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Messages - bringdownthesystem

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Watch this newb dance
February 18, 2008, 06:01:06 AM
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on January 23, 2008, 02:26:06 PM
I please to aim. 
There is no point (in my eyes) of making a "glorious" first post as this topic covered some of my opinions anyways, so thought I would jump in here.

I first stumbled across the works here PD and the BIP after first actually "stumbling" with the little mozilla browser extension CALLED "stumble", (for those who do not know, it brings you a random website within your interests), and I first stumbled onto the wiki for POSTERGASM. It was the best idea I had seen in awhile, and something I was looking forward to joining, it looked to much fun to pass up. With a bit of research I found the forums here, felt left out and so had to go read the PD, then the BIP. Now the opinion part...

I read MOST of the PD, and then SORRY TO SAY, had to start skimming. :| It really only held my interest to a certain point. That's not saying I won't go back and read it later, but it wasn't an all in one sitting thing. It did make me laugh and grin heartily throughout though, in a confused manner.(which I think was the point anyways.)
It is a lighthearted, and fun book...but like has been brought up was written awhile back (supposedly as far as most know) and it's great for what it is.

The BIP, which I read after that...was GREAT. It was one THE best thing I have read in ages. It agreed with most of my self thought out philosophies and ramblings that the rest of the "masses" never understood. It made me glad to see others think this way, and it opened more ideas up to me than ever before. Granted, it was more serious, but I liked it better like that because I for one take EVERYTHING it still made me laugh for the most part, but unlike PD it balanced that out with real, good information and analogies. I DID read this in one sitting, and would print it off for others.

I think they are both essential for either type of person that stumbles upon the site, and that might be strategically why you guys have put them both on the main site?

Either way, I have had friends who just DON'T GET the PD, but are really into the BIP.
I like them both, but if we are speaking to the main masses, and trying to tell them something...I just don't think most get the PD when they first read it UNLESS they already have our attitudes. The BIP however is great, but like previously said...could use a bit rearranging.