
Endorsement: "I could go so far as to say they simply use Discordianism as a mechanism for causing havoc, and an excuse for mischief."

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Topics - Bobby Campbell

Only Maybe Arts Lab / MAYBE DAY 2023
April 06, 2023, 10:17:45 PM

MAYBE DAY 2023 is our 4th annual virtual celebration of the lives and ideas of Robert Anton Wilson.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Mr. Wilson's Sirius contact experience, and as such, I encourage everyone to embrace their weirdest and wildest hopes & dreams  :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:

We will be re-engaging the COSMIC TRIGGER on July 23rd 8:08 AM UTC at

Let this serve as a clarion call for RAW art, video presentations, writing, and whatever else besides!

You can either send in your work to be featured on the Maybe Day site itself, and/or submit a link to be added to the NEW TRAJECTORIES WEBRING. (

The idea is simple: Make something cool • Share it • Explore the others!

You can contact me here or at
Approximate deadline for submitting Maybe Day offerings is July 15th

Also! As always, in the spirit of Discordians sticking apart, do please feel free & encouraged to create & post Maybe Day content using your own ways and means. A decentralized and self-organizing Maybe Day would be just the thing to keep the lasagna flying onward and upward to ever greater glory.
Only Maybe Arts Lab / MAYBE DAY 2022 IS COMING!
June 05, 2022, 07:41:50 PM

MAYBE DAY 2022 is our 3rd annual virtual celebration of the lives and ideas of Robert Anton Wilson.
There will be a maybe logical explosion of memes that goes live on July 23rd 8:08 AM UTC at

We're going to switch things up a bit this year and introduce an old school webring, instead of the digital NT zine.
Everyone is invited & encouraged to share a weblink to the NEW TRAJECTORIES WEBRING!

This accomplishes a few things, including illuminating a path up, over, and beyond the walled gardens of corporate controlled social media platform monopolies, re-releasing the electronic extensions of our nervous systems back into the true wilderness of the world wide web.

I've got like maybe 5 websites I visit anymore, it's ridiculous, I'm ready to visit strange new worlds!
The idea is simple: Make something cool • Share the link • Explore the webring  :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:

LMK if you need help getting your piece online. Video presentations would be very welcome additions.

You can contact me here or at

Approximate deadline for submitting links & video presentations is July 18th

Also! As always, in the spirit of Discordians sticking apart, do please feel free & encouraged to create & post Maybe Day content using your own ways and means. A decentralized and self-organizing Maybe Day would be just the thing to keep the lasagna flying onward and upward to ever greater glory.


Only Maybe Arts Lab / RAW THOUGHTS
June 25, 2021, 09:06:30 PM

A thread to cuss & discuss half-baked dot connections within
our shared Maybe Logical Discordian Universe(s)!

:fnord: :fnord: :fnord:
Only Maybe Arts Lab / MAYBE DAY 2021 IS COMING!
May 04, 2021, 09:40:31 PM

"...and being humus the same roturns."
JJ, FW, Pg. 8

MAYBE DAY 2021 is a virtual celebration of the lives and ideas of Robert Anton Wilson.
There will be a maybe logical bonanza of content that goes live on July 23rd 8:08 AM EST at

We'll be putting together another edition of the NEW TRAJECTORIES zine, a collection of video presentations, a live panel discussion,
and whatever else we dream up in the meanwhile!

Please LMK if you'd like to contribute in any variety of ways  :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:

I've set up this thread to help facilitate communication & collaboration.
You can contact me here or at

Approximate deadline for submitting zine content is July 1st
& July 15th for video presentations.

Also! In the spirit of Discordians sticking apart, do please feel free & encouraged to create & post Maybe Day content using your own ways and means.
A decentralized and self-organizing Maybe Day would be just the thing to keep the lasagna flying onward and upward to ever greater glory.


Only Maybe Arts Lab / Welcome to the OM ARTS LAB!
October 14, 2020, 03:36:04 PM

This was a project that started over the summer in support of the virtual Maybe Day event on 7/23/20.

The idea being to bring together some of the innumerable creative people influenced by the Discordian lives & ideas of Robert Anton Wilson, and establish a mutually beneficial art scene of sorts, and see about using RAW's legacy as the launch pad for new trajectories of thought & language.  :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:

The preservation of RAW's ideas, as he expressed them, seems to be on rock solid ground, with the RAW Trust and Hilaritas Press meticulously and wonderfully producing definitive editions of his books and facilitating new media adaptations. Also, with places like the RAW Illumination Blog, the RAW Semantics Blog, and 2 RAW Fan Archive sites (US & DE), it's safe to say that RAW's oeuvre is safe and secure.

And with that being that case, I kinda want to do some joy riding, because the neuro-semantic context of the sensory-sensual continuum has changed considerably in recent years, with all signs pointing towards increased acceleration, and so I think some new models, metaphors, and methods might be just the thing.

As a proof of concept, I edited a 77 page digital zine called NEW TRAJECTORIES, with contributions from 23 wonderful RAW exegetes, released on MAYBE DAY 2020.


A promising look of things to come... Maybe!
I'm figuring to start regularly releasing IP to the public domain  :fnord:

Anything I post to this thread can be considered 100% copyleft.

I'm figuring to build a public domain resource over at though thought a thread here wd be a good place to get started.  :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:


September 23, 2014, 03:15:18 PM
When negative attention is preferred to no attention at all?

Only Maybe Arts Lab / WEIRDOVERSE
July 09, 2013, 03:26:17 AM


Many thanks @tripzilch for suggesting .cbz files for comix distribution. Took me a few years, but here's one for ya!

Early drafts of a lot of this stuff has been posted here over the last few years, but hopefully made new enough now to warrant another gander.  :fnord:


Bring and Brag / Zen Without Zen Masters
March 19, 2013, 03:50:40 AM
Hi Everybody! :fnord:

I've been meaning to check back in w/ you fine folks, and was finally reminded to by my current project:

I'm working on interior art now, but am somewhat conflicted b/c I really like the original illustrations, and am trying to persuade the publisher, editor, etc to let me preserve most of them.

The book seems like a classic to me, and I'd rather not fuck it up if I can help it!
Aneristic Illusions / USA Politics Bottomlined?
October 17, 2010, 12:53:00 AM
If you make less than $250,000 per year: vote Democrat.
If you make more than $250,000 per year: You can vote Republican if you do not support social programs or you can vote Democrat if you do.

I like oversimplifications sometimes, because they can cut through bullshit nuance.

I suspect many people will have reasons to disagree, what are they, please?
Bring and Brag / JOKELAND
April 13, 2009, 05:40:02 AM

JOKELAND is part of the same overall story as @gnosis!
Bring and Brag / I AIN'T HEAVY
April 04, 2009, 05:22:45 AM

Bring and Brag / @gnosis!
December 08, 2008, 05:57:51 AM
Hello again, everyone!

Awhile back I posted the first issue of a comic called OKEY-DOKEY, half of which consisted of a narrative called @gnosis!  Since then many things have happened, and long story boring, I've relaunched @gnosis! as a free, weekly, web comic. Updated on Sundays.

We're 3 updates in already, so please feel free to dive in and enjoy!

I thank you for your time and this magnificent place for to bring & brag.


Bring and Brag / What About Bob?
May 22, 2008, 04:51:51 AM
I asked him please if I could come by on his Movie Night & I dunno, chill & stuff. He said "Sure." Frankly I couldn't fucking believe it! I had e-mail contact from when the Maybe Logic Academy first opened and was sitting 'round all baked w/ an open line to Robert Anton Wilson, what would you do?! I guess this was Early Fall 2004? After 8 Dimensions of "Mind" & Before Quantum Psychology, obviously I was 23 at the time, natch.

When he gave me his address it didn't say which town he lived in. I assume it's Santa Cruz, but when I MapQuest the directions: There's no such Address in Santa Cruz, yet there's one that matches in L.A. I say word, and buy plane tickets about 350 miles from my intended destination. [Thanks to looking up the geography of Monetary Bay, I eventually solved the address mystery, though now had the task of getting from L.A. to Capitola in 7 hours, (Plane lands @ 12:00 RAW says be there @ 7:00) Mission Impossible, or so I was told, L.A. traffic going as it doesn't.]

I don't get a wink of sleep the night before, I fucked up the skin tone on the drawing I was making him, and was up all night performing artistic surgery, I got it right just in time to begin my movie on the plane, WACK! Though otherwise an all aces flight, BUT! When I land in L.A. I find that my Car Rental situation is all fucked up (for a variety of reasons) and it's 2 hours before I hustle up some wheels and gets to getting. Now I have 5 hours to get from L.A. to Capitola, I fear not and BLAST FORTH!

2 pm out of Los Angeles, not a lick of that famous traffic, not a lick (GO BABY GO!) I got tunes, I got soda pop, and a heavy fucking foot, I am NOT missing this movie, I put the pedal to the metal, 100 MPH to Robert Anton Wilson's house, "real cool time."

Without fail I almost run out of gas, get rather lost, & even for a moment lose all hope. But as it was so it went: 7:30 pm, I reach my destination.

I ring the buzzer, right? "Hello?" (that's him, I mean really him, how strange!)

"Um...Mr. Wilson? This is Bobby...y' class?"

I get buzzed in and then for good measure find myself lost on the way through the apt complex! found by one of Bob's friends, and lead in to meet the big fella...

Now the whole drive up I have it in my head that I'm meeting ROBERT ANTON WILSON-THE RISING PROMETHEUS PULLING THE ILLUMINATUS! COSMIC TRIGGER. Or well, you get the drift...and when I get there I find something even better: Bob Wilson, nice old man. He says my hand is cold after we shake hello.

He seems to genuinely have no idea why a fellow might fly across the country to meet him, "or what's left of him!" he says, cracking a solid joke about his health, and really kind of putting me at ease. I introduce myself as "Bob" to another of his friends (that being my going name, mostly.) That don't fly at all! He's Bob & I'm Bobby. After a bit of small talk w/ his lovely group of friends I find that I'm sitting all alone with him. He looks at me some what strangely, I think that I don't know at all what to say! But then I know just what to do. I walk over and give him his drawing, he likes it. Mission Accomplished.

An homage to the painting Elwood P Dowd receives in Harvey, though changed such that the rabbit gets a big ol' grin. Bob agrees that the Pookha would smile. And w/ a move I still find inspirational to this day, has his wheel chair sent out of the room, and walks just fine the entire night.

I eat some pizza, drink some wine, WE BURN ONE! Even some shortie wops pop over! We watch then Son of Frankenstein. and I mean I'm fucking BLAZED, the movie is beyond hilarious, and the game is so real I can hardly fucking stand it!

Igor gets all the best lines:
"Because I robbed graves...THEY SAID!"

He pauses the movie after a prodigious thunderclap, looks over and says that at the sound of thunder man relives the terror of the monster in the sky. ("God") (this before I learned the Vico line, needless to say it made an impression) after someone delivers the line "Everything is under control" he pauses again and remarks that that would be a good title for a book, and that really everything WAS under control. I don't even know what to think! (at one point during the movie I look around and it appears everyone but me is asleep!?!)

After the movie he splits out to the porch and smokes grits & talks w/ his young friends (as true equals). He asks me for help lifting him out of his seat, I get surprised by the size of him and a nice girl helps me lift him up (I took lesson from that) and I then notice just something small that brings into focus the reality of Mr. Wilson as an artist...his screen door had a tear in it. That to me made the whole thing SO LEGIT, his screen door was torn, he was a regular guy, really, and not just because it's advisable or fashionable to act modest, he really was the real deal, and I had a night not that different from every other night, more beauty in that I think than if I had met ROBERT ANTON WILSON, no please, I prefer Bob Wilson, that nice old man I met one time...

Though then the Tale of the Tribe was still to come, and that of which it is wisest not to speak!!!
May 11, 2008, 07:00:21 AM

Bring and Brag / Farfegnugen!
May 05, 2008, 01:47:06 AM

Bring and Brag / TRUTH & SOUL
March 09, 2008, 12:18:55 AM

Bring and Brag / THE COLLECTIVE (not safe for work)
February 22, 2008, 03:51:18 AM

Bring and Brag / THE LIVING ONE
February 07, 2008, 07:17:02 PM

Bring and Brag / Okey-Dokey #1
August 19, 2007, 03:06:57 AM
Bring and Brag / 777
June 06, 2007, 04:13:53 AM