat cousin's bag of meth.
- I am twice as likely to try to convince you of my position than to listen to your position, for fear that I might agree with it.
- I cruise the Internet in search of funny pictures, many times to the exclusion of everything else.
- I begin at least half of my sentences with I.
On their own, each of these things is awful, but together, they can only mean one thing. One terrible thing.
I am a Facebook Discordian.
This sounds like I'm just being silly, and I am because it's part of my condition.
But is there hope?
- I often value humor over thoughtful discussion, even when humor is clearly inappropriate or disruptive.
- I have the attention span of a gnat trapped in my deadbeat cousin's bag of meth.
- I am twice as likely to try to convince you of my position than to listen to your position, for fear that I might agree with it.
- I cruise the Internet in search of funny pictures, many times to the exclusion of everything else.
- I begin at least half of my sentences with I.
On their own, each of these things is awful, but together, they can only mean one thing. One terrible thing.
I am a Facebook Discordian.
This sounds like I'm just being silly, and I am because it's part of my condition.
But is there hope?