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Messages - Baltshazzar the Unhinged

Not for a while actually, in fact I don't believe I even have a copy or it's buried on an old drive. Speaking of books I'm interested to learn what (if any) versions of the Principia available online are decent representations of the Loompanics version hosted on this site. I've heard they're all shite?!

And yes, I think in sales they call it motivation by disinterest. It got me out of a pyramid scheme before I was wise enough to know what the fuck I had signed up for.

Actually pardon me, I was confusing Holy Nonsense with something else. I feel like I read this not long after I first started lurking. All the same, thanks for the nudge.

Bureaucracy," said Nopants, "is waiting for a red traffic light
in the middle of the night when no one is coming
In 2008 I employed different methods of making it available to those I thought were already there anyway. In 2015 I was behaving in a manner that began eliciting questioning of my beliefs from people around me, and I felt obliged to explain a little of it to prove my insanity was as valid as anyone else's. But in 2020 I have random people at parties asking me to explain it and I really can't be bothered and I dare not wonder why these people keep leaping out of the woodwork. I have become a lazy Discordian. Or maybe it's just one of them those who know do not tell, and those who tell do not know things.
Hey if the word is more acceptable in the US these days, and if you can handle rap - in an Australian accent (don't blame you if you can't), then here is an example of how much said word is ingrained in Australian parlance. And no, I'm not shilling an ASN artist. I just think of this song every time this little culture shock used to occur. Cunt is really just a word for person where I grew up. It's when the T is emphasised that the word has aggressive intent. So for example " Jake, the cunt, he was crossing the road, when suddenly this cyclist cunt runs over his shoe. So he yelled out "Hey cunt, how bout you watch where you're going!" and by this point, every cunt's watching, and the cyclist stops and turns and says, "What cunt?" "You heard me cunT" - pause... now, and right now, Jake has challenged the cunt on the bicycle to a fight. We are an articulate bunch all the way down here in the Pacific.
I'm afraid these Discordians are not the one's you're thinking of. At least not bloody likely. This really was a mistake encouraged by the group of people I know, who understand that I don't roll well online at the best of times. In more conventional settings I can, and do, run a muck and generally make a c#nt of myself (I'm careful with the C word as I know the world outside Australia consider it harsh - but it's the only word that fits here) and it's hard for me to stay above the level of a troll to be honest. So they pick me as the person to bring the concept over here and I agree without thinking. They say it's best I do it for two reasons. Number 1. I have lurked around this page for a couple years, mainly getting ammo for personal psychedelic fuelled meme wars and Number 2. because I built the website and this was something I apparently should be doing.

It's all for the best, I actually have enjoyed the interaction on these forums. My shrink's been at me for years to find people weirder than me.

Quote from: altered on January 27, 2020, 05:00:33 PM
Honestly, that warning doesn't really apply here. That phrase, "don't join any group who wants you," is more of a "cult vaccine" than anything: either you're vulnerable to manipulation or you've got a history that makes you unpalatable, and either way most groups who are into that sort of thing are as welcome as scabies.

Too right. Just a go-to phrase I spose. oh and bed wasn't exactly sleep but rather life ensued... certainly no butt-hurt as you put it, I was laughing about the whole thing until I returned, actually read your post and was kinda like "fuck, that's kinda serious, this deserves my full attention". No apologising OK. But let me say when I've been humbled!

Now, it is time for actual sleep, not like that fake sleep I had earlier.

Fkn hats off to all you c#nts. You kept my attention well into 4am. I guess the day is starting for y'all, so have a good one. Or don't. It was just a suggestion! Peace
Whoa. Mind blown Dok. Not so much by
Quote from: Doktor Howl on January 27, 2020, 04:25:46 PM
Quote from: Baltshazzar the Unhinged on January 27, 2020, 04:13:20 PM
And that 'next step' comment was relative to the fact that steps have been taken and not noticed.

If steps have been taken and not noticed, one of two things is happening:

1.  Steps have not been noticed because nothing happened.  This means steps have not been taken.

2.  Steps have not been taken because they were not supposed to be noticed.  If this were the case, there wouldn't be any advertisement of said steps (ie, the book itself).

which is a healthy reminder for me to reel it in a bit (I did think it was safe to preach to the choir, I would not suggest this book or a casual interest in the authors to heathens)

but what is blowing my mind is that I just caught your tagline there, just after contemplating sneaking into someone's house overnight and stealing all of their cutlery.

OK then enough with the steps already. All Steps Noticed.
To be fair Doktor, I was probably in on the planning to set me up, and then forgot about it, or conveniently ignored it. Nonetheless, I'm not too old to get at them for exploiting my fucking horrible lapse of judgement. I'm a very basic man though Doktor, I'll dream up something creative.

Quote from: Cramulus on January 27, 2020, 03:44:24 PM
well anyway, you seem like an upstanding discordian - I hope you stick around

um I've been warned against joining any group that would have me as a member... but what the hey I've already self-sabotaged once in the past 24 hours.
Quote from: Cramulus on January 27, 2020, 02:13:48 PM
I'm aware of KLF and their book is somewhere on my very long reading list. But yeah, over here in the US they're not exactly on the radar.

Not everybody drinks from the same stream! No need to get all judgmental about that.  :p

I have not seen the complaint about not being able to find the "next step" in Discordianism (I heard a rumor it has something to do with the God Helmet), but I do mourn the loss of pop culture representation.

Too right. Not judging, but yeah I do come across as abrupt, and I was actually just really suprised that it aint on the radar in the US. We do drink from different streams, fkn too right. This bizzo about me being stuck in 65 was echoed around earlier. And that 'next step' comment was relative to the fact that steps have been taken and not noticed. I'm really not being critical here, it's simply that as you pointed out, we're drinking from different streams... I only wanted to offer what came through the UK stream from 76 to present which I thought would have been obnoxious for me to do due to my failed assumption that this was well known in the States. Now that I know it is not well known, I'm actually a little saddened for those who haven't seen the migration. And I aint about to shake my fists and scream for the love of fuck's sake get around the likes of Ken Campbell, Alan Moore, Bill Drummond, Jimmy Cauty, Daisy Eris Campbell - and how in many ways, Wilson's move to the UK was something like passing the flame to those people. Of course it aint that clear cut and it's on each individual as to whether they actually give a shit or not.
A quick Wiki search of Discordian works does not list any of the aforementioned artists/writers so there ya go, Wikipedia has failed us again. Oh well, I hope that can be beneficial to someone out here.

Anyway, at some point you might have a read and you can tell me what you think.
Born alone and die alone. Try to have fun in between.

The ASN have now left the building. And it's time for this guy to have his diazepam and keep cycling through these posters.

Yeah, I sorta realised what what going on half way through. The whole time figuring people on here were fucking with me when it was the people beside me. Like a wiser person once told me "Everyone wants Discordia til they find it" or something along those lines. I'm having way too much fun though, so rather than blither on about the Alien Sex Nectar or whoever they are today, I will catch you fine and wretched Discordian folk alike around the other forums.

Now if you don't mind I have three households who need all of their cutlery misplaced in the middle of the night.

Quote from: Cramulus on January 27, 2020, 02:30:34 PM
Hi BattleshartzR, I love the website

it's REFRESHING to see a bunch of us getting together in a physical space and making a disgusting mess of things

These days, my cabal is all spread out, decentralized, we rarely meet in person except for at my annual MOOSEMAS party - so I'm just glad that the Discordian Society is still out there, way out there, in person.

I extremely like your proposal of rejecting the social network, favoring more direct and less aggregated forms of communication. For a while, I've been daydreaming about cabals that exchange snail mail - because communications that you experience in the physical 3D meat world have a different quality than words exchanged online. We could have a different conversation via snail mail than we could via e-mail. And maybe cabals need to adopt this protocol - to send physical texts, physical art, let our exchanges become a living collage, an electric current.

Can I help in any way? I could mail you cats some absurd posters to put up?

Favourite so far,


And hey, cabals should be able to transcend reality if they want to. We do our thing in the meat world, as you put it. No one is knocking the kind of exchange of ideas going on here. I think it's safe to say a message board is a far different culture to the likes of F@cey etc.
Yes Doktor very much worth mentioning. I'll research further. And excuse my lack of ability to do that thing people do with the quotes. Yep.
OK. This is last to be said for ASN COMMUNICATIONS. Fuck those guys. It goes like this...

So the group nominates me to drop you a link, knowing that I can't help but engage. The person in this mob with the least online communication skills of all, comes to Discordia and the rest of the crew have a grouse laugh at my expense. Fuuk social experiments (that was for lack of a better term Vex!), I hope no one thought they were the subject of a social experiment. I was the subject. Some of you may have got a laugh on me but not like Name Pending and Don't know as I type this. Really, fuck them. To let you in on the gag, I have refuted social networking and smartphones forever, I am a stick in the mud in that sense, but I'm always trying something new. I love to learn. Last week I built my first (admittedly shoddy) website. I won't say how old I am - just old enough to be bitter and jaded for fuuk's sake. Yesterday's challenge was to introduce ASN to a message board and respond to all criticism and questions. I failed triumphantly... though from an anti social-network perspective it was a tremendous success. So fuck them. I hereby renounce my membership to the ASN.
So fuuk the ASN. I'll take the logo off (don't even remember putting it there!) Discordians are not necessarily Anti Social, nor are all of our network Discordians. It's actually a relatively small section of us who are massively influenced by the Principia and all Discordian works up to the 2023 Trilogy - which we are sorta sad to hear that the book ain't got much love from anyone on this site?!? This experience actually reminds me of going to a screening of Why did the K-Foundation burn a million pounds at an "Anarchist" club. I figured, surely these people know of Discordia, shit, Robert Anton Wilson had introduced Eris to his Anarchist movement of the day. If these guys in 2017 were unaware of Eris, I may gently nudge them toward the Principia... Well the shitstorm it caused. And they too, thought I was working for one of the local right-wing nationalist groups in my area - just for saying 'hey you may or may not be down with this shit'. They thought I was there to sew Discord and suggested I should not return... sound familiar? Gotta love a good synchronicity!!
Reading my first post, now that I've taken my Benzos (thanks for reminding me to take my meds Doktor (whoa, I did not intend that pun but don't dare pardon it)), I can see it's a bit shilly. For fuuk's sake man, get it together. People's first impression of the ASN is a lack of creativity and way too much enthusiasm. Well that's what I'm seeing now that I'm an observer. Well played Eris. Well played. Oh and this is not self-defeatist mode. What we are, in the ASN, is self-deprecating til the cows come home. But to be fair, it is a fair Aussie thing to self-deprecate, perhaps it's even a Colonial thing. I only mention it because I think a lot is lost in translation due to this paradigm.
So yeah, I won't engage as an ASN member here again, but the people on this side of the keyboard here have all learnt about themselves. This experience has taught us much. And we hope you see the paradox in an Anti Social-Network coming to a message board which, granted, is not F@cey or !nsta but it's fair to say that people on this forum share some sort of regular interaction with each other. This was as far as I would let them send me. To go on F@ceb**k is like Anathema to me (shudders). So ASN thanks the people of this forum. You can think it's a con all you like but like I told Altered, we are anti social in the sense that we don't socialise much, not in the sense of actively working against society. It's not for everybody.

Fact is, We've dealt with far too many suicides, and the common denominator is most often loneliness and isolation (in our collective experience). Do you know how hard it is to convince people to engage with the world once they're past the point of no return? I'm sure most people do know, and apologies if discussing it is painful for others. ASN has been adopted by many who just need to know they're not alone in being alone. We never realised it til now, but I guess we, in the inner sanctum at least, are something of a support group for each other. So if you really need to squeeze meaning out of this movement, there it is. It's not our thing to get that deep but I feel that's not something anyone should be confused about. And there is a shared (but not universal) disdain for the psychology that drives humans to post/like/comment/share/repeat. And perhaps telling a message board that sort of thing could be seen as an attack on your psyche. This could not be further from our intent.

I'll say this though, I enjoy the banter around here. So if I cease advocating the Church of the ASN, I would very much like to hang around and, heaven forbid, maybe interact in cyberspace. If I've met any folk online that are worth a bunch of keystrokes it's the people I've encountered in the past 24 even if it wasn't without its confusion... wait, hold up.

Oh and while I think of it Vex, please may I use this on the website? I know you probably meant the opposite but no, "one of the things we're NOT selling is the illusion of being able to help the world in any meaningful way". Our egos don't support the ability to help the world in a truly meaningful way (well actually, a couple of us actually do, but that's their individual crusades) so we do not sell that illusion. Oh we can try, but things never go as planned so it's safer to just change what we can when we can, and that's usually ourselves because I am the only person I have authority over. Besides, who the fuuk are we to decide what 'help' this world needs? There's a lady sitting next to me who thinks she knows. There's a bloke a suburb away from me who has a definite plan too. I won't shit on anyone's idealism - I envy it! Onya too, if you think you have the answers. I'd like to hear them some time. Not on this thread though. This thread was a mistake... I was meant to slime my way around the forums for a year, making connections with other users and then bring the concept to you when I'd earned your trust... But that sounds too much like social networking – and even more like shilling.

The final word from the ASN is this:
ASN actually stands for nothing. It was just easier that way when several people of varying degrees of Discordian influence gathered in one room for 24 hours with a pile of substance and flying through concepts. You sorta had to be there. At any rate, when artistic types get together and are bored shitless, Another Silly Notion is born. No one really knows how it started, at this point we don't know where we're going but we're pretty sure we'll know exactly where we're going when we get there. Alright Stop Now. Peace
KLF certainly were 30 years ago. The JAMs are said to be eternal. They authored the book in question. The book was released 23 years to the day they signed the contract declaring they would not speak of the money they burnt. It's a fun read.

This was their return

And LMNO, since you know of them, but indicate that you haven't heard of their movements since 30 years ago (at least that's how it came across) you may also find interest in their new roles as undertakers
OK so first a personal response to Altered, with my most sincere apologies. I might be anti-social but it has more to do with not wanting to socialise than actually wishing harm upon society. I hope that gets us in the right direction.

The PC remark was about me in the sense that I should know better than assume an unknown entity is male - I just learnt something about myself. The remark was not a slight on you. But I can see how you misunderstood, as you misunderstood me once before that. And yes I am the child of a UK colony, and there is a difference in how we speak and type the English language! All good but please appreciate I was undergoing somewhat baptism by fire here (I know it could have been worse) and I did not proceed to read your entire post whilst grappling to respond to several posters. A little unfair by me in retrospect that you had put that time and effort in and now I know what poor netiquette that is. Now that I have read it, I can tell you that I am fairly aware (not fully) of that nazi bizzo you are referring to... I was horrified with what I learnt after the Christchurch massacre... I did know of its existence, but that's the first time I stared it in the eye. I have only been effected in the second or third hand by it, and for me to suggest that you were being oversensitive was ignorant, as I now know that this effects you deeply. Can we truce on that one? Because I am so far removed from thoughts of the holocaust (which is not a suggestion of irreverence for the fact) that I honestly missed the 6 million reference (in fact it got by a dozen of us). I really thought you were kidding on the first post. Could I be forgiven on that too? I mean my first post on a Discordia forum, I'm sorta expecting someone to fuuk with me ay.
Now, I certainly understand your concern of not giving airtime to frivolity over matters of importance. I can dig that. I spent my time on this planet trying to be of service to my fellow man and woman, through my art and through my actions. The ASN is about having a laugh though. And maybe, we're not as funny as we think we are. So I'm happy to say I learnt something from you and several others here. And I hope I haven't completely wasted your time. And all mindfuckery aside, no harm intended from this side. If I somehow managed to make good with this post, I did not intend for that either.

And as for the website, whoa, thank you, I told em it was too bright. We are actually taking all this onboard! But I'm dropping ASN from the discussion just as soon as we clear up the misconceptions.

Well you know Faust, I actually reread my first post and gawd is it tacky.
Also, first post - coming on to share a new idea... Pretty dumb of me in hindsight. But hey, I have little tact for those sorts of things. I'll learn. I will actually come back at some point with a diatribe to try to explain some misconceptions, which we never do, but we ain't about to be tarred with any right(or left) wing extremism. People can be forgiven for that misconception but anyway a lot of confusion about what might be said in jest and what is actual genuine expression has occured (and I wouldn't have it any other way).

And we certainly are working on an event... It'll be a while away, down in Melbourne. We are procrastinating types. Someone referred to the site as having a touch of Dada about it... Love the synchronicity. Only discovered Dada a couple years ago, and found that there was a name for what I was already engaged with! But for the sake of argument, the visual artists in this cabal are into Dada and Surrealism even if they refuse to call it those things because they refuse to be categorised... bloody artists, I dunno.
oh Altered, no one said you can't have me.

Seriously, no harm no foul. I will actually read your post properly tomorrow and give you a proper well thought out response.

I like you guys. You can't fuck me off that easy.