
There's only a handful of you, and you're acting like obsessed lunatics.

I honestly wouldn't want to ever be washed up on the shore unconscious on an island run by you lot.

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Messages - Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

January 18, 2010, 04:54:18 PM
Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2010, 09:16:40 AM
Oh Goddamnit.

There goes the neighbourhood.  What happened Eldora, did Mothra and Bethra finally get tired of you as well?
I was only admin to keep Lunacie from getting Roger banned, I went through the posts from MW and showed the admins what she had done previously.  Then something happened when I was offline and I haven't sorted it all out yet. 

I think Bethra is tired enough from the MS, nothing on the internet is going to compre to that.
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Haiku Game
September 24, 2006, 02:59:44 PM
As I sit and twirl
What a lucky little girl
with my  sit and spin

next topic:  Larry, Curly and Moe, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Or Kill Me / Purple Manifesto
June 06, 2006, 04:58:51 PM
Quote from: LMNOYou don't want to know.

I'll lose all my hipster cred.
Wasn't that Mr Robinsons' Neighborhood?  Or was that a different one? :?
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger, Flyer #4
June 06, 2006, 05:30:10 AM
Federal Reserve, that's the one.  That is the stuff of nightmares  :shock:
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger, Flyer #4
June 06, 2006, 05:21:14 AM
This may be the scariest thing you have ever written.  What aboiut the bit about the office that sounds like it's a part of the US government but it is was that again?
Or Kill Me / Irrationality
March 17, 2006, 04:55:12 PM
Quote from: CainZurtol?
Tequilla typing  :lol:
Well, as far as I know, he hasn't found hid dad's Penthouse collection  :lol:  That'll be next I'm sure.
Quote from: Baron von Hoopla
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyI found my son's Dr Ruth book in his bed, hidden in the covers.  I asked if he was looking at the naked people and he laughed and said yeah.   :lol:

Your son is jerking off to Dr. Ruth?!

El, there aren't many things I would describe as abnormal, but . . .

It's a little kids book, he is five, if he is jerking off to naked cartoon pictures he has a long way to go.   :lol:   There are no naked pic's of Dr Ruth  :roll:
I found my son's Dr Ruth book in his bed, hidden in the covers.  I asked if he was looking at the naked people and he laughed and said yeah.   :lol:
Those parents would crap their pants if they saw the books we have.  We  have 2 different books about the difference between boys and girls and there are pictures of naked people.  No homosexual penguins though :roll:  This proves people are idiots.  Sometimes I think I should become a librarian so that someone would actually tell these people to fuck off.
Principia Discussion / B.ella's Magical Mystery Thread
February 23, 2006, 06:18:35 PM
That is so cool, for both of you.  A friend of mine got me a string of amethyst that was on a stretchy string and it broke while I was putting it on.  So I was able to save them all.  I haven't figured out what to do with them, yet.  I have a couple of focal beads, but that probably wouldn't work for a guy.  Even a really gay guy would have a hard time with what I have in mind.

Anyway, when I make a project, I usually just think happy thoughts, sort of thing.  Besides jewelry, I have also done some boxes.  I take one of those paper mache boxed you can get at Joanne's or Michael's and paint it.  One I did for a friend of mine, who was recently divorced and crashed into a major depression, I put some runes that represent protection, in a circle, which looks remarkably like a peace sign  :D I also put a sun and a moon.  One I did for my neice and I put paper, they used to call it decopoge(sp) but I didn't layer it.  For my mom I found one that was textured.  I painted it with acrylics, then watered down the beige color and went over it and it worked out really well, looked more like stone that way and covered the imperfections in the material.  I usually put a poem on the back, which is where I found out my penmanship is a bazillion times better with a brush than with a pen  :lol:
Bring and Brag / Lego Chao
February 21, 2006, 03:11:40 PM
What did you use to make that?
Or Kill Me / Rant 155: Great Religions?
February 12, 2006, 02:11:02 AM
I think you let the Jews off too easy, but I also think they have taken enough shit, so carry on. :twisted:
Or Kill Me / THIS IS
February 08, 2006, 02:21:47 AM
Quote from: Irreverend Death to Poultry, KSC
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name?Pfft!  Get your toaster online then come talk to me.   :lol:
Why, so it can talk to the fridge?

I don't allow the worker appliances to fraternize. Sorry.

Well, I can see why the fridge shouldn't be talking to the heating/cooling system, that's for sure  :twisted:
Or Kill Me / THIS IS
February 07, 2006, 10:00:33 PM
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name?Pfft!  Get your toaster online then come talk to me.   :lol:
Why, so it can talk to the fridge?