
It's like that horrible screech you get when the microphone is positioned too close to a speaker, only with cops.

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Messages - Bruno

An Arizona state senator and some of his closest weirdo friends praying and speaking in tongues on the floor (literally) of the state senate to get God to help the state supreme court rule that a law from 1864 banning abortion was still valid. (they later did rule that)
Congratulations, Tennessee. You did it.

You made chemtrails illegal.
I think the more obsessed they are with things that aren't real and don't exist, the less time and resources they'll have to infringe on the civil rights of people who are real and do exist. Also, they'll get increasingly frustrated with their reps who are totally ineffective at stopping the thing that isn't happening.
Tennessee is trying to ban chemtrails.

It is going well, so far.

ETA: Fuck, if this passes, I'm starting a flyer campaign to get people to call every representative who voted for it every time they see an airplane.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Republicult™ On Parade
February 13, 2024, 05:13:51 AM
Eric Prince (Betsy DeVos's brother and founder of Blackwater) wants to bring back full blown military colonialism.
"Officially Youtube Verified US Immigration" channel:

255k subscribers

Feels like they're trying to pass themselves off as an official us government youtube channel, but I can't tell if they are up to something nefarious, or just trying to make passive income from some AI generated content.
You know, it never occurred to me that Klaus could be NSFW. People have used it as an actual safety training video in a workplace.

Not sure if "gore" in the bannable offences list includes fake gore, or only real.

Admittedly, having not had a work computer for nearly 10 years, now, It's something I have lost a bit of consciousness of. Three jobs ago I was on the computer at break and looked up the Max Headroom signal hacking incident and forgot about the butt part. When it got to that, I panicked a little bit, but nobody ever said anything about it.
I mean, it's no Forkliftdriver Klaus, but ok.
Maybe it would be more accurate to say that you can't get more protein out of an animal that you put into it, assuming that you are providing all of the animal's food.

They can forage and convert protein you can't eat or wouldn't want to eat into protein you would eat.
They can't even grasp the concept that animals literally can not make protein, and that all the protein in meat comes strictly from plants the animal has eaten.

They're terrified that AOC is going to take away their hamburgers and they will all die of protein deprivation. It's hilarious.
So apparently they're "vaccinating the meat supply", now.

This, of course, means the Purebloods will have to choose between either becoming vegan, or start eating each other.

Larry Tesler, Inventor of the cut, copy, and paste commands, dies at 74
Tara Reade is trying do defect to Russia, lol.
One of the weirdo preppers I follow just interviewed Ron Paul on his channel.  :horrormirth:

I think in her case asmr stands for Auditorily Subdued Murderous Rage.