Fair deal, Littlest Ubermensch!
I really appreciate your taking the time to read and respond, I totally understand your reaction and so far as I've got it figured, I've got you right where I want you! Issue 2 is right around the corner, so stick w/ me and see if I'm as predictable & obvious as you now suppose. I think alot of what you said about the book rings absolutly true, but I also think that those pitfalls get put to a purpose, and something's to come of it. Thanks again for your time!
I really appreciate your taking the time to read and respond, I totally understand your reaction and so far as I've got it figured, I've got you right where I want you! Issue 2 is right around the corner, so stick w/ me and see if I'm as predictable & obvious as you now suppose. I think alot of what you said about the book rings absolutly true, but I also think that those pitfalls get put to a purpose, and something's to come of it. Thanks again for your time!