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Aneristic Illusions / Re: Civilian Gun Violence in '...
Last post by Brother Mythos - May 05, 2024, 06:12:22 AM
I haven't been to Maine in many years, as the last time I was there, in early June, it was closed. (Well, in truth, it was mostly closed.) So, I don't really know much about the place. But, given that they continue reelecting 'concerned' Senator Susan Collins, I've never thought of Maine as being a 'blue' state. However, after last year's mass shooting, it appears that some of their citizens are taking gun safety a little more seriously.

"Maine governor signs off on new gun laws, mental health supports in wake of Lewiston shootings"

As per this article:

"AUGUSTA, Maine -- Democratic Gov. Janet Mills on Friday signed into law a suite of gun safety legislation approved by lawmakers after the deadliest mass shooting in state history, expanding background checks for private sales of weapons, bolstering the state's "yellow flag" law, criminalizing the transfer of guns to prohibited people and expanding mental health crisis care.

The governor told lawmakers during her State of the State address that doing nothing was not an option after an Army reservist with an assault rifle killed 18 people and injured 13 others in Lewiston on Oct. 25.

The bills drew opposition from Republicans who accused Democrats, who control both legislative chambers, of using the tragedy to advance proposals, some of which had been previously defeated. Mills said Friday the proposals would improve public safety while respecting the state's long traditions of gun ownership and outdoor heritage."

So, although there's still much more to be done, at least the state of Maine is headed in the right direction. It's just a shame that it took mass murder to encourage them to make a little effort to address this deadly issue.

Here's the link to this article:      Maine Governor Signs Off On New Gun Laws
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Film Flam
Last post by Brother Mythos - May 04, 2024, 11:16:04 PM
I realized I had been negligent in my study of comparative religions when I saw The Big Lebowski listed on one of the cable movie stations. I did know this flick was the inspiration for Dudeism, but had never watched it. And, had I known this movie was a Coen Brothers' project, I would have made a greater effort to do so.

I found this film to be pretty strange, right from the beginning. But, the intensity of the character Walter Sobchak, as portrayed by John Goodman, immediately reminded me of a wounded Vietnam veteran I knew years ago. "Crazy John" had that kind of intensity, and my friends and I believed having several square inches of his skull blown away in 'Nam just might have had something to do with it. Anyway, it makes me suspect that the character Walter Sobchak was based upon a real, living person.     

It took me until the very end of the movie, but I now believe I have an understanding of, and a respect for Dudeism.
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 04, 2024, 12:48:30 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 04, 2024, 12:10:48 AMIf you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.

I don't, but I think the trend it set (the hyper-aggressive algorithm) is just something that's everywhere now

Everywhere?  I hardly see that anywhere.

But I have a preternatural talent for triggering obscure bugs in computer programs (I crashed ChatGPT the first time I tried to use it) so maybe these algorithms are just avoiding me out of fear.
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 04, 2024, 12:10:48 AM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 03, 2024, 09:57:30 PMNo, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.

If you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.
I don't, but I think the trend it set (the hyper-aggressive algorithm) is just something that's everywhere now
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 03, 2024, 09:57:30 PMNo, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.

If you don't like TikTok, then stop visiting it.
Got some advice recently that instead of trying to find "organic" friends, just use the internet and stuff to meet up with people with the same niche interests.
Is that really the only way you can fucking interact with people anymore? I'm really nervous about that thing, and I've been advised against trying to force interests into organic convos.
Or do I have to just reap what I sow and just not talk to people because I'm too weird for them?
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 02, 2024, 10:41:37 PM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell. 

I am sorry people are not living up to your expectations. 

I can't imagine how this happened. 
I guess fucking anything that exists ever will eventually be consumed by the corporate machine, forced to bow to whatever companies have decided is safe for their brandtm

I guess I'm just in a particularly pissy mood about things recently and have to complain about it
God I really hope that AI hiring thing is yet another bust. I'd like to actually move onto a real career without having to deal with """"""""unbiased"""""""" AI
It is always fucking biased. Every. Goddamn. Time.
When will companies get tired of trying that shit, god.
Quote from: altered on May 03, 2024, 04:19:56 AM
Quote from: QuestionsTheSoil on May 02, 2024, 09:52:34 PMI miss when the internet was fun.
The hot an popular people keep taking over, so us weird nerds are losing territory.

But in all seriousness, fuck the trend of making everything enslaved to some bullshit algorithm. Fuck the corporate friendly piss-garbage.
If I hear the word "unalive" one more fucking time I might have a heart attack. Keep that bullshit on TikTok or whatever.
And also, fuck off with TikTok. I'm tired of it being synonymous with Gen Z.
And now every other website also has to be TikTok, so every other website also gets worse. Thanks, TikTok. Burn in Hell.

When did you start sounding like an incel? Or a boomer? Are you a ghoul? Do your eyes turn dark and you start compulsively drooling and giggling when you hear about innocent people suffering? No? Why the FUCK do you sound like one? GET THAT CHECKED OUT, BUD.
No, I just hate that TikTok has the worst fucking algorithm and I hate the idea of every aspect of internet culture being forced to shed itself of individuality because everything must be advertiser friendly and presentable.
It also led to this absolutely gross thing that happens where people will be discussing some horrific tragedy using cutesy language because algo-boost. It should physically fucking hurt to refer to real life death as an "unaliving"
Aneristic Illusions / Re: No, It's Not an Article On...
Last post by Brother Mythos - May 03, 2024, 05:51:43 PM
"Trump Supporters Show Their Love: 'Real Men Wear Diapers'"

As per this article:

"After noticing a trend of pro Donald diaper merch at rallies throughout this year, I hit up President Trump's latest event in rural Pennsylvania last weekend with the express purpose of seeing if his faithful were still flying their diaper flag. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

Not only were there tons of diaper hats, shirts, stickers and actual diapers themselves, but one group had a massive probably six foot "Diaper Don" Flag that they were waving in line."

I admit, I did not see this one coming. But, this rally was held in Schnecksville, PA, a place one has to drive through to get to somewhere else. And, I realize few will get the analogy, but Schnecksville is considered to be the 'Lower Slobbovia' of the Lehigh Valley. So, I guess the fact that this happened in  Schnecksville does make a kind of sense.

Here's the link to this article:      MAGAts Publicly Proclaim 'Real Men Wear Diapers'