
Oceana has always been at war with Iraq

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Messages - Freeky

Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
June 02, 2020, 10:02:45 AM
Quote from: Bruno on June 02, 2020, 09:51:12 AM
Yesterday, at 6:40 PM, our Mayor declared a curfew (and local state of emergency) which started at 6:30pm, and which was not announced until 8:30pm.

Here is an account of the event that set this off:

QuoteI would like to be very clear with everyone about what happened at Whiskey Dix.

The window was NOT broken by rioters or protesters. It was 2 white power idiots that came up to me, Cory, and 2 other guys, JUST to take advantage of the way our city is and try to start shit.

We did not retaliate, we told them be on their way.

One of them did not like the way we were so calm, so they rounded the corner to the side of the building we weren't on, and smashed a window.

Other than that, everyone was very peaceful and we spoke with a ton of people, including police.

that's some bullshit, as far as "local state of emergencies" go.
last time, it was just to prove to myself i could make it back. my reason was unworthy, i flopped the landing, and vanished again.

this time, my country is on fire in a figurative and literal sense that i never thought would happen.

hey. i give a lot of fucks about shit going down. what's up in this bitch?
Bring and Brag / Re: Your Place
June 02, 2020, 09:49:24 AM
Quote from: LMNO on May 29, 2020, 02:02:16 PM
No worries, I listen to these people:

squints at lower left corner guy, adjusts glasses ...cainad?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
June 02, 2020, 09:36:41 AM
by the way everyone, gov. douchey and phoenix cops seems to be helping to hide the murder of one Dion Johnson, who was killed by state troopers while sleeping in his own car last monday.

tucson mayor is extremely annoyed at her and chief magnus learning about the curfew via fuckin twitter. their support of the curfew is tepid at best.

cops trying to enter premises in DC where homeowners were sheltering protesters that had been cornered by cops so they could gas and mace them easier.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
June 02, 2020, 09:27:46 AM
Quote from: The Johnny on June 01, 2020, 08:51:29 AM
Quote from: altered on June 01, 2020, 05:33:11 AM
NYPD is doxxing the family members of elected officials now.

And I've seen some shit. Cops are truly vile, scum fuck creatures. Point blank canister launches at people's faces, to the point their clothes and hair visibly catch fire from the muzzle flare. Beating the fuck out of old people with canes. Rubber bullets to the eyes.

This is only going to get worse. Minnesota is authorized for live fire.

In South America, in recent protests, a whole bunch of people were made blind due to deliberate aiming of rubber bullets to the eyes, its the new dirty trend.

a photographer lost one of her eyes from a rubber bullet in minneapolis. police allegedly were targeting media. she went to twitter to tell people using her injury as a reason to stop protesting to fuck off.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 25, 2018, 04:22:23 PM
I did my first open mic! Read "There Is *A* Moon" and "Glorious Inefficiency" from Holy Nonsense and "All Of It" (Love Your Ugly) from my other project.

There were only four people there

Including me

It's a start.

vuvuzela noises Neato!
Literate Chaotic / Re: Names, Dead and Living
August 09, 2018, 07:30:33 PM
Thera this is beautiful!
Quote from: Cain on August 06, 2018, 02:22:22 PM
"the EU is legally required to take pity on us"

Bring and Brag / Re: stuff (pics)
August 07, 2018, 03:48:31 AM
Bring and Brag / stuff (pics)
August 07, 2018, 03:40:02 AM
i did these at some point.

Hey everyone. Been thinking of you guys a lot lately and came back for a bit.

The kid was taken by DCS last december and put in foster care. He's been at his dad's for a couple weeks now. I'm not even up to unsupervised visits, but my therapist is proud of me for just doing what I'm told to do. I get visitation twice a week so that's nice.

I got a guitar tho.

what's been happening here?
Quote from: Cain on December 09, 2017, 04:03:46 AM
I'm being made to do online training.  About radicalisation.

I'm actually doing the test, mostly for the lolz, but I'll be damned if I'm emailing my certificate to the training coordinator, when I have an entire thesis on this topic.

This is dumb as fuck. your supervisors prove yet again that they are incompetent toolbags.
Shit LMNO, sorry to hear it.  :sad: