News: children are filled with joy, adults are filled with dread and local government is filled with stupid

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Literate Chaotic / Humanity's Last Folly
March 04, 2022, 05:57:17 PM
If, by the dawn, my homeland and I have been laid to fiery waste
by a madman pursuing False Glories, post-haste,

my only hope is that my homeland's chief
has done the impossible despite what's to come - an unsalvageable grief.

I beg, that in spite of what's left of my People: their pain and their loathing,
my chief, in casting aside all notions of an apocalyptic foreboding,

has mustered an unfathomable courage
that will weigh on them beyond reason - a Holy baggage,

and has chosen not to fire back a world-ending volley,
because they know in their Heart: Today's War should not be Humanity's Last Folly

~ [Attribute to 'Anonymous']
Resources: ~ G. William Domhoff's website - Combines the research and materials of several historical and modern Power Structure Researchers, and provides excellent analyses of their methodologies and principles, and how right or wrong they were based on the most recent studies. ~ Simple Sabotage Manual - Mostly outdated and deprecated by bureaucratic regulation, but contains some interesting points to reference for examples of Power Structure mechanics. ~ "Images of Organization" by Gareth Morgan ~ "The Power Elite" by C. Wright Mills

This is a placeholder for a thread in which I hope that we, as a community, will systematically design a Framework, and consequently, a reference manual, for understanding and dismantling Dominant and Coercive Power Structures at the Local, State, and National levels. Ideally, the results of this work should be universally applicable, and acknowledging of (But not limiting from) regional, historical, and socioeconomic contexts. In other words, with enough information as input, we should be able to apply the Framework to any past, present, and future event, and identify with certainty, those responsible for how those events occurred through direct or indirect influence by all involved Organizations and Institutions. Setting the precedent of systematically assigning responsibility should improve accountability, or at least make it easier to inform the Public of clear wrong-doing and who they could attempt to hold accountable. I want any Activist to be able to, with reasonable analytical effort, describe in excruciating (To the Powers that Be) detail, through direct observation, how a given Corporate, Political, or Military Power Structure has extracted wealth and freedom from a given group of people through various intentional and unintentional consequences from deliberate action or inaction.

I envision this overall development process, but expect (Read "demand"  :evil:) Discordian intervention to prevent anything from getting boring (Also, feel free to suggest alternative direction/steps - I want this to be a Group Project):

  • Consume as much modern literature on Power Structure Research as one can (C. Wright Mills, Floyd Hunter, Marx, G. William Domhoff, Hegel, etc.), jotting down ideas, thoughts, observations, and concepts for analysis by the group.
  • Build an intuitive and systems-oriented linguistic structure and vocabulary for studying Power in a Scientific, almost even mechanical way.
  • Build on old and new methodologies for studying Power Structures to establish standardized processes for doing so, incorporating, as others like Domhoff have, accessible online/library-based tools and sources that one can use to supplement for remote research.
  • Create Reference Materials for Power Structure data points, like Types, inputs, outputs, and how they may relate with external systems, Power Structures/Power Structure Components, and other societal processes.
  • Combine core concepts from these Reference Materials into a Manual that enumerates, in detail, the steps for the analysis, deconstruction, and dismantling of any Power Structure by Type.
  • Consume as much literature on the consequences of Power Structure collapse in various scenarios (Fallen governments, corporations, militaries, etc.)
  • Incorporate into the Reference Manual what steps must be taken by a responsible, Organized People to healthily manage the resolution of the immediate and long-term consequences of the collapse of a given Power Structure by Type.
  • Establish a clear and detailed precedent for the Historical recording of both, intentionally dismantled Power Structures, as well as what the consequences of their collapse were, and how they were managed (Or in poor circumstances, NOT managed.). Subsequently, the process of dealing with the consequences should be improved over time as we learn more.
  • Begin implementing what we've learned in practice at the Work Place, and in Local and State Elections and make amendments/corrections to the Materials.

My background in Software and Solutions Engineering/Architecture and experience in climbing Corporate Power Structures, combined with more recent study of Power Structures and Social Ecology, have led me to believe that Sociological processes, like the creation of Power Structures, are both almost mechanically/systematically driven by observable, predictable, human-made processes in the real world, and also composed of smaller interdependent parts, while still having net-new emergent properties not inherited from those parts. I want to realize this view in a way that is both informative and useful in both the study and regulation/eradication of Power Structures. At the same time, I want to make sure that this knowledge is not monopolized and abused in a way that harms the public.

I'll begin jotting down my thoughts and information obtained from step 1 over the next month or so, likely starting later today or tomorrow. However, feel free to throw in any and all knowledge you have on the subjects at hand whenever it comes to you, and definitely make recommendations for reading materials to the group if you've already done your homework. Even if it becomes slightly unrelated, we can always create spin-off threads for related topics that we can link to/reference here for further explanation.

I'm also aware that talking about things like this can be considered taboo. If, for personal reasons, you'd like to keep distance from the Project, that's completely fine. I can also take this elsewhere if the Group would prefer that as well.
By the way, everything I write is KopyLeft. Distribute and edit as you like.

Elmer Season

"It's a 'dog-eat-dog' world out Here"
The Executive said, running his hands over the Veneer
Of his Father's Desk, that he held Dear

He uses it the same way his Father Did
A platform on which to amass Power before his Monopoly is Ended

It sits in the Tower of his Mansion
Filled with enough Security to stop an Invasion

"And WE take all the Risk"

He said, gesturing to his team of Investors
Who have Mansions of their own of equal Splendor
"WE are responsible for every Expenditure-"

"Except for the most important of them All"
The little Girl interrupted, with about as much Gall

"Your ability to move numbers from Account to Project"
"Is nil compared to the Lives you refuse to Protect"

"Your claim to Risk is only Theoretical"
The Girl said, casually brushing her hand against a shifting Mantle

"You act as though you are a Wolf - a Dog among the rest"
"But it's those who you employ who take all Shots aimed at your Chest"

"You don't know what it's like to Fight in the Pit"
"Because it was your Father, and all of his friends, who dedicated their fortunes to building It"

"It was made for you as a Tool"
"Whose sole purpose: Facilitating your Rule"

The Girl grasped the Mantle Tightly
"It's about time you've learned the true Cost of preaching competition so Lightly"

The Girl ripped the Mantle Away
Revealing the town's ravenous Hounds who've Hungered for many a Day

The Girl gave an awful Grin
The kind that constricts the Subject's Oxygen

"This is the Era of the Workers; the Builders; the True Creators of the Progress you've Stunted"
"The Season when the Hunters will become the Hunted"

The Executive was right in a kind of Way
With no Leash and Fence keeping the Dogs at Bay
Consumed and barren his Bones and Palace will forever Lay

Snippets With Less Context (Would like to add to this list using other suggestions - They inspire things like what I wrote above)

"It's a competitive, 'dog-eat-dog' world out here", he said, tightening the leash and re-adjusting his layers of bite-resistant padding.

"You have to know how to swim with the Sharks", he said, his voice muffled by his Diver's Mask, hands bracing his protective cage.
Just some Lefty Propaganda for those interested. Inspired by some JacobinMag literature and some writings by G. William Domhoff. Highly recommend him for high-level views of American Power Structures.

Historical Genesis of Hierarchical Power Structures

Humans have always created Hierarchical Power Structures in a 3-Step process known as Circumscription (Binding People to a place):

  • Organization of Innovation of Production and/or Consumption on a given piece of land to increase its value to its locals and foreigners alike (Irrigation agriculture/trade monopolies did this before governments existed), and distribution of its resources to those a leader wishes to control

  • With that control, establishment of a Military to enforce a Leader's Ownership of that Land

  • And establishment of a Religion that legitimizes that Leader's position in the Hierarchy

The difficulties you face in trying to walk away from Local Growth Coalitions and Capitalist Monopolies, as well as the profitable, private Infrastructure and conveniences they provide, are intentional consequences set to increase Population Density, and therefore Profit per square foot of Land, not the result of natural Market Influences.
I'm trying to grasp, connect/disconnect, and generally become an expert on:

- Russia and their connections to the 2016 elections (And possibly 2020 elections?)
- Cambridge Analytica + Breitbart + Facebook + Steve Bannon
- The Trump Administration
- Increased FPS presence in Portland
- COVID Deception
- Etc.

But I feel like no matter how many articles I read, I can never know enough to understand what's going on. And now, more than ever (Maybe a few years too late, but...), I feel like it's important to understand what's going on so that I can predict (In a very rudimentary way - Nothing special. More of a "This entity may try something like this, next" kind of thing.) what will happen so I know how to prepare and signal properly. I attribute this inability to understand the situation to the fact that there is likely a much larger story taking place here that, while political, is largely a Military/Cyber-Security-style operation that is closely tied to 5th Generation Warfare, although I don't know exactly what entity/ies are truly at play, nor do I understand how to frame the situation because I don't quite have a background in this field. I do have a very technical background, and can guess fairly well on what's possible from a technical standpoint. But beyond that, I feel dumb as bricks.

I was thinking about all this stuff that's going on in America and the UK, and happened to re-read Cain's "Time to Switch Sides" post and noticed the 4GW/5GW references and started Googling. Half an hour later, I happened upon the handbooks.

So, I'm going through 4GW and 5GW Handbooks (Lind S and Daniel Abbott) to get a better idea of the topic at hand. But, I feel like I'm going in blind, in a way. It's all incredibly interesting, and connections are being made to today's events, but I feel like I could target concepts in a certain order to make the learning more robust and effective.

So Cain and others:

Without "Doing my Research for me", are there any Articles, Essays, Documents, and Books that you'd recommend in any given order, beyond what I'm reading now, that might allow me to see the bigger picture, as well as narrow in on the details without sounding like a moron when I talk about it? Materials that would allow me to frame my thoughts in the context of the hidden "reality" behind what the Partisan Media presents?

I even delved a bit into Marxism to find another context or lens with which to analyse Capitalism, in case a large portion of this was based in Capitalistic corruption, and even that's helped understand some other issues. So if you have anything on economics and how it plays in, that would be helpful too.

Again, no need to do the research for me. Even hints at topics would be helpful. I'll take anything really.

Thank everyone in advance!
The US economy, especially during the start of Industrialization, was formatted/reformatted based on the assumption that we would need to increase efficiency of Production to meet an ever-growing domestic and foreign Demand (Supply-side economics). It's no accident that this unsustainable ideology is almost identical to the basis of the relationship between drugs and addiction.

The cycle of addiction is based on the idea that Demand is equal to Supply. In other words, you use whatever you have access to.

However, in most cases, due to the fundamental nature of our brain's Reward System, people reach a point where their Supply can't feed their Demand. So, the Suppliers use cheaper substances to make more out of less and meet the growing Demand. Sometimes, that means they use other substances as filler that are less pure because they're easier to find or cheaper to buy. Almost like how most of our food nowadays is rarely pure or untainted by cheap and/or toxic fillers. It's fairly obvious at this point, to anyone paying attention, that we've seriously over-shot our goal of allowing Supply to meet Demand, meaning we've reached, and far surpassed the point of addiction.

In hindsight, it seems like it was inevitable. But why?

Because it was intentional:

It's not that surprising that the US economy's Supply/Demand dynamics run parallel to the fundamental nature of addiction. It was designed before addiction science and treatment was invented, and during a time when drugs were traded openly without any level of regulation or constraint (And were often the most popular trade commodities). It was also during a time when the wealthy were allowed to grow their wealth unrestricted using the profit that came from being the Suppliers (Or the "Suppliers of Suppliers," and so on. I'll explain this concept more a bit later.).

So, what happens when Suppliers become dependent on their excess wealth? They become addicted to it, and so become addicted to the Demand that creates it.

The Demand becomes their Supply.

So, the Suppliers, in need of Demand, began studying and taking advantage of man's vulnerability to desire. Thus, Toxic Marketing and Advertising was born, which has now fully integrated itself into literally every single aspect of our lives. And when Supplying cheap, worthless shit became too personal and real, the wealthiest Suppliers decided to add layers of abstraction between them and their customers to avoid their discomfort. And thus Corporatism was born to integrate Beaurocracy into Supplier organizations and make Supplier markets more complex. It added processes between the Suppliers and the Consumers to blur the lines and fuel plausible deniability and willful ignorance.

How did we get to this point? We were already there. The system was designed based on:

Supply = Demand

It's really that simple. The system assumes Supply is equal to (or infinitely approaching) Demand. Mathematically, and logically, they are one in the same - Two sides of the same coin: An unsustainable system of trade in which neither side is capable of winning because the point of satisfaction for either side is an infinitely moving target. The goal of those with Demand is to be a Supplier. And the goal of the Supplier is to create (not feed, because that's more expensive) Demand and be Demanded.

But if they're the same thing, and we obviously need some things to survive, meaning someone has to Supply the basics for life to meet a basic Demand, does that mean we were doomed to become unsustainable?

Not at all. We've only ever entertained this equation in one direction: Up.

We've been ignoring the fact that the equation can be read the other way:

(-1)Demand = (-1)Supply

More to come some other time.

Feel free to rip apart and put back together again, or add to it. Part of me is very certain that someone's come up with this analogy before, but I have no idea where I would have read it other than here.
My company does Point of Sale Software Development, Consulting, and Managed Services for Retail and Hospitality (Restaurants/Hotels) chains, both large and small-scale, and everything in between. Part of this involves the design and implementation of a slimmed-down Linux or Windows OS Image that has our POS Application and its dependencies baked in so that it can be deployed to hundreds-thousands of Tills easily via PXE Boot, or by some unlucky prick they talked into driving to every store to deploy the image via Flash Drive (We, once, had a customer convince one of their employees to do this to 1.) Retrieve logs and 2.) Deploy patches to our application - Totally ignoring the Central Management Server they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for that has functions for these tasks built in to allow remote access at the touch of a button.).

I've only been exposed to the OS Creation and implementation aspect recently (Within the last 4 months or so), and have since learned of several fundamental security flaws in both our Application itself, as well as the original design of our POS OS Image.

For example, we cache all Product, Customer, and Transaction data locally on each machine in an Oracle, DB2, or MySQL database (Depending on customer requirements) to allow Lanes to be up even if the Central Server goes down. Once the server's back up, all Tills will send up their transaction data and the Central Server will send down any updates it received once coming back online. The credentials for this database are stored in plaintext properties files, which are readable and accessible by the default user (The one that auto-runs the Desktop on startup.) at any time.

But don't worry, they encrypted the credentials in the properties file with DES (Notice I didn't say Triple), and left the DES Encryption Module Class (Which contains a Main() Method, so it can be run at any time by the default user) in a directory 1 level down from the root directory called "encryption". In 3 commands, you can have the Database's credentials and all customer information, and you wouldn't have had to enter a single password that wasn't provided.

And let's not forget that our application is based on Java Applets, which are deprecated and vulnerable as fuck - And we don't Checksum or otherwise validate ANY Classes before they're loaded at startup, so you can tell the application to load whatever custom-compiled classes you want it to and it will without a single complaint.

But what disgusts me the most is that our customers will run a Pentest AFTER they've taken our systems into Production, AND ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT IS THE GODDAMN SSH CONFIGURATION AND JAVA VERSION BEING 2 UPDATES BEHIND? And our own, internal security specialists have the nerve to complain that the customer "ran a Pentest against our system without my involvement or permission." THEY'RE MAKING OUR SYSTEMS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CUSTOMERS' TRANSACTION DATA - OF COURSE THEY'RE PENTESTING IT YOU FUCKING MORON.

I mean, do they just pick security specialists up off the fucking streets? I don't even have a background in Security, and these issues are glaringly obvious to me.

So anyways, I'll be Black-Boxing the entire goddamn application using some Linux-specific tricks of the sudoers file and some other trickery. If I can remove read and write access to all of our application files by adding a new default Desktop user, and only giving them the ability to start our application indirectly via sudo by using sudoer file modifications and black-boxed deployment scripts, I should be able to prevent a System-wide security breach or unintended analysis of our application (Technical details below). Hopefully, we don't end up on the cover of Wired Magazine for the most severe Retail security breach in history before then.

Problem: You have User A and User B. You want User A to run a script owned by User B, but not be able to read the contents of that script for security reasons. Maybe it contains a hardcoded password, or otherwise confidential information that User A should not have access to.

Solution: Remove non-owning Read/Execute from your confidential script (chmod 700). Create a script in /usr/bin that calls the confidential script that you intended to run. Remove write permissions from this Calling script, and make it owned by Root (chmod 755). You can configure the sudoers file (defines restrictions for the use of sudo command) to allow User A to run the calling script as User B (Or root), which triggers the confidential script.

Solution extra steps: A this point, someone could use a Process Analyzer to view the contents of confidential script as you're running it, since by default, users have access to processes owned by other users. In order to prevent this, you'll need to remount the /proc directory with hidepid level=2.

This solution will be extended for my purposes by having the POS Application user made to be anything but the default Desktop user. A new default user will be created, who will be granted permissions to run a script via sudo that calls the POS Application start script as the POS Application user. And then read access will be removed from virtually everything on the machine for the default user, making them only capable of executing the Graphical Display and the POS Application indirectly.

Cain, or anyone else: Do you have any other recommendations for securing our Image and Application? Or do you think a Black Box designed like above with a LUKS-encrypted harddrive would suffice?
Great news coming out of the field of medicine recently: We, as a species, have found foolproof ways to cure cancer.

As it turns out, the most effective cancer killer is actually the body's immune system. The body's main microbe-killing cells are called killer T-Cells, which attach to foreign cells and threats once they've been binded with that threat's corresponding antibody. Antibodies are created by recognition and verification of the antigen structure of a foreign body by the T Helper Cells, and subsequent release by B-Cells. The interactions between antigens, antibodies, and the two types of T-Cells are the main focus of current cancer-cure research.

For those with a subset of blood cancers, they were able to narrow down a specific protein/antigen structure associated with the cancer cells and re-program killer T Cells to attack cells that contained this protein/antigen structure using gene modification therapy. They extract your T Cells from your blood using a transfusion machine, modify the genes, and plug them back into your bloodstream for immediate reactivation. Once the T Cells are released back into the body, they begin relentlessly attacking every single cancerous cell they find. This includes malignant cancer cells and benign tumors. This method has been tested on people, and the results were overwhelmingly positive. Almost every single patient treated went into PERMANENT REMISSION after the FIRST TREATMENT.

In a recent experiment with Mice, they tested a new method of immunotherapy involving training of killer T Cells, instead of just genetic reprogramming. Training a killer T Cell involves presenting them with a pre-constructed antibody that corresponds with the antigen structure of the cancer cells being targeted. They made a slight genetic alteration using a small DNA sequence added to the T Cells to make them more receptive to the specified antibody at their receptor sites (Areas where signaling proteins like antibodies bind to), and then shoved them both into a vial together. Then, they were injected into the tumors of the mice, allowing the T Cells to immediately begin attacking tumor cells and activating other T Cells within the tumor to boost the attack. As with the last experiment, almost every single organism tested went into permanent remission after the first treatment. The three mice that didn't get cured on the first treatment were completely cured after the second treatment.

While this is a HUGE breakthrough in medicine, there are a few risks you take when undergoing procedures like this. The first thing you have to worry about, which applies mostly to the first experimental treatment, is making sure that no other native cells in your body have the same antigen structure as the one the killer T Cells are looking for. When other native cells have the same antigen structure as the ones the T Cells are looking for, the T Cells will attack them along with the cancerous cells. This was the reality for at least one patient who received this treatment. She had a cancer of the colon/small intestines, which they reprogrammed some of her T cells to attack. Unfortunately, they didn't know that a type of cell in her lungs presented with the same antigen structure as the cancer cells in her gut. She died because the T Cells did irreparable damage to her lungs before they realized what was happening. T Cells work very fast.

The speed of T Cell work leads us to our next worry when receiving treatments like this: Cytotoxic Protein Storm.

When all cells die (Especially Tumor cells), they release a small amount of toxic material into the blood stream that is usually capable of being picked up by your immune system and filtered out. These toxic proteins and dead cell materials are capable of causing minor troubles in controlled amounts. In fact, some of the symptoms of Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy can be attributed to the death of cancer cells. But since chemo and radiation kill cancer cells at a moderate rate, the body is usually capable of withstanding this minor toxicity. But the rate at which the T Cells kill cancer cells is so high that it actually floods your body with large amounts of toxic, dead cell material that can cause severe problems in those who are immunologically compromised, or who simply have a weakener immune system.

That being said, I'd argue that these caveats are a small price to pay for the cure to cancer. The second method, which is far safer than the first, is bound for human trials over the coming months/years.
Bring and Brag / I Fall
February 01, 2018, 10:14:51 PM
I Fall ~ P.D. Fernando

The irony of my strife
As I Fall through life:
I become petrified
That I will have died
Tumbling from a height
I could never rite.

As I Fall I see the dichotomous reality
Splitting and multiplying to display its duality.
I reach for its branches voraciously consuming
All of that which fades into view - looming.
I tear and rip through the branches that grow
To strive and to understand their ebb and flow,
The meaning behind them that shines - A lowe...
These were inspired by Vex's recent post on the reasons why we're fucked. Reason 1, in particular.

Initial Post:

"Our right to free speech is under attack. Not by our government, or by some other government pulling strings. Our free speech isn't in danger by the hands of "Commie" liberals or "Fascist" right-wingers. It's under attack by YOU.

Every single one of you have been contributing to the production and development of a communications network that is based on the expression of smaller and smaller pieces of information, which are incapable of encapsulating the true, complex nature of society's problems. Social media has become a "holier than thou" pissing contest, and the language is limited to memetics and one-liners. As you avoid production, expression, and transmission of complex ideas, the attention-span of the average social media user shrinks. Eventually, we'll be summing up ALL of our interpersonal problems and ideas with vines and memes, because they're more easily rewarded in the short-term and easy to blow off when faced with criticism. As our communications simplify themselves to nothing but partial-sentence reactions, our communications infrastructure will change to support only simpler and simpler ideas.

Eventually, we won't be able to communicate about our problems - and therefore, solve them - because we won't have access to large and complex enough mediums for communication to do so.

Wanna do something about it? Come up with an idea that involves multiple layers of complexity and criticize it. Express it in many words on social media for the world to see. Let it be analyzed, picked apart, and rebuilt again. Come back with a new idea if that one doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Respond to others' simple ideas with complex, and idealistic criticisms that force people to think for more than a few seconds. As people become used to dealing with complex language again, our ideas will be more complex. Eventually, they may even be complex enough to solve some of society's issues through idealistic compromise.

But until then, we're doing nothing but poisoning the future of our language, and limiting it to the point of simplistic semantic imprisonment. You're digging your right to free speech's grave, and further generations will be dumber and less free for it."

Part of a response to someone labeling it a "typical good old days fallacy.":

Note: This is also a general summary of the concepts I was throwing around in my head at the time, and I gave it some vocabulary to make the concept more palatable. Although, you guys will likely see most of this as old news with new words.

" We have two kinds of length limits when it comes to social media, or communications in general:

Hard Limits - These are limitations on characters set by the application or communication medium's administrative department. An example would be Twitter's 140 character limit (Yes, I know it just recently increased, but we haven't reached the threshold for semantic imprisonment I'm proposing yet).

Soft Limits - These are word count limitations set by societal pressures that include average attention span. Soft limits are statistically derived by marketing firms in order to determine the point at which readers move on to the next post/message.

Currently, hard limits are barely relevant for most forms of Social Media. The hard limit is mainly a factor for Twitter at the moment, but the theory behind my post implies that this will likely change in the future as the Soft Limit gets smaller and smaller.

Soft limits have been investigated thoroughly across social media and are expressed in detail, here, with different vocabulary:

The main idea behind my post is that there is a relationship between an idea's complexity, and the number of words used to describe it. When the Hard Limit decreases, relative to the Soft limit, society's dictionary (Or common vocabulary) must get larger, so that any given idea's complexity can stay the same. This is usually caused by an increased need for efficiency in communication. This rarely happens except for in low-population communication mediums which are based on increasing Productivity. An example would be like the Skype/Lync Chat used in companies around the world by internal employees.

When the soft limit decreases, relative to the hard limit, we actually start to see a reduction in size of the common vocabulary, as society (Or the population of a specific communication medium) is craving simpler and more generalized ideas that require simpler words.

Our language determines how we describe and understand our world. If this process continues, eventually academics and intellectuals won't be able to fully understand the problems society has and solve them because they aren't being expressed in their entirety and complexity by the general population. Where people get their news, and the number of people discussing the news doesn't matter if all of the discussions consist of only memes and fleeting reactionism. In fact, more people expressing less complex ideas makes it even harder to understand any given situation because it's more useless data to sift through to find the meaningful snippets. And while it's damn-near impossible to find actual Facebook stats on post length, etc, due to monetization of that information for marketing wanks, the overall preference for shorter and shorter posts/messages has been confirmed and described by private organizations (The ones who bought those Facebook Stats) as a real trend. And they have no reason to lie about such information, since they actually benefit from the concepts described.

But I suspect, shortly before it gets to that point, our Hard Limits will start to decrease with the Soft Limits, which will limit our ability, as individuals, to speak on sociopolitical topics in the most populated areas of Social Media, which is a de facto reduction of free speech."

Response to ~ Noam Chomsky on Concision in US Media:

" I think he hit on something I was mostly reluctant to talk about because it seems conspiratorial to the degree that most would find extreme (Noam Chomsky kinda has that tendency, regardless of how correct he is a lot of the time). I've often thought that the brevity of speaking time for a given topic in the US media was intentional for the exact reasoning he provided: It gives you no time to provide evidence. Or, it requires that your evidence be simple and generalized enough that any attempts at refuting it would take more time than is allowed in whatever media segment it was brought up in. It makes specially crafted, fallacious arguments tough to combat in social media networks as well, especially as our Soft limit for word count decreases. And social media networks like Twitter, which have low bars for hard limits, make it even easier to use such tactics. I mean, this is literally the basis of Donald Trump's Twitter account. It has no other purpose.

I would even argue that this is one of the characteristics of social media that a large portion of the rich have used to their advantage to put Trump's administration in power. Most of the Alt-right is a collection of edgy twenty and thirty-somethings who have been gaining experience in the politics of the internet over the last decade or two. If they know anything, it's how to shut down debate with charlatanry and emphasis on brevity/concision/memetics.

I don't necessarily think that there is no place for memetics. With today's communication systems, the small, simple snippets of information are faster and further reaching than ever. Sometimes pictures or other forms of art are excellent communication methods for complicated concepts. But like any other linguistic tool, it is capable of being misused and abused. This is why I always make it a point to rip fallacious memes and snippets a new asshole every time I see them. The disadvantage of abusing memetics on social media that has very high hard limits on word count (Like Facebook, and their several thousand character limit) is that when a few people put in the time to destroy the arguments you post, it requires you to put more energy in to defend an argument you already know isn't worth the time. But the advantage is that you can easily share a new, nearly thoughtless and careless meme in minutes and force the attacker to have to put in more energy than it's worth. The key, as an attacker, is to have a far enough reach that your response can go viral, or you have to be able to output more frequent and effective arguments than the page you're attacking. Low soft limits make this whole thing even harder on the attacker, since they allow the meme abuser to increase their information output and reach with little effort. It's disguised victory by verbosity, on a large scale. Larger than most thought possible. And that's how we got to today."


I wanted to bring this stuff up here because I figured you guys would have things to add and remove, since many of you have much more knowledge on the subject of memetics, etc. than I do.
As someone with ADHD, it's quite common for me to put off work of all kinds until the last minute. I procrastinate work multiple times a day. In fact, I will usually put off almost all work that has to be done until the exact time it needs to be completed. Others with ADHD likely have the same problem, and the frequency may vary. To be quite honest, I'm procrastinating loads of minor work while writing this piece.

For those who don't understand why this happens, see below. If you do understand, skip the below section.

When you have ADHD, it takes more intense stimuli than usual to trigger reward-based activity in the Decision-making and consequence-filtering area of the brain known as the Prefrontal cortex. If the work you're intending to do by a certain deadline isn't that interesting to you, or stimulating in any way, it is less likely to engage you enough to do it on time, or long before the deadline. This is connected to Reward Deficiency and imbalances in the reward neurotransmitters known as Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the Prefrontal Cortex.

Now, some people without ADHD have this problem occasionally as well, as somewhat frequent procrastination isn't a problem that guarantees an ADHD diagnosis. So don't stop reading this if you don't have ADHD, as this may apply to you as well.

Putting off work is considered an attempt, by the reward center of your brain, to reduce stress, or even non-stimulating activities. Yet, many people consider procrastination to be a very stressful problem. The difference lies in how we deal with procrastination, and how we personally assess our capabilities.

Personally, I find that procrastination is quite effective at reducing stress. I put off important shit all the time, and yet, everyone who knows me would define me as the least stressed person they've ever met. Whereas almost every person I know who procrastinates as much as I do seems to be miserable at all times. Procrastination is usually stressful to the people who, from the moment they decide to put off their work, are planning how they're going to complete the work, or are considering cancelling other plans or even other work in order to make their deadline. This is usually because they lack an accurate self assessment of what they're capable of.

I would argue that most people are capable of getting a lot of work done in a very short period of time if under the right pressure. I found out how quickly I could complete tasks in school when I would consistently put off every single assignment I ever got until bedtime, and stay up however long I needed to to get the work done. Knowing how much work I could complete in a short time wasn't possible at that time until I put off a massive project in the 7th grade until the night before it was due. I realized that the project was such a huge part of my grade that I couldn't accept failure as a possibility. So I didn't. I completed the project in record time and got the grade I needed.

Ever since that project, procrastination has never stressed me out. In fact, getting to that point before the deadline is the most stress-reducing thing I've ever done, besides smoke weed. That moment when you accept that failure isn't an option, and that you have to complete the set goal right then, is one of the most motivating and empowering moments you can exist in. The Prefrontal Cortex turns that shit to 11 and shit gets done.

Those who procrastinate daily and are consistently stressed likely don't have an accurate view of their own ability. They either assume they won't get something done after a certain point due to previous failures, or they don't see themselves as fast or smart enough to be able to accomplish all that they need to accomplish in the time that they have. In almost all cases, they are wrong. I've seen this with every stressed procrastinator around me. They assume they are incapable due to past failures, and then choose to skip the deadline or goal and use that decision to reaffirm their invalid self-view. Because they don't judge their ability accurately, they are also more likely to stress themselves out by anticipating the work they will do later. Specifically, they will over-anticipate the effort that'll be required to complete the task, even though everyone knows that actually doing the work is hardly ever as bad as the feeling you get when you think about doing the work in the future.

I'm not defending procrastination as a valid way to deal with work. But if you have issues with stress on top of the procrastination, testing and assessing your abilities after being put into a position where failure isn't an option is a good way to prepare yourself for inevitable procrastination. It's also makes ending the procrastination cycle easier by reducing your urge to reduce stress by procrastinating in the first place. If you're confident in your ability to get the work done, you're more likely to complete it before putting it off in the first place.

If you tend to put stuff off for the same reason I do (Boredom while doing/thinking about said stuff), then you may at least be able to curb the stress. However, I still don't have a solution for the procrastination itself.
For quite awhile now, I'd been seeing the abortion debate as a fight that shouldn't involve me. I was under the understanding that abortion was simply not a topic a male should be able to comment on. Any time the topic was brought up, I opted out because I thought that I had no right to talk about it because I couldn't carry a baby inside me.

Nowadays, I'm very pro abortion. But only because I developed a better understanding of the arguments made by people who aren't. I've recently realized that the "Abortion is the killing of babies" argument is a valid argument that should be confronted. That does not mean, in any way, that I think that that argument is correct. I just think it's something that shouldn't be blown off as a non-argument.

I think one of the reasons why the left fails in many aspects is due to laziness in the development and presentation of their arguments and I see this specifically in the abortion debate. And I want you to let me know if you all see the problem I see here:

>Women have legal, early term abortions for valid reasons.
>Conservatives accuse these women of having their babies killed.
>Women claim that it is their body, and their right to have an abortion, and it doesn't involve anyone else.

This argument is an automatic loss for the women. Not because they're incorrect, but because they've made the wrong argument. This sounds like women are defending the killing of babies because it's their body that the pregnancy is affecting. The problem is that they've not made the argument that it's not a baby that's being removed. I mean, last I checked, "Muh women's rights" is not a valid reason to kill babies. So, before you can make the argument that it's a women's rights issue, you must first make the argument that babies aren't being killed. And yet, in every single abortion debate that I see, that fact is completely skipped. We'll get into the science of why a fetus is not a baby, later. It seems like most of the people that explain do so lazily, and leave out a considerable amount of important, and religiously convincing information.

Not only is the debate being fought wrong, but the debate is blown off completely quite often. We have to consider the importance that a rather large portion of the population thinks that the left is committing mass genocide of infants. And if I thought that people were killing massive numbers of infants, I would be up in arms, too. That's not an immoral position to be in, simply an uneducated one. And yet, because the left often jumps to the "Rights" argument, it often paints that position as immoral. This is another reason why the left constantly loses in these fights.

One of the other things that made me jump into the debate was the complete understanding of why a fetus is not considered living. This understanding was developed in part due to my recent study of Autocatalysis. Now, I understand that when all you have in your hand is a hammer at the time, everything else starts to look like a nail. But it just so happens that Autocatalysis has been connected to the basis of life in previous scientific literature.

A chemical reaction is considered autocatalytic when one or more of the chemical reaction's products, make up one or more of that same reaction's reactants. In a sense, the reaction "Catalyses" itself. This chemical property and possibility is what makes life possible.

All life forms are what you'd call "collectively autocatalytic systems." This means that as long as food molecules, in the form of required reactants, and energy are provided to the life form, it can sustain itself by sustaining its complexly intertwined autocatalytic reactions. Autocatalytic systems, in order to reach the equilibrium that all systems pursue, require very orderly transportation and communication. If you were religious, you could say that autocatalysis is method by which God created us. Everything in our bodies, from our digestive system, to our DNA replication is somehow autocatalytic.

Here is where we define the difference between a baby, and a fetus. A baby, being a living organism, is collectively autocatalytic. Even if one is realistically, prematurely born, its internal systems are still developed enough to maintain the autocatalytic equilibrium that extends its growth and development. Before that point (And this is why we have the legal cutoff for late term abortions) of internal system development, we have a fetus. Its systems are incapable of maintaining themselves with food molecules and energy because not all of the organs and systems that make up the fetus are developed enough to be autocatalytic. They are very complex, and require a lot of time to be built.

During the time that the fetus is still developing, information in the form of chemical triggers and nutrients necessary for that infrastructure of autocatalysis is being transferred directly by the mother. During this time, the fetus is simply a project, a creation, an extension of the mother's body.

At this, one may argue that the increase in order inside of the fetus is exemplary of the autocatalysis that makes life. And it is, in a way. But not in the way that makes it living.

Technically, each of the organs, or sections of tissue within the body are autocatalytic. Each of them may require different amounts of energy and different types of food molecules, but as long as those food molecules and energy are provided, even if they are removed from the body and given some other vessel from which to retrieve that energy and in which to maintain its chemical equilibrium, they can still survive for a time (Hence, we grow ass tissue for burn victims, or liver chunks for liver transplants). What needs to be understood here, however, is that all life forms are autocatalytic, whereas not all autocatalytic systems are living. A living system is made up of many autocatalytic systems. You can't call one single autocatalytic system living unless it fits with all the other aspects of a living organism.

In other words, a fetus is like an organ, since it cannot sustain its autocatalytic subsystems with energy and food on its own. It requires a vessel.

Now that we've scientifically described why legal, early term abortions are not killing babies, we can make the argument that it's a women's rights issue, since the fetus is an extension of the mother.

I understand that most of you knew part or all of this information already. I understand that you guys in particular are pro abortion for the right reasons. But I think this was mostly aimed at those who ignore the importance and instability of this issue, and who are not pro abortion for the right reasons. I think we need to focus on the arguments we're making and who we're making them to if we want to win in the end. This topic is not necessarily the most pressing, by any means, but it is a good starting point for reconciliation with the other half of the population. I understand that there will be those that will reject abortion regardless, and that's expected. But I feel like many people are anti-abortion now that weren't before, and that many people who would normally be pro abortion are against it due to witnessing only awful arguments in its support.

We can't win by making sure only the best, most morally upstanding people are on our side. That's not how Democracy/Republic works. We do need the support of people we don't like. And the only way to gain that support sometimes is to make sure our arguments make sense to us, and them.
Literate Chaotic / Show Me Everything
February 14, 2017, 07:04:48 PM
I want to know the world as it was, from centuries ago, to 20 years ago. I wanna know what events helped form the modern civilizations we see today, and what decisions they made that led to our current situation.

The thing is, I want this information described with as little bias as possible. Now, obviously, unbiased history literature is a bit of an oxymoron considering history is mostly written by the victor. But if anyone's gone over the history books from both sides, and written, extensively, their objective analysis of the collective history, I wanna know what books or essays or pieces they've done so in.

And something else, which seems to be ignored by history classes in intermediate/primary school: I want socioeconomic perspectives of history. I wanna know about the wars, and also the way the wars affected the populations and the way they lived.

PD, give me a list of pieces that will give me the ability to develop an understanding of the world as it is and as it has been. Every conflict. every peaceful resolution, every betrayal, and every assassination that helped turn the world into what it is now.

I'm gonna be doing my own research on this literature as well. But since most of you are very well read on the topic, I figured your input would be invaluable.
I wasn't sure if this would be considered a project for OMF, or an "Original Idea." I figured since I didn't consider it to be a prank, it was more likely to be in this Section.

From what I can tell, it appears that there are plenty of people who are willing to fight for Justice. Everything from social equality, to Community Organizations based on helping the poor. It also appears that there are plenty of people with money who are willing to donate to charities that support the aforementioned organizations. What seems to be lacking is organization of these people and resources.

I suspect that massive strides can be made in terms of Socioeconomic Justice if people with the Will to fight were given a direction to send their Will. I see massive rallies and protests all around the country, but almost nothing actually getting done. I see organizations lacking resources to enforce change, and resources without an organization to put them to use.

I wanna know if it's possible to network these organizations and resources in a way that makes it easy for new people looking for ways to make a difference to find a way in. I don't wanna see an organization with a good idea sitting on the connections necessary to make change, only being held back by the fact that no one knows a damned thing about them, or that they have no way of putting themselves out there.

Don't even mention Facebook. It gives people the opportunity, not the actual push to join anything.

In theory, the following steps can lead to a successful campaign:

Step 1) Set a Clear and Achievable Goal

Step 2) Gather the Will™
- This means that you make a list of all the people and groups of people that clearly support your Goal.

Step 3) Gather the Way™
- This means that you make a list of all of the Organizations that require people, or Charities with plenty of money and no direction or application. Any organization that lacks people, money, or resources in general. Keep in mind that the goals of the organizations or charities must match, or at least coincide with your own.

Step 4) Bridge the Will™ and the Way™
- This means that you put each organization or charity within linguistic proximity of people/resources that it requires. Maybe you find a hopeless romantic within the organization, and write a piece that gives them both inspiration, and a direction to look for support that you've found for them.
- Get the Will™ and the Way™ in contact with each other by any means you can think of. Create a line of communication and their inspiration will take over and build their relationship.
- Most importantly, make sure you're a part of the communications without them knowing it. Weasel your way into the line of communication by posing as someone within either the organization or group of people/supporters. This ensures that you have the ability to direct them away from each other in the event that one of the parties is corrupt, or simply counterproductive.
- Make sure that all communications between you and either or both parties is completely anonymous. They shouldn't be able to point at any single person as the cause of their union.

I would kick this idea into high gear if I had the time and means, but I'm simply too busy. I want my idea to make things happen, but I don't know if I'll be the one to implement it.

If someone wants to take this in another direction that seems more effective, please do. Any details that should be added should be discussed, as it is a simplified idea with little in the way of methodology, at least in the way that I've presented it.
Apple Talk / Considering Going to Medical School
February 07, 2017, 11:40:43 PM
Finally found out what the fuck has been wrong with me the last few years.

Low stomach acid led to malabsorption of plenty of proteins. The most important in this scenario was Choline, which is used by the body to synthesize Acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is connected to many many things. Due to the low Acetylcholine ingredients, any times where the body is supposed to increase acetylcholine levels, it either ran out, or conserved it for more important bodily functions.

First thing to go was the sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach and bottom of the esophagus. Hello Acid reflux.

Next thing to go was my willingness to do anything. Low motivation can be caused by low acetylcholine levels.

When the brain is low on Acetylcholine, Dopamine levels become unusually high. Over time, this builds a resistance to Dopamine. Couple that with genetic predisposition to the D2A1 Allele for low Dopamine Receptors,  and you have yourself extreme Reward deficiency and ADHD. Hello substance addiction.

Next thing to go was the Sympathoadrenal response (Fight or flight response.). Low Acetylcholine levels leave you with hardly even a bump in heart rate, adrenaline, or excitement during anything from a car accident, or being pushed over to fall on the ground.

Addictive behavior led to an addiction to nicotine, naturally. Turns out Acetylcholine receptors have two types. And the nicotinic ones bind with nicotine in the system, and keep Acetylcholine from being absorbed by those receptors. This means that the small amounts of Acetylcholine I would get from my poor digestion end up not being absorbed anyways. Hello insta-nicotine poisoning and almost-diagnosis of Narcolepsy (Extremely low Acetylcholine levels and absorption leads to constant and severe fatigue, leading to falling asleep during conversations and driving).

Next thing to go was dreaming during REM sleep. Acetylcholine levels are supposed to increase during REM sleep, and assist in triggering dreaming (Or sustaining them, or whatever part of the brain is involved in dreaming. I can't tell.).

Low Acetylcholine levels also explain why drinking 3 Mtn Dews, a Monster, and Red Bull within a 30 minute period just made my heart pump loudly, instead of quickly. It felt like I was going to die in my sleep. Which would normally excite you or make you nervous. But low acetylcholine levels make it nearly impossible to stay awake.
This thread is where we'll break down speeches, articles, and statements used to spin events and information into political justification and motivation. You can predict how certain events will be played out by the media. You can propose an event or tragedy, or piece of information, and write an article or speech in the way you think an organization might write in order to spin it for profit. You can use existing propaganda and break down the motive and persuasive mechanics used.

The main stipulation is that whatever you do, you need to break it down so that anyone reading this can understand why the topic you wrote on is being spun for political gain. Doing this will surely get us, and other readers, in the habit of spotting and tossing politicized bullshit. Obviously most of us are a bit ahead of the current in regard to being able to spot politicized bullshit. Not to mention, some of us might have ideas or perspectives on the style of politicization that others didn't think of. But I think we can have an affect on people we talk to if we have a collective analysis to present to people who bring up some of these quotes, articles, and speeches.

To have the above affect, it may be viable to grab some of the more common and popular pieces being passed around, possibly on Facebook or Twitter, and start on those first.

These can be comical, or super srs.
Apple Talk / Am I Being Selfish?
August 26, 2016, 02:17:47 AM
Is it selfish to want your significant other to avoid talking about marriage or kids if they are willing to give up that possibility for a long-distance, permanent job offer?

Because I don't have a problem with my girlfriend taking the job offer if it possibly means us not being together. I couldn't live with myself if I found out that I kept her from a successful job offer she considered. But is it selfish to want her to NOT bring up the idea of permanent commitments if she is willing to take that job at all costs? Could you marry or have kids with someone who would be willing to give that up for a job offer that ends your relationship? Am I just being an asshole?
Some panzee in the comments section of a Gavin McInnes video said something like "The black conservatives are growing." So I said the truth that neocons don't understand, which is that the black community has ALWAYS been conservative, and that the republicans would win the black vote every goddamn election if they focused on two things: Police reform, and violence in the black communities. Then, some guy came along and said something like "Yeah, but how do we tackle that issue? The black people cover for the bad apples in their midst... [insert neocon regurgitated shit here]." So I went on the following rant, and I realized that some it was stuff I already touched on here, but some of it was a little counter to the beliefs of this board. And I don't give a FUCK.

"Of course they cover for the bad apples. They see the world as them vs the police, and them vs the establishment. Sometimes even them vs the whites. And you know what, in a lot of places, that's exactly what it is. Rebuplicunts won't hear a word of it, but there is a solution to the problem: Reform law enforcement. They are a burden on white towns just as much as they are in mostly black areas. I live in a right-wing town run half by Rob Portman, and half by the Freemasons, and I gotta say, the police here are literal nazis. Openly racist. And with the funding style that conservatives enforce on local police especially, it supports that type of officer. They're given an incentive to be shit. They're given incentives to pull people over for going 3 over the speed limit, or for walking around at night past a certain time. It makes you feel like you're in enemy territory after 9 o'clock at night, even if you're fucking white.

Yes, there are good cops. Not all cops are bad. But the way we're "supporting our local law enforcement" is destroying the local black communities. My town literally ran almost all black people out of it. The head of that push was the police force.

If the Republicants want their guys in the oval office again, they're gonna need the black vote. When they start reaching out to them, they will get that vote every single goddamn election. If they don't do it soon, the black community will inevitably shift toward liberalism (Permanently). As a conservative, I am disgusted by their blatant attempts at dodging those issues just to appease the aspect of the party that is holding them down: The old racist pieces of shit that still have a hand in big money.

They claim that as conservatives, they are fundamentally opposed to making changes to policy based on social shifts, but what they don't understand is that these social shifts are due to the policies that have been introduced and due to lack of law enforcement oversight. They could do the ACTUAL conservative thing and UNDO the engorgement of the responsibilities of Law enforcement. But no, we cater to old ignorant bastards that can't be arsed to care about anyone but themselves."

And I will add that the last part there is why the Repubelicants are going in the neocon direction. They are all "Alpha" this, "cuck" that, [Insert PUA lingo here], etc. because they feel like the liberals are calling them weak. The thing is, they're fucking right. Republicans won't stand up against actual establishment because they're fucking pussies, so they're throwing the "fearless" PUAs up in front of them because they give the misleading appearance of strength and power. For this heresy, they will continue to lose support, and they will push us toward a liberal establishment that will go completely unchecked. It will be a government that not only lacks the checks and balances that were supposed to exist within the branches, but it will lose the checks and balances that were supposed to exist between the parties, and it will forever be one-sided.

Or Kill Me.
The greatest piece of fiction, the most influential and most dangerous piece of fiction ever to be created was the assertion that Good always trumps Evil.

It's been the backbone of every major successful story or article of propaganda that has ever been created. It has been beaten into us by the whimsical, but blind majority of story tellers and leaders. It is, in essence, the greatest lie ever told.

It's not unusual that it's so successful. It's positive, and it is good to be positive. But it ignores the simple fact that that has never been the case. Nor has it ever been the case that Good has been fighting Evil at every vantage point, tooth and nail. Good, at all points in history, has been waning, being stripped, bit by bit, to almost nothing.

I've witnessed what mankind is capable of on a person to person scale, in terms of both Good and Evil. You are told that Evil exists in only a few of us. You are being lied to.

Did you think that BH was squicky? I have spoken for long hours with those that would cause even BH to throw up in his mouth. And what I've learned from those people, is that they exist everywhere. They babysit your kid, they work extra hours to feed their kids, they live the ordinary life that you'd expect from just about any sane, decent person. And the only reason they exist in such great numbers now is because people have always assumed that Good always trumps Evil.

You think to yourself, "I'm nothing like those people. They are sick. They were born or made that way by their genetics or their environment."

But then, you haven't been paying much attention to psychology. Environment and genetics may affect your decisions. But do not forget that decisions also affect your environment and genetics. Decisions you make can affect the way your brain functions forever.

The Bad people that leave you unaware of their existence are people that were given a predisposition, and the assumption that Good would triumph in the end. Without that assumption, they wouldn't have been willing to feed their darkest thoughts. They wouldn't have been willing to take that extra step, to seal their potential for greatness into a dark box.

You see, those who make that assumption and end up Bad also assume that that means Good will defeat them in the end. The assumption that drives the killer to be caught.

"I am the villain, someone be the hero. If I am to be Evil, then surely there must be someone who matches my Evil with Good to make me pay. Surely there will be justice."

But if everyone makes that assumption, then that means no one is there to Stand Up for Good and deliver that Justice. They assume someone else will take up that cause, because, after all, Good always triumphs over Evil.

If you are depressed after reading this, it is only natural. Don't let it keep you down. You need your energy to stop Evil. You need your positivity to deal with the reality. You only need to understand that simply knowing that Good is capable of losing is pushing the entire world toward a better path. When you see Evil that you are capable of stopping, do not assume that Evil will fall by the grace of some God or Hero. There is no Savior. There is only the decision to recognize that Good is fallible, in the same way that Evil is fallible.
Howdy Spags!

We all know drinking is mandatory for survival if you're 1. truly dedicated to Eris or 2. a self-respecting human being. If you didn't drink (or smoke), you'd probably do badawful things, like kick puppies, be a pagan, or even make puns.

The problem is, drinking sends you into a parallel universe in the morning where the only differences are that everything is louder, everyone is more annoying, lights are way too fucking bright, and your head hurts like a motherfucker. And usually, you have to suck off a grease troll to get back to the loving, chaotic self you strive to be. Unfortunately, I don't have a way around that. But, I did find a way to make the grease wad go down a lot easier.

I give you: Morning Sex. AKA, The Hangover Omelette.

All credit for the recipe goes to my girlfriend. May my hangovers never tempt her to commit murder ever again.

Shit you need:

- A bunch of fucking eggs. The more, the better. You're gonna need it.

- A slice or two of pizza (Any toppings are ok, seeing as how you're not gonna care in the morning anyways), depending on how much of a fat fuck you are (on the inside).

- 1 Garlic sauce cup from whatever terrible fucking pizza place you ordered from.

- 1 Cheese sauce cup from the same place, unless you're so disgusting that you ordered from 2 different places in one night. You don't need this fucking recipe. You need HELP.

- 1 Metal slab or skillet to heat this shit up on. It should be able to cook eggs (somewhat thoroughly), and forcefully ward off any children or loved ones that enter your kitchen. This is your fucking time, don't let them muck it up.

- 1 Butter Knife to cut up that jizz-covered cardboard that you call pizza. I specify that it be a butter knife because if you get interrupted, you're aiming to maim, not kill. It's your fucking family. Jesus Christ.

- 2 pinches of Crushed Red Peppers, unless you're a whiny bitch. "WHAA, I DON'T LIKE SPICY FOODS. I EAT FOOD TO ENJOY MYSELF, SO WHY WOULD I EAT SOMETHING THAT HURTS?" Yeah? 10 bucks says you were drinking wine coolers last night. Pucker up (Your asshole), buttercup, this is gonna make you asplode your hangover right out of your massive waste-hole.

The spice is also necessary to open up your rotten sinuses that have been filling with snot and all sorts of fuckery all night because the alcohol gives you the breathing patterns of John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane.

- Whatever other spices and sauces that you hipster fucks come up with. 1 Rule: No Italian Seasoning. We both know you weren't trying to be authentic getting pizza the night before, so there's no need to be a fucking poser this morning.

- Sausage gravy ~ Thicker than your momma's varicose veins. Preferably made with the grease made from the sausage. If you're too much of a lazy sad-sack, you can get some Bob Evans Gravy mix from the store. Good luck getting there in one piece with that light-sensitivity.

- A bowl durable enough to withstand your shitty coordination.

- A fork.

- Butter, or oil if you're one of those fancy fuckers that was drinking wine coolers. Use lard if you're not in a developed country or you live in Europe.

- All American Cheese. None of that smelly Frenchie ball of mold, shit.

- 1 Pancake flipper. Because what everyone calls a spatula is not a fucking spatula. That fat rubber knife thing on a stick that your grandma used to spread icing on cakes with is actually a spatula. You learn useless bullshit every day.

Shit you gotta do:

- Nuke that pizza shite from last night for just long enough to burn your hand when you pick up the plate. Bam, now you're more awake.

- Bang that butter knife against the pizza in a frustrated manner until it's cut up into half-inch by 1 inch pieces, or so.

- Nuke that garlic and cheese sauce for not long enough. Leave that foil lid on there and watch the sparks fly, and your shitty microwave your aunt bought you bite the dust. Good, now you're pissed off enough for the next part.

- Pour that unevenly heated sauce onto the pizza shapes. Glaze them sumbitches like your girlfriend/boyfriend would never let you do to their face.

- Add the crushed red peppers and mix it in to the glazed pizza chunks until the scent reminds you of mexico and diabetes.

- Smack those eggs against the skillet like it's the band Skillet. Avoid getting the shells into the eggs. I know you're pissed off and hungover, but you don't need your shits to be bloodier than they're already going to be.

- Put the eggs into the bowl. YES, I just had you break the eggs over the skillet and put them into something else JUST so that I could make the Skillet band joke. No, I'm not sorry.

- Grip that fork and stab the eggs with it like it's your in-laws - Over and over again until the eggs look as consistent as the mucousy fuckers can be.

- Dump the glazed pizza chunks into the bowl of eggs, and stir that shit. If it looks like egg-pizza soup, then you've done well for an irate, drunken bastard.

- Put your choice of lubricant into the skillet and heat that shit up enough to cook some eggs.

- Start warming the gravy in the microwave, you sorry sack of shit.

- Once the skillet is heated, pour that soupy sight for sore eyes into the skillet.

- Good job. You now have a hideous mound of egg and pizza sitting in a skillet. While everyone in the room's looking at you like you've gone fucking nuts, flip that shit over in the skillet so that it's an omelette.

- Greaaaatt. Now, rush to heat the gravy up in the microwave because you forgot, because that headache is starting to pound now that you've been standing for about 20 minutes.

- Slap that monstrosity onto a plate and fold it.

- Put the other half of that slice of American Cheese on the fucker, since you decided to eat the other half of the cheese.

- Look in fridge for more cheese, and realize that you're a failure who has no more cheese. Really, fucking nice.

- Attempt to redeem the meal by putting some of that lava-hot gravy on top.

- Cram that shit into your pie-hole until it's leaking out your ass and mouth. Now you're not so hungover, so stop being a bastard.
Or Kill Me / GunRant.txt
June 25, 2016, 10:41:22 PM
~ Disjointed response/rant to this.

The Bill of Rights and Constitution laid out the fundamental limitations of all future legislation and governmental responsibilities, among other things. Regardless of what you agree with in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, specifically, the basis of such documents was inherently Just and necessary. Defining the limitations of government, instead of defining its abilities, was a demonstration of how strongly the People of the time cared for their rights. "It says so in the book" because it's one of the fundamental freedoms that our Founding Fathers decided was important enough to protect at the expense of governmental potential. When our country decides, as a whole, that the right to bare arms isn't as important as it used to be, the Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the states, as that has always been the process.

Until then, "thou shalt guns" is the Law. Banning guns is against that Law. It is not a Law of God. It is a Law of Government. Last I checked, society functions when people (and their governments) obey the law and cooperate for the betterment of both parties.

When it becomes beneficial in the eyes of both parties to take away guns, you will see change in policy. But no one's provided a valid reason to remove guns, thus far, so I don't see any reason as to why the country would remove guns any time soon.

Bad people behave badly as they always have. The only difference between now and when the Bill of Rights was created is that we live in a surveillance state that is capable of displaying and angling every murder spree that happens. Racists turn Hood violence into "LOOK AT THE NI@#$@, THEY'RE SO UNCIVILIZED AND VIOLENT TOWARD US GOOD WHITE PEOPLE, AND IT'S TOTALLY NOT DUE TO THE CONSTANT DISCRIMINATION WE PUT THEM THROUGH" and scared politicians turn mass-shootings into "WE CAN PREVENT THIS IF WE RESTRICT GUNS INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE OR ALIENATION THAT ACTUALLY CREATES MASS-SHOOTERS."

People see more of the real world and the direction it's going and they are so easily willing to give up their rights. Not because there's a logical connection between said rights and the terrible things they see, but because they are given no other solution. I will admit, liberals seem to be the few who actually try to do something to solve problems. That doesn't mean we jump on the first fucking solutions they toss out. Just because the thought behind the solution is Just, doesn't mean the solution is Just, or even valid.

The liberals were the first to claim that Sex was a good thing as long as it was a subject of education. This was a Just and effective solution to MANY problems regarding sex. I don't understand how they can't stand the same concept being applied to the problems of guns. Educate people on them. Educate people on their safety. Educate people on the importance of their proper storage and handling. Educate people on protection from bad people with them. You'll see less accidental shootings the same way you saw a drop in teen pregnancies.

The only problem I see with that is something comparable to the increase in STDs that we're seeing in America, as a whole. Our society has a problem with diagnosis and management of STDs and psychological trauma, as well as other teen-health issues. Just like the rise in STDs, we might see a rise in teen gun violence due to unmanaged, psychological instability. The only argument for gun restrictions I could see are ones that are TEMPORARY and coupled with outreach programs for those who are silently suffering from the result of endemically FUCKED familial situations or emotional torture. But that's too much of a compromise. It's not extreme enough, or racist enough, or PC enough, or anti-PC enough.
In-line with my recent attitude toward politics: I think a country that's too lazy and afraid to use guns to defend their rights doesn't need their fucking guns anymore. I do see guns as a right when the People have the Will to use them to defend their other rights. But as the Newsfeed explained we have [tea-bag] patriots in this country. Previous generations gave up their rights for the compartmentalized media and law enforcement that current generations require to keep their sanity. They say they want freedom, but they don't mean it.

Rights will continue to be taken until we are willing to stand up for them. Billy fucks-his-cousin Joel isn't more willing to stand up for those rights than Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or anyone else in politics that pretends to care. The right to own guns WILL be taken. Very soon. And no one will do anything relevant about it. Nor will they do anything when the rest are taken.

It may not happen due to this filibuster. But it will happen. And regardless of your views on guns themselves, or which party's clown you support, you can't help but admit that America doesn't deserve it's fucking guns.
As you probably know, I am prone to confusing and incoherent interjections that can usually be described as "salade de mots." They tend to be caused by overthought metaphors that only have context in my own fucking head at the time that I'm producing said salade. Most of the time, I can look back during a lucid state and giggle or blush, and move on with my life. But this shit is starting to get fucking ridiculous.

Quote from: Fernando Poo on March 19, 2016, 07:41:00 PM
Quote from: Alty on March 19, 2016, 07:34:34 PM
Quote from: Fernando Poo on March 19, 2016, 07:26:19 PM
Quote from: Alty on March 19, 2016, 07:22:26 PM
Nuke the earth, problems solved.


The whom?

You mean these piles of radiated bones?

Riiiiiiiight, radiated bones aren't people, just like fetuses and zygotes aren't babies. YOU'RE A SICK MAN. SICK I TELL YOU!  :argh!:


After YEARS of working on minimizing this shit, I have nothing to fucking show for it. You guys might be saying, "Yeah, you're nuts, but there's no need to be so hard on yourself" and "We all have our bad days and we're all stupid sometimes." No no no, it's not that. This shit has become an IRL fucking problem. This shit used to just happen when I had too much energy and not enough focus while on internet forums in general. And it used to be justifiable afterwards. But now, it's happening AT WORK in the floor chat rooms. I make people uncomfortable to talk to me now, and I don't have a clue at this point on how to fix this shit.

I've gone past the point of Cringe. I'm getting into the lail zone, and I'm struggling to get rid of the momentum.

Please, someone, give me something to help. I'll try the basics, like going outside, but I still had this problem during the times that I spent most of my day outside.


Or fucking kill me.
Or Kill Me / You Know What Pisses Me Off?
May 01, 2016, 02:08:19 PM
Nothing. Not a single thing really get's me red in the face anymore. And that pisses me off.

I'm becoming more and more moderate, so liberals don't piss me off anymore. My psycho, life-controlling, manipulative, cat-killing, piece of shit friend is (Thankfully) out of my life now, so there's not any real drama to fuck up my world. My life is becoming more stable as the weeks pass, and my finances are looking up. My job isn't laborious or dangerous anymore, so injuries are far and few between. My girlfriend and I argue about stupid little shit because there's nothing important to argue about anymore.

There are wars going on, and the economy is in the shitter. People joked about Trump becoming president over a decade ago, and now he's THE PRIMARY CANDIDATE for the Hick party, and I don't even care anymore. I have been numbed to the issues of the World, and I've hardly even seen it yet.

I've signed a lease for an apartment that I won't even be living in until August, and I did this awhile ago. So everything I do is based around making sure that goes smoothly, so I can't do anything sporadic or unexpected until then. Being me, that should make my life miserable, but it doesn't. All kinds of things are set in stone, which contradicts everything my personality and ideals stand for. But I'm not upset about it at all.

For fuck's sake, give me something to attack, or gnaw at. I'm becoming a fucking Nihilist over here, and there's nothing I feel like doing about it.


Or Kill Me.
April 11, 2016, 12:29:06 AM
My ego must be just big enough to gain the attention of the nearest self-adoring shitstains. They don't just talk to me, they PROJECT onto me.

I work at an IT Service Desk for companies like Voya Financial and Servicemaster. These tardholes are on the same level of Service Desk I am. They pick on me because I'm the second youngest employee on the floor and because I have a terrible memory and have to ask questions all the time. Now, I get Nothing but compliment after compliment and suggestions of more responsibility from the supervisors and management. But these ass-cliffs that I work with feel the need to tell me that I "Don't listen to us because you're young, and you think you're right, and [insert more ego-attacks]."

I didn't ask for a solution to the problem I'm facing, cuntwad, I asked for specific information about a specific aspect of the problem because I want to solve the issue myself. I don't care that you've "been here for 3 years" and "I was like you once, I wanted to resolve everything." Yeah, you've been here for quite awhile, and not moved up at all. I wonder why. All you do is project onto other people.
Now, don't get me wrong. I know my ego is pretty big. BUT I RECOGNIZE WHEN I NEED TO STEP BACK AND RE-EVALUATE HOW I'M DOING MY JOB.

You talk about how they don't give you processes for shit and that you refuse to try to solve something until they give you documentation, and you wonder why you think there's no room to move up in our field.

EVERY SINGLE SUPERVISOR AND MANAGER WHO WORKS HERE WAS ONCE IN OUR LEVEL. THAT MEANS THAT THERE ARE OPPORTUNITIES IF YOU TAKE THEM. YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO FUCKING DO YOUR JOB AND RESOLVE PEOPLES' ISSUES PERMANENTLY AND SMOOTH OUR CALL VOLUME OUT A LITTLE, or you can continue to tell me that we're all just slave workers here, and that this place is toxic for your resume, and PROJECTING YOUR BIG-ASS HEAD ONTO ME. I don't need to re-evaluate how I do my job because I get told that "Your high call times don't matter anymore because you've demonstrated that you are dedicated to solving the issues and pleasing the customers, which is, of course, what this place is about." AND THEY ALL TALK SHIT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BIG ASS HEAD AND PLEASE LEAVE.

I don't care that you know someone high up and on another floor. They've obviously never worked with your loud, pompous ass. YOU'RE A PRODIGIOUS PROGRAMMER IN COLLEGE AND YOU'RE STUCK AT THE SAME LEVEL OF IT AS THE SAME PEOPLE YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT, AND YOU WANNA TRY AND TELL ME THAT I'M DOING EVERYTHING WRONG? YOU'RE SO FULL OF SHIT.


Or kill me.
An unidentified, and untreated anxiety issue can mutate the mind of an intelligent child into a self-replicating hunk of spaghetti in a matter of years. It starts out differently for different people. Anxiety is not identical in every person. My anxiety issue started out, much like my little brother's is starting out (At age 9): As an obsession with other peoples' feelings, and how they are caused and related by/to your actions.

This sounds like an OK start. Though, it is important to point out that it doesn't necessarily involve deep, affective empathy. Not to say it didn't have huge, affective implications. My life was centered around making sure other people felt ok. And if they didn't, I blamed myself.

This, of course, causes a huge decline in self-esteem. Obviously, people are not happy at all times, and no matter what you do in a situation, sometimes you can't make everyone happy.
But why? You try so hard. It ends up affecting you more than it affects them because you exaggerate the problem in your little kid mind, and turn it into horror, when it was only a minor annoyance.

This gets tiring after some time. You feel helpless all the time, and it seemingly never ends. You find ways to distract yourself, any way you can distract yourself. At the age of 7, there wasn't much in my life other than school. So I lost myself in the work. I competed for the highest grades in the hardest classes. My grades were the only thing I thought I could control. In a point in life where I felt powerless, I saw power in my ability to control my grades. When I started excelling due to my hyperfocus on schooling, I started to get praise. I was drowned in it. A after easy A, reward after reward, notoriety, and fame. ALL MINE. I did it. I controlled it. I could get it any time I wanted, and all I needed was to mention my grades. Now, even a slight recognition of someone else's feelings or problems warranted extreme praise. I was nice, AND smart.

It became an addiction. I sought control and praise wherever and however I could. "Spill your guts in this paper about Mandela" They said.
So I gave them 8 fucking pages of reworded text from the book. All I had to do was turn every sentence of the book section into something that looked like it came from me.
I got brought up to the front of the class and congratulated for this shit. I knew none of the information was mine, or even learned or memorized. But I took credit.

I started to apply this concept to the rest of my life. To my social interactions. To my thirst for recognition and power. I would cut out what I thought was bullshit: The thick of the information. And I'd just take what I could from whatever I read to apply it linguistically, and make it look like I was intelligent. I could copy other peoples' work and sentence structures. I could even understand the concepts I was reaping, but only did so enough to expand on them just enough to seem better.

I started comparing how I was treated to how other people were treated, and judging them based on that. I took my praise to mean I was better. My ego shot to the size of Mount Rushmore in a matter of years. No one could beat me. I impressed people with my regurgitated bullshit.

I started getting bullied by my Step-Dad. I had learned a new tactic that exercised both, control, and my "superiority." I would instigate my weaker friends when they were alone, piss them off, and dominate them when they stood up for themselves.

This ruined my ability to socially interact on any deep level, so my popularity dropped off. I began to attribute this to "their inability to understand me and my superiority." I became obsessed with cleanliness and appearance. I was disgusted by the fact that other kids didn't wash their hands. I mean, How could they? Everyone was told for so long that you were supposed to wash your hands after using the restroom every time. I mean, you'd just have to be stupid and animalistic to not wash your hands every time.

I became the easiest to raise by my parents, but I lost my sense of self-worth. I was worth only what other people saw in me. So I tried to show them my best sides. If people liked me, then I liked myself. If people noticed me, I noticed myself. I had, once again, become a puppet for everyone else, but in a different way, this time. I got rid of every little complexity and bit of individuality I had, and became an empty shell to survive the torture that the SGitR receives in Middle school and early high school.

I began doing everything you were "Supposed to do." That got me the most praise. Eventually, I became the quiet smart kid, who was into computers. I was a mystery in high school after a few years of making myself invisible and avoidant. Being invisible for so long had given me the ability to understand people a bit more. I realized that people loved seeing little, minor reflections of themselves.

I started copying peoples' mannerisms and behaviors, and adapting their senses of humor and ideologies, to build a me that others can relate to. I wasn't mentally developed enough to socially relate to people in any deep way yet, but the mimicry at least gave me a method to appear normal. I would use my mimicry to make friends with anyone I wanted. All I had to do was give them a reflection of themselves, but with only the good parts. Well, the parts that they saw as good. I would mold parts of myself, even as simple as my laugh, to be similar to theirs. I would tell the same jokes, and start liking the same things. I would become a sponge for influence to become desirable.

Now, over the last few years, I've been breaking away the old habits and forms of intellectual and social cheating, and discovering who I really am. I'm not fixed yet. But I'm on my way.
You guys are an important factor in this process. I've developed more, intellectually, since I've been here, than I have throughout the rest of my childhood. And, I figured I could give you some insight on the inner-workings of people I used to be like, and how some of them might have developed. Many of you mention interactions with them at least once a week, so I figured this information could be useful in either a conversion process, or a destruction process.

I know that parts of this were probably disjointed, and for that, I apologize. But this was thrown together at the end of my work day today while I still had the shit in my head.
What the hell was it like, then? The counter at the bottom of the Home page says that there were once over 700 people online at once.

Which of you were here around that time, and what was the constant influx of visitors and new meat like?
Was there a trend in ideology and political sway?
And most importantly, what the FUCK caused a spike in activity like that?

I mean, I think I might have been lurking without a profile maybe a year or two after that time, and it was only a little more active than it is now.
So, this is where I pretend to know fuck-all about how the world works, politically, economically, socially, sexually, bisexually, gaysexually, pansexually, plantsexually, but more specifically, geoplate-sexually (Attraction to the cleavage created by tectonic plates shifting under and around each other  :fap:). There is a somewhat low possibility that I might end up coming to a coherent and reasonable conclusion on a topic here, or maybe even there. So I figured this painful release of built-up cognitive sludge might be somewhat useful to someone at some point. In-fact, if this can turn into a collage of solutions to current problems, I will update this post with due credit. Maybe, if we get enough detail and agreement, we can all pretend like the system works like it's supposed to and send a less casual copy to our local representatives. I feel active and humanistic right now, and maybe getting my ideas ripped apart by YOU ideological piranhas, will give me some sense of fulfillment. Also, if you have anything relevant to add to any of the subjects I mention, please do so without censorship or remorse.

Let's talk about some shit that appears generally obvious to any modern intellectual, first. These things have probably been talked about and re-asserted on this forum for quite awhile, so we'll keep them brief:

The War on Drugs is bullshit. Redirecting the funding aimed at criminalizing drug use toward a system that treats addiction to these drugs would drastically increase the quality of life for most of the least fortunate members of our society. The bottom part of the country would be MUCH better off without an addiction pandemic. And let's not pretend that the amount of funds that the War on Drugs requires couldn't fund such a support system. Also, this idea has been demonstrated before, and is only deniable by the most ignorant right-wingers. I'm also going to take a totally blind shot in the dark and argue that you could probably decrease income taxes on everyone if you taxed the shit out of drugs. That last statement was derived from a baseless, shallow idea that popped into my head while writing this. If it's somewhat valid, I'll let someone else do the math to back it up. I don't think I have the attention span for that right now.

(Currently doing this at work. Will add more when I have time. Feel free to fuck shit up in the mean-time.)


Environmental Progress: I hate that the American Left assumes that because Liberal Socialist countries are the ones making strides in environmental issues and sustainability, that Socialism is required to make those strides. The left also likes to ignore that different people of different demographics speak different languages. They claim "Well, because this issue is important and morally superior, then that means we can use legislation to force companies to make unprofitable, or drastic changes to their business strategies and production systems to solve this issue."

All the left has to realize, is that the conservative right and the rich all speak one language: Money (Well, and sometimes Jesus.)

To completely change or create a system that's important to the economy in the private sector, it takes Creative Innovation on a massive scale, and it takes a profitable business model that is mostly new. For example, Denmark's trash and recycling system, as far as I know, is based on each household separating their own trash and taking it to their respective dumps/recycling facilities. This contrasts most of America's private trash systems, where most of it is just picked up in the company vehicles and sent to facilities to be separated there, or thrown into the dump with very little processing. I believe Denmark also charges nothing for recyclables that are given to the facilities, but charge a fee for trash that's not recyclable. From a business stand-point, having the separation done at home, and charging fees for trash is a much more profitable business model. That system eliminates a massive cost at the facility for general separation. AND you still get to charge people for trash. Denmark's system is government mandated, whereas a brilliant innovation of that basic system in America can create an EXTREMELY PROFITABLE and GREEN company.

I'm not an environmentalist, but if I wanted to make more money out of a company of mine, I would be working towards independence and sustainability, given that the technology is there. But most rich people have an old way of thinking when it comes to business models because they are still in the ME ME ME ME ME mindset. So, new, universally beneficial systems are hard to build support for in a corporate environment. Countries like Denmark have the business model, even though they aren't making money off of it. But that's simply because they don't have the BRILLIANT innovation that America has always been known for producing in other markets. It just takes a market baron - a genius to produce an original way of dealing with a cost aspect of the market. A simple invention can remove almost all cost from an entire level of the system, which will undoubtedly change the mind of a conservative rich person.

Instead of trying to change the way our economy works, why not take advantage of the economy and the simplicity of its cornerstone's (The wealthy corporations) way of thinking? Want to introduce more red tape and regulatory legislation? How about you invent a new, cheap way to break down certain types of trash or transport it instead? Or maybe come up with a valid, cost-efficient form of sustainable energy? Take these conservative rich bastards' hands, and walk them across the street to the GREEN side. They need a helping hand, not to be forced at gun-point. The government doesn't have to take responsibility for everything involving progress. America has lost its faith in the private sector, and I believe that is why we have the conflict we see in politics today.
I remember when things were interesting to me. I remember when small ideas would become big ones in a matter of minutes. I would take an idea, wrap myself in it with pretty laces and corsets and cheese sauce, and I'd OWN FUCKIN STREET CORNERS WITH THAT SHIT. I remember when I would dive head first into an ideology, let it caress my pale white ass just before it'd toss me out for some skank with a dick and a tanning salon membership. When I'd finally realize I was wrong for thinking such silly things, I was able to take a step back, turn on my Self-Ass-Kicker 3000, and bounce back with an idea that took me 2 steps forward.

I desperately want that all back. My ideas have no fire anymore. When I'm not heard, I stay quiet. I used to go "HEY HEY HEY I SAID SOMETHING, LOOK AT ME, FUCKER. YOU SMELL THAT SHIT? THAT'S THE SMELL OF FUCK YOU." And then I'd cram my idea into a Tupperware bowl full of sauerkraut and tators and toss it at the nearest onlooker.
I know people didn't like the fact that I asserted ideas as facts until proven otherwise, but I've lost so much more in giving that up. I'd rather make a fool of myself and be angry and spiteful about it than mope about the fact that no one cared.

As a corporate IT Service Desk Agent, my job is now more mentally stimulating than it ever has been before (I know, I know, but my previous jobs were physical labor). But I am getting DUMBER by the hour. If I'm playing a game of cards, I forget what cards I have in my hand when I shift my gaze to the table. Now I lack the urge to pick up the pace. I sit there in my sloth mind, and do nothing but think about my addictions. If something is stimulating, I do it over and over again until I hurt someone or it makes me sick. I don't know where the fuck ANY of this shit came from, but it's starting to piss me off. I had hopes and dreams that were gonna result from my new job. But I lack the motivation to achieve them now.

I'm gonna pick apart my Ohio-Tucky (Ohio and Kentucky) brain until the ooze starts acting like neurons. This board might be a dumping ground for built-up sludge. I need this to live again. I do not apologize.

Or Kill Me.
Apple Talk / Is Maynard James Keenan Amongst You Spags?
February 28, 2016, 05:16:43 PM
The main reason I'm back: I heard this song on a Youtube playlist and it immediately reminded me of this board. Made me miss you guys and your blunt down-to-earthness, mixed with your extreme goofiness:

Song is "The Remedy" by The Puscifer.
Over the past few months, I've developed some unfortunate issues regarding sleep and vigilance, among many other aspects of my life.

Some weeks, I have a score of 20 on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. I doze off at the wheel if I drive for more than 10 minutes. My metabolism is next to nothing anymore, which forced me to eat fairly healthy. During these changes, however, the symptoms got worse. Hypnapompic Hallucinations (Sounds/Images exiting microsleeps, even at the wheel). Some REM Sleep behavior recently. Severe Restless Leg Syndrome when tired in the evening, and girlfriend complaining of constant twitching and jerking of various bodyparts throughout sleep. Awaking to headaches. Acid reflux causing hiatal hernias and air-hunger. My attention and memory have been on a steep decline, as pointed out by coworkers, even though my job is now more mentally stimulating than any of my jobs have been before. I'm prone to depression now, when I couldn't even understand what depression was several months ago due to my inability to be depressed. I'm developing irregular bowel issues and persistent stomach pains. My Sex drive is now beyond irritating for my girlfriend. It's now to the point where she is made uncomfortable by attempts at intimacy, which is leading to a porn addiction, and insatiable urge to stretch sexual boundaries. I find myself not caring about certain situations when I should, and caring more and stressing more about areas that I shouldn't.

My doctor confirmed the ADHD, Acid Reflux, and Restless Leg Syndrome, however, medication for the Adult Onset ADHD will be held off until results come back from the sleep study that I will be taking in late March.

I make this post, not to complain, but to ask for perspectives on what might cause this random onset of severe symptoms. The Sleep Specialist had to stifle himself from saying Narcolepsy (Which I assume he got from the hypnapompic hallucinations and weakened face muscles when tired or after extreme emotions, though I thought this was a stretch for an argument of cataplexy.). Technically, the current diagnosis is "Idiopathic/Central Hypersomnia," but only due to the lack of testing and other information that would distinguish Hypersomnia and Sleep Apnea, for example, from Narcolepsy. They are testing for Hypothyroidism, but I figured a better diet in that case would lighten the issues.

I know sleep issues cause ADHD symptoms, making it likely that this isn't exactly adult onset ADHD. But I can't shake the thought that Reward Deficiency would explain the addiction and aberrant sexual behavior, as well as the ADHD symptoms and sleep issues, considering the fact that the Reward neurotransmitters are highly connected to sleep and addictive/inattentive behavior.

Then again, Acid Reflux as severe as mine is known to cause sleep apnea, which is also associated with all these issues, including the Irritable Bowel Symptoms. All of these things seem so connected, that I'm wondering if I'm doing too much research and convincing myself of connections that aren't there.

Does anyone know anything that might be helpful? Anyone have some similar experiences or have any of the issues listed, that can confirm or deny connections?
If I remember any other issues, I'll add them.
I feel like there are some aspects of life that are impossible to have a valid opinion on until you've experienced them. One of these is the military. I don't think I could make a decision about supporting it or not until I've lived it. For several years now, I've considered going into the military.

My score on the ASVAB (Projected to be 89, I think) and interest in computers would give me an opportunity to see several major parts of the military while also keeping some distance from live combat. Not that I specifically wanted to avoid combat. Hell, I was thinking about going into the Army Special Forces. But I eventually decided I would probably wanna focus on the AFCYBER program (Air Force Cyber Security whatever program) because it would also expand my career.

The problem is, regardless of branch and job, even if you get what you want in paper/contract, it is quite apparent that this administration does not respect the military as much as it should, considering its cuts in benefits and funding, and absurd disrespect for Veterans. I don't wanna go into the military just so that they can stick me in a hole in a desert so I can get shot at by zealots/terrorists. Obviously, if I join the military at this point, that is exactly what I'm agreeing to if I don't go the extended, hands-on career route. You join the military to be a soldier first, contracted job second.

Anyways, I can't decide if it's worth it to sell my soul to the Military Industrial Complex and risk psychological damage just to give myself a perspective that many think is obsolete anyways, considering we're trying to get rid of the whole "war" thing.

Any ideas or thoughts on consequences on my possible decisions?
Since it's quite obvious (To everyone on this board, at least) that I have an anti-social personality disorder, I may as well come clean about my dark secrets: The interests that have probably gotten me put onto several watch-lists created by several federal multi-letter agencies.

The age of 15 was when I made my first friend. Previous to this point, my tendency towards intense staring and eye-contact sessions with my peers was a little off-putting. The purpose of this, of course, was to make my classmates uncomfortable, making them more willing to give up information I needed, like what homework we had that night, and whether or not a certain teacher required bathroom passes. I would have asked them without the intense eye-contact, but my looks made it impossible for them to focus on what I was saying. My glaring was, in a way, a method of bringing my victims "down to Earth."

When I wanted an item from someone, I would use my superficial charm (a polite smile, and optimistic voice inflection) to get what I wanted. Most of the time, I was forgetting pencils, or purposely leaving them at my house in random places on the floor for my family to step on. When you're as impulsive and unaware as I am, something as insignificant as a pencil is just a distraction in the dangerous world I grew up in. I can't imagine what affects my constant, optimistic mask had on my classmates and their perception of reality. They must have thought that I was the nicest person they had ever met. Boy were they wrong.

My first friend was someone who was similar to me, except that he was more focused on his looks in regards to others. He was emotional, and unstable. I, on the other hand, felt nothing. We had some similar interests, though. We had both recently started playing Call of Duty. For most kids who play war games, it is just a game. But to people like my friend and I, people who think more into simple activities, it was an insight into human nature itself. The flaws of mankind were laid out before us. We killed people over multiplayer thousands of times. The war screams, the blood, the intense firefights: They changed us.

After a few weeks, we began yelling at the top of our lungs at the people over Xbox live. We became violent. We started threatening the opponents with awful things - Things I can't share on a public forum. It made us feel alive.

By the age of 17, we had become serial rapists. On a daily basis, we would take the public buses and trains just to sit with our legs half a foot more apart than women. We took up most of the first quarter of the benches that we sat in, this way. On a busy day, we made it nearly impossible for anyone to sit down, especially women. I'm not sure what it was that made us enjoy this kind of rape. Maybe it was the display of dominance. The fact that we controlled how many people could sit on our bench. The fact that if someone looked our way, the first thing they would be forced to look at is our crotch. It was empowering.

More is still to come. I'm posting this from a proxy, so as to make sure I don't get this traced back to me.

TL;DR: Sometimes, when I'm feeling really nasty, I leave the television on when I leave, even though my Mother tells me not to.
Apple Talk / To All You Brits Out There
May 28, 2015, 05:50:46 PM
Oi, I think I fell in love with the pictures of the Crombie coats. Are they everything they are said to be? I want to know before I spend over a thousand dollars on one that I can't try on first.

If they aren't can you point me to a similar, but better place?
So, if you looked at my post on the OPEN BAR, you'd know I work at a movie theater. Being a respectable worker at this little movie theater grants me the privilege of working completely by myself two days out of the week. Not only that, but it gets me direct connections to people who can put advertisements in the pre-show of any movie we want. Or, on my alone days, maybe I can put an ad or two of our design in the previews. That's as soon as I can get some documentation on the projection screen and movie server equipment.

Even if the placement of ads in the previews isn't viable due to some inescapable legal issues (I'm willing to break a few laws to get some shit put into the previews. But only if I know I can get away with it.), then I can still get a decent-sized audience for any cards or posters that we may wanna put up. Any suggestions? Project ideas? Posters/card ideas?
The Buffalo Wild Wings in my city gets experimental menus and sauces and shit, just like several others around the country. The Ghost Pepper has been getting popular, so they decided to let us try Ghost Pepper Blazin sauce.

Blazin sauce is the hottest sauce they have there. But I can watch a show and eat the original Blazin wings, no problem. It gives you the runner's high that spicy stuff is supposed to give you. It tastes good. It's all good. The new Ghost Pepper stuff is so hot it makes you wanna die. It's not an upper, it's a downer.

So, after eating a snack order (About 6-7 wings), my stomach hurt like a motherfucker. All day. And all night. A few days later, I had a shit that kept me from laying down or sitting at an angle afterwards because it felt like something was just gonna run out. But that's not even the worst part. It wasn't shit in the toilet afterwards. No. It was a piece of the black symbiote that gave Eddie Brock his venom powers from the Spiderman comics. When I flushed the toilet, it looked fucking alive as tendrils stuck to the bowl and stretched and snapped back to the pitch-black, shiny mass. It went down with a fucking fight. And I'm not exaggerating. I'm not saying "there was just a slight resemblance, but you could tell it was shit." It didn't look like feces AT ALL. If you want to know exactly what it looked like, watch Spiderman 3. It changed in size and shape and everything.

So, the question is, where the fuck are my venom powers? And if I do have them, will they originate from my anus?
This is one of my favorite aspects of this forum: The propaganda you guys post on here. The thought of posting propaganda around my town and other places. The thought of making my own propaganda. It all really just makes life better.

I'm not very creative, but I wanna contribute to this part of the community. What software have you guys found to be best for creating each type of propaganda? I imagine Publisher is great for posters with writing, cards, documents and whatnot. But what about the graphical shit? What's best for simple graphics? What's best for more complex graphics? Could you explain some of your methodology?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. And I promise to upload proof of any IRL postage of my creations, as well as any reactions I see. And I plan to post EVERYTHING in IRL that I make that I'm satisfied with. If I can get some juices flowing in this area, I will fill this thread with content. I noticed that A LOT of the posts in this thread are VERY VERY old, relatively. So I would assume that you guys would want some more content in this area.

Or Kill Me / Some Ragrets
May 16, 2015, 04:44:16 PM
I'm starting to regret agreeing to go to my girlfriend's birthday party. It's her 18th, so it's an important one. And I'm happy for her. But she's having it today at a country night club. That's right, a night club with music and dancing and drinking, but with no neon lights except for the one depicting a rodeo, and another probably depicting something dealing with a horseshoe. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the awful country music that will undoubtedly be blasted the entire time. Not only that, but I fucking hate her parents, and they're the ones taking us all.

This party will also have pot brownies, which she will try for the first time, and alcohol. She turns into a fucking 6 year old that can barely control her bladder after only a beer and a half. So I decided I would go to make sure she wouldn't get alcohol poisoning from the shots she's planning to take.

Now, you may ask, "Why the fuck would you have to make sure she doesn't get alcohol poisoning if her parents are going?" Because her parents are irresponsible children that should've never had kids, themselves. They're emotionally manipulative, vindictive, unstable pieces of shit. I don't care if you had a bad childhood. You're contributing to all things wrong with society when you teach your children to be emotionally manipulative by making up stories and twisting stories to get other family members on your side. You know you're a coward when you need to guilt your daughter into getting her on your side, against the other daughter. And that doesn't even come close to describing all that they do to their children. Add on the fact that being around her parents regresses my girlfriend to the mentality and behaviorisms of a 12 year old, and you have an event I REALLY don't wanna go to.

There's going to be about 10 people there, and about 8 of them are going to be trying pot brownies and drinking heavily. I'm done with her family after this. I will let her know that we are never even going to go as far as stopping by her house if we are out together. Her family is an implosive drama-fest, ego circle-jerk, and I had to whine and bitch about it to someone or I thought I would go fucking insane.

I'll report back on our relationship status after I get back.
William is my friend on Facebook. He is now regretting that friend invite.

"Do people just love being edgy or something? Is fighting against traditional values the new fad or something?" ~ William

"The one standard is what kept us going for thousands of years. You notice that the entire world just recently started going completely to shit socially? There's turmoil in homes and in the streets. People believe blindly everything they hear and refuse to think for themselves. People are allowed to avoid responsibility and the government will pay for it. Absolutely haram." ~ William,

Me: ">Implying there hasn't been social chaos on immeasurably massive scales since the beginning of animal interactions.
>Implying that all of those things haven't been going on since the beginning of human existence

What standard are you talking about? I've noticed a steady trend of shitty behavior by every living being that has ever existed throughout history on this planet. What the fuck kind of one-sided history book did you read? You bitch about how bad shit is now, and you say it's because of the traditional values being lost. I don't see a traditional value standard at any point in history, in any group or civilization. I see a bunch of egocentric primates comparing themselves to previous generations of egocentric primates. And when they find they haven't quite changed that much, themselves, the only way they can cope is to convince themselves that their "improvements," or changes, on the world around them, no matter how small or large, are the determining factor of their self-worth. And then they passed on their legacy to egocentric primates that will follow in their footsteps. And then some of those egocentric primates liked sports. Others liked tentacle porn. Personally, I find it sad that you base your life off of a set of principles (Traditional values) that are less tangible than tentacle porn. Tentacle porn beat your values by existing in the physical world. The only difference between your principles and traditional values and tentacle porn is that tentacle porn is not imaginary.

[Insert picture that reads: Remember: KING KONG DIED FOR YOUR SINS]"

I mainly wanted to share the rant at the bottom. But I also wanted there to be context. I kind of feel like I'm just bragging to you about something I thought was funny, when adding the context, though.  :kingmeh:
Or Kill Me / #FirstWorldproblems
April 28, 2014, 04:42:08 AM
Survival-based and pleasure-seeking-based choice-consequence systems inhibit my ability to objectively question my conscious limitations or lack-there-of.

(Needs and wants ruin my ability to achieve sanity through insanity.)

If we could get the brain reverse-engineered soon and get my conscious mind put onto an independently structured (not dependent on everything else in existence) system, that would be THE TITS.

Why would I want that? Because I'm conceptualizing the 5th dimension so that when I obtain a nervous system capable of existing in it, I will be proficient in finding my way up to the next dimension.

Not to say that WILL happen - Just in-case I get a hold of a 5th-dimensional nervous system, I want to be prepared.

Why would I want to be in the 5th dimension? Bypass the limitations of each dimension, and you will truly be free, MAYBE. So, how about we try ending this physical slavery, so we can move on to ending upper-dimensional slavery?

You see, political activists like MLK Jr. did not end, or even really start to end all slavery. We're still enslaved to these simpler nervous systems.

Nothing you say or do or lobby Congress for is "Progressive" unless it involves PROGRESS - Which I define as ASCENSION or UPWARD/FORWARD TRANSCENDENCE. Everything else is a distraction. Your need to tell your friend about some gossip-bullshit is a fucking distraction. Your need to tell others that you think they're wrong is a fucking distraction. Your urge to post your insane, reality-based, ramblings on a forum is A FUCKING DISTRACTION. In-fact, almost everything that your existence is based on is a fucking distraction. Almost nothing that you've ever done, on purpose, has been more than a distraction. You are my distraction, and I am yours. STOP READING THIS AND I'LL STOP READING YOURS.

And then there's the part where this was just my general perspective on our collective existence. You're all Gods that walk around creating your own realities. Think and do what you want - Y'all's sexy.
Or Kill Me / I Am Free
March 29, 2014, 01:02:59 AM
I don't say "please" and "thank you" because I feel obligated to do so. I don't do things for friends because "that's what friends are for." I don't spend my time around specific people because I'm inexplicably drawn to those people due to some unearthly force like "fate" or uncontrollable fondness. I don't do things for people and expect things in return. I don't expect anything from anyone.

Everything I do, I do because I made a will-full effort to do so, because I want to. To do favors, expecting something in return seems, to me, to be the definition of corruption. But so is doing someone harm and expecting to be forgiven. Or showing affection and expecting affection back.

I am your friend by choice, or your enemy by choice. I am nice and polite by choice, or I am a cunt by choice. Do not blame my surroundings for the decisions I choose to make. Do not take responsibility for my state or condition. I will hold myself accountable for my reality, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I am Free.

"If consequences dictate course of action, then I should play God, and shoot you myself."
I don't like being that guy that takes way too fucking long to make replies because of how indecisive he is, and how much he doesn't wanna sound like a complete asshole. I don't like being that verbose guy that no one wants to start a fucking conversation with or gets replies like, "TL;DR." I don't like being that guy that gets avoided for saying the terrible things that everyone needs to hear. I don't like being that guy who has 20 sentences in parentheses in every single one of his posts because he doesn't want to be unclear.

I can't stand that everyone at my school calls me "the genius" because I stay up too late, researching everything from computing, to advanced physics principles I don't even fucking understand, for 1 day a week, and because I use exceptional vocabulary (to them) because I over-think everything I say (I don't even care if that was a run-on sentence. I don't even want to try to break it up right now). YOU ALL GET BETTER GRADES THAN ME, ASSHOLES. QUIT ASSUMING I'M GOING TO GET A SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER GRADE THAN YOU ON THE TEST THIS AFTERNOON. YOU ALL MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A NARCISSIST.

I hate being told I have the handwriting of Thomas Jefferson (that beautiful cursive), and then being refused a proof-read 20 seconds later because they claim, "I can't read your handwriting." OUR HISTORY TEACHER HAS A CURSIVE COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ON THE WALL. ARE YOU SAYING YOU DIDN'T JUST READ THAT WHILE WE WERE STANDING BY THE DOOR,WAITING FOR THE BELL TO RING?! YOU JUST LOOKED AT IT BECAUSE IT WAS INTERESTING, RIGHT?

My English teacher gave us a lesson on introduction paragraphs. He had a list of "don'ts" in his "General Rules" section of his powerpoint. It basically told us not to use "maybe logic" in our writing. He, then, asked us to write a thesis, an attention grabber, and evidence on whatever we wanted. Out of protest, I wrote that his "general rules" section "was for absolutists and 'squares." I proceeded to fill in the evidence and attention grabber. He only looked at the first sentence before handing it back to me, without a fucking word. I need to work on my entropy skills. THEY ARE SEVERELY LACKING.

I'd rather be deemed, "clinically insane," than a genius. AT LEAST PEOPLE WOULD STOP TAKING ME SO GODDAMN SERIOUSLY!

That's why, of all the people I want to talk to in the world, it's people like you, I want to talk to the most. I spend hours on here sometimes, in awe, reading your ridiculous absurd brilliantly hilarious pissing contests and snappy comebacks, wondering, how in the fuck did I get here? I read a few lines from some RAW book, and suddenly I'm a religious leader that should be treated "right?" What the fuck does that even mean? I feel like a cliche discordian by saying "Do you believe that shit?" You can't even make this shit up...

When I'm on here, I feel like I've been stripped of the limitations resulting from the social constructs I'm surrounded with on a daily basis. I can actually fucking rant about my life's negligible nonsense and (hopefully) not get ignored. You crazy fucks might make a funny remark or say "TL;DR," just to piss me off. And you know what? I'm completely fucking ok with that, because, at least I can be as verbose, terrible, indecisive, and clear as I fucking want.

P.S. I'll get better at this. I'm not a learned ranter (That's a word? "Ranter" is a word? Why does that seem so strange?). I'll try this again next week. Thanks for listening.

I just realized... Why the fuck can't I be " verbose, terrible, indecisive, and clear as I fucking want," IRL? Fuck it. I spent too much time typing this up. I'm not deleting this.
I suddenly got the feeling that I'm going to disagree with most of the people on this forum, either politically or philosophically. But I guess diversity, criticism, and conflict can be used to better one's self.

I'll probably create a full reply tomorrow. It's getting late, and the last time I tried to debate on a forum at this time of night, I made a "Monty Python's: The Holy Grail" reference that even I didn't understand the next morning  :oops: