Heya, just thought I would dump some art here.

right said dead

automatic drawings since it turns out Im an occultist wanker

made this on the day RAW died. Is this pic against the roolz? mod away if need be plz.
I also design websites and junk. Currently working on sites for a few artists, and I am employed at R6XX.com
I founded and designed PDXocculture, I don't have any official capacity with it anymore. And I co-founded Esozone and designed all of its materials for the last two events, which I also don't have an official relationship with anymore. I just thought I'd mention those things because that is probably where some of you know me from.
My webdesign site is http://neopostnow.net
I'm having an art show next month at my house:

Essentially it is an admission that I will never be satisfied with myself as an artist, and I need to stop taking any ideas I have about my work seriously at all. Basically I am aware that I have talent, but not the focus to back it up. Sometimes I feel like I just haven't found my medium. I know that I do my best work when I am able to do extended studies of people I care about and do what I can to weave their orgone signatures into two-dimensional spaces, but I'm having trouble with making the perfect situation happen in my studio on a por bono basis.
The thing I am most interested in at this point is producing and directing fetish films, and erotic esoterrorism. Of course I don't even have a camera at the moment.
Also, I was thinking that I may install this forum software on my own space somewhere and make some skins, but I'm not sure if I will go through with it or not. Just seemed like something you guys may need/appreciate.
I'll continue to dump art here when I feel up to it, if you don't mind the interspersed blathering about art life.

right said dead

automatic drawings since it turns out Im an occultist wanker

made this on the day RAW died. Is this pic against the roolz? mod away if need be plz.
I also design websites and junk. Currently working on sites for a few artists, and I am employed at R6XX.com
I founded and designed PDXocculture, I don't have any official capacity with it anymore. And I co-founded Esozone and designed all of its materials for the last two events, which I also don't have an official relationship with anymore. I just thought I'd mention those things because that is probably where some of you know me from.
My webdesign site is http://neopostnow.net
I'm having an art show next month at my house:

Essentially it is an admission that I will never be satisfied with myself as an artist, and I need to stop taking any ideas I have about my work seriously at all. Basically I am aware that I have talent, but not the focus to back it up. Sometimes I feel like I just haven't found my medium. I know that I do my best work when I am able to do extended studies of people I care about and do what I can to weave their orgone signatures into two-dimensional spaces, but I'm having trouble with making the perfect situation happen in my studio on a por bono basis.
The thing I am most interested in at this point is producing and directing fetish films, and erotic esoterrorism. Of course I don't even have a camera at the moment.
Also, I was thinking that I may install this forum software on my own space somewhere and make some skins, but I'm not sure if I will go through with it or not. Just seemed like something you guys may need/appreciate.
I'll continue to dump art here when I feel up to it, if you don't mind the interspersed blathering about art life.